MicroCal Back To Life

Microcal was one of the very first scripts I ever shared with the public. It was even commercial back in 2004 (I don’t remember the price but I think it was $5). I doubt I have sold more than 3-4 of it before I decided to give it out for free. Now, nearly 8 years later it still has several hundred downloads every month.

Just today I managed to check it and figured out how outdated the code was and how many PHP notices it produced. So here we are, fixed some bugs, improved the code a little bit and MicroCal is again usable in version 1.2 – also available as Google Code repository.

My plan is to revive it a little bit in the next versions, add some better options for including in forms, make it call-able through ajax and will see what else. Unlike the popular calendar plugins for jQuery it doesn’t add much Javascript overload so it has some potential. Let me know if you have any feature requests about it.

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