Premium plugins documentation: Watu Pro, Watu Pro Play, Arigato Pro, Namaste! LMS
## CalendarScripts
Importing Results / Entries in Watu PRO
From version, the quiz plugin Watu PRO supports importing the results of an existing quiz.
The import file format is the same that you get when exporting your entries from Quizzes -> View Results -> Export this page.
You can open this file, edit it in Excel, and then import:
Here is what you need to know about importing:
- Since the exported file contains the entry ID, it can be used for editing entries. The changes you make in the CSV file will be applied to the corresponding entries.
- If the entry ID is unrecognized, a new entry will be inserted. This means that you can actually add entries with this method. Simply fill the ID column with zeros.
- The “time taken” column will not be imported
- Currently, the import supports only the data from the “Export this page” and not “Export with details”. So while you can import the whole quiz results, you can’t import individual answers to the questions.
- When a quiz is taken normally, or the result is edited from the administration, Watu PRO fires some [action hooks](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api/). They are used by Watu PRO Play, by our [add-ons](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro/bridges.html), and by third-party plugins and integrations. Importing will not fire these hooks unless you explicitly check the “Fire action hooks” checkbox.
WatuPRO 6.7
The new version of WatuPRO is ready. Here are the new and improved features and fixes:
- - Added option to save and preview a question.
- Added question intros. Learn more at [https://blog.calendarscripts.info/question-intros-in-watupro/](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/question-intros-in-watupro/)
- Added shortcode watupro-memory which allows you to show a memorization section before a question. Learn more about this at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/memory-section-in-watu-pro-questions/
- Added a new final screen variable – %%ANSWERS-TABLE%%. It creates an interactive paginaged table from the questions and their answers.
- Added search, sort and delete in the administration of the optional answers feedback from users.
- Added option to show “Quizzes to complete” grouped per category on the My Quizzes page. The option is on the WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
- Added option to automatically redirect the user to their latest unfinished quiz attempt (if any) when they log in. The option is on the WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
- Added a new variable – %%ANSWERS-NOFEEDBACK%% – which is the same as %%ANSWERS%% but without the optional answer explanation.
- Added the variable %%FEEDBACK-NOANSWERS%% – The reverse of the above variable – will include the question and the optional answer explanation, but will not repeat the question choices showing the user answer. Typically used when you manually craft the feedback on all questions according to each possible answer.
- Added variable %%ONLYFEEDBACK%% for the questions explanation without any question or answer contents.
- Added option to hide the “next” button on quizzes paginated one question per page when the advanced setting “automatically go to next question” is selected. The button will be hidden on single-choice (radio buttons) questions.
- Optimized the shortcodes that list quizzes in categories for better performance.
- The new variable {{{num-words}}} can be used in the optional answer explanation box of essay questions to show the number of words typed.
- The progress bar now can be configured to be based on % answered questions instead of the current location in the quiz.
- Included “Export this data” link when watupro-myexams shortcode is used on the front-end and the GDPR features are enabled.
- Added filters for “percent of maximum points” on the View results page and the associated watupro-takings shortcode.
- Passing the attribute show_last_result=1 to the quiz not found shortcode will make the quiz page show the last quiz result if the logged in user has already completed the quiz at least once. At the bottom of their result they will see a “Try again” button. Clicking on that button allows retaking the quiz.
- Added partial support for Moodle XML.
- Obfuscated certificate taking IDs in the view certificate links. For backward compatibility the old IDs will still work unless you select the option “Allow only obfuscated certificate IDs” in your Manage Certificates page.
- Added a new parameter use_only_latest_attempts to the multiquiz shortcode.
- Fixed the quiz progress bar: it should start at 0% on the first page.
- Temporarily disable TablePress integration due to errors.
- Improved the behavior of the “See answer” button: pre-set the div size to avoid jumping, fixed the problems with category headings and avoided duplication of the new “question intros” feature.
- Added column “Percent of points” in “My Quizzes” page.
- Combined with the latest Play plugin 2.2.8 you can now restrict access to a test based on required badges.
- When “store only the data of logged in users” is selected you can now further specify to store only the first or last attempt of each user on the quiz.
- A new advanced option in the quiz setting lets you display full details of everyone’s attempts when using the watupro-takings shortcode. The option is “Allow everyone to see everyone’s details on this quiz” and will work together with passing public=1 and show_details=1 to the shortcode.
- Applied the WatuPRO content filter in the view details table to allow parsing MathJax and similar codes.
- Added shortcode watupro-mysettings to show the user’s Quiz Settings page on the front-end.
- Rounded percent correct and percent of max points in the watupro-multiquiz shortcode calculations.
- Improved the output of the certificate approval notification email.
- Added wrapper divs on the category description and questions belonging to the category when a quiz is paginated one page per category.
- Added option for mass-changing quiz orientation (left-to-righ vs right-to-left) for easier handling of RTL localizations.
- [Intelligence module] When a role is not allowed to manage user groups, they will also be unable to edit their own groups.
- Fixed layout issues on the Questions Import page.
- Fixed rare bug with timed quizzes paginated one question per page: sometimes the first question was not showing when continuing an unfinished attempt**.**
- Fixed bug: in open-end questions when maximum points limit was set up the correct answer was not always figured out.
- Removed unwanted bold style from questions when showing the quiz results.
- You can now pass attribute user_id=”certificate” to the watupro-answer shortcode to include the answer of any question inside a certificate. The parameter will ensure that the shortcode picks the answer from the certificate achiever and not necessary of the currently logged in user.
- Added %%URL%% variable in certificates. It can be used to display the URL or be embedded in social sharing buttons. Note that you must select “Allow public access” in your main certificates page if you want to allow sharing to the public.
- Certificates can now have background color. (It’s still best to design certificates as full HTML documents in text mode of the editor.)
- Added attribute wrap=1 to the watupro-takings shortcode to ensure that the table will fit your page area horizontally.
- Added variables %%CATEGORY-ANSWERS-X%% and %%CATEGORY-UNRESOLVED-X%% to display the answers & unresolved answers for any given category.
- Namaste! LMS integration: you can filter quiz results by tags for students in a selected course.
- [Intelligence module] When teacher edits quiz attempt the new variable %%ANSWERS-TABLE%% will be automatically updated (if used) with the new correct / wrong data.
- [Intelligence module] If there is a previously filled and unused coupon, it will be pre-filled on the order form.
- [Intelligence module] Fixed problems with horizontal sortable questions in the latest WP.
- [Intelligence module] You can now edit the automatically generated cumulative personality types on quizzes which allow ranking for multiple personalities with equal results.
- [Intelligence module] Added attribute bar_max_height to the watupro-personality-chart shortcode.
- [Reporting module] Added attribute skip_empty to the watupror-question-answers shortcode to allow skipping the empty answers.
- [Reporting module]: The shortcode watupror-pie-chart now allows parameter taking_id=”ALL” when the “from” parameter is NOT “questions”. This will show user’s performance per question category on all quiz attempts from all quizzes.
- [Reporting module] The shortcode watupror-pie-chart now also accepts parameter quiz_id to be used outside of the “final screen”. In this case the parameter taking_id should not be passed at all. This mode will work for logged in users only.
- [Reporting module]: A new parameter charts_gd=1 lets you use GD charts in the “watupror overview” shortcode in case the default charts do not behave as expected.
- [Reporting module] Added option from=”points_as_percent” to the watupror-pie-chart shortcode. It will display the result for each category as a % from all possible points in the quiz.
- [Reporting module] Improved color handling of the chart from the shortcode |watupror-pie-chart from=”questions” mode=”gd”|
- [Intelligence module] Display an error message when a wrong or expired coupon code is entered on a paid quiz.
- Added a filter watupro_custom_vars to the final screen which allows you to create plugins parsing custom variables.
- Fixed issues when the quiz start button text on the “Asl for contact” section contained apostrophes.
- Fixed issues with the category paginator.
- Fixed bug in calculating category percent of max points when the variable is used in a certificate.
- Fixed bug in calculating %%AVG-PERCENTAGEOFMAX%%.
- Fixed issue when copying questions: HTML tags should not be stripped even if the user lacks “unfiltered_html” privileges.
- Fixed bug with points filter in watupro-takings shortcode.
- Fixed problem with the new {{{num-words}}} variable appearing when the question was not answered.
- Fixed bug: the “See answer” button was not hiding when used on a paginated quiz.
- Fixed bug: the “role” filter on “Mass assign users” to user groups was getting lost when using the pagination.
- Fixed problems in latest PHP when copying only some questions from a quiz.
- CSS fix for the quiz buttons on some themes.
- Fixed bug when entering tags with spaces around them.
- Improved the spacing around the new %%ONLYFEEDBACK%% variable.
- Fixed CSS issues on the contact page of RTL quizzes.
- Fixed errors in Manage difficulty levels.
- Fixed bug with wrapper divs in quizzes paginated one page per question category.
- [Reporting module] Fixed bug in the watupro-result shortcode.
- [Reporting module] Fixed layout issues on the user overview page
- [Reporting module] Fixed bug on “stats per question” page when a choice on a multiple choice question contained backslashes.
- [Reporting module] Fixed bug with the next/prev links on the watupror-question-answers shortcode.
- Fixed bug in Intelligence module – when a quiz that requires payment for each attempt was connected to the WooCommerce bridge, it was always redirected to the store page.
- Fixed issues with BCC Math functions
Memory Section in Watu PRO Questions
A new shortcode in version of Watu PRO allows you to create a memorization section in selected questions. This works by showing the section for a selected period of seconds. After the period is passed, the memory section is shown and the question is revealed.
This can be used to show an image or content that should be memorized and understood before the question.
How It Works
In the questions editor, simply enter the memory section before the question contents, wrapped in a shortcode **watupro-memory id=”X”** where X is the current question ID.
For example:
The shortcode wraps the content that should be in the memory section. Below the closing **/watupro-memory** shortcode begins the normal question contents.
The shortcode accepts the following parameters:
**id (required)** – This is the current question ID. You can see the ID shown in the poll-like shortcode just above the title field. If you are just creating a question, you will need to save it first and go to edit to get its ID.
**seconds (optional)** – The number of seconds the memory section is shown before the question contents. Defaults to 5.
- You can have one memory question per quiz page. If you want to add memory sections on different questions, make sure the quiz is paginated.
- The memory section will reappear if you refresh the page. If you want to use this for an exam, it’s best to combine it with a time limit on the exam. This will discourage quiz takers from refreshing multiple times to see the memory section again, because they will waste their time.
HOCK international: Case Study on the Flexibility and Customizability of Watu PRO
### Written By Kevin Hock, CFO of HOCK international
**Watu Pro – An Easy Choice**
[HOCK international](https://www.hockinternational.com/) prepares candidates for professional accounting exams, and test banks are a critical tool in our study programs. With thousands of multiple-choice questions per exam, we needed a way to categorize, organize, and offer questions by topic to students.
While it can be difficult to evaluate and choose from the dozens of quiz plugins available for WordPress, Watu Pro has been a cornerstone of our learning management system since 2014. In this case study, I will explain how we chose Watu Pro, show some of what is possible using Watu Pro, and give examples of how easily it can be customized.
Powerful and Flexible Test Bank
Watu Pro’s question categories allow us to organize the questions in a way that mirrors the exam structure, and then offer questions to students in various combinations, including by topic, by Section, and from multiple Sections. Furthermore, Watu Pro’s ability to re-use questions from entire quizzes rather than just selecting specific questions is a powerful and unique feature, even among other quiz systems that claim to offer test bank capabilities.
The following screenshot shows how easily a student can pick questions to study from one or many topics (and see their current statistics):

Detailed Statistics
Students preparing for professional certifications want detailed statistics about their performance. Watu Pro’s database tables store every student response in any easy-to-understand layout, which is convenient for creating custom queries to show the students’ progress. Aggregate queries such as SUM, COUNT, and MAX can all be used to create performance metrics. By storing the results of such queries in the WordPress user metadata table, statistics can be displayed in dashboards created through page builders like Beaver Builder, as shown in the following screenshot.

HOCK’s Customizations to Watu Pro
Beyond the built-in features, the modular design of Watu Pro allows PHP/MySQL programmers to easily edit the code. With only minimal modifications, we were able to add the following customizations:
- Show bar graphs of topic-by-topic performance using the wpDataTables plugin.
- Group incorrect answer choice explanations using expanders.
- Display explanations for only a limited number of unanswered questions on each quiz.
- Allow students to delete quizzes with a score under 25%.
- Show the percent correct next to each topic in the question selection list.
- Choose questions not yet answered correctly before repeating questions.
- Sort “All of the above” and “None of the above” to always appear as the last answer choice, even with answer randomization.
- Create reports for the percent of students who get each question correct on their first try to identify difficult or poorly-worded questions.
Extensive Visual Customization
Watu Pro uses CSS to control many aspects of the quiz layout. In the screenshots below, compare the standard Watu Pro layout to one of the layouts created by Watu’s designer to get an idea for how much the look and feel can be modified.
### Default Layout

### Customized Layout

The Watu Pro Advantage
Even when HOCK investigated commercial AI-driven learning systems, none of them could match the features offered by Watu Pro. Furthermore, being able to extend the capabilities of Watu Pro offers tremendous advantages over other quiz platforms. With the help of Watu Pro, HOCK has been able to offer a best-in-class learning experience for our students.
About HOCK international
Founded in 2000 by Brian Hock, [HOCK international](https://www.hockinternational.com/) provides complete and affordable study materials for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exams. In addition to the robust test bank powered by Watu Pro, HOCK also offers detailed textbooks, multimedia classroom videos, and the best support and guarantees on the market.
Oddness in The WordPress Posts Loop and WP Query
While working on the new version of [Shortcode Revolution](https://wordpress.org/plugins/shortcode-revolution/) we faced a couple of confusing behaviors of WordPress functions. I’ll document them here and will keep adding such information. Hopefully it can help other developers and save them a lot of time and frustration.
Excluding posts from WP Query (using post__not_in)
There is a good comment [here](https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/268662/why-post-not-in-is-ignored/268663) explaining that post__not_in wouldn’t work when used with post__in in the same query. This is a good note but our query did not include post__in and post__not_in was still simply ignored. I did not dig deep into the code to see why this happens – the conclusion was simply not to use it.
Here is an example how we get 3 random related posts in Shortcode Revolution:
$query = [];
// we add 1 to the default number of posts which is 3 or to the user-passed number or posts
$query['posts_per_page'] = (empty($atts['num']) or !is_numeric($atts['num'])) ? 4 : intval($atts['num']) + 1;
$query['orderby'] = 'rand';
// getting the posts here
$wp_query = new WP_Query($query);
$posts = $wp_query->posts;
// now because this is "related posts" query, we don't want the current post to be repeated below it. So let's filter it out
// $post_id is a variable we have defined earlier in the shortcode and it contains the current post ID
// we are using array_filter with a closure here. You can do it inside a loop with a counter but this solution is more elegant
$posts = array_filter($posts, function($p) use($post_id) {
return ($p->ID != $post_id);
// if the current post was not there we have one more than needed
if($query['posts_per_page'] < count($posts)) array_pop($posts);
So that’s it – you just get more posts than you need and then remove the unwanted ones in PHP.
Showing the excerpt outside of the post loop – get_the_excerpt
If you look at the [documentation](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_the_excerpt/) it sounds like you can call get_the_excerpt with any post ID and receive the excerpt for that post id. Good luck! You may get the proper excerpt (sometimes!) but won’t get the automatically generated “read more” link properly. The first version of our code was this and it did not work:
foreach($posts as $p):
$background_image = has_post_thumbnail( $p->ID ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail_url($p->ID) : '';
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt($p->ID);
I intentionally did not use $posts as $post to avoid overriding the global $post variable but apparently this was wrong. Fortunately [this comment](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_the_excerpt/#comment-2457) gave me the hint how to fix it:
foreach($posts as $p):
// yes, do override the global!
$post = $p;
// and you need to setup_postdata($post)
$background_image = has_post_thumbnail( $p->ID ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail_url($p->ID) : '';
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt($p->ID);
And after the end of the loop don’t forget to reset the post data:
Shortcode Revolution for WordPress
During our work on various WordPress installations I have figured out that we repeatedly create (oh well, kind of copy/paste) layout elements, dynamic stuff like lightboxes and sliders, pieces of code in custom plugins, and so on.
Some of these codes slowly turned into a library so we decided to go ahead and package them into a new free plugin called [Shortcode Revolution](https://calendarscripts.info/shortcode-revolution/). (You can check it at our site or directly at the [WordPress repo](https://calendarscripts.info/shortcode-revolution/))
This is just a very first version so there is hopefully a lot more to come. But let’s have a brief look at what’s available:
Posts, Related Posts, and Comments

This allows you to create widgets that contain posts related to a topic, searched by ID or tag, related to the currently shown post, and so on.
There are 3 handy layout modes: simple list, default (with a thumbnail and excerpt), and a carousel / slider.
[<<<](#) [>>>](#)
While working on the new version of Shortcode Revolution we faced a couple of confusing behaviors of WordPress functions. I’ll document them here and will keep adding such information. Hopefully it can help other developers and save them a lot of time and frustration. Excluding posts from WP Query (using post__not_in) There is a good comment here explaining that post__not_in wouldn’t work when used with post__in in the same query. This is a good note but our query did not include post__in and post__not_in was still simply ignored. I did not dig deep into the code to see why this […]
[ Oddness in The WordPress Posts Loop and WP Query ](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/oddness-in-the-wordpress-posts-loop-and-wp-query/)
The latest version of our drip marketing plugin for WordPress is online. Here are the new and improved features from version 2.3: Added free WooCommerce bridge which lets you sell access to mailing lists or just automatically subscribe users who buy other products from you. Added raw email log showing you every sent email along with error or success status Option to automatically cleanup the raw email log and the cron job log after number of days Option to send test email from autoresponder messages and newsletters Sending “global” newsletter allows you to send a news blast to all your […]
[ BroadFast for WordPress 2.4 and Intelligence Module 1.0 ](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/broadfast-for-wordpress-2-4-and-intelligence-module-1-0/)
A new shortcode in WatuPRO (from version lets you perform basic math on two of the user’s answers. This shortcode should be used only in the “Final screen” of a test. Here is the shortcode with all its possible parameters: Attributes: math (required) shows the math you want to perform. Note that the numbers in the formula are question IDs and not actual numbers. I.e. you are not telling the shortcode to add 152 and 256, that would be pointless. You are telling the shortcode to add the answer to question with ID 152 to […]
[ Basic Math Based On User Answers in WatuPRO ](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/basic-math-based-on-user-answers-in-watupro/)
And above this paragraph you see a slider / carousel of 3 posts related to this one.
Popup / Lightbox

This is such a frequent task, and this plugin really makes it easy. Just enter your contents, some clickable text and probably some custom CSS classes. Voila, the popup is created.
How about some cool content here, describing more about what I am talking about?

Of course it can have images too.
[Click me!](#srevo-modal-1)
Columns and Grids

I mean, it’s typical that the content on the web normally just stays in one column. But who said it should always be that? Do you remember newsletters? I hope our readers are not all that young. Newsletters (the paper ones!) typically have content flowing in multuple columns. That’s not typical for the web not because it’s bad but because it was hard thing to do in the past.
Now with the new CSS techniques it’s not that hard. But you don’t always want to write CSS especially when you are writing a blog post, do you? This is where the columns shortcode comes handy!
The shortcode also allows you to create a grid. In the grid the content does not flow in the columns. Instead, each piece stays in its own grid cell. Like this:
Hey, I’m the first item
**And I am number two**
**They can all be different**
And can contain images (look right)

This at left is from our quiz plugin [WatuPRO](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro)
Third line, item 1
And number two
The ninth item goes here

Tabs allow you to place content within, well, tabs. What does it mean? Look at this:
As I told you, you can arrange content in tabs 🙂 Just click on one of these tabs and you’ll see the content related to each one.
Let’s just have a chart here to look smart.

There isn’t so much to explain here. You get an easy to use UI to create all kind of buttons.

This one is super simple – it creates table from an uploaded CSV file. Technically you can use a remove or a dynamic CSV as well – just replace the uploaded file URL with the remote one.
Tables aren’t that much fascinating – I am sure you have seem some! So no demo for this shortcode.
Flashcards / Flipcards

There cards have a front and a back side and reveal the back when the user clicks on them. Simple:
### Here’s a Math task:
### 2 + 2*3?
**Of course it’s 8 because multiplication has a higher priority than addition 🙂**
Who is she?
You can even combine shortcodes together like I did above. I placed two flashcard shortcodes in a grid so they can be side by side.
Data Shortcodes

They are excellent for creating profile pages in communities, author pages, widgets containing some user data, and so on.
Custom Shortcodes

Just any content that you may want in many places on your site. Custom HTML, shortcodes, media, formulas, whatever. Easily repeatable and editable in one place.
Enjoy the plugin – it’s free and can save you many hours of work. Let us know your feedback, feature requests, and bug reports (yes, even bug reports!).
Arigato PRO 3.2
The new version of [Arigato PRO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) is here with a lot of improvements and fixes:
- Added “% unsubscribed” users stats for every mailing list.
- Added option to mass-pause email automation messages.
- Formidable Forms integration available. More info: [https://blog.calendarscripts.info/formidable-forms-integration-in-arigato-pro/](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/formidable-forms-integration-in-arigato-pro/)
- You can now send Webhooks to Zapier or other services when someone subscribes to or unsubscribes from a mailing list.
- Added a configurable option to store and show subscribers IP address. Do this at your own responsibility depending on your local privacy law.
- “Send after X o’clock” is now available also for newsletter emails.
- Added option to automatically log in the user to the site when auto-subscribing them as WP user.
- Added option to mass activate / deactivate mailing list subscribers.
- The unsubscribe reason from the unsubscribe poll (if any) will be included in the optional unsubscribe notification email message.
- The Settings page has been reorganized in logical tabs.
- Added a shortcode to display a public newsletter archive. You will find the shortcode on Your Newsletters page.
- Optional tags added to subscribers data for searching in the administration. The tags can also be used in segmentation if you have the Intelligence module installed.
- Implemented Google reCaptcha v3.
- Values can be passed as URL parameters to prepopulate a subscribe form. Learn how: [https://blog.calendarscripts.info/passing-values-through-url-parameters-in-arigato-pro/](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/passing-values-through-url-parameters-in-arigato-pro/)
- Improved handling of emojis in email messages.
- Custom presets can now be stored in wp-content/uploads/arigatopro-presets folder so you don’t lose them on plugin updates.
- The raw email log now can show the emails for a start / end date interval.
- A hook added when an email is sent.
- Added validation for file type when uploading subscribers.
- Improvements to handling daily mail limits.
- Added personal data eraser for GDPR compatibility.
- Removed session usage for displaying on-screen messages.
- Displayed field name for a second method of integrating custom fields in Contact form7. This way you can make the fields validate as required and also have these fields sent in the email message that CF 7 sends to you. It will also make the field get saved in Data Tensai.
- Dynamically get the DB collation when the plugin is activated.
- Added optional last name to the Contact form 7 integration.
- [Gozaimasu module] Added A/B tests on message subjects. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/a-b-testing-of-email-message-subjects-in-arigato-gozaimasu/
- [Gozaimasu module] The “sticky bar / ribbon” design now also have option for showing only after the visitor has spent some time on the site.
- [Fixed bug] After reordering the Settings page changes made in it were not being saved properly.
- [Fixed bug] Name field was not showing an asterix when it was a required field.
- [Fixed bug] Checking only some checkboxes on Manage Subscribers page did not reveal the mass action buttons below the table.
Zapier Webhooks in Arigato PRO
From version 3.2 the WordPress newsletter and email marketing plugin Arigato PRO supports sending webhooks to Zapier and any other services that work accept webhooks.
You can learn more about Zapier’s implementation of webhooks [here](https://zapier.com/page/webhooks/).
What are Webhooks in Arigato PRO?
Hooks will be notified when an user subscribes to or unsibscribes from a selected mailing list. The notification will contain the user’s email address, name, and up to 3 custom parameters that let you any other predefined data.
Webhooks are used by all kind of low code / no code services to further connect your mailing list with other apps. For example you can add your subscriber to a CRM, to a membership site, and so on.
To get to the webhooks interface click on the Webhooks / Zapier link in your Arigato PRO menu. From there you will be able to add multiple hooks for each mailing list. Here is for example how it looks:

Using the above example, the hook will be fired each time when someone subscribers to our “Default” mailing list. The data that will be sent to [Pipedream](https://pipedream.com/) (you can use it for testing and more) is this:

Pipedream lets you test your hooks and see the JSON message that you have sent to them. In real usage this data will be used by other apps to do all kind of things with it.
Please don’t forget to respect any privacy laws your country. We are only providing the technology to connect to webhooks but cannot give you a legal advice.
Formidable Forms Integration in Arigato PRO
From version the WordPress newsletter plugin [Arigato PRO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) supports integration with [Formidable Forms](https://wordpress.org/plugins/formidable/).
The integration lets you automatically subscribe respondents who fill your Formidable form to a selected mailing list in Arigato PRO.
If you have the Formidable Forms plugin installed and active you will see the integration link in the “Subscribe form” column for each mailing list in your Manage Mailing Lists page:

Clicking on it will take you to a page with a drop-down selector for your existing Formidable Forms. Note that your forms need to contain at least one email field to be integrated.
Select a form and then select which fields from the form match to the fields of your mailing list. You may want to specify that a checkbox field in the Formidable form will be used for confirmation. This means that only users who have selected the checkbox will be subscribed to your mailing list.

That’s it. Save and the integration is completed.
The integration has been added to the [light version](https://wordpress.org/plugins/bft-autoresponder/) too.
Award Points for Actions (WatuPRO Play Plugin)
A new feature in the [gamification plugin for WatuPRO](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html) allows you to award redeemable points for several actions performed on the site. These points then go to the user’s points balance similar to how they earn them through taking quizzes.
- Points for logging in. The user will be able to get this award once per day.
- Points for posting an approved comment. This action will assign the chosen number of points for every comment of the user.
- Points for clicking on links. Users will be able to gain the points for each individual link once. This is useful to stimulate users to visit your partner sites, and so on.
With the continued addition of new possibilities the WatuPRO Play plugin becomes a very rich gamification engine for every learning portal.
Question Intros in WatuPRO
From version the quiz plugin WatuPRO supports question intros. They are most useful when you want to include some introduction content which is not technically a part of the question. Usually you’d use it in non-randomized quizzes to explain one or more following questions.
Create your intro content at the beginning of the question:

Use the {{{split}}} tag to separate the intro from the question itself. When the question is shown in the front-end, the intro content will be displayed before it:

### What about randomized tests?
If you have to do this for quizzes that randomize questions you will need to ensure the group of questions stays together. To achieve this use question categories and place the groups in the same category. Enable the checkbox “Group questions by category” in Edit quiz -> General Settings tab.
Because in this case you don’t know which question will be first, use the category description for your introduction text instead of using the {{{split}}} tag explained above. The category description will be shown before the first question of that category similar to the question intro content.
WatuPRO 6.6
Version 6.6. of WatuPRO is released. As usual, there are a lot of improvements and bug fixes:
- Implemented Zapier Webhooks. Learn more [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/zapier-webhooks-in-watupro/).
- Added Test hooks for Webhooks / Zapier so you can see the raw response from a hook on the screen.
- Automatically assign required user groups or user roles when access to a quiz or bundle is purchased. Learn more [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-automatically-assign-required-user-groups-or-roles-upon-payment/).
- On the “View results” page you can now filter the respondents by the answer they gave on a specific single-choice question.
- Feedback on questions now includes the author name and respects the user group permissions when this option is selected.
- Added copy protection feature: disable copy content and right-click (context) menu on quizzes. Activate it on WatuPRO Settings page.
- Added question type filter on Manage Questions page.
- Added final screen variable %%RESOLVED%% to show only the correctly answered questions.
- A variable %%VERIFICATION%% is now available for certificates. It generates an unique URL which verifies if this certificate is valid. The variable can be used to create a link but if you have [this plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/doqrcode/) installed and activated, it will create a QR code instead.
- Added question category column on View results -> VIew details pop-up, table format. The category column can be switched off from WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
- Added option to individually switch off the dashboard stats widget (in case it’s slowing down your admin). The same is always switch off in case you are in low memory mode (WatuPRO Settings page)
- Improvements to the numbered questions paginator: when there are more than 10 questions it will be paginated itself to avoid taking too much screen space.
- Compatibility with the latest Chained Logic add-on to support storing user progress when the test is continued at a later time.
- Added variable %%AVG-PERCENTOFMAX%% to show the average percent from maximum points achieved by others on the same test.
- The %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% variable will respect the “Don’t auto scroll” setting.
- Added question compact format version 3: a mix of the two: question at left and answers floating at right as much as the space allows.
- When deleting a quiz attempt also delete any user uploaded files with it.
- Added CSS adjustments for vertical alignment of checkboxes and radio buttons and an “Additional CSS” box in WatuPRO Settings page.
- Added class watupro-unanswered-question to the div of unanswered questions in the final screen.
- Added shortcode for user’s answer on an individual question. See it on the Edit Question page.
- Added variable %%PERCENT-WRONG%% to show the percentage of wrongly answered questions.
- Replaced the rich text editor pop-up with a local instance of the rich text editor for better usability and to avoid JS errors on some installations.
- No more hiding the numbered questions paginator on mobile – the new next/prev style is better to be shown all the time.
- Improvements to the display of right-to-left tests.
- CSS adjustments for checkboxes and radio buttons for latest WP themes.
- Added basic email validation when email address is provided regardless if it is required or optional.
- Improved handling of MathJax plugins.
- Added final screen variable %%PERCENTOFMAXLEFT%% – the percentage of maximum points that were not achieved.
- You can now control how many buttons are shown in the numbered questions paginator before showing next and previous buttons on it.
- When you have selected that single choice questions should automatically continue to the next one and the last question in the quiz is also a single-choice, selecting a value on it will submit the test. This lets you entirely hide the prev/next/view results buttons at the bottom.
- Removed unnecessary trailing zeros on %%MULTI_POINTS%% variable.
- Improved WooCommerce integration: if the only payment method you accept is WooCommerce (via our free bridge) visiting a paid quiz page will redirect to the WooCommerce product for purchasing.
- The question order will be shown when copying a quiz.
- The **watuprolist cat_id=”ALL”** shortcode now accepts parameter show_dropdown=1 which displays a dropdown with all test categories and lets the user choose.
- Added WP user ID to the exports in “View results” page. The column can also be shown when displaying the page with a shortcode – just add parameter show_user_id=1 to it.
- [Reporting module] A new mode for the watupror-pie-chart lets you create a pie from the number of correct / wrong / unanswered questions on the whole quiz. Just pass the parameter show=”questions”
- [Reporting module] Added CSV exports from the Stats per category and tag page.
- [Reporting module] Added new single quiz attempt charts: basic performance and questions performance. Learn more here: https://blog.calendarscripts.info/charts-in-watupro-reporting-module/
- [Reporting module] The cross-tabulation data will also respect user group permissions. When publishing it on the site via the shrortcode you need to select whether or not the data from the table is accessible to the public.
- [Intelligence module] when “use WP roles” on WatuPRO user groups page is selected and a role with “Apply user group permissions” is viewiong quiz results, the viewer will access only results from users of their role and unregistered visitors.
- [Intelligence module] Added button to mass delete payments on the View payments page.
- [Reporting module] Added parameter “compare” to the watupror-quiz-cat-chart shortcode. When you pass “1” to this parameter the chart will produce two bars for each question category – one for the current attempt and one for everyone’s average. Learn more about this shortcode here: https://blog.calendarscripts.info/charts-in-watupro-reporting-module/#questioncats
- [Reporting module] Cross tabulation analysis is now available for all single-choice and multiple choice questions. Learn more at [https://blog.calendarscripts.info/cross-tabulation-analysis-in-watupro-reporting-module/](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/cross-tabulation-analysis-in-watupro-reporting-module/)
- [Reporting module] Stats per question -> full details link to mask user’s IP if GDPR compliance features are selected.
- [Reporting module] Replaced the old bar charts on Reports -> History and Reports -> Skills tabs with a better animated chart.
- [Reporting module] Added group_id parameter to the watupror-poll shortcode to allow limiting the poll chart to a specific user group.
- Fixed issue with copying quizzes which had the following grade based requirements: allow re-submitting only when some grades are achieved, send emails to user/admin only when selected grades are achieved.
- Fixed bug: when contact data was requested at the end of category-paginated quiz the last category description was stil displayed above the contact form.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: column totals were always 100% while they should be showing the percentage from the grand total.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: When using the {{{answerto-X}}} variable on Fill The Gaps questions the correct/incorrect checkmarks were shown even on survey questions or when the Advanced setting to not show checkmarks was selected.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when “fill the gaps” questions had multiple correct answers on some gaps and “reveal answers” was selected, there were wrongly revealed correct answers.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Overview and HIstory calculations should be based only on quizzes that the user currently has access to (not limited by categories, roles, etc).
- Fixed bug: privately published quizzes were not showing in My Quizzes and Quiz Reports pages.
- Fixed scrolling issues with the numbered questions paginator.
- Fixed issue on some installations caused by auto assigning user groups on registration.
- Fixed bug: selecting numbered question paginator and category paginator together was showing only question paginator.
- Fixed errors when exporting data from My Quizzes page.
- Optimized the “latest attempt” query for the dashboard widget.
- Fixed bug: when copying a quiz into a new quiz the “common category grade output” was not copied.
- Fixed minor bugs on timed quizzes with “ask for contact details” at the start.
- Fixed issues with the size of the “View details” pop-up.
- Fixed issue with backslashes when editing custom design themes.
- Fixed bug on Copy questions page: removed the confusing sort order and replaced it with question ID.
- Fixed bug: “Treat this question as a whole” was impossible to remain unchecked after it has been saved as checked once.
- Fixed various issues with pre-loading correct pages when returning to an unfinished quiz.
Data Tensai Is Approved on AppSumo!
We decided to run a summer promo for the new premium plugin – [Data Tensai for Contact form 7](https://calendarscripts.info/data-tensai/)
For limited time you will be able to buy a license for $17 instead of $37.
[View Offer on AppSumo](https://appsumo.com/products/data-tensai-for-contact-form-7/)
AppSumo is a lovely marketplace with many great products listed on it, so have a look at other stuff too. You may save a lot for your next projects.
Answers Paginator in WatuPRO
It’s sometimes a good idea to paginate the answers on the final screen of a long test. WatuPRO provides a variable for this:
%%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% which can be used instead of the %%ANSWERS%% variable. It will display the questions along with their answers, feedback, correct/incorrect checkmarks, etc but one per page.
Although this paginator looks visually similar to the paginator you can enable while taking the quiz, it’s not the same. The in-quiz paginator colors the question numbers based on whether the question has been answered or not:

The green color should not be confused with correct / incorrect state. The questions are not evaluated on the fly so green means “answered”. Yellow is “visited but unanswered” and the questions that have not yet been shown are in gray.
To avoid confusion the answers paginator at the end of the quiz is not colored in any colors by default:

However in version 6.5.7 of WatuPRO we have added classes to all the buttons so you can easily color wrongly, unanswered and correctly answered questions with colors of your preference.
For example here’s how you can make it show gray, green and red colors:

This is achieved by using the classes of each “li” element: “correct” if correctly answered and “empty” if unanswered.
Here is the CSS we have used to achieve this. You can copy it and paste in your Additional CSS box following this path: Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS:
/* correctly answered */
ul.watupro-answers-paginator li.correct {
background: none green !important;
color:white !important;
/* unanswered */
ul.watupro-answers-paginator li.empty {
background: none #ddd !important;
color:white !important;
/* wrong answers */
ul.watupro-answers-paginator li:not(.empty):not(.correct) {
background: none red !important;
color:white !important;
Zapier Webhooks in WatuPRO
The test and survey plugin WatuPRO just got a lot more connected by implementing [Zapier Webhooks](https://zapier.com/page/webhooks/). (Well, technically, you can send data to any webhook URL – not just Zapier!). Available from version
Here is how this works:
Hooks get notified when a user submits a selected test. You can use them to connect users to mailing lists services, CRM systems, all kind of marketing automation (like SaaS based alternatives of [Arigato PRO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/)), and anything else which may consume your contact data. Webhooks are used by all kind of low code / no code services.
You’ll see a new menu link under your WatuPRO menu: Webhooks / Zapier.
Click on it and get to the simple interface for adding a new webhook or editing your existing webhooks.
At the very minimum you need to select which quiz triggers a webhook and enter the endpoint URL. You can choose to notify the hook only if a selected grade / result is achieved on the test. Or fire it for any result.
What Data You Can Send
Let’s have a look at the structure of data WatuPRO can send to your webhook:

Hooks will be sent only if we have at least some data about the user: the very minimum is an email address. If your users are logged in, you’ll always have an email address. The other options is the set the quiz send email to the user when submitting it. In this case they will be asked to provide an email address.
And the third and the most flexible option is to use the “Ask for user contact data” section. You can find it on the Edit quiz -> User and Email tab:

It lets you collect several fields of contact information before the start of the [survey](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/what-you-need-to-know-about-running-good-surveys/) of at the end, right before showing the results.
All this data can be sent to any webhooks.
Let’s deconstruct it field by field:
- **Name.** You can collect user’s name either this way or from their user profile if they are logged in.
- **Email**. As explained above, there are 3 options.
- **Contact phone.** Will be available if you have collected it using the above section. You can rename the field and use it for any other data – for example to collect gender or age. We just refer to it as the phone field.
- **Contact company.** Same as above.
- **Contact custom field 1 and custom field 2.** You can use these to collect any other contact data. Zip, address, interests, a product used, and so on.
All these fields provide dynamic data collected by the user. You don’t need to and can’t set a fixed value that will be sent to the hook.
The **name** of each variable is defined by you. Since the webhook gets notified with the data in a JSON object, we let you choose what name to have each variable. If the receiving hook has a specific requirement you can use these names to make the JSON data satisfy it.
Then there are 3 custom parameters where you can provide **both name and data.** They can be useful for sending API keys to the hook or any other static data that does not depend on the specific user and quiz attempt.
Here is an example JSON data sent to a test webhook at [Pipedream](https://pipedream.com/):

The variable names come from our webhook settings in WatuPRO. The data comes from the quiz taker. We have requested a company at the beginning of the quiz but decided to not include it in the hook request by simply not entering a variable name. So the data came as shown above.
We strongly recommend checking the Zapier Webhooks guide linked at the beginning of this article to understand better the nature of webhooks. They are super simple and super powerful
Launching Database Genius for Contact Form 7: Data Tensai
We have just released a small but very powerful add-on for Contact Form 7 – [Data Tensai](https://calendarscripts.info/data-tensai/). Unlike most similar plugins, Data Tensai keeps structured and broken down data by every field you have requested from every contact form. This lets you filter, search, sort, run reports and get charts on quantitative fields. Let’s get into more details:
Table of Contents
1. [Installation](#install)
2. [Manage contact forms](#forms)
3. [View and search entries](#entries)
4. [Disable forms and fields](#disable)
5. [User registration](#registration)
### **Installation** – [top](#toc)
This WordPress plugin is an extension for [Contact Form 7](https://contactform7.com/). The Contact Form 7 plugin must be installed and activated before you can use this extension.
After downloading the zip file go to your Plugins page inside your WordPress administration dashboard. Click on Add New, then Upload. Install and activate.
Once this is done you’ll see a new link “Manage Data” under your contact forms link:

### **Manage contact forms** – [top](#toc)

When you click on the Manage Data link you will see the contact forms that are available. At the beginning you may see no contact forms. This happens when Data Tensai do not have collected anydata yet. Collecting data starts happening after Data Tensai is installed.
There are two ways to make your Contact Form 7 forms appear here:
- Someone uses the contact form to send an inquiry.
- You edit / save the form in Contact Form 7.
For each available form you will see how many entries are recorded, whether the form is [enabled to save data](#disable) and whether it is linked to [user registration](#registration).
### **View and search entries** – [top](#toc)

When you follow the link with the number of entries from the Manage Data page you will land on a page with the entries saved from that contact form. As you can see above all the fields ([except disabled](#disable) ones) are visible as table columns. You can sort on each of these columns and see the full details of each message.

A powerful search / filter feature is available for every field. The CSV export button will export a comma delimited file from all entries. If you have applied filters, they will also be applied to the exported data.
### **Disable forms and fields** – [top](#toc)

For each form and for each field in each form there is an option to be disabled and not store data. You may use it in case you are not interested in this information, to save DB space, for privacy reasons, and so on.
### **User Registration** – [top](#toc)
For each contact form you can enable user registration so the contact gets added into your WordPress users database.
[Go To Table of Contents](#toc)
Charts In WatuPRO Reporting Module: Types and Shortcodes
From version 6.5.6 there are 3 new charts in the Reporting module of the quiz and survey plugin [WatuPRO](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
Quick links: [Basic performance chart](#basicperformance) | [Question performance chart](#questionperformance) |[Cumulative poll chart](#poll) |[Charts per question category](#questioncats) |[All respondents performance](#everyone) | [Pie Chart from Correct / Wrong / Unanswered](#pie) | [Charts in My Quiz Reports pages](#pages)
Basic Performance Chart
This is a simple chart showing your points collected vs. the maximum points that you could achieve in a single quiz attempt. The chart can be used in the quiz final screen but for logged in users you can also use it elsewhere as long as you pass the attribute quiz_id as documented later below.
**Chart shortcode:** [watupror-performance-chart]
**Attributes (all optional):**
- **type** – “bar” or “pie”. Defaults to bar (and generates a barchart)
- **mode** – “js” (default) or “gd”. Used only if type is “pie”. Normally the chart is generated via the [gRaphael javascript charting library](https://github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/g.raphael). However if you plan to include it in email contents or allow PDF download of the final screen (using our [PDF bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-the-free-pdf-bridge-plugin-in-watupro/)), then you should set mode to “gd”. This will use the [PHP GD library](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.image.php) which must be installed on your server.
- **taking_id** – use it if you want to show a chart for a specific quiz attempt. Usually you will display the chart on the final screen so taking_id is based on the current attempt. In this case the attribute should not be passed.
- **quiz_id** – used in case you want to show chart for the latest attempt of the currently logged in user on a specific quiz. Normally (showing chart on the final screen) you will skip this attribute.
- **your_color** – the color of the bar or pie slice which displays the points you have collected. Pass a valid hex value like #FF0000 (no short syntax).
- **max_color** – the color of the bar or pie slice which displays the maximum points that could be collected on that attempt. Pass a valid hex value like #FF0000 (no short syntax).
- **your_text** – the text shown under your points bar or pie slice. Has default value for both chart types.
- **max_text** – the text shown under the maximum points bar or pie slice. Has default value for both chart types.
- **bar_width** – the width of each bar in pixels. Defaults to 100. Used only if type = “bar”.
- **height** – the height of the highest bar in pixels. Defaults to 300. Used only if type = “bar”.
- **radius** – the radius of the pie in pixels. Defaults to 100. Used only if type=”pie”.
Let’s see a couple of example usages so you get a better idea of this chart:

Shortcode used: [watupror-performance-chart] (all defaults, no parameters)

Shortcode used: `[watupror-performance-chart your_color="#f57e42" max_color="#038a05" height="250" bar_width="150" your_text="You got %d points" max_text="From %d max."]`
Above is an example of the barchart with custom colors, text, and sizes.

Shortcode used: `[watupror-performance-chart your_color="#2d5ba6" max_color="#a1a3ad" type="pie" radius=150]`
Note that the pie chart is slightly different. The whole 360° represent the maximum points on the quiz. That’s why the two colors actually show points collected and points missed which is made clear by the default texts.
Questions Performance Chart
Similar to the above chart, this one shows your points as a percentage of the maximum points but for every question answered in the quiz.
It’s currently available only as a horizontal bar chart.
**Chart shortcode:** [watupror-questions-performance-chart]
**Attributes (all optional):**
- **taking_id** – use it if you want to show a chart for a specific quiz attempt. Usually you will display the chart on the final screen so taking_id is based on the current attempt. In this case the attribute should not be passed.
- **quiz_id** – used in case you want to show chart for the latest attempt of the currently logged in user on a specific quiz. Normally (showing chart on the final screen) you will skip this attribute.
- **color** – the color of the bars.
- **bar_width** – the width of each bar in pixels. Defaults to 30. Note that because the chart is horizontal the “width” of the bar actually means it’s size vertically.
- **height** – the height of the highest bar in pixels. Defaults to 300. Note that because the chart is horizontal this actually means the size of the bar horizontally.
Here is an example of this chart using a custom color:

Cumulative Poll Chart

This is a cumulative chart from everyone’s answers on a single question. By default it loads “correct/incorrect” chart on all question types except on “single answer” and “multiple answer” questions where it loads one bar per each answer.
You can force it to always show correct / incorrect by adding parameter to the shortcode: `[watupro-poll question_id="X" mode="correct"]`.
You can also control the colors used in the chart like this: `[watupror-poll question_id="X" correct_color="green" wrong_color="#FF0000"]`.
The optional parameter **user_choice** lets you show which is the current user answer when the shortcode is used in the “Final page”. You can pass any text or even HTML code (when using HTML make sure the rich text editor is in Text mode) and it will be shown next to the corresponding answer(s) or correct / incorrect stats. If you pass “CHECK” to the attribute we will generate a checkmark.
Example: [watupror-poll question_id=”X” user_choice=”CHECK”]
By default the shrotcode produces a horizontal bar chart. You can use the parameter “orientation” to make it a vertical one.
Example: `[watupror-poll question_id="X" orientation="vertical"]`

Performance Per Categories
The chart showing user’s performance per question category in a single quiz attempt has several variations – a bar chart, a pie chart, multiple pie charts based on % correct / % wrong answers in each question category.
Here is a basic example:

You definitely need to read the [whole article](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-category-grades-in-watu-pro/#charts) about this chart to find all the variations and possibilities it gives.
**This same chart can show performance per question categories of a logged in user on all tests.** To switch to this mode pass the attribute **taking_id=”ALL”** to the shortcode.
Everyone’s Performance Per Question Category

This chart works similar to user’s performance per question category but shows everyone’s. The chart can be used on a random post or page (does not need to be on the quiz final screen).
The shortcode accepts exactly the same parameters as the [user category chart](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-category-grades-in-watu-pro/#charts) but requires the parameter quiz_id. Note that drawing the chart for a quiz that has been completed by tens of thousands of users may require a lot of server memory.
The parameter **sum_subcategories=1** will sum up the subcategory performance into the parent categories and will not generate pies for the subcategories.
Here’s example shortcode usage:
`[watupror-quiz-cat-chart quiz_id=X from="percent_max_points" colors="green, blue, yellow, black, orange"]`
Your vs. Everyone’s Performance Per Question Category
Use the same shortcode as above but pass the parameter “compare=1”. It will produce two bars for each question category – one for you (current taking or passed parameter taking_id) and one for everyone’s performance.

With this shortcode you need to pass only two colors in the “colors” parameter. The color of your bar and the color of everyone’s bar.
Here is the shortcode that produced the above chart:
`[watupror-quiz-cat-chart quiz_id=X from="percent_max_points" colors="crimson, blue" compare="1" width="30" orientation="horizontal"]`
Available from WatuPRO
Pie Chart from Correct / Wrong / Unanswered
This is a simple chart based on a single quiz attempt. It shares the same watupror-pie-chart shortcode which generates the performance per category chart above but with parrameter from=”questions”.
Example usage: `[watupror-pie-chart from="questions" radius="160"]`

Charts Inside “My Quiz Reports” Page
Additionally the Reporting module provides several pages that contain detailed reports for each registered test taker. Each user can see it’s own performance reports and charts. The admin can see everyone’s ([see how](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/how-to-see-quiz-results-and-reports-of-students-in-watupro/)).
These pages contain a couple of charts too:

These charts are showing all time overview of taken tests per test category and questions answered per question category.

The above simple bar chart shows proficiency per skill / question category from the Skills report page. It can be horizontal and limited further per test and filtered for desired proficiency level.

The history bar chart shows the number of quizzes attempted in total for each month of the current year.
A/B Testing Of Email Message Subjects in Arigato Gozaimasu
The latest version of the [Gozaimasu module](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/gozaimasu.html) of our premium WordPress auto-responder plugin supports A/B testing of message subjects. (This is different than the [subscribe form design A/B tests](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/running-a-b-tests-in-arigato-gozaimasu/). Check them too, they are great. It’s also different than [split testing whole autoresponder messages](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/split-testing-for-autoresponder-emails-in-arigato-pro-intelligence-module/).)
What Does It Do
A/B testing is a very powerful method to figure out what subjects in your messages draw more attention, email reads and clicks. Sending the same email but with different subjects to different subscribers can help you figure out what is the best subject.
Normally you would run A/B test for some time, then add or remove different subjects and at the end you will stop the test and use only the subject that works best.
How Exactly Does It Work
The A/B subjects feature picks one random subject for each email the software sends from the subjects which you have defined for the test. **This is completely random.** To avoid unnecessary queries and server overload it will not guarantee that each subject is picked equal number of times.
Here’s a basic example. You can create a welcome message in an autoresponder campaign. You want a catchy subject but you are not sure whether this is a good idea. So you can decide to run an A/B test between these two (or more) subjects:
**Welcome to Our Newsletter!**
**Want To Learn About The Best Fitness Practices? You Came To The Right Place!**
Some of your subscribers will receive the first subject, some the second. By looking at the reports: read stats, unsubscribe stats (and if you have the Intelligence module you can add trackable links for click stats), you will see which of these subjects performs better. This is simple and efficient.
How To Set It Up
The feature is available both for autoresponder messages and newsletters so let’s just see it on newsletters. On the Add/Edit Newsletter page you will see a checkbox for A/B Test next to the newsletter subject.
Clicking on it shows a new field and transfers your current subject to it. Clicking on the + sign next to it lets you add more variants, as many as you want:

Save the newsletter and now when it’s sent, it will pick these subjects randomly instead of the default Newsletter Subject field (empty fields will be ignored).
Absolutely the same works for autoresponder email messages.
Then in the Newsletter or Email message Reports page you will see a new link “Reports per A/B Subject” and will be able to see how many emails are sent with each subject, how many are read, the % read rate, and for Intelligence module owners also the trackable link clicks:

It’s worth noting that “read” stats rely on a tracking image. Since some email programs disable messages by default, the read number is not 100% reliable and sometimes shows slightly less than the actual number of read emails. It’s still a great way to identify which subject performs better.
Trackable link clicks will count one click per email message regardless how many links you have placed inside and how many times each reader clicked them. You want to know which subject makes people actually read the message and now if they clicked 10 links inside – counting all the clicks would defeat the purpose of the report.
In your **Advanced Stats page, the Unsubscribe stats tab** will also show reports based on A/B subjects for these email messages and newsletters which currently have an A/B test enabled:

You may wonder why the number of emails sent total for this newsletter is higher than the sum of emails per A/B subject. This is because we were sending this newsletter for a while without running A/B tests and started using tests later.
The unsubscrbe stats per A/B subject are very useful: they can show you what subjects irritate the subscribers – probably because of looking spammy or maybe over promising (and then under delivering in the content of the email).
How To Conduct Surveys With WatuPRO
[WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is a quiz plugin but it’s also perfect for running surveys. A survey is essentially a quiz that doesn’t give specific result / outcome to the user but presents the admin with the data of the user’s answers.
**The most basic concepts are shown in the video and explained in more details in the post below.**
Here is what you need to do to run a survey with WatuPRO:
- **Mark the questions as “survey” questions.** This is done with a checkbox on the Add / Edit Question page saying “This is a survey question. This will ensure no green / red checkmark will be shown if you decide to show user’s answers on the “final screen”. You can also use the mass-edit functions in your Manage Questions page to turn multiple questions into survey questions at once.
- **Don’t create grades.** Nothing stops you to create grades but typically surveys do not grade the user’s performance.
- **View the results.** You can then view, export, etc all the answers of the respondents. More information [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/how-to-see-quiz-results-and-reports-of-students-in-watupro/).
The above is enough to run functional survey. However there are several tools that can make surveys created with WatuPRO even better:
The Reporting Module
See a short [demo survey](https://demoblog.calendarscripts.info/demo-survey/) that uses the Reporting Module.
If you include the [Reporting module](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html) with your WatuPRO purchase you’ll be able to see a lot more structured data and run data analytics on the survey responses.
The **cumulative stats per question** will show you how many respondents have selected each option of each question. If the question is not labeled as a survey type and has correct & incorrect states, you’ll also see this information.
Cumulative stats per question
Follow the link to full details to get to the page that gives you detailed list of everyone’s answers, which can also be exported to CSV.
**The stats per category and tag** is very useful for quantitative questions because it will show cumulative points collected in each category, and again correct/incorrect percentages if the question has such characteristics:
Stats per category and tag
The super powerful **cross tabulation analysis** turns WatuPRO into a real scientific tool for running insightful data analysis on any survey:
Learn more about cross-tabulation analysis [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/cross-tabulation-analysis-in-watupro-reporting-module/).
The **poll-like shortcodes** enabled by the Reporting module let you also present structured %-based data for every question to the user. [Example here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-watupro-for-polls-new-shortcodes-from-reporting-module/). Obviously you can use them to also run simple one-question polls.

The Likert Scale Survey Maker
If you want to run a [likert scale survey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likert_scale) we have a [free helper plugin](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/likert-scale-survey-maker-for-watupro/) that will make your work so much easier. It makes adding a lot of survey questions at least ten time faster than via the standard way and predefines the quiz settings to be most appropriate for a survey. Don’t worry, all the questions and settings are then editable just like in any quiz made with WatuPRO.
WatuPRO 6.5
The quiz plugin WatuPRO has been updated to version 6.5 with lot of new features and bug fixes as usual. Here’s the full changelog:
- A new shortcode allows you to display [cumulative stats](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/performance-on-multiple-quizzes-and-conditional-content-in-watupro/) on all user’s logged in attempts on multiple quizzes. You can also include conditional content based on the achieved results from all the quizzes.
- Added option to pull X random question categories in the quiz. This will work together with other randomization and pull random settings.
- Added option to not display the optional answer explanation if the question is left unanswered.
- The checkbox for MathJax and LaTeX problems on import was not working for Aiken imports.
- Improved handling of WP emojis entered by mobile phones.
- Added optional parameters show_id=0 show_delete=0 show_details=0 to the watupro-takings shortcode to allow hiding these columns.
- Added shortcode “watupro-leaderboard-position” to return the position of the currently logged in user in the global leaderboard by points.
- Added new columns to the WatuPRO Simple import format: “is required?” and “answer explanation”.
- Part of the question contents can be hidden on the final screen if you place them betwneen HTML comments: <!–watupro-hide-start–> and <!–watupro-hide-end–>. The rich text editor should be switched to Text mode when entering the comments.
- When submitting a quiz (or going to a next page) with unanswered required questions the error message will show which of the questions exactly should be answered.
- Added name of logged in users in the email sent to admin.
- Added 5-columns style for questions showing their answers in columns.
- Two versions of the question compact format are now available, see the link next to the selector for more information.
- You can set individual quiz schedules for logged in users.
- Timer allowance for timed quizzes is now configurable from WatuPRO Settings page.
- Added variables %%CATEGORY-WRONG-X%% and %%CATEGORY-EMPTY-X%% for the manual category based output.
- Changed the JS alerts on the required contact fields at start/end of a quiz to inline messages.
- Added option to use respondent’s email address as a reply-to address when sending quiz results to admin or managers.
- Added option to exclude the default “Details of …” line when sending quiz email to admin. The option is in WatuPRO Settings page, section Defaults.
- Added a counter on the Manage questions and Reuse specific question page to show how many questions are selected for mass updates or reusing.
- Added variable %%UNIQUE-ID%% for the final screen – a unique identifier of the submitted quiz attempt.
- Added option to hide the following columns from “View details” pop-up -> table format: ID, No., Points, Result. The option is in WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
- From WatuPRO Settings page -> Theme and Design tab you can switch off browser’s autocomplete feature on the quiz form.
- Added option to store contact data for logged in users if the quiz requests contact data. In this case it will be pre-filled for other quizzes or new attempts on the same quiz.
- [Intelligence module] Added option to restart limits for quiz attempts after payment. More information at
- [Intelligence module] When a manager’s role is permitted to access quizzes with “Apply user group / user role category restrictions” they will see only the results of users within the same user groups they have + the results of the non-logged users. This applies only when you are using WatuPRO user groups.
- Added shortcode attribute require_login for overwriting quiz settings.
- [Intelligence module] Added user email address in the list of payments for a paid test.
- [Reporting module] The shortcode watupror-poll that produces a poll chart on individual quesitons can now accept paremeter orientation=”vertical” to create a vertical bar chart.
- [Reporting module] Added parameter draw_unanswered to the watupror-pie-chart shortcode. It will generate a pie sector for the unanswered questions in each category.
- [Reporting module] Added paremeter sum_subcategories to watupror-pie-chart and watupror-quiz-cat-chart shortcodes. The parameter will sum the subcategory performance into the parent category and will not draw the subcategories in the charts.
- WooCommerce integration: you can now select a WooCommerce product directly in the Edit quiz -> Intelligence module tab and let the plugin automatically set the required attributes for you. Note that only Virtual AND Downloadable products will be shown in the drop-down.
- Improvement to the WooCommerce integration: unlinking the product will remove the custom attribute
- Fixed issue with counting multiple-choice questions answers in “Stats per question” page when those contained commas.
- Fixed issue with scheduled timed tests when the scheduled end time is sooner than the timer end time.
- Fixed bug: the watupro-result shortcode will now load the WatuPRO CSS and scripts so details are properly displayed.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when role setting to “view/approve results” with “apply user group permissions” checked, the option “Do not allow sending email with the edited results” was getting ignored.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: sometimes deselecting an item in one box of match/matrix questions was making a value that’s reserved in another box available for selection.
- Fixed bug in flashcard questions: a card stopped flipping after 3-4 flips.
- Fixed database bug: when users entered emojis in answers to open-end questions their results were not stored. Note there may still be issues with using emojis across the plugin: this is a [bug](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32315) in the built-in WordPress database handler. We are applying a conversion function on all places manually.
- Added attribute “pagination” to the watupro shortcode to overwrite the quiz pagination setting.
- Added option to set header and footer for PDF results printing. This feature requires PDF bridge version 1.7.
- Removed sessions usage from the core plugin. They are now replaced with cookies to avoid loopback issues on some installations.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: no new lines in “fill the gaps” questions.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Analytics integration did not work on Ajax quizzes.
- Fixed bug: when drop-down fields were used for asking contact details at the beginning of a quiz, they were still shown on the next pages.
- Fixed bug: captchas should not be required when auto-submitting timed quiz with expired time.
- Fixed bug: restricting access to specific list of users should be case-insensitive for email addresses.
- Fixed bug in the new watupro-leaderboard-position shortcode.
- Because of problems with WP auto paragraphs function reverted to using our own function when displaying questions. Added configuration option to use wpautop().
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the pie chart per category should always show green for correct answers and red for wrong (unless colors are specified by the user)
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when the new “View and edit/approve results” setting was set for a role the user group / category restrictions were not applying.
- Fixed issue with category paginator highlighting when using next page / previous page buttons.
- Fixed bug: sometimes the limit for number of attempts per email address was remaining active even when we are not asking for user email address.
- Fixed bug in “Don’t display questions that were previously answered by the user” option.
- Fixed issue with blank space showing on top of the user menu.
- Fixed bug: if “ask for contact details” contained a required checkbox there was no visible error message when it’s missed.
- Fixed column titles mismatch on “Export with details” function in View Results page.
- [Intelligence module] Fixed display issues with horizontal sortable questions on the final screen.
Namaste! LMS Bridge for GamiPress
We have just released an [integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/namaste-lms-bridge-for-gamipress/) between [Namaste! LMS](https://namaste-lms.org/) and [GamiPress.](https://gamipress.com/)
The integration adds new activity events that let you award GamiPress points of any type when any of the following events happen in Namaste! LMS:
#### For Courses
- When a student finish a course
- When a student finish a specific course
#### For Modules (When Modules are Enabled)
- When a student user finish a module
- When a student finish a specific module
- When a student finish a module of a specific course
#### For Lessons
- When a student complete a lesson
- When a student complete a specific lesson
- When a student complete a lesson of a specific course
The new events are visible in the “When” drop-down selector in Add/Edit point type page:

Feel free to send us any suggestions for other events in this integration.
Performance on Multiple Quizzes and Conditional Content in WatuPRO
Here is a new super power of the WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO, available from version a shortcode to calculate the performance of a logged in user on multiple quizzes. It can display:
- The **total** points collected
- The **average** percent correct answers on all quizzes.
- The **average** percent achieved points from maximum points in every quiz.
- The **total** number of correct answers.
- The **total** number of wrong answers.
- The **total** number of unanswered questions.
- The **total** maximum points that could be collected.
The stats are based on **all attempts** of the logged in user of the quizzes whose IDs are passed in a shortcode attribute.
The new feature also allows you **conditionally** display any content based on the total points collected, average percent correct answers, or average percent from maximum points.
Let’s see how this all works.
The Shortcode and The Variables
Note: from version you can pass the parameter use_only_latest_attempts=1 to base the calculations only on the latest attempt of the user instead of all attempts.
It is a content-enclosing shortcode and will not produce any output by its own. You need to enclose the content that you want to use along with variables that you want calculated. The shortcode has a required parameter **quiz_ids** which should contain the ID of the quizzes that will be used, separated by comma. Example:
`[watupro-multiquiz quiz_ids="2,3,25"]`
On the 3 quizzes you collected a total of %%MULTI_POINTS%% points and you gave average of %%MULTI_PERCENTAGE%%% correct answers.
Here are all the available variables for this shortcode:
- %%MULTI_POINTS%% – the total points collected
- %%MULTI_PERCENTAGE%% – the average percent correct answers
- %%MULTI_PERCENTAGEOFMAX%% – the average percent points collected from maximum points possible (the stat is calculated for each quiz attempt and then dividied. It’s NOT an average of all collected points vs all possible points).
- %%MULTI_CORRECT%% – the total number of correct answers given
- %%MULTI_WRONG%% – the total number of wrong answers given
- %%MULTI_EMPTY%% – the total number of unanswered questions
- %%MULTI_MAX-POINTS%% – the total maximum points possible from all quizzes and all attempts
If the user is not logged in or if the quiz_ids attribute is not passed, the shortcode will not display anything.
The Conditional Parameters
This shortcode can be used also to conditionally display some content based on how the user has performed on the selected tests. You can use conditions for point range, percentage range and range for percent from maximum points. All conditions can be used at the same time.
The content enclosed between such shortcode will be shown only if all the conditions are met. This is a very useful way to display something only when the conditions are met. It’s almost like the standard quiz grading except that the grade will not be stored anywhere and cannot trigger certificates or other actions.
Here’s how to use it:
`[watupro-multiquiz quiz_ids="2,3,25" condition_points="10-25" condition_percent_correct="50-100" condition_percent_max="50-100"]`
Congratulations you did extremely well and earned a discount code: **BIGDISCOUNT**
On the 3 quizzes you collected a total of %%MULTI_POINTS%% points and you gave average of %%MULTI_PERCENTAGE%%% correct answers.
You can skip any of the condition attributes to use only one or two of them.
Event Triggers in Intelligence Module for Arigato PRO
Event triggers are powerful way to do automated actions in your WordPress auto-responder when certain events happen. This page explains the event triggers in the Intelligence module for [Arigato RPO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/):
**Subscribes to** is a pretty obvious trigger. It fires immediately when a subscriber subscribes to a selected mailing list.
**Unsubscribes from,** similar to the above fires immediately. It lets you subscribe the user to another list (not recommended without their agreement!), automatically unsubscribe them from other lists, etc.
**Clicks on** is a trigger that fires immediately when the subscriber clicks in a **trackable link** inside the email message. Trackable links are another feature enabled by the Intelligence module. It lets you track clicks and CTR on links that you insert in your messages.
**Does not click on** is a pseudo-trigger that is executed once daily. There is no event “not click” on a link but with these pseudo triggers you can select that something will happen if the user does not perform an action within X days of their registration. In this case the trigger means: do something if the user does not click on a selected link within, for example 30, days of their registration. It does not matter in what email message the trackable link is sent, how many times it is sent, or even if it is not sent at all. If there is no click from that user after X days, the trigger fires.
**Reads autoresponder email** is an immediate trigger. It fires when the subscriber opens the selected email. **Note that these triggers are not reliable** as many email programs ignore the hidden image that we use to track email openings. There will be false-negatives, so don’t use the trigger for anything too important.
**Does not read autoresponder email** is another pseudo-trigger. There is no real “event” here but you can create this daily trigger that will check once per day if the subscriber has opened the selected autoresponder message. If after X days of their registration they still have not read the email, the trigger fires. As with “reads autoresponder email” trigger above, these two triggers are not reliable. There will be false-positives.
**Stays subscribed in** is a daily trigger too. Once daily the program checks if the subscriber is still with us. You can select that if she stays subscribed for 180 (for example) days, she may get tagged as long-term subscriber, moved to another mailing list, or something else.
**Receives autoresponder email** is an immediate trigger. It fires at the moment a specific message is successfully sent to the subscriber from your server. There is no guarantee that the email has been read.
User Groups in WatuPRO
User groups in WatuPRO can help you organize your users, give access to quiz categories, filter the results, have multiple companies test their own users inside the same installation and even with the same tests, and so on.
Manage Groups
There is no limit to the number of groups you can create. Let’s have a look at the User Groups page:

We will discuss the cheъkbox at top that allows you to use WP roles instead at the later this article.
The screen for creating user groups is very simple – the group only needs a name. Once the group is created you can mass assign users to it using the mass-assign link, or go to each individual profile from your main Users page and assign groups:

It’s also possible that one or more groups get automatically assigned to everyone who signs-up. You can also select the option that allows users to manually select what group they want to be in at the time of registration.
Access To Quizzes
One of the primary purposes of user groups is to control the access to quizzes. The easiest way to do it is to restrict specific quiz categories so they can be accessed only by some user groups:

This is very handy if your site handles different subjects, sell access to membership plans, etc.
Paid Tests
If you have the Intelligence module for WatuPRO you are also able to create paid tests. User groups can be used here as well to allow some selected users to access a paid test for free:

Reporting / View Results
When viewing test results you can filter them by user group:

Managing Quizzes and More (Intelligence Module)
User groups are very useful if you want to have teachers or other kinds of managers in the site which have their own groups of students / quiz takers. From WatuPRO Settings page you can enable their user role to manage tests. Then go to “Fine tune these settings” link and restrict their activity by user group:

Selecting the checkbox “Apply user group / user role category restrictions” means that the editor will be able to view and approve results only for quizzes in categories that are allowed to their own user group.
Using WP Roles
We mentioned this option at the beginning. It allows you to use the user roles created by WordPress instead of WatuPRO’s own user groups. In the same way you could restrict quiz categories to user groups, you will be able to do it to user roles instead. You will be able to allow selected user roles to take paid quizzes for free, and so on.
This is sometimes useful when your site is organized around different user roles by other plugins – for example sites with different memberships often use WP user roles to organize them.
Compact Format Questions in WatuPRO
From version 6.4.4 the “Display as compact format” option in WatuPRO has two versions:

The difference between the old version 1 (default) and the new version 2 is best seen on this image:

Version 2 works very similar to the multi-column design of the questions but has no fixed number of columns and the choices are left aligned instead of spread equally on the whole width of the quiz area.
**Version 3** added in WatuPRO will be a mix of the two: question at left and answers floating at right as much as the space allows.
WatuPRO 6.4
Version 6.4 of WatuPRO is ready. As usual there have been a whole lot of significant improvements and new features from the previous major release. Here you are:
- - Reuse questions now functions better like a question bank. Learn more [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/powerful-question-bank-features-in-watupro-6-3-8/).
- Added optional question title for management purposes. It will be shown in the administration instead of the question contents where applicable.
- Our own enhancement to the Aiken import format lets you import questions also passing optional question category line and an answer explanation line.
- Allowed configurable separator for flashcard questions (this will avoid problems that using = sign causes to flashcards with HTML or images in them). The configuration is on the Flashcard design settings page.
- Created a new shortcode generator which will make creating WatuPRO shortcodes much easier. It’s a work in progress but you can already use it for most of the shortcodes.
- Added sortable columns on the “Mass assign users” page for user groups.
- A flag will show for questions marked for review after submitting the quiz so the users know that questions have been marked.
- Show marked for review questions in the questions paginator when loading a started earlier “in progress” quiz attempt.
- You can now pass tags to the standard quiz shortcode to pull only questions that contain any of the listed tags.
- The watupro-result shortcode also accepts value “percent_points” for the “what” attribute to return the percentage of maximum points on that quiz attempt.
- Added option for handling problematic LaTeX imports & removed unwanted backslashes from other imports.
- The settings to automatically cleanup or blankout data can now be used together with different parameters. So you can get some data completely cleaned up when certain conditions are met and other data only blanked out when other conditions are met.
- The setting “pull X random questions” for a quiz can now be overridden from the shortcode by using the “pull_random” attribute.
- Added configuration for default final screen and default email output contents which to be prepopulated when creating a new quiz.
- The WP dashboard stats widget can be switched off for non-admins from WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings and Pages tab.
- Added some mass-change options to Manage Quizzes page. More can be added in the next releases.
- Added new filter on the View Results page: only logged in users, only guests, or both (default).
- Added email and username filters on the “mass assign users to a group” page.
- When single-choice questions are drop-downs they will have default “please select” value so the question can be left unanswered or trigger required question alert when answering the question is required.
- The question categories page now allows sorting by ID or category name and contains information about the number of subcategories in each category.
- New option in Settings -> Theme and design lets you choose to show both question title and contents in the admin pages.
- A filter by role is added on the “Mass assign users to a group” page.
- Attribute “random_per_category” can be passed to the quiz shortcode to overwrite the saved “Pull X random questions per category” setting.
- The optional Save button for logged in users can now be enabled for all pagination types and together with automatically storing user progress.
- “Export this page” is changed to show the same name and email like on the View results page when user has provided different contact email address and name than the logged in user’s.
- Added CSS classes to the submit quiz buttons.
- The default value of the submit button is now “View results”. You can change it in WatuPRO Settings page, and for each individual quiz on Edit Quiz -> General Settings tab.
- Date and time will be exported on View results and All quiz submissions pages.
- [Intelligence module] Added shortcode to display a list of quizzes in a bundle.
- [Intelligence module] Added shortcode watupro-personality-chart which prints a bar chart based on the perfomance in each personality type. See the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu for more details.
- [Intelligence module] Locked tests will show also the test title in the My Quizzes page.
- [Intelligence module] You can now pass colors to the watupro-personality-chart shortcode while specifying which color to which personality matches. Use the “assoc_colors” attribute for this. See here for more information:
- [Intelligence module] On personality quizzes -> View results page you will see a link “Toggle per personality” which will show you the points collected per each personality type.
- [Intelligence module] The “User choice” options can now be passed as shortcode attribute thus dynamically having different versions of the same quiz with different flexibility of user choice (or none of it).
- [Reporting module] The shortcode watupror-user-cat-chart can now produce horizontal bar chart if you pass the new attribute orientation=”horizontal”
- [Reporting module] The pie charts from the watupror-pie-chart shortcode can be generated as real images instead of default JavaScript chart mode. The reason for this is these images can work also in email contents and PDF downloads. To activate this mode pass the attribute mode=”gd” to the shortcode. It requires the GD library to be installed on your server (most hosts have it).
- [Reporting module] A parameter “colors” (comma separated colors with words or HTML values) can be passed to the watupror-user-cat-chart shortcode to use your own colors for the chart.
- [Reporting module] Added optional parameter “quiz_id” to the watupror-qcat-total shortcode which allows you to limit the stat to a specific quiz. The parameter “what” now supports also value “percent_points” to calculate the percentage of maximum points. Note that this can be query intensive.
- [Reporting module] Parameter “latest_attempt=1” added to the watupro-qcat-total shortcode allows you to base the calculated totals only on the latest attempt on each quiz.
- [Reporting module] Added shortcode watupror-quiz-cat-chart which works similar to watupror-user-cat-chart but draws the chart for all attempts from all respondents on the test.
- Fixed bug: checkmarks were shown on sortable and flashcard questions even when the option not to show any checkmarks was selected.
- Fixed bug when importing answers with backslashes.
- Fixed bug: a “per page” drop-down selector was wrongly showing on watupro-takings shortcode.
- Fixed problem with email checkmarks on open-end questions.
- CSS Fixes
- Fixed bug: “Don’t store any data…” was still updating logged in user points balance.
- Fixed the wording for scheduled quizzes to properly address the case when the quiz was scheduled in the past.
- Fixed bug: “Accept free text answer” property was not copied when copying a quiz.
- Fixed bug: in some cases **watupro-myexams ALL** shortcode was displaying no tests.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when user role is not allowed the access the Settings page, the link to it should not appear on the Quizzes page.
- Fixed bug: passing some of the shortcode attributes to the main quiz shortcode was removing some of quiz properties.
I know many of you have requests for features or improvements in the queue. As you can see we are doing a huge huge amount of work on each major release and satisfying most of the requests. If you have a request pending, it’s likely it will be included in the upcoming releases. So be patient, stay safe and enjoy the update.
Powerful Question Bank Features in WatuPRO 6.3.8
**This feature requires the Intelligence module.**
From version 6.3.8 the feature that allows you to reuse questions in the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) just got dramatically better. (Learn the difference between copying, reusing and import/export of questions [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/copy-reuse-or-import-questions-in-watupro-whats-the-difference/))
Before this version you could only choose which tests to reuse questions from and it used all questions from them. This continues to be the default behavior but now you have much more flexibility. Let’s shortly dive in:
How To Use It
Go to the Manage Questions page of your quiz and select the checkbox to reuse questions. It will open a form that allows you to select the quizzes you want to reuse questions from.

By default it includes all the questions from these quizzes into the current quiz. This works perfectly as a simple question bank. You can still select to pull X random questions from the whole bunch of questions, pull X random questions per question category, or even choose different number of questions from each question category. This happens on Edit quiz -> Advanced Settings tab.
This allows you to control the questions in one or more tests used as question banks. Any changes you do to these questions will be used on the fly on all quizzes that reuse them. This different to copying questions which creates separate copies in each quiz.
Selecting Specific Questions
Till now you could not choose only some of the questions from the source quizzes (except the option to pull a random number). If you wanted specific questions you had to use the Copy feature.
From version 6.3.8 of the plugin you can use the checkbox “Use only selected questions” (shown on the image above) to select exactly which questions you want to reuse.
**Note that from the moment you select the checkbox and save your quiz will have no questions at all.** After saving all the questions from all source tests will appear on the page in a table very similar to the table that is shown on the Manage Questions page of a regular quiz.
You have to select which questions you want to use (using the checkboxes at the leftmost column) and save using the button at the bottom of the table. From this point further your quiz will be using the selected questions.
There is no Delete link here: if you want to remove a question from the quiz simply unselect the checkbox and save. You can edit or delete the questions only in the quizzes where they are created (the question banks).
- At the moment it’s not possible to reorder the questions in the target quiz. If you don’t use randomization the questions will be shown by the order given in the question banks.
- To deactivate a question simply un-select it and save so it won’t be used.
- You can not set a priority of the question for the target quiz. The priority and all other question attributes are give in the question bank.
Using The Super Powers of Tags and Segments in Arigato PRO Intelligence Module
Organizing your subscribers in different mailing lists is great but sometimes you need a bit further categorization – for example based on ad campaign you ran, on interest shown in a given product(s) etc.
Tagging users in Arigato PRO
Fortunately the WordPress auto-responder plugin [Arigato PRO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) comes with an easy way to tag users manually in the administration. Go to your Mailing Lists page, click on Subscribers and when you add or edit a subscriber you have the option to specify tags:

Then in the Manage Subscribers page you can use the filters to search subscribers by the standard fields, custom fields, or one or multiple tags (including any or all tags):

You can then see information on the filtered users, export them for importing in a different mailing list and so on.
That’s good, but the real power comes if you have the **Intelligence module** installed.
Segmenting by Tags
The real power comes when you start segmenting your lists so you can create newsletters and auto-responder messages targeted only to parts of your list. This way you can laser – focus your marketing messages. For example you can send a message only to people of chosen gender, age, or location.
Using tags goes a step further and allows you to segment subscribers by marketing campaign, interests, or anything else that you tag them with:

It’s all good but up to this point you have to add tags manually. Let’s make this even better:
Using Trigger Events to Add or Remove Tags
The event triggers let you add or remove tags (and also move people between lists) when they do any of the following:
- Subscribe to a mailing list
- Unsubscribe from a mailing list
- Click on a trackable link
- Do not click on a trackable link for a number of days after signup
- Read an email
- Just stay subscribed for given number of days

This is super powerful – it lets you for example tag users as interested in a product when they click on a link, tag them as inactive and so on.
And then use these tags for segmentation to send them the right sequence of email messages.
By using these features you can hugely improve your conversion rates and increase profits AND the user satisfaction because they will receive only content they are interested in.
WatuPRO 6.3
The quiz and survey plugin WatuPRO is updated to version 6.3. Here are the improvements and fixes:
- Added option to store quiz results / data only when the quiz is taken from a logged in user. The option is on Edit quiz / Advanced Settings tab.
- Added option to limit the number of words on open-end questions. When limiting the words, a word counter will appear under the text box.
- Added option to accept free text entry on one of the options of single choice and multiple choice questions. This is useful mostly for surveys where you want to collect additional information on “other” selection not listed in the pre-defined answers.
- The WordPress “embed” shortcode can now be used in questions to embed videos and other objects.
- The design adjustment for mobile devices (distance between question choices) now supports px and em and defaults to 0.5 em.
- Added option to make choices in single-choice and multiple-choice questions checked by default. Mostly useful for survey questions.
- Added filter to allow custom plugins modify the collected points on a quiz.
- New option lets you define that the grade-based restriction for allowed test re-attempt (on Edit Quiz -> User and Email tab, options for logged in users) is also time-limited and expires after a defined period of days.
- When copying quiz you can now filter questions by category.
- When copying quiz you can now filter questions by tags.
- Added tags to quizzes for filtering in the administration.
- Added parameter “cat_id” to the watupro-result shortcode. It lets you show the result for a specific question category.
- Filters used on the “View results” page will now apply if you blank out or cleanup taking data (instead of blanking out or deleting all quiz results).
- Added setting for min/max points and percent correct answers on the “automatically cleanup/blankout” setting so you can have better control.
- Added compatibility with the latest bridge to BuddyPress ().
- When selecting “Don’t display questions that were previously answered by the user” or “Hide only correctly answered questions “ you can choose to restart over once all questions are used.
- Added “Quiz category” filter when viewing all quiz submissions.
- From “Advanced Settings” tab of the quiz you can now limit the total number of allowed submissions. After that number of users have submitted the quiz it will no longer be available.
- Optional parameter “category_id” added to the watupro shortcode. It allows you to limit questions in the quiz to only a given category via the shortcode.
- Added optional quiz thumbnail. It can be used in the “watuprolist” shortcode to display quizzes with thumbnail. More information at
- [Intelligence module and WooCommerce bridge] Paid certificates as now supported as WooCommerce products.
- When the final grade in this quiz will depend on the performance on different question categories: added option to ignore specific category requirements if questions from that category were not present in the quiz. This may happen if you pull random questions etc.
- Added configuration to not scroll the screen when pressing “start quiz” button.
- Added “records per page” selector on the View results page.
- In the condition “Re-submitting is allowed only if some of the following grades is achieved” we have also added None (no grade achieved) as option.
- Added “date range” filter on the View results page.
- Added check for corrupt file uploads (0 bytes) on questions that accept file uploads as answer.
- [Intelligence module] When teacher edits student answers they can now change the uploaded file to questions that allow uploading files.
- [Intelligence module] Added permission type “View and edit/approve results” for the multi-user role configuration for “quizzes access”.
- [Intelligence module] “Fill the gaps” questions can now accept placeholder attribute. Learn more at
- [Intelligence module] Added “% of max. Points” as new dependency type for Dependencies.
- [Intelligence module] You can optionally set URL where the user will be redirected to pay for the quiz instead of using the default payment buttons. This is useful if you are selling the quiz as a part of a bundle or through the WooCommerce bridge, etc.
- [Intelligence module] When role setting for quizzes access is set to “only view and approve results” you can restrict the access to the emailing feature in editing results.
- [Reporting module] New shortcode watupro-pie-chart lets you generate pie charts from user’s performance per question category on a single quiz attempt.
- Various improvements to the main CSS and theme CSS files for compatibility with different plugins and themes.
- Added option to show full snapshot of user answer in the table view, along with the optional answer feedback.
- [Reporting module] Added “size” attribute to the watupro-chart-by-grade shortcode.
- Fixed problems with handling images in “flashcard” questions.
- Fixed bug: the feature “treat this question as a whole” was working only with the Intelligence module installed.
- Fixed CSS issue: global normalization removed.
- Fixed bug: when custom field 1 from “Ask for contact details” was marked as drop-down, custom field 2 was also displayed as drop-down.
- Fixed bug with Twitter social sharing URL.
- Fixed issue: on some installations user session was getting lost in Ajax causing results not to be saved.
- Fixed issues with missing properties and answers when copying quizzes.
- Fixed bug: the condition “maximum number of points” required on checkbox questions did not work correctly on some installations.
- Fixed issue [Reporting module]: On Stats per question page match/matrix questions were also listed with all their choices. Only percentage correct answer is suitable for stats on this question type.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: personality quizzes were not properly copied with the “copy quiz” feature.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: managing coupon codes was not accessible to allowed non-admin user roles.
- Fixed bug: “max selections” on multiple choice questions did not work in some edge cases.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: some variables were not processed when emailing edited taking details. Other variables cannot be processed so they were removed from the list.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module] time limited bundles were wrongly redirecting to the selected URL even if a payment has expired.
- Fixed bug with rich text editor on question answers.
The update is distributed in the dashboard of eligible cusotmers. If your free upgrades subscription has expired, don’t worry – you can renew with 60% discount. See the discount code in the dashboard or contact us to get it.
List Quizzes in WatuPRO
The shortcode **watuprolist** lets you output a dynamic list of quizzes in a given category or all categories. Here’s how to use it to show the quizzes in one category:
[watuprolist cat_id=X]
Replace X with the actual quiz category ID. For example [watuprolist cat_id=3].
To show the quizzes from all categories use the shortcode this way: [watuprolist cat_id=”ALL”]
Ordering the quizzes
You can order the quizzes by title or by date of creation (latest on top or first on top). To do this add the attribute “orderby” to the shortcode.
Example: [watuprolist cat_id=”ALL” orderby=”latest”] or [watuprolist cat_id=5 orderby=”title”] or [watuprolist cat_id=1 orderby=”created”]
Note that all these shortcodes will display only the **published** tests. A quiz which is not published inside a post or page, or is deactivated will not be shown.
Design the list
By default the shortcode returns a simple list with <p> tags for each quiz. You can however pass your own HTML design enclosed by the shortcode using some variables:
- {{{quiz-name}}} for the quiz name.
- {{{quiz-url}}} for the quiz URL so you can link to it (this will return just the URL and NOT a clickable link. So use “<a href” tag.
- {{{quiz-description}}} for the quiz description (if any)
- {{{quiz-thumbnail}}} for the quiz thumbnail if any. It will generate an “<img src” tag with class “watupro-quiz-thumbnail” in case there is an image. In case there is no image it will return nothing. Note that the image size will not be specified in the img tag. You can use the CSS class if you wish to fix the image size.
- {{{quiz-thumbnail-url}}} will return the URL of the quiz thumbnail. This variable could be useful in case you want to use your own “<img src” tag with some extra attributes. Use it only if all your quizzes have thumbnails – otherwise you’ll get some broken images displayed.
- {{{quiz-category}}} for the quiz category – useful if you list tests from all categories.
Here is an example how to use the shortcode with your own design. Since this example uses WatuPRO’s built-in flex class it will nicely align the quizzes into responsive floating rectangles:
Here’s how this looks for example on our demo site:
### Open Quiz
### New Open Quiz
Of course you may use your own completely different design with CSS classes from your site theme.
Arigato PRO 3.1
Version 3.1 of the premium drip-marketing and autoresponder plugin [Arigato PRO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) is now ready. Here’s the change log:
- Added option to copy subscribers from one list to another. The copied subscribers will have the same signup date as in the old list.
- The web based cron-job option will now rely on WP Cron like other plugins. This will ensure more reliable email sending to users who can’t run real cron jobs and better control.
- Added WooCommerce integration. If WooCommerce is installed you can enable the integration from Arigato Pro Settings page. Then you’ll be able to assign products to mailing lists so when a product is purchased the customer is automatically subscribed to the mailing list. More information at
- Added unsubscribe action to the WooCommerce integration. This allows you to remove users from prospect lists after they purchase target product(s).
- A new feature allows you send the “0 days” emails at least X minutes after registration in case you want them to be sent on the same day but not immediately.
- Added optional reply-to field for individual newsletter and autoresponder email messages. When the field is used you can set a different reply-to address for these emails.
- Added Caldera Forms integration. If you have Caldera forms installed you will see “Integrate in Caldera form” link in your Mailing lists page, under Subscribe form column.
- When user is automatically subscribed WP user you’ll see a hyperlinked username under the “Source” column. The link goes to edit user profile in admin.
- Proper script src tag added to the HTML form code for subscribe forms when using reCaptcha version 2.
- Added shortcode attribute form_name which allows you to track from which form exactly your users subscribe. For Gozaimasu visual designer users this form name will be generated and stored automatically.
- Added hash parameter to user ID when “prepend user ID” option is used to prevent users from viewing other user’s data.
- Reworked the HTML code for using outside of the WP site or in various pop-up services that overwrite our CSS.
- Added optional description to newsletters for management purposes.
- Added optional description to autoresponder email messages for management purposes.
- Converted the character set of newsletter and emails tables to allow saving UTF-8 characters like WP Emojis.
- You can now create optional poll on the unsubscribe page to understand the reason why users unsubscribe.
- [Intelligence module]Fixed issue with duplicate unsubscribe link when email templates contained {{unsubscribe-url}}
- [Gozaimasu module] You can now run A/B tests on multiple form designs. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/running-a-b-tests-in-arigato-gozaimasu/
- [Gozaimasu module] A new form style added: sticky bar, top or bottom. More improvements and types coming soon.
- [Gozaimasu module] Keep the sticky bar closed for the current session if the user closes it or subscribes.
- [Gozaimasu module] A new form style added: slide-in (left or right).
- [Gozaimasu module] Responsive pop-ups can now be marked as exit-intent pop-ups and apear only when the visitor moves the mouse out of the window.
- [Intelligence module] Added “prepend user ID” option to trackable links.
- Fixed issues with serialization of custom fields.
- Fixed bug: when auto-subscribing user from WP registration the list captcha requirements should be ignored.
- Fixed bug with Contact Form 7 integration.
WatuPRO Bridge to BuddyPress
This free bridge connects WatuPRO to [BuddyPress](https://buddypress.org/). It currently allows you to make members automatically join or leave groups when they complete WatuPRO tests and/or restrict access to tests based on BuddyPress groups membership.
[Download version 0.4.5 (8 KB)](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/watupro-bp.zip)
Once you install and activate the plugin you will see link “Bridge to BuddyPress” in your WatuPRO menu in the dashboard.
The following page will let you add or edit existing rules:

And on Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab, if you enable “Require user login”, you will also see an option to limit quiz access based on BuddyPress group membeship:

(The option will appear only if you have some BP groups created)
### Certain BP group members can access paid tests for free
This options available from version 0.4.5 and requires WatuPRO or newer version with the Intelligence module installed. When you create a paid test you will be able to define that members of selected BuddyPress groups can access it for free:

WatuPRO 6.2
Version 6.2 of the quiz plugin WatuPRO is ready with lots of improvements and bug fixes:
- Created ActiveCampaign bridge for automatically subscribing quiz takes to your ActiveCampaign mailing lists. You can find it at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-to-activecampaign/
- Added option to not prompt the user when they are trying to submit a paginated quiz but are not on the last page.
- Added option to discard negative points on a question so points collected are never below zero.
- Added option to set maximum possible points on questions with multiple correct answers.
- Replaced jQuery document.ready calls with vanilla JS alternative. Reason: some themes load jQuery in the footer and this causes errors. While we don’t encourage this behavior we’ll do our best to support all environments.
- Changed the “Flag for review” icon with a flag. You can still choose the old icon from WatuPRO Settings page -> Theme and Design tab.
- The dynamic CSS created by the Theme and Design preferences is moved to an external CSS file to avoid collisions with some themes and plugins.
- Removed unwanted backslashes from flashcard questions (when apostrophes or quotes are used in them).
- Added new variable for the field for sending quiz completion email which allows you to pull email address from user meta table. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-dynamic-variables-in-watupro-email-field/
- When “Don’t display questions that were previously answered” is selected together with “When no more attempts are available display the latest result” the quiz page will display the latest result along with the “all questions answered” message.
- New mass-change option on Manage Questions page: exclude from showing on the final screen (%%ANSWERS%% variable).
- Added {{{max-points}}} tag in the optional answer feedback area to allow showing the maximum possible points on a question.
- Added button to delete all unfinished attempts on a quiz.
- The timer of timed tests supports short format like 5:25 and the current long textual format. You can change this at the WatuPRO Settings page -> Theme and Design tab. The text “Time left:” is also configurable at the WatuPRO Text Settings page.
- Added timestamp parameter to the URL after using watupro-retake shortcode to avoid loading the quiz page from cache.
- Fixed smaller font for the percentage indicator of the progress bar on mobile screen so the text does not go outside of the colored area.
- Added compatibility with Simple Designer plugin v 1.1 so “maximum selections” on multiple choice questions is also respected in quizzes using that addon.
- The checkbox advanced setting “Don’t auto-scroll the screen when user moves from page to page “ is made visible for all pagination types.
- When a timed quiz is started save the current state of questions in case the quiz is randomized – so the same questions are loaded in case of closing the page, back button, refresh etc.
- [Intelligence module] Added option to charge for issuing a certificate. This way you can make a test which is free to take but the important results are stored in the paid certificate.
- The contact field variables from Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab -> Ask for user contact details section can now be used in certificates.
- From Settings page -> User Settings tab you can choose whether the new users to be registered with “student” role or with the default role for your site. Till now all users registered from quiz pages were getting “student” role.
- Custom quiz CSS themes can now be created from admin instead of dealing with files.
- [Intelligence module]Added dynamic time stamp to the return URL of Paypal payments to prevent the quiz page from being cached and showing the payment button again.
- [Intelligence module] Added sortable question color & design settings in the Theme and Design tab of WatuPRO Settings page.
- [Intelligence module] Added variable {{{percent-answers}}} to the watupro-expand-personality-result shortcode.
- [Reporting module] Added percent correct colun on the History report table
- Fixed bug: when using checkbox groups the answer text and the {{{answerto-X}}} variable were showing only the answers on the last group.
- Fixed bug: when there is “pull X random per category” selection and the questions are not grouped by category, important questions were not always included in the random selection with priority.
- Fixed bug: When “show answer” button was used the user could not rate the question anymore (when ratings are enabled).
- Fixed bug: when “pull max X answers per question” is selected even questions with “Don’t randomize answers” selection had their answers randomized.
- Fixed issues with Twitter sharing when custom Twitter button is used.
- Fixed bug: missing category grades information in admin.
- Fixed edge case issues with calculating grades dependent on category performance when the Chained Logic addon is used.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when a quiz is reusing question from multiple quizzes the option “Let user choose number of random questions” was using only the questions from the first quiz.
- Fixed bug: performance per category should be calculated for all quizzes with grade dependent on category even if no category grade related variables are used in the final screen.
- Added notice about outdated versions of Chained Logic addon. If you are using it, please install the latest.
- Fixes to the visible on-screen timer: it should now be fully consistent with the back-end server and does not lag or go faster than real time even on very long tests.
- Fixed problem with Theme adjustments: spacing between questions.
- Fixed problem with bar_width attribute of watupro-basic-chart shortcode
- Fixed bug: “Case insensitive” exact match on open-end questions and “Fill the gaps” questions did not work correctly with non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed bug: new lines were getting lost in “Sahre by email” feature.
- Fixed bug with displaying the first question when the quiz had stored in-progress snapshots of answered questions.
- Fixed issue with HTML tags entered as answers in Visual mode of the rich text editor, used htmlspecialchars to allow re-saving them properly.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the shortcode watupror-user-cat-chart did not work properly in PDF.
- Fixed bug: users with rights to manage only their own quizzes were not able to export questions.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when manually editing quiz results from administration the certificates were not properly assigned.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module] taken tests stats were not properly counting the number of tests when they were published in a non-standard way.
- Fixed bug: “do not show checkmarks” was not working properly for “fill the gaps” questions.
- Minor fixes to translation issues.
Programmatically Add User in Arigato PRO & Arigato Lite
If you have custom function that wants to subscribe user in Arigato PRO or Arigato Lite mailing list, here is the code that you need to use.
For Arigato PRO:
if(!class_exists('BFTProUser')) return false; // avoid fatal errors in case Arigato PRO is not activated
$_user = new BFTProUser();
$_user->ignore_redirect = true;
// array with user data:
$vars = array(
"name" => "John Smith", // required
"email" => "john@my-domain.com", // required
"list_id" => 5, // the ID of the mailing list, required
"source" => "my custom function", // optional
try {
// the function returns the newly inserted subscriber ID
$message = '';
$subscriber_id = $_user -> subscribe($vars, $message, true);
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Essentially this is all you need. The function will ignore list redirect and captcha requirements.
For Arigato Lite:
This is even simpler:
if(!function_exists('bft_subscribe')) return false;
bft_subscribe("john@my-domain.com", "John Smith", true, true);
Running A/B Tests in Arigato Gozaimasu
A/B testing is a great way to figure out which of different subscribe form designs perform best by attracting most subscribers per impression. And since the visual designer in [Arigato Gozaimasu](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/gozaimasu.html) provides you a lot of possible designs – regular inline forms, responsive pop-ups, sticky top or bottom bars, or animated slide-ins – it’s great to know what works best for you. Now you can do it, with the A/B testing tool that the module provides.
Creating A/B Tests
To create A/B tests for a mailing list you need to create at least 2 form designs for that list using the Gozaimasu visual designer. You can access the visual designer through your Mailing Lists page under column Subscribe Form. The link is just under the simple subscribe form shortcode:

Once you have created and saved at least two designs you will see the A/B tests link next to the Save Design button:

It will also be shown on the Mailing Lists page next to the Visual designer link:

Clicking on the link will take you to the page with A/B tests created for that mailing list. A/B tests are always specific to a mailing list. Initially you will see no tests (because you have to create them first). Creating a test is very simple, it just requires name and selecting which of the existing designs you want to test. Include at least two designs:

That’s it. Save your test and when you go to the previous page you will see it along with its shortcode:

The shortcode of the test is what you need to publish on a page or inside a widget on your site to get the test running. **Important:** stats will not be recorded for the A/B if you use the individual design shortcodes provided on the Visual designer page. You should use the A/B test shortcode.
It ensures equal rotation of all the designs included in it and calculates stats that will show you which design performs best.
Viewing and Interpretation of Results
Once your A/B test start getting impressions you will see a table showing the performance of the different designs tested:

Since the tool ensures equal number of impressions for each tested design, the most important metrics you need to look at are the percentages – signups / impressions and active / impressions. Here “active” means the subscribers who have confirmed their email addresses so it’s probably correct to assume it the most important stat you need to know. The design that has the highest percentage of active / confirmed subscribers per 100 impressions is the best performing design.
We would recommend waiting for at least few hundred impressions per design before making conclusions. Once you decide on the best design you can replace the A/B test shortcode on your pages with the specific design shortcode.
Troubleshooting Email Sending Problems In Arigato PRO
You have created a campaign or a newsletter and have a mailing list, but emails are not sending as expected? Frustrating for sure. This guide will help you figure it out quickly.
There are exactly two possible causes (excluding the possibility that you just did not sent that newsletter) why emails would not be sent:
- The server is not sending emails
- The cron job is not running
How To Know Which Is The Problem?
Very easy. Make sure one of your mailing lists has “double opt-in confirmation” selected and sign up for it (sign up from the front-end, not from admin). You should receive a confirmation email in a minute or so with a link to activate your account. Possible outcomes:
- **The email is received.** Good, your server is sending emails fine. Now you know that the problem is not working cron job and you can go straight to the next section.
- **The email is in spam.** Your server is sending the emails but they go to spam. [Read this](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/howto.html?q=4). Check also if the expected newsletters / autoresponder messages are there. If they are, you know the problem, read the guide linked above. If they are not, you have two problems: emails going to spam and cron job not working.
- **The email is not received anywhere.** This means your server is not sending emails (please note Arigato simply relays emails to WordPress and problems with sending emails do not originate in the plugin). How to resolve: install [Easy WP SMTP](https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-wp-smtp/) or a similar SMTP plugin and try again. Very often this will solve the problem because using SMTP is far more reliable than using the default WordPress mailing function. If the email is still not received, send a test email through your SMTP plugin. Then forward the debug information it provides to your hosting support so they can check what’s wrong.
- **Never send emails from Gmail email address if you are not using Google’s SMTP.** Google will block these emails as phishing suspects and they will never be delivered. You can use @gmail.com address as sender ONLY if you are using Gmail as your SMTP.
Cron Job Not Working?
A “cron job” is the scheduled task that takes care to send your newsletters in batches and the autoresponder messages at the right time. Did you set up a cron job after installing Arigato PRO? Go to your Arigato PRO Settings page and check what you have selected:

If you have selected the first option like on the screenshot, you must set up a scheduled task (cron job) on your Cpanel. More about this below.
If you have selected the second option, you don’t need to set up a scheduled task. The option is reliable enough but your site should have at the very minimum 5 – 10 visitors every day, preferably more. You can have a bot or script to do this using a service like [UptimeRobot](https://uptimerobot.com/).
We need to discuss more about the first option. To set up a cron job you need to copy the command shown in your Arigato PRO Help page and place it in your hosting control panel. If you have never set up a cron job before, [check this guide](http://calendarscripts.info/cron-jobs-tutorial.html). We have given two commands that should work fine on 99% of the servers. Try with first command and see if the cron job is running – you can check this at the Help page -> Cron Job Log tab.
Possible outcomes:
- **Seeing ” Cron job ran at…… with result: Success”.** Good, it’s working.
- **Seeing “Temporary lock file protection in effect” messages.** Good, this is not error. It just means that the cron job runs a bit too often and hits the duplicate emails protection. It’s working fine. You can decrease the frequency of your cron job but nothing else is required. Not even emailing us asking why you see this message in the log.
- **Seeing some other error.** You may need to email your hosting support or us about it.
- **Not seeing any entries in the log.** This means that the command is not correct on your server. Try the second command, wait until it has to run and check the log again.
You’ll either have it running now which means problem is resolved, or not running, in which case you have the following options:
- **Contact your hosting support for help.** Only they could know what is the correct command on their server to run a PHP script.
- **Use a service to hit your cron job URL from the net.** The exact URL is shown as third command in your Help page inside your Arigato PRO menu:
(please do not retype the URL from this screenshot. It’s our URL. Yours is different and is shown in your Help page). There are many free or very low priced services which will do this work for you. We recommend [cron-job.org](https://cron-job.org/en/) which is completely free.
Don’t forget also that if your site is regularly visited you can simply use the option “I will rely on my site visitors to initiate the email sending by visiting the site”.
Arigato PRO is giving many options that should handle every server.
WatuPRO 6.1
The WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO has been updated to version 6.1. Here is the list of improvements and fixes:
- Now the rich text editor is available on all answers of questions without the need to save the question first, all on the same page, in a lot more convenient way than before.
- Difficulty level can be passed in the quiz shortcode like this: **watupro X difficulty_level=”Easy”** (where X is the quiz ID). In such case it will override any selection made in the Edit quiz form.
- You can overwrite the default style.css file by placing a copy of it in your theme folder, under folder called “watupro” (similar to how you can override view files and the main JS file). Note that this should be used only for quite specific adjustments. Most design adjustments are better done by design themes.
- Now you can have more than one certificate earned by a single test attempt: one regular certificate attached to a grade plus any number of “multiple quiz” certificates as long as taking that specific quiz triggers them because of satisfied requirements.
- Each certificate allows using custom text for the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable on the final screen. When used will replace the default “You can now print your certificate” text.
- Multiple quiz certificates can require min. percentage and points for every quiz in the selected group instead of just averages from all attempts. For compatibility with existing setups the old option remains default.
- The quiz timer support decimals, for example 2.5 minutes.
- Placing the tag {{{loggedin}}} inside the final screen allows you to show different content to logged in and non-logged in users. The contents before the tag will be shown to the logged in users and the contents after the tag to the strangers. This lets you for example invite visitors to register to take new quizzes and so on.
- When user ran out of time in a timed quiz and their results were automatically submitted, this will be shown under “time spent” column on “View results” page.
- The feature “Hold displaying the results until a date in the future” (available in the Final Screen tab of the Edit quiz page) now allows you to limit this holding period only to chosen user groups or user roles. This way for example you can have immediate results for premium users and delayed results for other users.
- Added optional log for tests with timer. You can enable it from the Advanced Settings tab of Edit quiz page. Do it only in case you suspect timer problems.
- You can now allow users to print the final screen as PDF. The option is on Edit Quiz -> Quiz Output tab and requires PDF bridge version 1.4.3 or newer.
- Added filter for developers which allows you to plug in completely custom grade calculation. More information at
- Resolved CSS conflict with MathJax on some themes. If you have problems with formulas you need to check the MathJax checkbox on WatuPRO Settings page.
- Improvements to the category based paginator: highlights the first category at initial loading and properly highlights the category tab when going back to previous question with the Previous button.
- When a numbered question paginator is used and a question is marked for review the number for that question will get a dashed border.
- Added attribute “per_page” to the watupro-takings shortcode to specify other than the default 10 results per page. Set it to -1 if you want to display all attempts on a single page.
- Made improvements to timer handling and logging.
- Added option to enter your custom “You need to be logged in or registered” text for user-only quizzes along with custom login URL. This allows to integrate better with custom built login and registration pages, use your own image or button etc.
- Added filter ‘watupro-user-file-uploaded’ before storing user uploaded files as question answers.
- New parameter added to watupro-takings shortcode: show_contact_data. When set to 1 it will display the additional contact data from the “ask user for contact details” section, when such data is collected. Note that this data will be shown under the name and not in separate columns.
- Added option to show category title and description on every page when the questions are grouped per category but the pagination is not “one page per question category”. For example this can be very useful for quizzes paginated one page per question.
- Now you can use your custom social sharing buttons. Set their URLs on the WatuPRO Social Sharing options page.
- The WatuPRO Options page now has tabs for easier navigation.
- Added quiz ID filter to the other filters on Manage Quizzes page.
- Added shortcode watupro-paginator to place the questions or category paginator outside of the quiz shortcode (for custom layouts). More details in the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu.
- The external paginator shortcode now allows vertical display.
- Added 25px default space before the “Question X of Y” line and made this configurable in the Settings page -> Theme and Design tab.
- Made improvements to the responsiveness of the buttons under the quiz. They will flexibly flow on various devices and screen sizes. The legacy buttons table can still be preferred by adjusting a setting in the Theme and Design tab of the WatuPRO Settings page.
- Added subcategories to quiz categories for better organization.
- [Intelligence module] Added option to replace user entered multiple spaces in “Fill the gaps” questions with single space to ignore basic typing errors. The option is in the Advanced Settings tab of the Edit quiz page.
- [Intelligence module] Added optional attributes for the bundle buttons that allow you to display text with dynamic price above each button. You can find information about the attributes on the Manage Quiz Bundles page under the table with bundles.
- [Intelligence module] New option in personality quizzes allows you to have only one personality assigned as a result even if multiple personalities collect equal maximal number of points. If you select the option, one of the matching personality will be randomly selected.
- Added more space between question choices on small screens to avoid clickable elements being too close together on the screen. This can be changed in the Design Adjustments section of the WatuPRO Settings page.
- Fixed issues with %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% variable: an un-closed div and not showing uploaded files for questions that accept them.
- Fixed bug: {{{ID}}} variable was not replaced in “table view” of the View Details popup.
- Fixed issues with FB sharing, used the new SDK because the old dialog is no longer supported properly by FB.
- Fixed CSS issue with prev/next buttons showing one under the other on mobile devices.
- Fixed bug: “details_no_popup” attribute did not work in watupro-myxeams shortcode.
- Fixed bug: when “0” was entered as possible correct answer on an open-end question it was not recognized as correct.
- Fixed bug: after introducing decimals in timer the option to let user choose questions did not work.
- [Intelligence module] Fixed bug with saving custom currency on the Payment Settings page.
- Fixed bugs with saving Facebook sharing options.
Myers-Briggs Tests in WatuPRO
This tutorial will show you how to create Myers-Briggs personality quizzes in WatuPRO. It covers the technical side of things and not the psychological side – we won’t be showing what specific questions you have to ask to create such tests. This example will be about creating a “Keirsey temperaments” tests but it can be used for any other kind of Myers-Briggs type of quiz.
If you prefer a video, here you go:
Still we recommend reading the post below for more details.
Step 1: It Does Not Need To Be Marked as a Personality Quiz
I know it may sound confusing, but because Myers-Briggs is a very specific type of test, it’s actually easier to be created as a “knowledge” test where answers get points assigned to them and do not directly assign a personality type. **So you don’t need to select the following setting:**

**Leave it unchecked.**
Step 2: Create Question Categories
Because Myers-Briggs tests rank the respondent into multiple categories, you need to create them as question categories in the system. Using the classic example, there are four categories: Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving:

There is no need to create question sub-categories.
Step 3: Create Your Questions
It’s up to you how many questions you are going to ask and how many points you’ll assign to each of the answers. Typically these tests have mostly single-answer questions but it’s also very common to use “from-to” sliders and [likert scales](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/likert-scale-survey-maker-for-watupro/).
What is important here is:
- **Each of your questions should belong to one of the four categories.** If it’s a question showing how introvert is the quiz taker then it goes to Extraversion/Introversion category. If it’s about sensitivity it goes in the Sensing/Intuition category and so on.
- **Decide how you will assign the points.** For example if you have 10 questions in each category and each question gives from 0 to 10 points depending on the answer, this means the user cat collect between 0 and 100 points in each category. This is important for the next step where you’ll define the grading.
- **You need to follow some logic:** for example if the answer means the user is more inrovert you may want to give more points to that answer. Follow this logic on all questions so at the end more than half of the possible points collected will mean the user is more extrovert than introvert. Similarly do in the other categories.
Step 4: Create Your Grades (Personality Types)
This classical type of Myers-Briggs test has 16 possible combinations of user’s performance in each category, so it has 16 personality types (see [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator)): ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ.
So, you need to create 16 grades or personality types for this test. **Here’s the most important part**: you need the option “The final grade in this quiz will depend on the performance on different question categories” selected:

This will allow you, for every single result, to define the ranges of points that the user needs to collect in order to fall into it. So if we go back to our example with 0 to 100 points possible in each question category, we’ll then know that between 0 and 50 puts the respondent in the first group for that category (which in Extraversion/Introversion would mean he’s an extravert) and 51 to 100 points puts the user into the other group (inroverts). Knowing this for every of the 4 categories, we are able to define the exact criteria for each “grade”:
ISTJ example
The above example is ISTJ: more points going to Introvert, all other categories got less point which put the user into the first group of each. Please note it’s up to you how many points can be in category and how the points put the user into one of the two groups, but it’s important to follow the same logic in all questions.
Here’s an ESFP example:
ESFP example
Here the user ranks as extrovert, perceiving, sensing and feeling. Note that the system will show you the categories in alphabetical order, not in the order of Myers-Briggs tests so be careful how you enter the point ranges.
Step 5: Display Quiz Results
Because these tests are specific you will most likely not want to show points, % correct answers, etc standard texts at the end of the quiz. You’ll most likely want to show only the achieved result. So go to Edit Quiz -> Final Page / Quiz Result and edit the default content to something like this:

This is probably all you want to display. If for some reason you want to include also the %%ANSWERS%% variable to show how the user answered each question, you will not want to show correct / incorrect checkmarks because such quiz has no correct or wrong answers. So go to Edit Quiz page -> Advanced Settings tab and select to hide them:

That’s it, now your Myers-Briggs test needs only to be published.
WatuPRO Developer's API: Custom Grade Calculation
From version 6.0.4 WatuPro has a filter that allows plugging in your own custom grade calculation that replaces the built-in calculation. This can be useful in very specific quizzes where the grade is calculated in a non-standard way and cannot be handled by the existing functions.
This filter is a bit more complicated to explain hence we have created a separate post for it. If you are looking for the general developer’s API guide [it’s here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api/).
### Using the filter:
You need to add the filter in the following way:
`add_filter('watupro_calculate_grade', 'your_callback_function', 10, 8);`
As you can see the filter needs 8 arguments. Here is how your callback function should be structured, with explanation of all arguments:
function your_callback_function($return_arr, $taking_id, $exam_id, $points, $percent, $cat_id, $user_grade_ids, $points_percent) {
// expand $return_arr in the 4 constructing variables if you need:
list($grade_text, $certificate_id, $redirect_url, $grade_object) = $return_arr;
// your custom calculation here which may modify each of the 4 $return_arr elements
// ...
// return array of 4 elements
return array($grade_text, $certificate_id, $redirect_url, $grade_object);
### Attributes / Arguments
Here are the attributes in detail:
**$return_arr** is an array of 4 variables: **$grade_text** is the human-readable grade or personality type returned from the test (title and description); $**certificate_id** is ID of the assigned certificate, if any, otherwise 0; **$redirect_url** is optional URL where the user should be redirected to at the end of quiz, or false if no redirect; **$grade_object** is the grade as DB object returned from the wp_watupro_grades table. You can construct it yourself with the minimum required properties: “title” and “description”.
**$taking_id** is the ID from the watupro_taken_exams table which corresponds to this quiz attempt. VERY IMPORTANT: at the time of grade calculation the $taking_id already exists however the full details are not yet populated in watupro_taken_exams table. That’s why we pass points, percent correct, etc. as additional variables. The purpose of passing $taking_id is that it allows you to access all the individual answers from wp_watupro_student_answers table in your custom grade calculator, should you need so. Example query:
`$answers = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS." WHERE taking_id=%d ORDER BY ID", $taking_id));`
**$exam_id** is the ID of the test / quiz.
**$points** is the number of points collected. If $cat_id is 0, then $points are the total points collected on the attempt. If $cat_id is not 0, then $points is the number of points collected for that specific category ID.
**$percent** is the % correct answers collected. If $cat_id is 0, then $percent is the % correct answers on the whole attempt. If $cat_id is no 0, then $percent is the % correct answers for that specific category ID.
**$cat_id** is the ID of the category for which the grade is calculated. When 0 this means we are calculating the grade / result for the test attempt. When not 0 we are calculating grade for that specific category and you should return grade for that specific category, or none.
**$user_grade_ids** is used only on personality tests. It contains array with IDs of the personality types in a specific format.
**$points_percent** contains the percent of maximum points on this quiz attempt. If $cat_id is not 0, then it’s the percent of maximum points for that category ID.
Your custom function should always return an array of 4 elements as explained in $return_arr above – changed or unchanged. Be very careful not to mess the order of variables as you won’t be getting the expected result.
User Registration / Login and WatuPRO
This post has the goal to answer one of the often asked questions – can you have WatuPRO tie quiz attempts to user accounts? The short answer is **yes, of course.**
Here are more details:
How Does It Work
It’s very easy. In Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab you need to select “Require user login”:
A lot of new options appear when you select this but they are not related to user registration itself.
So, once you select this the quiz will not be accessible to users without accounts. If you want to allow users to register themselves make sure the following option on **your General WordPress Settings page** (not a WatuPRO page!) is selected:

If you don’t want users to register themselves, you need this to be unchecked.
What’s important to understand is that WatuPRO uses the underlying WordPress user login and registration system rather than inventing its own. This has a lot of advantages, with the main one being that any plugins you use to customize user registration and profile pages will affect WatuPRO as well.
About Emails Sent on Registration
Emails that are sent at the time of user registration are controlled by WordPress, not by WatuPRO. If you want to change the email contents you can do it with various other plugins. For example, see [this tutorial](https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-send-a-custom-welcome-email-to-new-users-in-wordpress/).
About Customized User Profiles
If you have customized the user profiles with other plugin or theme, or with your custom code, this should also work fine with WatuPRO. However before rushing to install a custom profile plugin just because you want to collect some contact information along with the quiz, check the option “Ask user for contact details” which we provide at Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab:

About Integration With Membership and Other Plugins
Because WatuPRO uses the built-in WordPress user management system, integration with any other plugins which do so is seamless. Fortunately almost all membership plugins and other plugins dealing with user profile use it as well instead of investing their own. This is the beauty of WordPress.
Please have in mind integration does not mean WatuPro will automatically show custom profile fields somewhere in the quizzes or that other plugins will automatically show WatuPro stats on user profile pages. It means just that any changes that other plugins do to user profile affect the same users that take quizzes.
Copy, Reuse or Import Questions in WatuPRO: What's The Difference?
WatuPRO has several options that make managing and creation of lots of questions easy. Each of them has different purpose, so let’s dive into it:
Copy Questions
You can copy questions (and also grades and quiz settings) from one quiz to a new quiz that will be created on the fly or to an existing quiz. This feature is accessible from two places:
- The Edit Quiz page -> link “Copy into another quiz” on top
- The Manage Questions page -> link “Copy quiz and/or questions” above the table.
Here is how it looks:

When you copy questions you are creating their **duplicates** into the new quiz. You can then go and modify them in the new place and your changes will be applied on the copied questions only. This is exactly the same as re-making these questions manually, it just saves a lot of time.
So, “copy questions” is most suitable when you want to create new quizzes fast and these new quizzes will have similar settings and questions as the one you copied from. It’s good because you can make changes to them without affecting the originals.
But what if you want to have many quizzes pulling questions from question banks? If ten quizzes pull from a bank of 100 questions, it’s not a good idea to copy these questions at ten places – just one typo and you’ll have to edit it ten times.
This is where reusing is far more useful:
Reuse Questions
**The “Reuse Questions” feature is part of the Intelligence module.**
To reuse questions go to the Manage Questions page of the test and select the checkbox:

This super powerful feature lets you use just any other quiz in the system as a question bank and even combine multiple question banks into a single quiz in any way you can imagine.
**Reusing does not create copies of the questions.** It uses them “on the fly”. This means that if you want to change a question you can go to the original quiz where it’s created, change it there and the changes will automatically affect all tests which reuse this question.
So if you want slightly modified questions in another quiz, copy them. If you want exactly the same questions but perhaps in different order, from only some categories or with different quiz settings, then reuse.
From version 6.3.8 you can use the [enhanced reuse questions feature as a question bank](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/powerful-question-bank-features-in-watupro-6-3-8/).
Import Questions
Another way of quickly creating questions is importing them from CSV (Excel) or Aiken (simple Moodle format) file ([see exact formats available](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/new-imports-from-watupro-4-2-3/)).
Importing lets you quickly adds a lot of questions if you prefer to use Excel or text file for creating them. It’s not good way of editing existing questions of a quiz: if you want to do this, you will have to delete the old questions when you import the edited one. So it’s best to use import only for initial creation.
Import also works great if you want to copy questions between different sites or sub-sites in a network – as long as they all run WatuPRO. Just export the questions from one site and import them to the other site.
Once the questions are imported into a quiz they can be copied and reused just like all other questions.
WatuPRO 6.0
The [premium WordPress quiz and exams plugin WatuPRO](https://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) has been updated to version 6.0.
Here is the change log between version 5.9 and 6.0:
- Added option to choose the view of downloaded files of single user quiz attempt: snapshot or table. Defaults to snapshot. You can also choose the file format which from now on will default to .html instead of the problematic .doc file. Don’t forget you can generate PDF files instead using our free PDF bridge.
- Improved user data removal and hooked to WP personal data eraser (for better compatibility to data protection laws).
- Added Text Settings page where some of the user-facing texts can be changed from the administration without the need of applying translation files.
- New shortcode added: N/a to display average % correct answer or points for a group of users answered the same way a selected question. More information [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/segment-performance-shortcode-in-watupro/).
- Improved **watupro-segment-stats** shortcode: now it lets you display the % of users from the same segment who received the same grade or even category grade in a question category.
- Fixed the non-working “delete my results” link when the My Tests page was used in a shortcode. The “export data” link will be available for users only when they access the dashboard version of the page**.**
- A new option on the quiz General Settings tab lets you specify different design theme for each quiz.
- Added attribute “return” to the **watupro-users-completed** shortcode. When return=”percent” it will calculate the % of quiz attempts vs. total instead of showing the number that satisfies the criteria defined by the other attributes. Added attribute “catgrade_id” to calculate number of attempts achieved a specific category grade. Note that category grade IDs were not recorded up to this version so using this parameter on tests which had data before the change may return inaccurate results.
- The optional answer explanation box in the administration is now hidden by default when adding new question and can be toggled by a link to save screen space.
- When quiz accept file uploads for open-end questions a check for allowed file sizes and types will be performed also before submitting the quiz (javascript based, will work only in modern browsers).
- Added design configurations for the timer of timed tests: it can now be configured to scroll together with the screen.
- The timer position now be distanced from left or right, top or bottom by choice.
- The segment-stats shortcode now allows calculating the % of users who got worse or better grade when the criteria is “grade” or “category_grade”.
- After copying of quiz / questions the page will redirect back to all quizzes to avoid confusion.
- Added option to mass-change “accept user feedback” on questions. (The mass-change options become available on the Manage Questions page at the bottom, only after you select at least one checkbox from the table with questions).
- Question paginator position can now be top or bottom.
- In the administration questions can now be reordered by draggind and dropping the row with the question.
- Open-end questions that accept file uploads can also require the file to be uploaded to consider the question answered.
- You can now override our main.js file the same way you can override view files.
- The option to allow users to rate questions now can be enabled per individual question instead of all the questions in the test.
- Added parameter “public” to the **watupro-takings** shortcode to allow public read only access to the page.
- On View results page added information how the grades on this test are calculated. Helps if you receive some unexpected grades. Helps us to answer questions as well.
- The two custom fields in “Ask user for contact details” section can now be drop-down fields with pre-defined values.
- When the option “answer to each question can be seen immediately by pressing a button” is selected, you have a new option that allows you not to require the user to attempt answering the question first.
- Added option to calculate & display total points earned from registered users on your main WP Users page.
- A new variable %%GROUP-MANAGER% in the admin email field in User and Email Settings tab allows you to specify that the email with test results will be sent to managers from the same user groups of the respondent.
- User group IDs are now visible in User Groups page.
- [Namaste! PRO Integration] For class managers with access to view test results only the results of students in their classes will be shown.
- [Intelligence module] “Fill the gaps” questions now can have per-question case sensitive mode.
- [Intelligence module] Added new bundle type: number of unque tests – you don’t need to specify which paid tests exactly or test category. It’s good for selling packages of 5, 10, etc paid tests.
- [Intelligence module] Added configuration for font size of “Fill the gaps” questions gaps & drop-down boxes (on WatuPRO Settings page).
- [Intelligence module] Added option to hide the “My Quizzes” page for any of the user roles that are given rights to manage the tests.
- [Reporting module] Added parameter “user_choice” to the watupror-poll shortcode to allow marking the user’s answer when the shortcode is used at the end of the test. See the WatuPRO -> Help page in your menu for full details.
- Fixed issues with multiple quiz certificates.
- [Fixed bug] When “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account” is selected questions with no difficulty level were not allowed to users with some difficulty level in their profile.
- [Fixed bug] When “Sum up subcategory performance” was selected the parent category was not included in the Advanced Settings tab for reordering. If %%CATGRADES%% was not used at the Final screen, you could not use the %%CATEGORY-xxx% variables on these parent categories.
- [Fixed bug] When a timed quiz also asked for contact details at the beginning of a quiz with a required checkbox it was impossible to submit the quiz due to wrong “field required” message.
- [Fixed bug] The column “% of points” was showing negative % in some cases. It should always show between 0% and 100%.
- [Fixed bug] When quiz reused question from other quizzes it could not be reverted back to using its own questions.
- [Fixed bug] The new way of reordering questions in admin did not work on some installations.
WooCommerce Integration in Arigato Pro 3.0.1
From version 3.0.1 [Arigato Pro Autoresponder](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) has built-in WooCommerce integration. The integration allows you to automatically subscribe customers to mailing lists when they purchase products from your WooCommerce store.
Here’s how to make this work:
1. Obviously you need to use [WooCommerce](https://woocommerce.com/) and create some products.
2. Then enable the integration at the Arigato PRO Settings page:

3. When this is done your Add/Edit Mailing List page will show the products you have in the store:

Just select the products and save the list. That’s all.
(Note: the unsubscribing options are available from version
4. Your mailing lists page will show information which lists have WooCommerce store products assigned to them:

5. **IMPORTANT:** The customer will be added to the list only after the order status in WooCommerce is **COMPLETED**. For digital and downloadable products this happens immediately when payment is verified. For shipped products this happens when you actually ship the order and mark it as completed.
6. Unsubscribing users. From version you can also have users UN-subscribed from a list when they purchase selected products. This excellent feature allows you to remove users from prospect lists once they purchase and move them to another list to get different campaigns.
Arigato PRO 3.0
Our premium WordPress auto-responder [Arigato PRO](https://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) is now upgraded to version 3.0.
Here are the new features, improvements and fixes from version 2.9 to 3.0:
- Added option to copy/clone a newsletter.
- Added option to change the mailing list owner. This is useful if you have defined user roles that can manage only their own mailing lists.
- A duplicate list feature lets you copy/clone a mailing list with its custom fields and associated autoresponders. This will not copy the subscribers however.
- You can send autoresponder email also to those who will not receive it because it’s added later to the sequence. This generates a newsletter to only those subscribers.
- Applied your WP timezone settings across the system. This will make sure that any date intervals are accordingly to your timezone and users have proper signup date on registration. Note that the optional setting for sending emails after X o’clock remains configurable for backward compatibility.
- New option lets you not send a newsletter to email address if that address also exists in other selected mailing lists.
- For better site performance new setting lets you include Arigato scripts and CSS only on the pages that contain signup form shortcode.
- When using the “Subscribe by email” option and a name has broken encoding the subscriber will be inserted without name.
- Improved integration with Contact Form 7: you can now include the list signup shortcode in the CF7 message to get yes/no confirmation whether the user has subscribed for each of the mailing lists.
- Improved handling of new lines around list tags in outgoing messages.
- Improved handling of POP3 connection errors when checking for bounces or email subscribes. They will no longer stop sending of the cron job emails.
- Added option to use the standard WP auto paragraphs functions on messages that to not properly display new lines. Use it only when needed.
- Arigato no longer stores or shows the IP address of the subscribers to comply with data protection laws. You can still use the {{{ip}}} variable in admin notification emails at your own responsibility.
- Added option to redirect the subscriber to a selected URL if they are already registered and activated in the mailing list.
- Name will automatically have first letter capitalized when you use the {{name}} and {{firstname}} variables inside messages.
- Default unsubscribe action is now “delete” instead of “deactivate”. You can change this at Arigato PRO Settings page.
- For consistency changed “label_style” shortcode parameter to “labels” in all locations. Legacy shortcodes will still work.
- Added parameter size to Google reCaptcha, when version 2 is used.
- Fixed bug: The option “For better performance load Arigato scripts and CSS only on pages that contain signup form shortcodes.” was causing PHP error in some occasion.
- Fixed bug: list notification email field did not properly accept more than one email separated with comma.
- Fixed bug: when Blacklist management contained empty lines it was blacklisting everything.
- Fixed bug: when a list has redirect URL it should redirect there even duplicate users.
- Fixed bug: when newsletters were created from presets a tracker for opened mails were not added.
Tech Support for WordPress Plugins
Sometimes when you have a problem with any of our plugin we will request you access. This happens only in cases when your problem cannot be reproduced on our installations. Why is this required is explained later in this post.
How To Provide Access
It’s easiest to just send administrator’s login (preferably not yours, but a designated account which after resolving the problem will be deleted). Understandable some customers do not want to share full access to their sites so we have a very easy solution for this: create user with role Editor or even Author. Then enable admin rights only for the plugin you need help with:
### For WatuPRO
The setting is on WatuPRO Settings page, section Roles -> Roles that can manage exams (or test, quizzes etc). Select the user role and save.
### For Arigato Pro
The setting is in Arigato Autoresponder Options page, section Roles -> Roles that can manage the autoresponder. Select the role and save.
### For Namaste! LMS
The setting is in Namaste! LMS Settings page, section WordPress Roles that can administrate the LMS. Enable the role and save.
This is it, we’ll need the login details of the account you have created.
In rare events this may not be enough and we may need an FTP account with access to the plugin folder.
**You must deactivate, delete or change the account password after the problem is resolved.**
Why Provide Access
You don’t expect your doctor to diagnose you only based on symptoms neither you expect your car mechanic to fix your car by watching pictures of the engine. Please don’t expect that software developers can resolve all issues by watching screenshots or reading explanations.
There are many reasons why we may need access:
- There might be a specific edge-case bug that cannot be reproduced on our installations
- There might be a conflict with other plugin or theme on your installation
- There might be a specific server configuration that causes the problem only on your installation
- The specific volume and type of data you have might be producing a problem that cannot be reproduced elsewhere
- You may just be doing something wrong
- Anything else
If we are requesting you for access this means there is no other way to resolve your problem. **If you don’t want to do it, this is perfectly fine but technical support can be provided only if do.**
In case you don’t trust us you are free to resolve the problem yourself or with the help of trusted by you developer – all plugins come with open sourced code.
What Are We Going to Do With It
We will reproduce the steps that cause your problem along with outputting debug information on various places in the code. This is the reason we may also need FTP access.
We will use the access to diagnose the problem and resolve it, and for nothing else.
We are not going to intentionally delete any of your data or send any emails to your users without explicit permission. We will not steal your data or share it with anyone for any reason. Our best interest is to resolve the technical issues you have as soon as possible. However we still recommend creating backups of any sensitive data you have.
Segment Performance Shortcode in WatuPRO
From version 5.9.2 WatuPRO supports a new shortcode which allows to show how a segment of the respondents performed on the test – as average percent correct answers or as average number of points.
The segment is based on the answer of a chosen question.
### What does it mean and how does it work?
Let’s use an example to make things easier. We will create a single-choice question to ask the user for their age. (You can also use open-ended question for example if you want users to type their answer).

We’ll make this question a “survey” type by selecting “This is a survey question” because we don’t want it to affect the test calculations. Your situation might be different.
Then, in the final screen of the quiz we’ll add the following shortcode:
` The average results of respondents aged {{{answerto-2083}}} is [watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="percent_correct"]% correct answers on this test. `
Which displayed the following output:
**The average results of respondents aged 37-50 is 23% correct answers on this test.**
Breaking Down The Shortcode
Let’s break down the shortcode and all its parameters so you know how to use it. If you find the explanation of the parameters complicated go straight to the examples to get a better idea how to use the shortcode.
The shortcode is **watupro-segment-stats** and accepts the following parameters:
### question_id
This is a required parameter. The shortcode will not display anything without the question ID. You can see the question ID at the quiz Manage Questions page. It’s the first column in the table.
### criteria
This is an optional parameter which defaults to “percent_correct”. You can use the following values:
- **percent_correct** to display the average percent correct answers of the group answered the same way to the question in the first parameter.
- **points** to display the average points collected of the group answered the same way to the question in the first parameter.
- **grade** to display the percentage of users from the group who received the same grade. If you also pass the parameter **grade_id** you can specify the grade you are referring to – otherwise the calculation will be based on the currently achieved grade from the user.
- **category_grade** to display the percentage of users in the group achieved the same category grade for the given category. When criteria=”category_grade” passing one of the parameters **catgrade_id or category_id** becomes required. You can for example use the shortcode once for each category grade to show the % of users achieved each specific grade on the category. If you pass category_id instead the stats will be shown based on which grade was last received by the current user on that category (see the examples for more clarity). There is a trick that makes things easy if you use the %%CATGRADES%% variable to loop through all the categories. Pass the parameter category_id like this: **category_id=”this”** in the “common category grade output box” on the Manage Grades page (you have to select a question category to have the box shown) and the program will automatically figure out which is the category and what grade was achieved on it for each of the categories.
This attribute can be used only when criteria is “grade” or “category grade”. It lets you calculate either users who got the same grade (or category grade) as the quiz taker (this is the default behavior) or what % of users got worse or better grade.
Possible values for the attribute: “same” (default), “better” or “worse”.
### segment
This is optional parameter which lets you show the results of a chosen by you segment. **This is very important:** by default, when the parameter is missing, the shortcode will display the results of the same segment as of the current user. So if the user responded “37-50” like in our example above, the shortcode will display the stats for all users who took the same quiz AND selected “37-50” on the question.
However the shortcode allows you to display stats for other groups by passing the segment parameter. So you can show full stats like this:
`The average results of respondents aged up to 18 is [watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="percent_correct" segment="under 18"]% correct answers on this test while the average results of respondents aged over 50 was [watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="percent_correct" segment="over 50"]% `
This shortcode is intended to be used only in the “FInal Page / Quiz Output” box. It will work just fine outside it but in this case the parameter **segment** becomes required and the shortcode will calculate stats based on all tests which use the question passed in “question_id” parameter.
This is a very powerful shortcode and with all these parameters it can be confusing. Some examples will make things much easier to understand:
Show average points from the group on the whole test (in the final screen):
`The average points achieved from the other respondents your age is [watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="points"].`
This will display something like:
`The average points achieved from the other respondents your age is 33.`
Show average % correct answers from all groups on the whole test (in the final screen):
`The average results of respondents aged up to 18 is [watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="percent_correct" segment="under 18"]% correct answers on this test while the average results of respondents aged over 50 was [watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="percent_correct" segment="over 50"]% `
### ***
### Show the % of users from the group who achieved the same grade (use only on the final screen):
**Your grade is %%GTITLE%%.****On average `[watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="grade"]`% of the respondents aged {{{answerto-2083}}} got the same grade.**
This will display something like:
**Your grade is B+.****On average 36% of the respondents aged18-36 got the same grade.**
### Show the % of users from the group who performed worse (got lower grade)
**Your grade is %%GTITLE%%.**
**On average `[watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="grade" compare="worse"]`% of the respondents aged {{{answerto-2083}}} performed worse than you.**
This will display something like:
**Your grade is B+.**
**On average 41% of the respondents aged18-36 performed worse than you.**
### Show the % of users from the group who achieved the same category grade in each question category:
(You need to use this shortcode inside the “Common category grade output” box and make sure %%CATGRADES%% variable is included in the “final output” of the quiz.)
For category **%%CATEGORY%%** you got **%%POINTS%%** points and **%%PERCENTAGE%%%** correct answers.Grade: **%%GTITLE%%****On average `[watupro-segment-stats question_id=2083 criteria="category_grade" category_id="this"]`% of the respondents from your age group got the same grade.**
This will display something like:
For category **Business Analytics** you got **8** points and **65%** correct answers.Grade: **Success****On average 74% of the respondents from your age group got the same grade.**
Using Certificates in WatuPRO
This pictorial will guide you step by step through the process of creating and assigning certificates in WatuPRO.
In this guide:
- [Creating certificates](#creating)
- [Certificate verification](#verification)
- [Generating PDF](#pdf)
- [Single quiz or multiple quiz certificates](#multiquiz)
- [Assign certificates to tests](#assign)
- [User’s access to certificates](#access)
- [Multiple certificates with a single test attempt](#multiple)
- [Troubleshooting certificate assignments](#troubleshooting)
- [Paid certificates](#paid)
Creating Certificates
Go to WatuPRO -> Certificates and click on “Add new” link. You will be taken to a page with a simple form to create a certificate:

This is as simple as creating a post in your site. You can insert and format text and pictures just like everywhere in WordPress.
**Attention:** If you have a ready design for your certificate or prefer to design it yourself using HTML we strongly recommend not using the rich text editor at all and selecting this option at WatuPRO Certificates page:
In such case you will be presented a regular textarea where to create or paste your HTML code. This is because the WordPress rich text editor is known to “fix” the code to its own likes, which can often create problems with carefully designed pages.
**Note that when this option is selected we will not automatically add new lines on the front-end!** You are entering HTML code and you should use <br> or <p> tags where appropriate.
Under the box for creating certificate you will find several variables which you can use inside the certificate so they are replaced with dynamic content when the certificate is displayed.
The certificate can have expiration date or require admin approval.
Certificate Verification
From version WatuPRO supports verification of the issued certificates. For each of them the plugin generates an unique URL which can be used to verify that this certificate is really issued by your site.
All you need to do is to use the variable %%VERIFICATION%% inside the certificate contents. It will output the URL for verification. It’s not a hyperlink so use the rich text editor or a HTML code to make it clickable.
If you have the plugin [QRCode](https://wordpress.org/plugins/doqrcode/) installed and active, instead of an URL the variable will print a QR code. In such case do not hyperlink it. The QR code will automatically take the user who scanned it to the URL for verification.
The verification URL is not the same as public certificate URL. It does not expose the certificate contents and does not require the certificate to be marked as public. All it does is to show a text saying whether the certificate is valid or not.
PDF Certificates
Normally certificates are just rendered in the browser when they are achieved. This is very convenient because it works on all devices and even lets you include video or audio in the certificate.
However many customers need certificates that are printable and easy to download. PDF is the industry standard for this. To create such certificate you need to download and install our [free PDF bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-the-free-pdf-bridge-plugin-in-watupro/). This plugin is large so the functionality is intentionally not included in the WatuPRO core.
Once installed and activated you need to select and save the following option on the WatuPRO Certificates page:

After that your Add/Edit Certificate page in WatuPRO will get a new section called PDF settings:

Certificates will be created in PDF format accordingly to your selections in this area.
So far we have covered the most important points of creating certificates. But how do quiz takers actually get them? To do this we need first to talk about the difference between single-quiz and multiple quiz certificates.
Single Quiz or Multiple Quiz Certificates
By default certificates in WatuPRO can get assigned when user completes a quiz and if they achieve a desired result (grade). More on this in the next section.
However you can define certificates that get assigned upon completing several tests. To create such certificate select the multiple quiz option, then select the quizzes and the desired criteria:

Assign Certificates to Quizzes
So, how do certificates actually get assigned? There is a difference between single-quiz and multiple quiz certificates:
- **Single quiz certificates** get assigned when user completes a quiz with a desired grade. How do you define this grade? By going to Grades link for the quiz you want to issue certificate and assigning the certificate to the successful grade(s) of that quiz:
Save the grade and when the user completes the quiz **and achieves this grade** they will be assigned the certificate.
If you have a quiz that defines no grades but still want to assign a certificate you must create one “catch-all” grade that will cover every possible outcome of the quiz (from 0% to 100% correct answers) and assign the certificate to it. You don’t have to show this grade in the end of the quiz if you don’t want to. However it must exist.
You can also have **more than one grade** in the quiz assign the certificate or even have different grades assign different certificates.Don’t let the phrase “single quiz certificate” mislead you. Such certificates are not tied up to only one quiz. You can very well reuse them in any of your tests.
- **Multiple quiz certificates** get assigned automatically when all requirements are met. This means all the required tests are completed by the user AND the average points and percentages required are achieved. If you allow multiple attempts on your quizzes and the respondent doesn’t achieve the required averages on their first attempt, but achieve them later, they will get the certificate when the conditions are achieved.
Multiple Certificates from a Single Test Attempt?
After version 6.0 of WatuPRO it’s possible to achieve multiple certificates in a single quiz attempt. The respondent can get one “single-quiz” certificate assigned to the achieved grade + any number of multiple-quiz certificates as long as completing the current test has triggered their assignment.
When multiple certificates are assigned, the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable will contain individual links to all of them. If you are using the PDF bridge and have selected to send certificates by email as attachments, each of the approved certificates will be attached to the email.
OK, now you know how certificates are assigned. But how do users actually get to see them:
How Users Can See Their Certificates
- **In the “Final screen” of the quiz.** The easiest method to let the user know they achieved a single quiz certificate is to include the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable in the “Final page / Quiz output” box of the quiz. If a certificate is not earned the variable will be replaced with nothing. If the certificate is earned it will contain the text “You can now print your certificate” with a link to it.
- **In their dashboard.** By default all registered users get “My Certificates” page in their dashboard, under the “My Quizzes” (or “My Tests”, “My Exams”, etc. depending on your choice of words) page. They can refer to these certificates any time.
- **By email.** You can select to have an email sent to the user when they complete the test. From Edit Quiz page go to User and Email related settings tab and select:
Then make sure that the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable is included in the quiz Final page or the email contents box so the user gets a link to the certificate in the email.
If you have installed the PDF bridge and selected that certificates will be generated as PDF, you can skip the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable in the email contents and instead have the PDF attached to the message by selecting this option:

**Certificates that require admin approval will not be sent by email when the quiz is completed!** Instead they can be sent when the approval is done and only if you have configured the following section:

Troubleshooting Not Assigned Certificates
A certificate is not assigned as expected? Please check the following most common problems:
- **It’s a single quiz certificate and the desired grade is not achieved.** You can see the result of the particular user in your Quizzes -> View results page. Is the desired grade achieved? Probably not. If yes, please make sure you have actually assigned the certificate to the grade in Quizzes -> Grades page.
- **It’s a multiple quiz certificate and the criteria are not met.** This is harder to check because you need to find all user’s attempt on the required tests and calculate the averages. However we can assure you that WatuPRO does these calculations correctly and this has been tested multiple times. So even if you are sure something is not OK please double and triple check your Math before emailing us.
- **It’s a certificate requiring admin approval.** These certificates do not get issued until admin manually approves them.
- **It’s a certificate with expiration date and has expired.**
If you have gone through the troubleshooting list and still don’t have a certificate assigned as expected you can contact us to have a look. **In such case you MUST provide URL of your site, administrator’s login and clear explanation which certificate had to be assigned to which user but it did not happen.**
Paid Certificates
If you have the Intelligence module installed you can also charge for getting a certificate. In such case the test taker must first complete the test(s) successfully so they earn the certificate. After that, when the access the link to see it they will be presented the selected payment methods. After payment the certificate becomes available for viewing and/or downloading.
Assuming you have set some payment methods in WatuPRO Settings page, enabling paid certificates requires just setting a price on the Add / Edit Certificate page:

Note that paid certificates cannot be sent as attachment to emails – you can however insert the link to the certificate so users can pay when they try to visit / download it.
Coupon codes and bundles cannot be used for paid certificates. Users with rights to manage WatuPRO will always be able to see paid certificates.
If you use our [free WooCommerce bridge](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/woocommerce-bridge-in-watupro/) and have WatuPRO 6.3 or a newer version you will be able to also sell certificates as WooCommerce products.
WatuPRO 5.9
Version 5.9 of the WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO is now available. Improvements and fixes since version 5.8:
- - Improvements when questions are grouped by category: subcategories will by default arrange under their parents (you can change the order from Edit Quiz -> Advanced Settings tab). Added options to choose heading tag for categories and subcategories. Added option to exclude subcategories from the category-based paginator.
- Basic integration with Ultimate Member allows users to select WautPRO user group on registration. More details:
- Added taking ID on the View Results page.
- Added support for “percent of max points” calculation for category-based grades.
- If you create custom CSS themes for the quizzes you can now place them in your WP theme directory, under folders watupro/themes/ to avoid losing the files when WatuPRO is updated.
- A new experimental feature added: compact likert survey table display for likert surveys. More info at
- Added option to enable a required checkbox on the “Ask user for contact details” section. The checkbox can be used to request agreement to TOS, GDPR compliance, etc.
- Most of the category-specific performance variables can now be used directly in certificates. See the section “Manually craft the output” at for more information.
- Added option to sum up subcategory question performance into the main categories. In this case subcategories will not be calculated and shown individually on category-grade related variables.
- Option to include the subcategories in category-grade related variables even when “Sum up subcategory points into their parent categories” is checked.
- Added option to save achieved category grade titles and descriptions along with each quiz attempt so they can be referenced individually from certificates. Note that this option can take a lot of DB space if your grade descriptions are large. Use it only if required.
- Added option to not randomize answers on any individual question (when answers are randomized on the test level).
- The “Feedback on questions” page now has a version that shows feedback from all quizzes on one page.
- Added Performance per category tab in the View details pop-up.
- Added design configurations for the “Display like survey table” feature.
- When “sum up subcategory performance into parent categories” is selected for grading, the main categories will be included in the grade loop and grade selections even if they don’t contain questions.
- From the WatuPRO Settings page you can enable GDPR compliance options which allow users to export and delete their data.
- GDPR features now also mask IP addresses.
- Using question hints now allows deducting points from the question for each hint used. The setting is on the Add/Edit Question page under the hints box.
- Added column “Don’t randomize answers” to import/export formats.
- Made session_start() calls conditional to avoid conflicts with the WP Plugin and Theme editor.
- Added option to change the default view of the “View details” pop-up (and download) from table view to snapshot.
- [Intelligence module] The option to Reuse questions from other tests now has filters for category, title & admin comments to make searching easier when you have a lot of tests.
- [Intelligence module] Test bundles can now support multiple categories in a bundle.
- [Intelligence module] Added option to enable My Quiz Bundle page for users who purchased bundles. They’ll have a table with all their bundles and expiration dates for these who expire.
- [Intelligence module] When teacher edits user results num correct answers, num wrong and num empty information is also updated.
- Fixed problem with orphan subcategories not showing in the Advanced Randomization.
- [Fixed bug] Correct / incorrect points on Fill the gaps questions were not accepting decimals.
- [Fixed bug] Backslashes were not added on importing questions which was causing problems with Math formulas.
- [Fixed bug] survey questions were counted in %%WRONG%% and %%EMPTY%% variables.
- [Fixed bug] When “Sum up subcategory points into their parent categories” is selected the % from maximum points was not correctly calculated on parent categories.
- [Fixed bug] Calculating category-dependent global grade did not properly ignore the global 0 to 0 setting.
- [Fixed bug] The property “allow checkbox groups” was not transferred when copying questions.
- [Fixed bug, Reporting module] When user category chart was limited by taking ID via shortcode, the filter was not applied.
- [Fixed bug, Intelligence module] Display as horizontal sortable was not saving properly.
- [Fixed bug, Intelligence module] Sortable questions ignored new lines in the question contents.
- [Fixed bug, Intelligence module] When loading user’s stored progress on a test the values in drop-down gap questions were not pre-selected.
As usual eligible customers will receive free upgrade. If your free upgrades subscription has expired you can renew with 60% discount.
WatuPRO Front-End Troubleshooting Guide
This guide is going to help you to resolve any of the following issues that you may encounter using WatuPRO (and not only these):
- Submit button, next button, start button, or any other button does not work
- Quiz does not load at all
- Some question type (usually match/matrix, sortable or slider) does not work
These problems are *usually* caused by **offending code** ([learn more](#offending)) on your web page and can be resolved by disabling it. Of course, if you don’t feel comfortable deactivating plugins you can contact us for support (**in which case you must provide us URL to see the problem!**)* but tech-savvy users can quickly resolve these problems themselves.
**If you are using “optimization” plugins that “minify” JavaScript and HTML code on your pages, disable this feature, clean up your browser cache, and check again. Cloudflare may also have minified our JS.** These plugins very often cause fatal JavaScript errors because of improper minification. Do this first before trying anything else. You should not use code minification. It doesn’t provide any significant benefit but causes lots of trouble. Do not.
**Caching pages with quizzes** can cause a lot of problems with the timer, randomization, and paid quizzes. Do not cache pages that have such quizzes. The first thing to check when having problems with such quizzes are your caching and optimization plugins.
**It’s fine to use caching on quizzes that do not use randomization, or timer, and are not paid.** Make sure to purge the cache when you change the quiz settings as most cache plugins detect changes in posts but not in quizzes.
Step By Step Guide To Resolving
0. If you are familiar with JavaScript you can go to step 3 first.
**1. Change your site theme to some of the default WP themes.** Yes, I know you like your theme 🙂 This won’t be permanent, just change it for a minute for this step. Reload the page with the quiz. **Problems solved?** Then they are most likely caused by bad JavaScript in the theme. You need to contact the theme designer or developer to fix their offending code. If they are not responsive we will try to help you instead but please don’t forget it’s not our job, we are also busy and not very keen on doing someone else’s job. **Problem not solved?** Then switch back to your theme and go to step 2.
**2. Deactivate all plugins except WatuPRO.** Yes, I know you need most of them. This is temporary. Refresh the page with the quiz. **Problem solved?** I bet it is. Now let’s see which is the offender. Start re-activating the plugins. Activate one, refresh the page and see. **Problem re-appeared?** You just found the offender. It was the plugin that you just activated. That’s it, now you should either remove it or let its author know they are causing fatal javascript errors.
That’s all you need to do. If you need help feel free to contact us. The next step is for tech-savvy users only. At the end of this post you will learn why such problems happen and can’t be prevented from our end.
3. If you know what a JavaScript error is you may want to have a quick look at the Firefox error console yourself. Open the page with the quiz in Firefox and press ctrl + shift + K to open the console. See if there is an obvious fatal JS error and whether it helps you understand which plugin (or the theme) is causing it.
What is an Offending Code?
WordPress is a wild space with thousands of competent and not-so-competent developers creating plugins and themes for it. Unfortunately, the WordPress staff cannot test all aspects of all plugins so a lot of buggy code is available for download.
The problem is that a web page is a whole. JavaScript and CSS are shared between all the components of the page. So once a bad code (especially JavaScript code) causes a fatal error on the page it very often breaks all other scripts on it **even if they are properly coded**. This is usually not intentional but a result of poor testing, but nevertheless the effect is the same.
Scripts that are causing such errors are called offenders **and should be fixed or removed**. The properly coded scripts [cannot do much to prevent offenders](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10825992/prevent-javascript-from-stopping-when-error-is-encountered) from messing up the page. They cannot fix the problem in the offender.
So is Your Plugin Incompatible with my Theme / Plugins?
No, things don’t work this way. It’s not the properly coded plugin which is incompatible. It’s the offender that is causing the other plugins to not work properly.
If you have a problem with the offending code we can try to help you but we give no guarantee and will take no liability for other developer’s errors.
But My Site Was Working Fine!
The offending code won’t necessarily break everything on your site. It’s usually JavaScript code and breaks complicated interactive JavaScript-based apps such as WatuPRO.
What if WatuPRO is the Offender?
This is unlikely although not entirely impossible. If other functions on your site stopped working correctly after activating WatuPRO please contact us and send us a live URL to have a look.
*Before Contacting Support
If you can’t resolve the issues yourself you can contact us for help. Please note that you **MUST provide us URL where we can see the problem**. We can not resolve your problem if you don’t send us URL. No screenshots, no vague explanations – we need a live URL where the problem can be seen.
WatuPRO Bridge to Ontraport
Similar to our other free bridge, this connector to [Ontraport](https://ontraport.com/) lets you automatically subscribe users who take quizzes into your campaigns.
[**Download Version 0.6 (32 KB)**](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/watupro-ontraport.zip)
To use the bridge you will need to create an app in Ontraport and get its APP ID and API Key.
Insert your key and define rules as you like:

If you’d rather not pay monthly fees and leave your mailing list data in someone else’s hand, we recommend you our premium [WordPress Autoresponder / Drip marketing suite](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). It comes with one-time fee and *optional* yearly upgrade fees, and there is also free bridge for connecting WatuPRO.
WatuPRO Bridge to GetResponse
This free bridge is for customers who manage their mailing lists and newsletters with [GetResponse](https://www.getresponse.com/). Similarly to our [MailChimp bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-to-mailchimp/), this plugin will let you automatically subscribe users who take quizzes to your campaigns in GetResponse.
[**Download version 1.0 (9 KB)**](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/watupro-getresponse.zip)
The bridge will respect GetResponse double opt-in settings for the given campaign. There is no way to overwrite this.
To use the bridge you will need your GetResponse API key. If you are on GetResponse360 you also need to select your type and enter your domain.

**Please note that it takes some time for a subscriber to be sent a confirmation email. So subscribers will not appear immediately in your GetResponse campaign. Do not email us about this.**
If you’d rather not pay monthly fees and leave your mailing list data in someone else’s hand, we recommend you our premium [WordPress Autoresponder / Drip marketing suite](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). It comes with one-time fee and *optional* yearly upgrade fees, and there is also free bridge for connecting WatuPRO.
[WatuPRO] How To Change The Wording On True / False Questions
WatuPRO has a handy “true/false” question type. Essentially this is just a “single choice” question with pre-defined options – true and false.
If you want to change the words “True” and “False” to something else or to another language you need to [use Loco Translate](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/how-to-translate-a-wordpress-plugin/) just like you would do when translating the plugin interface.
However this will not change the words of questions already created. For these questions the words True and False are inserted in the database as choices on a single choice question.
To change them you need to install the free [SQL executioner](https://wordpress.org/plugins/sql-executioner/) plugin. Then you’ll need to run two queries in it. Let’s for example assume you want to change True to the French Oui and False to No. The queries will be (**obviously you have to replace “Oui” and “No” with the words you want to use!**):
`UPDATE $watupro_answer SET answer='Oui' WHERE answer='True' AND question_id IN (SELECT ID FROM $watupro_question WHERE truefalse=1)`
Paste the above query and hit “Execute”.
`UPDATE $watupro_answer SET answer='No' WHERE answer='False' AND question_id IN (SELECT ID FROM $watupro_question WHERE truefalse=1)`
Paste the above query and hit “Execute”.
That’s it.
Arigato PRO 2.9
Version 2.9 of our [WordPress email marketing tool Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) is ready:
- Completely redesigned responsive signup forms! (If you have done extensive CSS styling on your current forms please backup the old version before upgrading! We are not responsible if you lose your work).
- New parameters to the simple shortcode let you define several design-related characteristics like form orientation, labels position, form width, and more.
- Handling bounces now allows SSL Pop 3 connections.
- Added option to update subscriber’s data when importing existing subscriber.
- When mailing list is selected for a newsletter we will show the corresponding custom fields in the list.
- The custom fields table now shows the variables to be used in email messages.
- Added shortcode parameter for redirect URL. It allows you to override the list “redirect after sign up” setting and have different redirect URL for every signup form.
- New option lets you use your WP timezone for emails that will be sent “After N o’clock”.
- Added checks for unique campaign name and mailing list name.
- A new variable {{date}} lets you show the date when subscriber signed up.
- You can optionally switch off adding the unsubscribe link for a mailing list. Do this at your own responsibility.
- You can set time interval between emails in case you are getting messages bouncing for sending too fast.
- Admin page tables are now responsive so you can manage your marketing campaign even from your mobile phone.
If you have purchased less than one year ago you are eligible for a free upgrade. Otherwise renewals are priced at 40% of the full price as usual. You can use your coupon code also to include the new [Gozaimasu](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/gozaimasu.html) module.
Using Filters / Segmentation in Arigato PRO Intelligence Module
The Intelligence module of [Arigato PRO Autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro) has a handy feature for segmenting your mailing lists into slices based on various criteria.
This allows you to send some emails to parts of your mailing list without creating new list. For example you can send a news flash only to users signed up last month or send a marketing offer only to females over 30 (provided that you asked for gender and age during signup), and so on.
From version 1.2.3 you can also segment based on multiple tags that you can assign to each subscriber.
How Does It Work:
1. First you need to create some segments from the Segmentation menu under Arigato PRO. Select a mailing list and click on “Create new segmentation rule”. The page will load a form to enter rule name, optional description and selections for all the fields in that list including custom fields:
To set a requirement for a given field, you need to check the checkbox next to it. ALL the requirements that you set will be applied to the segment.
2. Choose segment(s) when you send a newsletter or schedule an autoresponder campaign message:
If there are multiple segments you can choose more than one. In this case the subscriber must satisfy ALL the segmentation rules in ALL selected segments to have the email sent to them.So if we use the above example, selecting this segment means that the email will be sent to subscribers registered after July 1, 2017 AND selected “cosmetics” in the “group” field (which is a custom drop-down field in our case). If you also apply another segment requiring the subscribers to be females over 30, then the email will be sent only to females over 30 who have registered after July 1st, and selected “cosmetics”.
So, stacking segments works more like adding filters and NOT like adding slices of your list together.
Jetpack Bug Causing Problems With Rich Text Editor
This issue is valid for all our (and not just our) plugins: WatuPRO, Arigato PRO, Namaste! LMS, Hostel PRO. The Jetpack contact form is causing all rich text editors used from plugins to freeze.
The bug is discussed in [this thread](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/5-2-breaks-text-and-tinymce-widgets/) and as you can see it affects users of many other plugins too.
To solve it use the plugin suggested in the thread.
[**Here is a direct download link to the plugin that has the solution**](https://github.com/georgestephanis/disable-grunion-editor-view/archive/master.zip)
We have been overloaded with emails due to this so support can be slower than normally.
Basic Math Based On User Answers in WatuPRO
A new shortcode in WatuPRO (from version lets you perform basic math on two of the user’s answers. **This shortcode should be used only in the “Final screen” of a test.**
Here is the shortcode with all its possible parameters:
[watupro-calculator math=”152+256″ output=”1″ var=”my_var”]
### Attributes:
- **math (required)** shows the math you want to perform. Note that the numbers in the formula are **question IDs and not actual numbers.** I.e. you are not telling the shortcode to add 152 and 256, that would be pointless. You are telling the shortcode to add the answer to question with ID 152 to the answer of 256. It assumes answers are numeric and will work properly on numeric answers – i.e. it’s good for single-choice or open-end questions.
The math can contain expression of **2 questions only** with any of the four standard math operations: +, -, /, *.
- **output (optional)** defines whether the result will be shown on the screen. The patameter defaults to 1 which means result will be shown. It makes sense to set it to 0 (don’t show) only if you are going to get the result in a variable for next shortcode usage **on the same final screen.**
- **var (optional)** is a variable name where to assign the result for next shortcode usage. Use only letters and underscore.
To make the whole thing above clearer and simpler, let’s make an example.
### Example:
Let’s pretend to make a simple investment calculator without compounding. We will ask the user for their current savings, the yearly interest (expressed as decimal and NOT percentage) and how many years they want to save.
Here are our questions:

Here is how the shortcode is used in the Final screen:

Here is the example input:

And here is the result:

We took the multiplication of answers to Question 1 (with ID 901) and Question 2 (with ID 902) and put it into variable called “yearly”.
Then we took the yearly interest from the variable and multiplied it by the number of years (question 3 with ID 903) to get the total accumulated simple interest. We also placed this result in the variable total_interest.
Finally we added the answer to Question 1 with ID 901 to the variable total_interest to get the final result.
WatuPRO 5.6
Version 5.6 of our WordPress quiz and survey plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is ready. Here is the new stuff from version 5.5 to 5.6:
- The final test grading can now depend on the specific performance in different topics (question categories). Learn more [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/test-grade-based-on-question-category-performance-watupro/).
- When exporting quiz results any fields requested from “Ask for user contact details” area will be added as columns in the exported file.
- Variable {{{ID}}} can now be used in the question feedback too.
- Admin pages are now all responsive and will let you manage quizzes from mobile phone. This includes the tables and the modal dialog windows.
- Export to CSV is now available also on the All Quiz Submissions page.
- “View results” page and export files include information about number of correct answers, number of wrong answers, and number of unanswered questions.
- Added Email log (in the Help page) to show log of all emails sent for submitted tests along with the mailing server response.
- When test results are held for a future date, the My Quizzes page will not show earned points, % and grade until the date arrives.
- Added shortcode to display “All test submissions” page on the front-end. Role-based restrictions will apply as usual.
- A new setting lets you configure what part of the quiz result to show when test takings are limited and the user has no more attempts left: just grade title, title & description, or the whole “final screen” part.
- Added the number of columns to the Advanced Import files.
- A new option lets you include the optional answer feedback into the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.
- Added final-screen variable %%ATTEMPTED%% to show the number of attempted (non-empty) questions.
- Added check all / uncheck all option for questions on “Copy quiz” page.
- The basic bar chart (the one you output with watupro-basic-chart shortcode) now also supports a chart showing your points vs. maximum possible points on the quiz.
- [Intelligence module] Dependencies will be checked first for tests that require payment and depend on another test results. This is to avoid asking user for payment before they know that they must have completed other quiz(zes) before the current one.
- Improved Namaste! LMS integration: tests can be made accessible only to student that are enrolled in selected courses.
- [Intelligence module] When quiz results are shown on the front-end with the watupro-takings shortcode the Edit link was not working.
- [Intelligence module] You can now set custom graphic URL for PayPal button.
- [Intelligence module] You can set quiz-specific payment instructions that will be shown before the payment buttons for that quiz and override the default “There is a fee of X to access this test” message.
- [Intelligence module] Quiz bundles can have name which will be shown in Paypal etc. button descriptions instead of the default text.
- [Intelligence module] Added menu items for quiz bundles and coupon codes.
- [Reporting module] Added Google Analytics event tracking for quiz start button and quiz completion.
- [Reporting module] Added new shortcode watupror-taken-tests that will display the number of tests taken by the user vs. number of total tests. See the internal Help page for example and parameters description.
- [Reporting module] The Skills page will no longer display question categories which have questions only in tests that are not accessible to the given user (because of quiz category / user group restrictions).
- Fixed potential SQL injection.
- Fixed bugs on the “View results” page: search by name did not return non logged in users and order by name did not work properly when a quiz had a mix of logged in and not logged in names.
- Fixed problems with “fill the gaps” questions when gap and answers contain dollar signs.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the Overview page was counting unfinished quiz attempts.
- Fixed bug: when answers are arranged in multiple columns emailing results did not include correct / incorrect checkmarks.
- Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Skills report page was showing Uncategorized by default instead of All categories.
- Fixed bug: the “View details” popup was showing “wrong answer” for unanswered questions in the table.
As usual the update will be free for you if your order is made less than one year ago. In the other case you are eligible for 60% renewal discount.
Test Grade Based on Question Category Performance [WatuPRO]
From version 5.5.8 the quiz/survey plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) supports yet another interesting option for grading the user’s performance: a grade based on the performance in each question category / theme.
What Does It Mean?
This is different than showing [grade/performance per category](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-category-grades-in-watu-pro/). It’s a method to grade the whole test (and typically determine whether it’s passed or failed) based on how the user did in the different topics in the test.
For example for a traffic law test you may have a “Passed” grade with the following requirements:
For category “General rules” require at least 90% correct answers.
For category “Street Signs” require between 80% and 100% correct answers.
For category “Priority” require between 70% and 100% correct answers.
On top of this you can also set a general requirement for the test, for example min. 85% correct answers on average for all categories.
The requirements can be based on points, percent correct answer, or percentage points achieved from the maximum points possible in the test.
How Does It Work?
1. Go to the Grades or Manage Grades page for a selected quiz. Make sure “Manage grades / results for the [Whole test]” is selected and check the option “The final grade in this test will depend on the performance on different question categories” as shown below:

2. The page will refresh and will show you the grade forms for adding or editing grades with new options – from/to fields for each question category (topic) that contains questions in the selected quiz:

3. You can skip any of the categories by leaving both fields blank – this means there will be no specific requirement for that category. You can optionally set a requirement for the whole test (in the above example it’s min. 80% correct answers) or use only category based requirements.
4. A setting in the Edit Quiz -> General settings tab defines what will be the type of criteria to check:
a) By default all tests are graded based on **number of points collected.** b) If you check the above checkbox and save your quiz will be graded based on **% correctly answered questions from total questions** given to the test taker.
c) If you check the above option but select “% from maximum points” from the drop-down menu, it will be graded based on the **% achieved points from the maximum possible points** in the quiz.This setting defines grading the quiz as a whole, grading based on category performance, and category grades if any.
This feature is also the best way of [creating Myers-Briggs personality quizzes](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/myers-briggs-tests-in-watupro/).
WatuPRO 5.5
The new version of the quiz plugin WatuPRO is now ready. Here are the changes between version 5.4 and 5.5:
- Multiple choice questions can allow groups of checkboxes. More info at
- You can now limit quiz attempts per email address requested in “Ask for user contact details” section.
- Integration to [MoolaMojo](https://namaste-lms.org/moolamojo/) – you can award virtual currency for taking tests. Learn more at
- When setting an email address to receive the quiz results at the admin end you can now use variables from “Ask for user contact details” section. This gives the possibility to specify receiver of these emails who is different for each quiz taker.
- Tin Can / Experience API integration through WP Experience API plugin. Learn more at
- Displaying test results can be delayed for a future date. In such case you can define what text to be shown at the end of the quiz and in the user’s dashboard before the date arrive. This feature is useful for logged in users.
- When the PDF Bridge is installed and enabled to generate certificates we will also generate PDF files when “Download” link is clicked on “View results” popup (instead of .doc file which is the behavior when the bridge is not installed)
- When displaying “performance per category” you can now limit to the top X categories depending on your sorting preference
- The shotcode **watupro-result** can now work without “quiz_id” parameter. In this case it will show the latest attempt for the user on any quiz. This can be useful if you redirect to the same page from several quizzes.
- Added filter by question content on the Manage Questions page.
- Added filter by internal comments in Manage Quizzes page. Note that if you have comments saved before this version they may need to be re-saved to be searchable, as this change required a DB update.
- Sorting category grades is now also possible by number of absolute points collected instead of the default criteria (percent correct answers).
- Improvements to timer: you can specify that it turns red when less than X seconds remain. When results are auto-submitted the user will get a message making it clear that they ran out of time and results were automatically submitted.
- Added “view details” link when the list of quiz takings is published via shortcode.
- Added “time spent” column to the test result exports.
- The watupro-result shortcode should now work for non-logged in users too when you have to show the result of the last completed test
- Import / export questions function now supports and shows question subcategories
- Added final screen variable %%EMPTY%% for empty (unanswered) questions which will no longer be shown as wrong-answered questions in the %%WRONG%% variable.
- WatuPRO can now be used in the LMS LearnPress through [this free bridge.](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/quizzes-for-learnpress/)
- For [Namaste! LMS](https://namaste-lms.org/) users: the WatuPRO user groups (when available) will be shown on the Namaste! LMS Students page.
- [Intelligence module] A paid test can be access for free from selected WatuPRO user groups or WP user roles.
- [Intelligence module] The plugin is integrated with [MoolaMojo](https://namaste-lms.org/moolamojo/) so you can sell access to quizzes for virtual credits earned by performing actions in your blog.
- [Intelligence module] Slider questions can directly transfer the slider selection as question points. In this case you can still define correct / wrong answers but the points on them will be disregarded.
- [Intelligence module] The user control mode (when you allow user to choose what questions to answer) now can be configured which of the selection modes to include.
- [Intelligence module] You can now set the width of fields in Fill the gaps questions at a question level.
- Added option to allow “unfiltered_html” to the roles you enable to manage quizzes.
- Fixed bug: taker’s name was missing in download doc when single quiz taking is downloaded in .doc file.
- Fixed bug: when WP roles were used instead of user groups, saving a test category was not saving the role based restrictions.
- Fixed bug with “user chooses” mode. When a quiz is in this mode but the user has stored progress from a quiz attempt, visiting the page should load their stored test instead of showing the choice form again.
- Fixed bug, Intelligence module: when editing quiz attempt from the administration, only the grade title was saved in the “results” column while when user takes the quiz we store both title + description.
As usual eligible customers have received a newsletter with free upgrade. If your free upgrades subscription has expired you’ll receive 60% renewal discount code.
Improvements to WooCommerce and EDD Bridges for WatuPRO
A new setting available from version 0.7 of the [EDD Bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-for-easy-digital-downloads/) and version 1.2 of the [WooCommerce Bridge ](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/woocommerce-bridge-in-watupro/)lets you help the user follow the payment process easier. if they visit the paid quiz page directly, before a payment is made, they can either:
- Be automatically redirected to the respective EDD or WooCommerce product page
- See a text with a link to the respective EDD or WooCommerce product page
Often users will visit paid quiz pages from their dashboards or other links so these settings will be very useful and will make the whole flow more logical.
Note that the changes require a recent version of WatuPRO as well.
MoolaMojo WordPress Virtual Credits System
We have just released a new free virtual currency & credits system for WordPress – [MoolaMojo](https://namaste-lms.org/moolamojo/). The plugin is similar to myCRED but easier to use and integrate.
It can be used to:
- Reward users virtual points for doing things on your site
- Sell products, subscriptions or services for virtual credits
- Sell virtual credits for real money
In its core it’s a simple thing but is extremely powerful and will allow you to extract a lot more value of your user’s interactions.
Integrations with Namaste! LMS, Watu/Pro, and Konnichiwa are coming shortly. And not only this: the integration API of the plugin is so simple, we expect other authors will make it soon as well.
Importing Subscribers in Arigato PRO
Importing subscribers in [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is easy but entering field numbers can be a bit confusing. Especially if you have custom fields in the mailing list and the CSV file. This guide will clear it all up.
Note! If your file contains any non-English characters (for example Asian, Cyrillic, any French and Spanish accents etc.), you must encode it in Unicode / UTF-8 format! [See how to do it](https://help.surveygizmo.com/help/encode-an-excel-file-to-utf-8-or-utf-16).
Let’s make an example with a mailing list with 3 custom fields:

And a CSV file which doesn’t perfectly match the mailing list:

And when you click on “Import subscribers” in Arigato PRO, this is what you see:

So there are a few problems to deal with here:
- The CSV file does not contain “Name” column. It contains first name and last name columns and you want the name in your mailing list to contain first and last name.
- The CSV file has the columns ordered in a way that obviously isn’t the same as the order on the import page.
- The CSV file contains some columns you don’t need (Client ID, State, ZIp, Phone, Address) and lacks the Age data.
So how to import this? Let’s visually number the columns in the CSV file:

Now things become simpler and we just have to watch at the import page first, find the field we need in the CSV and enter its number. Because “name” is constructed by 2 column, we enter them both with “+”. Here you go:

Let’s explain:
- Email is column number 7 in the file so we enter it before the comma in the “Email, Name” field.
- Name is constructed by columns 2 and 3 so we enter them as “2+3” after the comma. So the “Email, Name” field becomes “7, 2+3. Spaces do not matter.
- The CSV file does not contain fields for IP address, signup date and age. So we leave these blank.
- Company is column number 9.
- Gender is column number 10.
That’s it, import with “Skip first line (column titles) when importing” selected. And we are done:

Group Checkbox Questions in WatuPRO
This feature is available from [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) version 5.4.1 and above.
It lets you include several groups of checkbox answers into one “multiple choice” question.
This lets you structure complicated questions like this:

Such question will be treated just like any regular “multiple choice” question: it can be calculated as a whole or not, it will be counted as one question in all the calculations for percentages, correct/incorrect answers, category based reports, etc. Grouping the checkboxes is a presentation feature, it’s not a change to the logic. If you want to calculate each group as different question, then you obviously don’t need the feature. Simply create several multiple-choice questions.
How does it work
Once you select “Multiple Choices” for question type, the following checkbox will appear and you need to select it:

After you select the checkbox the answers to the questions will receive an additional box where you can enter group number:

In the contents of the question use the {{{group-N}}} variable to mark where you want each group of checkboxes to appear. Replace N with the group number:

This results in the following output:

And after selecting some answers and answering the quiz:

And this is still just a single question! Nice.
Please note that this feature is available only for “Multiple Chocies” questions. It can’t be applied to single choice questions (radio buttons) because if you can select one choice in each group, it’s no longer a single choice but multiple choices.
WatuPRO 5.4
This update of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) came a bit faster than usual. There are a lot of feature and improvement requests some of which quite good, so we implemented them:
- Certificates can have expiration period. After X months or years a configurable message that the certificate has expired will replace the original certificate contents.
- Added option to manually award certificates.
- Added strict exact match (case sensitive) mode on open-end questions.
- Added two more optional contact fields on the “Ask for contact details” section.
- Showing “Question X of Y” or “Page X of Y” text is now configurable from the quiz pagination settings.
- New option lets you mass update questions to: Required/Not required, Survey/Not survey and Important/Not important. These properties are also shown on the Manage Questions page under “Type” column.
- You can now enable Unselect button on single choice / multiple choice questions.
- New option lets you choose the text on the Submit button for each quiz.
- From the WatuPRO Settings page you can define what word to be used for “Quiz/Quizzes” within the plugin interface. Please note that we are slowly implementing the defined word usage on the pages so it’s currently only partial. This process may cause a bit of extra work to plugin translators as some of the previous strings will need to be translated again.
- Added variable %%SHORT_ANSWERS%% for the final screen. This variable will display the question along with user’s answer without checkmarks or feedback. The variable is suitable for surveys or similar tests that do not have correct or wrong answers.
- The design adjustments now allow you to choose buttons design and text sizes within the quizzes without editing CSS.
- You can also choose to use textual checkmarks when emailing results instead of graphics. Nowadays most email programs do not show graphics by default so this can be useful to avoid confusing the respondents.
- When question choices are displayed in 2, 3, or 4 columns you can set a fixed column width for achieving the best layout on the specific question.
- Added button to “Save & Add New Question” to save time when adding many questions.
- You can select WatuPRO user group also on the Add New User page.
- Added variable %%WRONG%% to show number of wrong answers on the Final screen.
- Added “Save & Add New” button on the pages for managing question categories and test categories.
- [Intelligence module] New option: Let user choose what questions to answer (based on predefined criteria). Similar to the User Choice addon.
- [Intelligence module] Quiz bundles can now have expiration period of X days after purchasing the bundle.
- [Intelligence module] Updated the Stripe payment library.
- [Reporting module] Stats per category page now also includes per-question tag report. The reports can now be filtered by user login / email address.
- Fixed bug: the variable %%MAX-POINTS%% was not properly calculated on checkbox questions.
- Fixed bug: The setting “Do not show correct / incorrect checkmarks on unresolved questions to avoid right answers being revealed.” did not work without the Intelligence module.
- Fixed bug: the {{{points}}} variable in the question feedback area was not properly calculating the cases when points should be discarded in some question types.
- Fixed CSS issue: when showing multiple-line answers in bullet lists the bullets were aligning bottom to the text.
- Fixed the CSS on compact format questions.
Eligible customers will receive the upgrades with the newsletter. If your free upgrades subscription has expired you will receive 60% discount code for optional renewal.
Arigato PRO 2.8
Version 2.8 of the WordPress email marketing suite [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) is out with some very important improvements and fixes:
- Added option to bulk delete mailing lists and newsletters.
- Added feature to export / import an autoresponder campaign with all its messages. It can be used to copy the campaign into the same site or into another site running Arigato PRO.
- Improved protection against duplicate emails (using lock files).
- Newsletters can now be scheduled for a date in the future.
- Shortcodes to use in a “thank you” page and other pages of your site + option to prepend user ID when redirecting – learn more [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/user-field-shortcodes-and-dynamic-thank-you-pages-from-arigato-pro-2-7-4/).
- “Subscribe by email” can now connect to SSL POP 3 accounts and there is an option to fetch the signups while testing the connection.
- Added “copy email” feature for autoresponder emails so you can easily duplicate them.
- Added “hidden” field type in custom fields. The hidden field can accept values from GET (URL) or POST and can have a default value.
- The raw email log can be filtered by receiver’s email.
- New shortcode allows you to output the number of active subscribers in any mailing list.
- The cron job can now be accessed as a PHP file (for hosts that do not allow cron job as GET requests)
- You can now set language code when using reCaptcha v.2.
- Reworked the Ninja Forms integration for compatibility with version 3+.
- The contact form integration checkbox can be hidden by adding a new attribute to the shortcode. Do this at your own responsibility.
Eligible customers will receive the update with the newsletter.
WatuPRO 5.3
WatuPRO version 5.3 is out with a new set of improvements and bug fixes:
- A new page will give you the submissions on all quizzes in chronological order.
- A new field for internal comments to the quiz is added, so admin / staff can add notes to each quiz. The notes will then be shown on the admin Quizzes page under the title.
- You can now specify spacing between questions and between question and its answers from the WatuPRO Settings page, without writing any CSS. More design configurations like this are coming soon.
- A new “completion criteria” feature on the Advanced Settings tab of the Edit Quiz page lets you define which grades will mark the quiz as “completed” on the user’s dashboard.
- The shortcode [watupro-result] now can print the whole “final screen” from given quiz taking by passing “details” to the “what” parameter (see the internal WatuPRO Help page for more details).
- Added variable %%POINTS-ROUNDED%% to show the points collected on a quiz rounded without decimals.
- Added variables %%START-TIME%% and %%END-TIME%% to be used for the time when quiz was started and completed.
- You can optionally collect the source URL where the quiz is taken and filter by this data in the “View results” page. This could be useful if you are publishing the same quiz on multiple pages on your site.
- Implemented reCaptcha v 2 (“No Captcha reCaptcha”).
- Added option to select what number of quizzes and questions to manage per page.
- Added 3 new color schemes for quiz designs.
- [Intelligence module] In case of a tie on the top personality types, the personality quizzes will now display all matching ones.
- [Intelligence module] ”Treat this question” as a whole option added to multiple-choice questions.
- [Intelligence module] Coupon codes can now be limited to a selected quiz and have an expiration date.
- [Intelligence module] Coupon codes will now work for non logged in users too.
- [Intelligence module] You can now set text to be displayed at the final screen in case of premature quiz ending (See Intelligence module settings tab in Edit Quiz page).
- [Reporting module] Stats per question page & shortcode now support date interval filter.
- Fixed bug in the questions import, WatuPRO advanced format (answers were not properly importing after adding two fields to the export file).
- Fixed UI issues with the “See answer” buttons when “Answer to each question can be seen immediately” is selected.
- Fixed bug: the “stats per category” in Reporting module did not work correctly when the quiz reused questions from several quizzes.
- Fixed bug: when copying questions in existing quiz the question were not placed after the original questions of the quiz, but inserted between them.
As always, the updated version is sent out via newsletter to eligible customers. If you did not receive your newsletter, feel free to contact us.
Arigato PRO: Adding Email to Existing Sequential Auto-Responder
What happens with existing members when you add a new email to a sequential autoresponder series in [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/)?
The answer is simple: the email will be sent only to the users who are registered exactly X days ago (and will of course be sent in the future to the other new or existing members when the right day for them comes). It’s important to know that emails will **never be sent on wrong dates**, i.e. if existing member is registered more than X days ago, they will not get this newly added email. **Here is an example to make things easier to follow:**
If you add “**1 day after registration**” email on **Oct 29**, on the same day it will be sent to existing members registered on **Oct 28 (provided that your cron job runs after adding the email)**. On **Oct 30** it will be sent to members registered on Oct 29 etc. **Such email will never be sent to members registered on Oct 27 or any earlier date.** This is very logical and it is the way it should be.
If you want to send email to older members, you can send them a newsletter.
Business With Content: The Need of Expertise
This is the eight article of the series “[Business with content](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/business-with-content-the-current-state-of-affairs/)“. To read the previous one, [click here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/business-with-content-mixes-be-a-little-creative/).
As discussed yet in the article about [membership subscription sites](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/business-with-content-membership-subscription-sites/) you can’t make business with mediocre content. This was possible 5-10 years ago but that’s no more. Sure, you can get a few subscribers even of a site with cheap rehashed content but most of them will quickly unsubscribe, some will ask for refund, and none of them will recommend your site to others. The web is now full of all kind of content and a lot of it is free and high quality.
[](https://www.flickr.com/photos/jonwick/4442041556/in/photolist-7LwCco-cy5rgy-4eBf1R-eRXSHB-bsub9m-aKeyVZ-N1WC4-jqN7xy-jqMK6V-eg8uEc-bFp1di-4RKUUM-d1Wr1N-nK1M6a-eRXTAp-aKeAuR-bsucD1-bFp3Ev-gGMNF8-9tP19e-58cXBQ-9tS3yh-9tS2Y5-jqMViQ-aKeB1x-bFoYGk-eRXTjk-jqMF22-bFoYV2-jKGGcr-5VxYNy-cy5tjm-aKez8v-eRXSUx-bsud2o-bGprA-pkMGzc-bFp4da-bFp2Gi-bFp5Lk-9tRZqf-aKewDD-bsubXQ-aKeBRe-j1zttG-gGM58W-bFp3up-gGM6Xs-bsu8z1-bFp2Dc "Expert Whiteout")
So, what you need in order to be able to charge for your content:
- **It must be unique or at least hard to find elsewhere.**
- **It must be expert content.** If you are building a site giving career advice you can’t go with the stuff that you can find on every blog online. You need real expert advice and insights that work.
- **It must be rich.** This means ideally not just text but also media like audios and videos, charts, info-graphics, tools.
For these purposes web scraping, rewriting existing articles, copying content from a book or (why am I even saying it) auto-generating content is out of the game. None of this will work. You need to invest human hours into creating very high quality content before you can even think about making business with it.
So, how? The options are mainly two:
Option One: Create Your Content Yourself
This is the most obvious one and it is the best. I know this does not sound like what a business owner does but with paid content sites it is the most viable path. You, or at least someone within your company (maybe several persons) should be knowledgeable in the subject you plan to build business around. The best content is created in-house and you as an owner of the site should be very well into the matters you charge for.
So how do you go about this if just starting? Focus on expertise you already have. Maybe it’s your job, maybe it’s a hobby or interest. But it should be something that you really know well, have experience with, or have inside information that can be shared. Gaining expertise along the way will not work: the quality of content required nowadays is too high for this. You can’t pretend to have expertise.
Now, if you are not good in writing for example, you can hire someone to rewrite or edit your articles. You definitely need to hire someone to create videos or audios unless you are expert in that. Don’t do cheap home made webcam videos unless you know what you are doing.
You will probably hire a website designer and someone to create charts, tools etc. This is OK. But the expertise must be coming from you, from your knowledge and experience. Not from stuff you just read online last few months.
Option Two: Get The Expertise From Someone Else
The second option to use someone else’s expertise. You can join forces with an expert in a given area and handle the marketing, sales and / or technical side of running a site. You can even take interviews and write the articles yourself. You can do this with multiple persons. Or you can just hire an expert to create the whole thing for you: videos, audios, texts, tools, etc. Either of these options are fine as long as you really have an **expert**.
And expertise comes from experience… so you get the idea.
What Not To Do
A sure way to fail your paid content site is to do any of the following:
- **Rewrite, copy, or rehash articles from other sites.** This was already said but worth to repeat and remember.
- **Create lame content without having real expertise.** This is just as bad as the above. It won’t get you anywhere.
- **Try to gain expertise along the way.** No, you won’t become an expert in anything just by reading about it. Don’t try to create a premium content site on a subject you know nothing about.
- **Hire freelance writes to research and write articles.** No matter cheap or expensive. Writing for a premium content site requires much less expertise in writing than in the subject of the site. So even a great writer won’t get you anywhere if they don’t know the matter. You are far better hiring someone who knows what they are talking about, even if they can’t write well.
- **Auto-generate content of any kind** unless we talk about generating charts or reports in some unique useful way or based on private data that you have.
I wish I could tell you it was easy as in “hire writes for $5 per article and get 100 articles done” but it’s not. If you don’t have access to real top-notch expertise do not even try to start business with content of any kind.
So if you are just about to start, knowing where to find the expertise is going to be your main worry. And creating the content is your main expense. But not only. The next article in this series will discuss the costs of running a paid content site. [Read it here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/business-with-content-the-costs-of-running-a-premium-content-site/).
Namaste! LMS Bridge to myCRED
This is a bridge between Namaste! LMS to the great plugin [myCRED](http://mycred.me/) which lets you reward points for various activities.
[Download the bridge here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/namaste-mycred.zip) (5 KB, version 0.5)
What Does It Do?
1. It lets you reward myCRED points for completing a selected Namaste! LMS course or for completing any course.

2. You can assign badges for completing a course, or a number of courses.

Just install and activate the plugin and you will see the options appear in myCRED’s Hooks and Badges menus. Nothing will appear under Namaste! LMS menu.
[WatuPRO] Don't Display Already Answered Questions To Logged In User
This feature requires Watu PRO version 5.1.7 or newer and can be used on quizzes that require user log in. The idea is that when user retakes the quiz they won’t see questions already answered in a previous attempt (even if same question was used in another quiz).
The setting will be available on quizzes that meet ALL of the following criteria:
- **The quiz requires user log in (before version 5.1.7 more criteria were required)**
The setting is accessible from the User and Email Related Settings tab:

**Be careful with this setting and the number of attempts you allow on a quiz.** If the user answers all the questions in previous attempts, they will again end up with a quiz with no questions at some point. In such case the user will be shown a message”There are no questions to answer. Looks like you have already answered them all! “. You may want to avoid this by controlling the number of questions and number of attempts. Especially watch out for cases when multiple quizzes reuse the same pool of questions.
**From version you can choose the option “In case no more questions are available, start over” to avoid this.**
WatuPRO 5.1
The quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) just hit version 5.1. Below is the list of changes and improvements between 5.0 and 5.1:
- New mode for grades calculation: when you select to calculate quiz grades by percent you can also choose whether to calculate percent of correct answers or percent points achieved from the maximum possible points. This gives you greater flexibility for quizzes with more complicated and versatile questions.
- Honeypot field option is available against spam bot submissions. Using a “honey pot” is a lot less obtrusive than captchas because it does not require the end user to do anything, while the efficiency is almost the same. You can enable the new feature from the Edit Quiz -> General Settings tab.
- A new field on the Grades form lets you specify URL where to redirect the user upon achieving the grade. The old option to use the grade title as URL still works, but is less convenient.
- Added mass activate / mass deactivate buttons on the Manage Questions page.
- New quiz taking counter shortcode lets you show how many attempts are allowed total or left for the current user on a given quiz. The shortcode is **watupro-quiz-attempt**, see the internal Help page for usage examples.
- The Quiz categories table will now show who each category is accessible to (roles or user groups).
- Added %%CATEGORY-PERCENTAGEOFMAX-X%% variable to manually display the % from maximum points collected on a category.
- New shortcode lets you display a simplified version of the “View results” page of a quiz on the front-end. You’ll find the shortcode for each quiz on its “View results” page in admin.
- [Intelligence module] Now in personality quizzes the points given to answers can be used to give more weight to a selected answer-to-personality match. By default each match counts as one point.
- [Intelligence module] New option lets you turn the blank spaces in “Fill the gaps” question into drop-down selectors. More info at
- [Intelligence module] The Match / Matrix questions have been fully reworked with a new UI. The new interface is more user-friendly and works better on mobile devices. The old legacy format can still be used but we won’t provide technical support for it.
- [Intelligence module] The Dependencies section now supports all or any mode (i.e. you can require all dependencies to be satisfied or just one of them).
- [Intelligence module] The expand-personality-result shortcode now accepts argument “chart” to produce a basic bar chart.
- [Reporting Module] The user Overview page now shows total points and avg. % correct answer.
- Grade management editor made smaller so you can see more of the grades on screen
- Critical bug fix for WP 4.4: After updating to WP 4.4 on some installations submitting a quiz let to a database error and the results were not submitted.
- Fixed bug: after introducing multi-quiz certificates, the regular certificates were always issued to non-logged in users.
- Fixed bugs with dependencies in Intelligence module: “any” mode worked correctly only when the first dependency was satisfied. The locked-test info did not show correctly satisfied dependencies with % correct answers mode.
- Fixed bug: when “Ask for contact” field label contained an apostrophe the whole setting was not properly saved.
- Fixed bug: [Intelligence module] when sending email for editing submitted quiz details the email contents did not have proper line breaks.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: in fill the gaps questions. When multiple correct answers were given without “dropdown mode” selected the last answer was not properly recognized as correct.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: the exact answer feedback did not work on Slider questions.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: slider questions did not work in “no ajax” mode.
- Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: When “Reveal the correct answers on unanswered and wrongly answered fields in “Fill the gaps” questions” was chosen, the answers were revealed even in the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.
As usual: customers eligible for free updates have received them via the newsletter. If your free upgrades subscription has expired you will be able to renew for another year with 60% discount. Please contact us for promo code if you did not receive the newsletter.
Restrict Quizzes by User Level (WatuPRO & The Play Plugin)
This new feature requires WatuPRO 5.1 and the Play Plugin v. 1.9.8.
It’s actually quite simple and we surprised ourselves that nobody asked for it earlier. It gives you the option to restrict access to a quiz based on levels that user have achieved in the Play Plugin.
How does it work?
- The quiz must require user login
- There should be some levels defined in the Play plugin
- Go to Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab and you’ll find an option to restrict the access to this quiz based on the user level:

If you don’t select any level, the quiz will be accessible to all logged in users (unless other things like dependencies have been defined). If you do, there will be a message that this quiz requires you to have certain level to access it . Simple.
Lead Magnets in Arigato PRO Intelligence Module 1.1
From Intelligence module version 1.1 and Arigato PRO version you can create **lead magnets** and add them to the signup forms.
What’s a Lead Magnet and How Is It Different Than a Welcome Email?
Just like a Welcome email (the “0 days” email you set in an autoresponder campaign), the Lead Magnet is just an email message which is sent immediately when an user subscribes to a mailing list.
The main difference between a lead magnet and a welcome email is that the magnet email will be sent to the user even if they are already registered in the mailing list. This means you can have multiple sigup forms at different times on your site for different lead magnets. **If an user who is already subscribed fills the form they will still receive the lead magnet email without disturbing any existing drip marketing campaigns for them.**
At the same time if new user signs up, they’ll be subscribed to the associated mailing list(s) and receive any autoresponder emails plus the lead magnet email.
So, the lead magnet can be attached to any signup form regardless of the mailing list(s) the form goes to.
Note that you can have only one lead magnet per signup form.
How To Use The Lead Magnet Codes
In order to attach a lead magnet to Arigato PRO signup form you need to include its field code in the form. There are three codes and each one should be used only with the appropriate signup form code:
### A) The simple shortcode attribute:

This attribute should be used with the simple form shortcode which is available for every mailing list:

So instead of the default [bftpro 5] you’ll make a shortcode like this: [bftpro 5 magnet_id=14]
**B) The field shortcode:**

The field shortcode should be used with the “WordPress-friendly shortcodes” for the mailing list:

Place the magnet shortcode before the form end so it becomes something like this:

### C) The field HTML code:

This code should be used only if you are using the “Form code for using outside of the blog (HTML)” for a given mailing list. The field should be placed before the closing </form> tag.
Responsive Email Presets from Arigato PRO 2.6
The new version of [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) – 2.6 – comes with a very important and powerful feature: responsive email presets.
While the idea is similar to the email templates in the Intelligence module, the presets will be more convenient for most users.
Instead of defining just the header and footer where your message is, they define the whole responsive design and let you visually edit the blocks of contents.
The current version comes with three presets – Basic, Right Sidebar and Two columns:

When creating a new message you can choose to use the default rich text editor or use a preset. On the next page you’ll be presented with visual editor for editing every block of content. Once selected a preset it can’t be changed for that newsletter or message.
Working with them is slightly constrained because you can edit the content of the blocks only. You can’t more or remove whole blocks. But this guarantees good design in different devices and screen resolutions.
If the existing designs are not sufficient you can create your own and import them in the database. We have used [Foundation for Emails](http://foundation.zurb.com/emails) and strongly recommend it for creating your own designs.
Full Changelog from Version 2.5 to Version 2.6
- Responsive presets: now when creating a new newsletter or autoresponder message you can choose to use the design of one of our responsive templates and then visually edit the content in the different blocks.
- The “num sent” and “num read” numbers on the newsletter reports page now open detailed list of the received emails and date when the email was sent to them
- Added option to resend confirmation email.
- Added option to BCC all outgoing emails to a selected email address.
- The option “auto subscribe everyone who registers on my blog” now allows configuration to happen immediately on registration – in case you don’t want to wait users to log in.
- New option lets you automatically delete unconfirmed subscribers older than X days.
- You can have your own clickable text for unsubscribe link instead of displaying the long unsubscribe URL.
- You can also specify URL where the user to be redirected after unsubscribing.
- [Intelligence module] Split testing enabled for autoresponder email messages.
- [Intelligence module] Paid signup for mailing lists is now available (payment handling through Paypal).
- Added option to load reCaptcha’s javascript library through SSL.
- Added checkbox to test the Bounce tracking connection.
- Fixed bug: lists that were integrated in contact form and had “auto subscribe to blog” option checked did not subscribe the user to the blog.
Eligible customers will receive their update by newsletter.
WatuPRO Basic Bar Chart
From version 5.0.5 the quiz plugin WatuPRO comes with a basic bar chart shortcode that can be used to display a chart in the final page of the quiz.
The chart can be used for two main purposes:
a) to show how your result compares to the averages of other quiz takers on the same quiz.
b) to show your points vs. maximum possible points chart.
c) to show how your current attempt compares to your previous attempts (for logged in users)
Here are examples of the chart:
### Yours vs Average Results:

### Your own results overview:
(this mode requires at least WatuPRO

This basic chart does not require the Reporting Module. Below is a more detailed explanation how to use the shortcode:
**Please note this shortcode can be used only in the quiz output box. At the moment it won’t work anywhere else including certificates.**
Using the shortcode
The shortcode to be included in the final screen is **[watupro-basic-chart]**
It can be used without any attributes in which case will produce a chart like in the image above. You can however use several attributes to customize it:
**show –** this attribute defines whether to show both charts, only the points chart, or only the percentages chart. The possible values of this parameter are: ‘both’, ‘points’, ‘percent’, or ‘max_points’. When the value is max_points the chart will display your points vs. maximum possible points bars.
**your_color –** the color of the bar with user’s stats (your points, your % correct answer). Defaults to blue. Can accept color as a word or as hexadecimal value.
**avg_color –** the color of the bar with average or maximum stats (avg. points, avg % correct answer). Defaults to gray. Can accept color as a word or as hexadecimal value.
**bar_width –** the width of the bar in pixels. Defaults to 100.
**average –** “show” or “hide” depending on whether you want to show the bar with the average values from everyone (or maximum points, depending on “show”). If you omit the argument, it will be shown. If the parameter **show** is set to **max_points**, the maximum will always be shown.
The following attributes are not documented in the Help page because using them improperly can cause on-screen errors:
**overview –** defines how many attempts to show in total and **will work only for logged in users.** Defaults to 1, i.e. by default it shows only the latest attempt. The max. is 10.
If the parameter **show** is set to **max_points**, then overview is always switched off to 1.
**your_points_text –** defines the text written under “Your points” bar. Defaults to “Your points: %s”. You can change it but it must always include the “%s” variable.
**your_overview_points_text –** When overview is more than 1, this is the text that will show for the previous attempts. Defaults to “%s: %s”. You can change it but it must always include the “%s” variables because they will be replaced with date and points.
**avg_points_text –** defines the text written under “Avg. points” or “Max. points” bar. Defaults to “Avg. points: %s”. You can change it but it must always include the “%s” variable.
**your_percent_text –** defines the text under “Your % correct” bar. Defaults to “You: %d%% correct”. Must always include the “%d” variable.
**your_overview_percent_text –**When overview is more than 1, this is the text that will show for the previous attempts. Defaults to “%s: %d%% correct”. Must always include the “%s” and “%d” variable.
**avg_percent_text –** defines the text under “Avg. % correct” bar. Defaults to “Avg. %d%% correct”. Must always include the “%d” variable.
**round_points –** set to 1 if you want to not use decimals and have all points rounded.
Here is an example usage including several arguments:
`[watupro-basic-chart show="points" your_color="red" avg_color="#00FF00" your_points_text="You: %s points" avg_points_text="Avg.from all users: %s points"]`
WatuPRO Critical Bug Fix for WordPress 4.4
Yesterday’s WordPress upgrade to 4.4 is causing a database error when submitting a quiz in most WatuPRO versions and some MySQL versions. This is NOT a security issue but it can cause critical malfunction. So we highly recommend to update to the latest version ASAP.
We are sending version via a newsletter today. If you have not received it, feel free to send us email.
If you have customized the plugin in some way and don’t want to update you can replace only lib/watupro.php where the changes are done. In any other case please update the whole plugin.
If Your Free Support Subscription Has Expired
We sent a newsletter when this bug fix was released. If you missed to update your installation back then and your free support subscription has expired, you have two options:
- To renew using the 60% promo code. It can be provided to you by email, please contact us.
- To fix the bug yourself. Open lib/watupro.php and fine the following queries:
if(empty($detail->ID)) {
array("user_id"=>$user_ID, "exam_id"=>$exam_id, "taking_id"=>$taking_id,
"question_id"=>$question_id, "answer"=>$answer,
"points"=>$points, "question_text"=>$question_text,
"is_correct" => $is_correct, 'snapshot'=>$snapshot, 'hints_used'=>$hints,
"num_hints_used" => $no_hints, "onpage_question_num" => @$_POST['current_question'],
"feedback" => @$_POST['feedback-'.$question_id],
"rating" => intval(@$_POST['question_rating_'.$question_id])),
array("%d","%d","%d","%d","%s","%f","%s", "%d", "%s", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%s", "%d"));
$detail_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
else {
// don't remove the snapshot
if(empty($snapshot) and !empty($detail->snapshot)) $snapshot = stripslashes($detail->snapshot);
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS." SET
answer=%s, points=%s, question_text=%s, is_correct=%d, snapshot=%s, hints_used = %s,
num_hints_used=%d, onpage_question_num=%d, feedback=%s, rating=%d
WHERE id=%d", $answer, $points, $question_text, $is_correct, $snapshot, $hints, $no_hints,
@$_POST['current_question'], @$_POST['feedback-'.$question_id], intval(@$_POST['question_rating_'.$question_id]), $detail->ID ));
$detail_id = $detail->ID;
Change them to:
if(empty($detail->ID)) {
array("user_id"=>$user_ID, "exam_id"=>$exam_id, "taking_id"=>$taking_id,
"question_id"=>$question_id, "answer"=>$answer,
"points"=>$points, "question_text"=>$question_text,
"is_correct" => $is_correct, 'snapshot'=>$snapshot, 'hints_used'=>$hints,
"num_hints_used" => $no_hints, "onpage_question_num" => intval(@$_POST['current_question']),
"feedback" => @$_POST['feedback-'.$question_id],
"rating" => intval(@$_POST['question_rating_'.$question_id])),
array("%d","%d","%d","%d","%s","%f","%s", "%d", "%s", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%s", "%d"));
$detail_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
else {
// don't remove the snapshot
if(empty($snapshot) and !empty($detail->snapshot)) $snapshot = stripslashes($detail->snapshot);
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".WATUPRO_STUDENT_ANSWERS." SET
answer=%s, points=%s, question_text=%s, is_correct=%d, snapshot=%s, hints_used = %s,
num_hints_used=%d, onpage_question_num=%d, feedback=%s, rating=%d
WHERE id=%d", $answer, $points, $question_text, $is_correct, $snapshot, $hints, $no_hints,
intval(@$_POST['current_question']), @$_POST['feedback-'.$question_id], intval(@$_POST['question_rating_'.$question_id]), $detail->ID ));
$detail_id = $detail->ID;
That’s it.
Turn Multiple-Answer Gaps Into Drop-downs And Other Advanced Adjustments
You know that the Intelligence module of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) allows you to create “fill the gaps” questions. Each of the “gaps” (blanks) can have multiple correct answers when you use the following format:
**The apple can be {{{green|red|yellow}}}**
In the above example if the user fills green, or red, or yellow in the generated text field, their answer will be correct.
From version **5.0.2** the same format can be used for different purpose by selecting the following checkbox on the Edit Question page:
[](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/gaps-dropdowns.png)When this is selected, all the gaps that have more than one answer within the question will be turned into drop-down selector. The drop-down selector will have one option for each answer given. **The first answer that you have given is the only correct answer.** But of course, it will not be shown first – the selections will be randomized so the user will not know which is the correct answer.
So if we use the above example, the correct answer will be “green” and red / yellow will not be correct.
This setting is per-question so it will affect all the blanks within the selected question.
Other Fill The Gaps Adjustments
You can create a “placeholder” for each regular gap (not for drop-downs) to give a hint or remind for the supported format in the gap like this:
`One dollar has {{{100|placeholder="numbers only"}}} cents in it.`
For gaps that allow multiple correct answers you can do the same – just make sure the placeholder is the last value:
`A good apple color can be {{{green|red|yellow|placeholder="type color name"}}}.`
On the WatuPRO Settings page you can define the width and height of the gaps. Sometimes you may need to apply specific CSS style to an individual gap. You can do this by passing an inline style as last answer for the gap (in case there is a placeholder, style should be after it). Examples:
`One dollar has {{{100|placeholder="numbers only"|style="font-weight:bold;"}}} cents in it.`
`A good apple color can be {{{green|red|yellow|style="width:150px;"}}}.`
WatuPRO 5.0
Time flies and the quiz plugin WatuPRO already reached version 5.0! Here are the improvements from version 4.9 to 5.0:
- The quiz description can optionally be shown to users with no rights to access the quiz (for example non-logged in users on quizzes that require user login, etc)
- The “taking details” popup has been reworked to display the information better, to default to table format, and to include teacher comments (feature from Intelligence module). Note that the points & results column (including teacher comments) by default is hidden from the student. It can be enabled from the Edit quiz -> Advanced Settings tab -> Student Dashboard Settings section
- New Advanced setting allows you to not store the data / result of the quiz taker. This can be useful for running practice quizzes where the results / points should not affect the reports, stats, or user level / badges etc. It also saves a lot of database space in case you don’t need this data.
- The new shortcode **watupro-result** will display the result achieved by specific user on specific quiz: points, percent correct, or grade title
- Questions from selected question categories can now be excluded from reports and CSV result exports
- New configuration lets you exclude the categories that contain only survey questions from the %%CATGRADES%% variable
- When “Automatically publish this quiz in new post once I hit the “Save” button.” is selected the newly created post will be categorized in the same category as the quiz (only when you have post category with the same name as the quiz category)
- The **watupro-userinfo** shortcode now can accept fixed user ID or read user ID from the certificate. Read more at
- You can mass-assign users to a WatuPRO user group
- Export results now also satisfies your CSV preferences from the WatuPRO Settings page. No more fixed “tab” delimiter.
- Integration with [qTranslate-X](https://bg.wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-x/) (work in progress)
- [Intelligence module] Runtime logic: you can now configure premature quiz ending in case user fails to reach given % correct answers during the quiz (after reaching a question number, specified by you). You can also define a “stop” logic which won’t allow the user to continue further the quiz before they achieve required % correct answers (in this case it makes sense to allow “previous” button so the quiz taker can go back to improve their answers).
- [Intelligence module] Admin can set different quiz owner. This is useful if you have teacher accounts and assigned “manage only their own exams” rule to their user role(s)
- [Intelligence module] When a quiz is not accessible due to unsatisfied dependencies the user will now see the table with dependencies on the quiz page so they know what needs to be done.
- [Reporting module] Added points collected to “Stats per category” page
- [Reporting module] New shortcode **watupror-user-cat-chart** lets you display bar chart showing performance per question category for a specific quiz attempt
- [Reporting module] New shortcode **watupror-qcat-total** lets you output total stats for a given user per question category. More info about it in the internal Help page under the WatuPRO menu in your dashboard.
- Rearranged some of the Email related options to improve the UI
- Fixed bug: when “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.” is selected users with no difficulty levels in their profile had no access to questions instead of accessing all of them
- Fixed a couple of issues that caused conflicts with plugins like Relevanssi when a page containing WatuPRO shortcode was saved
- Fixed bug: a link to delete all user quiz results was not showing when admin was viewing user quizzes (path: Users -> Quizzes)
- Fixed bug: [Intelligence module] Paid quizzes that were purchased from bundles were not showing in My Quizzes page when “Do not display these quizzes in user dashboard until access to them is purchased” was selected.
- Fixed bug: [Intelligence module] Quizzes paid with 100% promo codes could not be submitted. Now this is fixed + the payment records page will show the promo code payment as a regular payment for the quiz but with information about the used coupon code.
As always: eligible customers will receive this upgrade by email. If you did not receive your upgrade, please contact us. If your annual upgrades subscription has expired you can renew for another year at 40% of the price of your package. The renewal promo code will be sent by a newsletter. If you don’t receive it feel free to contact us.
WatuPRO 4.9
The latest version of the WordPress quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is now 4.9.
Below are the new features and improvements done between versions 4.8 and 4.9:
- Question difficulty levels can now be selected in user’s profile (by admin). When this is done the user will be restricted to access only questions from the selected difficulty levels.
- Difficulty levels can have unlock criteria to be automatically unlocked (if you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.”)
- Added log that will show you who and when unlocked a difficulty level (provided that you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.”)
- The search form on “view results” page will now include the Phone and Company fields, when they are requested in the quiz.
- Limit the number of logged in users quiz re-takings within interval of 24 hours, a week, or a month.
- Certificates now can be issued for completing multiple quizzes with min. average points and / or min. average % correct answer.
- New option lets you enable a rating widget so users can rate questions.
- New “final screen” variable %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% lets you display the user’s answers one at a time, with a numbered pagination.
- Added option to automatically cleanup or blank out user submitted data older than X days (to save database space).
- PDF Certificates can now be attached to emails (Requires PDF Bridge version 0.8 or newer)
- New option “When no more attempts are available display the latest result.” lets you display a snapshot of the final screen when logged in user that can’t retake the quiz visits the quiz page.
- The variable %%USER-NAME%% can also be used in the email subject.
- Added variable %%ADMIN-URL%%. It can be useful for the email sent to admin to quickly find the submission details in the administration.
- [Reporting module] A bar chart shows the average % correct answers per skill.
- [Intelligence module] Fill the gaps questions can now accept a numeric range also as correct answer.
- [Intelligence module] Paid quizzes are now available for non-logged in users as well. To use this your server must support sessions (true in 99% of the cases). Also note that coupon codes functionality is currently available for logged in users only.
- [Intelligence module] Date stamp when teacher manually edits user results will be stored and shown in the list of results on a quiz.
- [Intelligence module] You can specify individual CSS for every gap (in Fill the gaps questions) by passing it like last correct answer for the gaps. Example: {{{answer1|answer2|style=”width:250px;font-weight:bold;height:50px;”}}}
- [Reporting module] Fixed bug: the “Different tests attempted” on the Overview page was showing 0.
- Fixed subcategory related issues in the Reporting module -> Skills.
- Fixed false “category name already exists” message when adding subcategories.
- Fixed bug when user with the same session saves multiple in-progress quizzes (only one was saving).
- Fixed bug with saving and reusing the “common category grade design” in the default grades page.
- Fixed bug with timed quizzes that store user progress and randomize questions (questions order was lost during different unfinished quiz attempts).
- Fixed bug when timed “non-ajax” quiz required contact details at the beginning (the details were getting lost)
- Added auto-scroll to top after filling contact details on quizzes that ask for them at the beginning.
- Improved styling of the buttons in the admin pages.
The new version is sent by newsletter to eligible customers.
Arigato PRO 2.5 and Intelligence Module 1.0.7
The [WordPress drip marketing plugin Arigato PRO 2.5](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) has been released. It’s Intelligence module is also updated to version 1.0.7. In order to get the most of the new Performance Stats page, when updating Arigato PRO to 2.5 it’s recommended to also update the Intelligence module to the latest version.
Here is the changelog between versions 2.4 and 2.5:
- You can restrict by user role the feature “Automatically subscribe in this list everyone who registers in my blog”.
- The feature “When user subscribes to this mailing lists, register them as subscriber for my site too” also allows selecting user role.
- New page “Advanced Stats” will show you excellent overview of your best performing newsletters, autoresponder campaigns, top subscribers, and more.
- Unsubscribe stats will show you which newsletters, autoresponder campaigns and individual autoresponder emails lead to most unsubscribed users (note that these stats are recorded from a recent version so you won’t get meaningful results from before installing 2.5).
- When users unsubscribe, we’ll record which email they clicked the “unsubscribe” link from. This info will be shown in the subscribers list page if you choose to not delete the unsubscribed users from the Arigato PRO Settings page.
- The plugin will now track where the subscribers come from – web form (and on which page), added by admin, imported, subscribed by email, auto-subscribed, or subscribed by some custom method. This information will be visible in your list of users and can be filtered in the search form.
- The number of active and unsubscribed users is now shown under each mailing list on the Mailing Lists page
- Added num. sent & num. unsubscribed users under the list of emails in an autoresponder campaign. Same done for newsletters.
- Custom fields will also be included in the search subscribers form. Note that the search is text-based and works the same way as searching in the default fields.
- You can now easily setup your blog homepage or selected URL to work as “Squeeze page” and not show any of the WordPress header, footer, sidebar etc links.
- Advanced role management lets you specify which pages and what access to them will be given to the different user roles. This lets you get your team members involved into the autoresponder management without giving them access to the whole functionality of the plugin. This configuration is available through a new link in the “Roles” section of the “Settings” page.
- New setting lets you choose whether the unsubscribe page will display all lists or just the current list the user is unsubscribing from.
- [Intelligence module] Post contents is also added as variable for the digests
- [Intelligence module] New trigger: when user stays subscribed for X days do Y
- [Inteligence module] Basic responsive template included
The update is sent by newsletter to eligible customers. If your free upgrades subscription has expired, you can renew for another full year for 40% of the regular price.
Using Question Difficulty Levels
From version the WordPress quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) adds a new important feature: question difficulty levels.
What Does It Do?
There are several reasons to use question difficulty levels in your quiz system:
- To limit which difficulty levels are shown in a given quiz. This can be useful if you want to try how users perform on the quiz depending on how difficult questions are shown. Alternatively you can use one quiz as question bank and show questions of different difficulty levels in different quizzes.
- To limit what kind of questions do users access. An option lets you manually give access to certain difficulty levels to every user from the Edit user page.
- To let users unlock difficulty levels automatically based on their performance. You can do this by defining unlock criteria as explained below.
How To Use It
To create some difficulty levels go to the WatuPRO Difficulty Levels page and write them one per line:
Once saved, you’ll get the following new options:
- A drop-down selector in the Edit Quiz page
- A multi-select drop-down menu in the Edit User page (from your main WP Users page):
When you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.” checkbox on the Difficulty Levels page you’ll also get options to setup default difficulty levels for new user accounts:
And the options to create unlock criteria will also appear. Here is example of automatic unlock criteria:
This means that for each difficulty level you can add criteria for automatic unlocking. When user completes a quiz, their points and correct answers are calculated. If criteria are satisfied a new question difficulty level will be unlocked and the user will be notified about this by flash message on the “Final screeen” on the quiz they just completed.
The “Unlock log” in the admin “Difficulty levels” page will let you know who and when has unlocked a new difficulty level.
Arigato Pro Community Translations
Thanks to some of our customers we are starting a page with community translations for Arigato PRO. If you have translated the plugin and want to share your work with the others, please let us know on info@calendarscripts.info
Croatian Translation
This translation is provided by Sanjin and is actual to Arigato PRO 3.1.5:
[bftpro-hr.po](http://calendarscripts.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/bftpro-hr.po) / [bftpro-hr.mo](http://calendarscripts.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/bftpro-hr.mo)
Inelligence module:
[bfti-hr.po](http://calendarscripts.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/bfti-hr.po) / [bfti-hr.mo](http://calendarscripts.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/bfti-hr.mo)
Japanese Translation
The following translation is provided by Atsushi Wadamine from
[bftpro-ja.po](http://calendarscripts.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/bftpro-ja.po) / [bftpro-ja.mo](http://calendarscripts.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/bftpro-ja.mo)
When The %%CERTIFICATE%% Variable In WatuPRO Shows Nothing
If you think that the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable in the “Quiz Output” doesn’t work, please read this post. The variable works fine but is often misunderstood.
When the variable outputs a link to a certificate?
The variable will output a link **only when certificate is earned.** If the user did not earn certificate, then the variable will output nothing (blank).
When is a certificate earned?
There are 2 conditions to earn certificate and **both** should be satisfied.
1. **You need to have the email of the user who takes the quiz.** There are several ways to request the user’s email and **choosing ONE of them is sufficient**:
a) Select “Require user login” in the Edit Quiz page, User and Email Related Settings tab
b) Select “Send email to user with their results”. When this is selected, WatuPRO will make sure that email is requested
c) Request user contact details from the bottom of the same tab where you see the “Ask for user contact details” heading. Of course you must select to ask for email address.
2. **User must achieve a grade that has the certificate assigned to it.** This is very very important and often is the case of unnecessary support emails. **A certificate is not, by default, earned just for taking the quiz.** Certificates are always related to a **grade**. Only when the user achieves a grade that has certificate assigned to it, then the user earns the certificate. So here is what you need to do assuming you have created a certificate:
a) **Create some grades for the quiz.** b) **Assign the certificate to one or more of these quiz grades.** This is done from the Manage Grades page – there will be a certificate drop-down under each grade. It’s up to you which grades will allow certificate. Usually customers assign certificate to the grades that they consider to mean quiz success. If your quiz is not a knowledge-based quiz and you want everyone to earn a certificate, just assign the certificate to all the grades and make sure the user will always earn a grade ([learn more](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/receiving-grade-none-or-unexpected-grade-watupro/))
Please also note that the certificate itself will not get attached in email etc. Only a link to it can be included in the quiz output or email contents.
WatuPRO 4.8
The latest version of the WordPress quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is now available.
Below are the new features and improvements done between versions 4.7 and 4.8:
- Certificates can now be issued to non-logged users as long as you have requested their email address when they take the quiz (by using any of the methods for this)
- Added option to show category based paginator on top. Works for all pagination types (except “custom number per page”) when questions are grouped by category.
- Added question subcategories. When randomizing and pulling X questions per category they will be treated exactly like the main categories.
- Enabled simple question based “captcha” to prevent spam submissions.
- Added option to copy / clone questions within the same quiz (use the Copy into another quiz link).
- Added optional instructions before the “ask for contact details” fields.
- Question difficulty levels. Questions can be filtered in admin and you can limit the quiz to display only questions of given difficulty level.
- Added new “Final output” variable – %%PERCENTAGEOFMAX%% – it will display the % of points achieved from the maximum possible points.
- Added %%TIME-SPENT%% variable in certificates.
- The shortcode [watupro-myexams] now can accept one more argument to show only completed quizzes or quizzes to complete. Please check the internal Help page for details.
- New improvements to the timer.
- Fixed the default order of categories when the quiz is paginated one page per category: it will follow the order of your questions.
- [Intelligence module] – new question type added: slider / rating widget.
- [Intelligence module]: Improvements to the multiuser access. You can now apply the user group / roles restrictions to allow editors manage only quizzes within their user group or role permissions. A new “view level” permission is added which allows you to designate accounts that can only view quiz results.
- [Intelligence module] Paypal PDT is now supported for hosts that experience delays in Paypal IPN.
- [Intelligence module] From the payments page for a quiz now you can select another quiz or even see the payments collected on all quizzes.
- [Intelligence module] Custom payment options can now be used also in bundles and manual management of bundle payments is added.
- [Intelligence module] Simple discount code management allows you to provide coupons for paid quizzes and bundles.
- All variables will now be replaced everywhere in the grade description as well which will let you include more dynamic information right in the table with quizzes on “My quizzes” page.
- Various improvements to the social sharing options.
- The free WooCommerce bridge now allows setting up another attribute with URL where to redirect after checkout. Usually you’ll want to redirect to the quiz.
- Unified smart quotes and straight quotes when doing text comparisons in open-end questions.
- Fixed problem with calculating personality grades when personality quizzes reuse the default grades.
- Fixed problem with calculating % correct when there are survey questions.
- Fixed bug with extra commas on question tags when quiz / questions are copied into another quiz.
As usual the latest version is sent by newsletter to eligible customers.
Slider / Rating Widget Questions in WatuPRO + Intelligence 4.7.8
From version 4.7.8 the WordPress quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) supports a new question type – slider / rating. Here is how it looks on the front-end:
The slider can have any range. In this example we have selected from 1 to 100.
Slider questions often don’t need correct or wrong answers, but if you want to set such, you have the option to define unlimited number of correct / wrong ranges. Here is how this looks. This is how you define the slider range:
[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/slider-setup.png)And this is how you can define correct/wrong ranges and add points if you wish:
That’s it. At the end of the quiz, the slider displays the rating / value given by the user with or without correct / wrong checkmark depending on your preferences:
Responsive Theme in E.M.M.A.
The membership script [E.M.M.A.](http://calendarscripts.info/emma/) is updated to version 1.6. The most important in this update is the default responsive theme that comes with the installation package. You can of course enhance the theme or add your own.
There are other small improvements to the menu and the installation procedure.
Certificates to Non-Logged In Users From WatuPRO 4.7.7
From version 4.7.7 the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) allows issuing certificates to non-logged in users. Certificates work as usual. The only requirement for the certificate to be issued is the user to enter their email address when taking the quiz. This can happen by several methods:
- If you select “Send email to the user with their results” WatuPRO will make sure email is collected regardless whether the user is logged in or the email is requested by another method.
- If you request email in the “Ask user for contact details” section under the “User and Email Related Settings” tab of the “Edit quiz” page. This will work even if “Send email to the user with their results” is not checked.
- Of course, certificates will be issued to logged in users even if none of the above requirements is satisfied.
Like before, a certificate is assigned only when associated grade / result is achieved.
If you want to send the certificate as email attachment you need to select the following option on the Certificates page:
**“Send certificate as attachment if quiz completion email is sent to admin and / or user. Requires PDF Bridge v. 0.8 or newer.”**
Non-logged in users will not have the “My Certificates” page even if you use the shortcode to expose this page on the front-end.
Squeeze Page in Arigato PRO Autoresponder
From version 2.4.2 the WordPress autoresponder plugin [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) supports a very easy method for creating squeeze / landing page. Everyone who have tried to do this with a WordPress blog knows how much pain usually this is and that it often requires installing more plugins or a special squeeze theme.
Well, no more, at least with Arigato PRO. Just go to the “Squeeze page” in the menu and you’ll see a form like this:
This form lets you select whether your blog homepage will be the “Squeeze” or a selected published post or page. Then all you need to do is to place the HTML code of a complete landing page in the box, and add the Arigato subscribe form code for the mailing list you want to use.
If you prefer to use the shortcode syntax you need also to add the script code that is displayed under the big box (not shown here).
The HTML code you enter should contain a complete HTML page with header and body tags. The WordPress header will not be added.
If you need samples, you can find many free landing page templates online. We are going to offer some Arigato-specific ones in the near future.
If you want to see a live demo of such page have a look at our [demo blog](http://demo.pimteam.net/wp/squeeze-page/).
How To Use Contact Form 7 in WatuPRO "Final Screen"?
Before answering this, I recommend you to request contact information using [this built-in method](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/collect-user-contact-information-with-watupro/) of WatuPRO. You can also have emails sent with the quiz plugin so in most cases you don’t really need to integrate a contact form in the quiz output.
If you still need to do it, it’s easy. Just switch off “Ajax” for the selected quiz from WatuPRO Settings page, section “**AJax in quizzes**“. Once you do this, you can include the [Contact form 7](http://contactform7.com/) shortcode in the “Final page / quiz output” are and it will work.
Contact form 7 will not work in Ajax-loaded page so the above setting is absolutely required.
InstaMojo Integration for WatuPRO
**This is no longer functional.**
Instamojo completely revamped their interface and removed the old way of working with their system without any notice so we are not willing to continue development for their platform.
Instead of this integration, Instamojo users can sell quizzes through [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/), using our free [WooCommerce bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/woocommerce-bridge-in-watupro/) and Instamojo’s official [WooCommerce integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-instamojo/).
This plugin will let users from India who have the Intelligence module for [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) to sell access to quizzes via the [Instamojo](https://www.instamojo.com) payment service. (Of course you can also use the [Woocommerce bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/woocommerce-bridge-in-watupro/).)
**The plugin requires WatuPRO version min. and if you want to also use the coupon codes feature.**
Download [watupro-instamojo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/watupro-instamojo.zip) here (18 KB)
How To Use It
Install the plugin and activate it. A new menu item will appear under your WatuPRO menu. The item is called “Instamojo integration”:
Before you can proceed you need the following:
- Your API key and Auth token. Once you have an Instamojo account you can obtain these from the Developers section.
- A dynamic payment link. The link must have a fixed price and “Pay what you want” options selected.
- The link must also have two custom fields added in the Advanced Settings section in your Instamojo link management page. One of the fields should be called **item_id** and the other field should be **item_type**.
- It needs to have “Custom redirection URL” attribute also set up. You can see the URL in your “Instamojo Integration” page in WatuPRO.
Once all this is done, ensure a couple more things:
1. You must enter the **field identifiers** of the custom fields in the Instamojo Integration page. The field indentifiers are visible in the “Custom fields” section of the Instamojo link management page for the given link. You need to mouse over the field names to see the identifiers.
2. You have to enter the following code inside your “Other payment instructions” box in WatuPRO Settings page (exactly as you see, just copy and paste)
`[watupromojo-button amount="[AMOUNT]" item_id="[EXAM_ID]" item_type="[ITEM_TYPE]"]`
This will generate a payment link on your paid quizzes. It can work along with all other payment methods. The payment link has class “**watupromojo-button**” so feel free to style it.
Using Paypal Data Transfer (PDT) instead of IPN
**Namaste! LMS users: the post below is valid for Namaste! LMS as well, from version 1.6.8.**
From version 4.7.3 [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) + Intelligence module supports payment verifications by Paypal Data Transfer (PDT). The reason is that some customers experience delays in receiving the paypal IPN response. The PDT payment mode can also be useful if you are running the plugin on intranet or want to test it on localhost.
Here is what you need to do to enable PDT payment handling:
- Enable PDT in your Paypal account. More information [here](https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/products/payment-data-transfer/) (see under “How to get started”).
- Enter anything as Return URL in your Paypal account. It doesn’t matter, we generate another one on the fly
- In WatuPRO (or Namate! LMS) Settings page select “Use Paypal PDT instead of IPN”. A box will appear to enter your token, obtained in step 1.
That’s it. Your site will now use PDT instead of IPN. You can test it in Sandbox mode.
BroadFast is now Arigato
Our [WordPress autoresponder plugin](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) is now called Arigato for multiple reasons but mostly as appreciation to our many Japanese customers and friends.
You may still see the old name used here and there so this post is to clear the confusion. No other changes come out of this – it’s just a new name. The product and company behind it remain the same.
Basic BadgeOS Integration in WatuPRO Play Plugin
From version 1.8.9 the [Play plugin for the quiz software WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html) supports basic integration with [BadgeOS](http://badgeos.org/). The integration allows you to automatically award BadgeOS achievemt when WatuPRO Play Badge is awarded.
To do this you simply need to select a checkbox and enter the BadgeOS integration ID number:
[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/badgeos-achievement.png)That’s it, save it and when the user achieves the Play badge, they will also achieve the associated BadgeOS badge.
If you don’t know the BadgeOS achievement ID you can find it by going to the page that lists the achievements and click on Edit for the one you want. The ID is visible in the address bar of the browser. Something like: post.php?post=62&action=edit – here the ID is 62.
BroadFast for WordPress 2.4 and Intelligence Module 1.0
The latest version of our drip marketing plugin for WordPress is online. Here are the new and improved features from version 2.3:
- Added free [WooCommerce bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/broadfast-pro-bridge-to-woocommerce/) which lets you sell access to mailing lists or just automatically subscribe users who buy other products from you.
- Added raw email log showing you every sent email along with error or success status
- Option to automatically cleanup the raw email log and the cron job log after number of days
- Option to send test email from autoresponder messages and newsletters
- Sending “global” newsletter allows you to send a news blast to all your mailing lists at once. Such newsletter will avoid duplicate sending to the same email address even if it is subscribed in several of your mailing lists
- Added built-in JetPack contact form integration
- New shortcode **bftpro-other-lists list_id=X** lets you display checkboxes for subscribing to other lists along with a selected mailing list subscribe form. The difference between this and the generic form code **bftpro** is that you can collect custom fields data for your primary list and satisfy its redirection settings.
- Improvement on the autoresponder campaign reports now let you see which emails were been sent and read in a given period of time.
- Added file upload custom field type
- Ignore duplicates when importing subscribers
- Option to never send this newsletter to use who already received it (even if this happened in another mailing list)
- Added **bftpro-unsubscribe** shortcode that lets you publish the unsubscribe form in a chosen by you post or page. The system will automatically recognize it and redirect unsubsribers to the page.
- It is now configurable whether you want unsubscribed user data to be kept in the mailing lists or removed
- Added option to change the default Contact Form 7 field names in the Contact Form 7 integration
- [Intelligence module] Detailed report shows who clicked on trackable links
- [Intelligence module] Option to automatically convert URLs inside any message into trackable links
- [Intelligence module] Added option to receive preview email with a digest when saving it
- Doing e-learning? Check our [bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/namaste-lms-to-broadfast-pro-bridge/) for Namaste! LMS.
- Fixed various problems with email headers
Customers who are eligible for free upgrade are already receiving the newsletter.
WatuPRO 4.7 - Likert Scale Maker, Progress Bar, Design Themes, and More
The latest version of our WordPress quiz maker [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is now online:
1. Added quiz design themes. More information [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/design-themes-from-watupro-4-6-5/).
2. New free addon: Likert Scale Survey Maker. Information and free download at [this page](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/likert-scale-survey-maker-for-watupro/).
3. Added option to delete all quiz results of a selected user
4. Added option to automatically delete user quiz data when the user account is deleted from admin
5. Added option to keep each certificate from multiple quiz attempts from the same user on the same quiz
6. Added %%CONTACT%% variable to display the extra contact fields (company and phone) in the “Final page” and the email sent to user. Available are also variables for the individual contact fields that can be used there and in the certificates.
7. Added progress bar option for all paginated quizzes.
8. User’s feedback on questions can now be seen in structured way. Just follow the link “Feedback on questions” from the “View results” page on the quiz.
9. Improved question category management screen + rich text editor for category descriptions
10. Improved the indentation of multiple-line numbered questions
11. Improved handling of multiple-line contents and HTML tags when exporting questions
12. The social sharing options are now embedded in the plugin and you no longer need the social sharing addon. Added options to share by email, Google +, and LinkedIn.
13. You can switch off the rich text editor from certificate editing to avoid your HTML being messed by it
14. Question export CSVs now can be configured to use comma or tab. Default is comma.
15. Added variable %%BETTER-THAN%% to show the user what % of users performed worse than them on the quiz.
16. Low memory mode – learn more [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-low-memory-mode/).
17. Survey questions no longer ignore the points assigned to their answers.
18. [Intelligence module] A new advanced setting lets you configure “single choice” questions to automaitcally proceed or show the answer.
19. [Intelligence module] Paypal payments now support sandbox mode and open CURL connection when such is available.
20. [Reporting module] Fixed problem with the poll shortcode and multiple-answer questions
21. Fixed problems with question hints on quizzes that reuse questions from other quizzes
22. The shortcodes that list quizzes will also include quizzes published with the User Choice addon
The upgrade is sent by a newsletter to eligible subscribers. If your subscription has expired you can renew with 60% discount. We are sending the promo code by a newsletter too, but in case you didn’t get it, please email us.
Low Memory Mode in WatuPRO
Plugin version required: ** or newer**.
This feature is built to help users who have too many quizzes and questions to still be able to use the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) on affordable shared hosts. You can’t expect wonders from shared hosting services and if you have many huge quizzes you may need to move to a VPS. But before this you can enable the “low memory mode” feature to reduce the resource usage at the cost of sacrificing a couple of small features.
How To Enable It
Go to WatuPRO Settings page and check the checbox saying “Enable low memory mode to reduce the server resources usage”.
What Does it Do
For the moment this mode reduces the server load on your Manage Quizzes and Manage Questions pages:
- On Manage Quizzes page it hides the column “No. questions” and the number of users who took the quiz.
- On Manage Questions page it hides the number of answers to a question.
- Switches off the dashboard stats widget (the one in your main admin page that shows number of quizzes taken today, most popular quiz, and so on). The stats widget can be switched off individually from another option (without entering low memory mode)
For the moment these are the only changes applied by the low memory mode. As soon as we see pain points for users with high number of quizzes and questions we will add more optimizations.
The low memory mode can of course be used even if you already have a VPS or dedicated server to reduce the server resources usage.
What Else to Do
- Avoid using the feature “Automatically store user progress as they go from page to page” on paginated quizzes. It causes server requests on each page change.
- Avoid using the “show answer” button or the option that lets clicking on a single-choice immediately reveal the answer.
- When a quiz is submitted an update query runs on student answers table. So if you have hundreds of thousands records in that table submitting a quiz may start taking more time. You may want to look at [reducing your database data](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-cleanup-database-space/).
We have customers running this plugin on very heavy traffic sites with a lot of concurrent users. The plugin is as optimized as possible to the best of our knowledge. If you believe there is a problem on your server you need to provide us with information which specific query is slowing it down so we can take action. Usually it’s not WatuPRO but a different plugin that overloads the processor.
Likert Scale Survey Maker for WatuPRO
This is a new free addon for the quiz maker plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
The plugin allows you to create [Likert scale](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likert_scale) surveys really quick. It also includes a couple of shortcodes to display the survey answers to the user in a bar chart.
Download the plugin: [watupro-likert](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/watupro-likert.zip) (version 0.8, 16 KB)
How Does It Work
The plugin creates a regular WatuPRO quiz with all questions marked as survey questions and automatically adds all the answers. It allows you to add many questions quickly and automatically adds all answers for the Likert scale. It’s a tremendous time saver for creating such type of surveys.
After activating the plugin you will see a new link under your WatuPRO menu: “Likert scale survey”. Have a quick look at the options:
The page allows you to create up to 8 questions at one and then add more and more with the same settings (scale etc). Or change the scale for the next set of questions.
There are 5 scales supported: Agreement, Importance, Frequency, Likelihood, and Custom. All settings are editable.
Once the survey is created you will be directed to Edit Quiz page to fine-tune and publish the quiz. You can of course then edit the questions, add media, etc just like with every WatuPRO quiz.
The Bar Chart
To display the bar chart you need **minimum WatuPRO version** because this is the version from which survey questions do not require the points assigned to them.
The bar charts are added via shortcodes (the survey maker can automatically add them for you). Here is example of a chart by category:
The table will follow the table style definitions of your theme. If you want to style it, it has CSS class “watupro-likert-chart”. The color of the bars is currently hardcoded to #AAA but this will be improved soon.
If you have missed to add the chart when creating survey, you can add the shortcodes later:
`[watuprolikert-barchart type="global"] for a global chart`
`[watuprolikert-barchart type="cats"] for multiple charts per question category`
`[watuprolikert-barchart type="averages"] for a global chart showing averages from everyone's answers`
Likert Survey Compact Table
From version 5.8.2 of WatuPRO a new experimental feature is supported. It allows you to display your survey in a very compact table where questions are column headers and answers show only radio buttons or checkboxes.
You can activate the feature from Edit Quiz -> Advanced Settings tab:

When you activate it, the survey will be displayed as table. As example, check the survey at the bottom of this page. There are a few things to note:
- Selecting this will reset the quiz to “All questions on a single page” even if you have selected different pagination.
- The option “Answer to each question can be seen immediately by pressing a button” will be deactivated.
- The plugin will automatically figure out if it has to display different tables with different headers if you have groups of questions with different likert scale in the same survey.
- Surveys generally do not have correct or wrong answers so using the %%ANSWERS%% variable at the end of the quiz is not typical. If you do use it, answers will be displayed in standard format for quizzes and not as a table.
- To avoid layout misplacement radio questions that are selected to be shown as drop-downs will be reset to standard radios. Multiple-choice questions selected to behave like flashcards will behave like standard checkbox groups.
Here’s an example of such survey:
Arigato PRO Bridge to WooCommerce
This is a new free bridge for our WordPress mass-mailer and drip marketing software [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/).
The bridge has one very simple purpose: to let you automatically sign up users who buy products into associated mailing lists.
Download the bridge here: [bftpro-woocom-bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/bftpro-woocom-bridge.zip) – version 0.5 (11 KB)
How To Use It
You can use this plugin either to tie-up purchasing products to mailing list signups or to directly sell access to mailing lists that you don’t want to give access for free. Here is how:
1. install and activate the plugin through the WP dashboard page (you must already have [Atigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/))
2. Create or edit product in your WooCommerce store. Go to Attributes and create a custom attribute. its name must be **bftpro.** The value of the attribute must be the ID of the mailing list you want the user to be signed up for:
How do you know the list ID? Easy – you can see it in your BroadFast PRO Mailing Lists page in the “Subscribe Form” column:
The number in the shortcode is the list ID. So in the picture above the list ID is 1.
That’s all. Now when someone pays for a product (or you manually approve order as paid in admin), their email and name will be added in the associated mailing list.
Paid Class Signup in Namaste PRO
From version 1.1.1 the [PRO plugin for Namaste! LMS](http://namaste-lms.org/pro.php) supports paid signup for a class / group. Configuration is really easy:
1. Make sure you have payment methods set up in Namaste! LMS Settings page
2. In Add / Edit Class page enter your price in “Charge X to sign up for this class” box. You need to have selected “Allow users to sign up for this class” checkbox first
3. Use the class “sigup shortcode” shown on the Manage Classes / Groups page. Publish it on a post or page and the paid class sign-up will be handled automatically.
That’s it.
[Arigato PRO] The {{url}} Variable
Most configurable emails in [BroadFast for WordPress](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) allow using the {{url}} variable. It gets contextually replaced by URL toi subscribe, unsubscribe etc (as appropriate).
**Please note that the variable will not automatically be replaced with a HTML hyperlink**. It will be replaced with **URL only**. If you want to explicitly make it clickable HTML hyperlink you can do this with the rich text editor or if you prefer the Text mode, just write:
The idea is to let you use free text, for example:
`Click here!`
Of course if you are sending plain text emails it’s best to leave it as URL only. Most modern email programs will make it clickable anyway.
Adding images in match/matrix answers
The answers area of the match / matrix questions in WatuPRO does not use the rich text editor. There is just no space to put it there because there are two boxes for each answer. The rich text editor will make the UI there bad.
But you can still add images there by entering HTML code. The easiest way to do so is this:
- Scroll down just a bit to see the “Optional Answer Explanation” box
- Click on its “Add Media” button
- Locate or upload your image
- Get its URL from the “Attachment Details” sidebar which appears when the image is clicked
- Copy the URL
- Enter `` in the answer box and paste your URL in place of “URL HERE” words.
- That’s it.
Design Themes From WatuPRO 4.6.5
Design themes are available in our WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO, starting from version 4.6.5. The design themes let you control how the quizzes look for your users.
WatuPRO currently have 5 ready design themes. You can choose design theme in WatuPRO Settings page:
[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/select-theme.png)Choose the theme and save. Now your quizzes will use the theme.
Designing your own theme
Designing your own theme is as simple as uploading a CSS file in watupro/css/themes folder. **From WatuPRO 5.8.3 and newer we recommend creating folders watupro/themes/ under your WP theme directory and placing the files there (this means folder “watupro” and folder “themes” under “watupro”).** This will ensure you won’t use your custom themes when the plugin is updated.
**From WatuPRO you no longer need to upload files.** There is a link “Create and manage your custom themes” next to the Theme drop-down shown above which lets you create themes directly in the administration.
Please explore the existing themes to get ideas what you can change and how. We can provide design consultations as addon service.
The existing themes
We are starting with 5 built-in themes. Below are small examples of each of them:
### The default theme
This theme is used by default in WatuPRO. The prev/next button in this theme do not have a set up design so they follow the buttons design of your global WP theme.

### The gray theme

Mostly black and white.
### The green theme
Has green buttons and backgrounds on text boxes.

### The green buttons theme
Similar to the above but the choices are shown as clickable buttons instead of radios / checkboxes.

### The green “namaste” theme
The themes with “namaste” in their name were created for best match with the [Premium theme](https://namaste-lms.org/theme.php) of the learning management system [Namaste! LMS](https://namaste-lms.org/). They can be used for standalone quizzes as well, and look very well.

The blue theme

### The blue buttons theme

### The blue “namaste” theme

### The pink “namaste” theme

How To Display Different Message When The User Passes and Fails a Quiz?
Actually WatuPRO is a lot more flexible than having “Failed” and “Passed” outcomes of a quiz. But many users need only “Failed” and “Passed” and the question how to display different content depending on this outcome comes often.
It’s very easy:
Step 1: Create “Passed” and “Failed” grades
Click on the “Grades” link for the quiz and you’ll get to the Manage Grades page. Define what points or % correct answer the user needs to achieve in order to pass. From this number of points up to the maximum number of points (or 100% correct answers) will be your “Passed” grade. Your conditional message will go inside the grade description. For example:
Any points or % correct answers below this will make the “Failed” grade. In similar way, enter your conditional message, if any. For example:
Step 2: Add the variable to your “Quiz output / Final page box
You can use the variable %%GDESC%% to dislay the conditional message accordingly to the achieved result. For example:
That’s all! Two really easy steps.
[WatuPRO] How to Open The Export Files (Tab Delimited CSV Files)
In WatuPRO all export files are TAB (tabulator) delimited CSV files. The reason we use this format is because comma delimited files are more error prone when the data contains rich text, HTML, commas, quotes etc. Tabulator is a lot more reliable as delimiter when importing and exporting data.
If you use Microsoft Excel here are a couple of links that will help you:
[The official Microsoft guides ](http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/import-or-export-text-txt-or-csv-files-HP010099725.aspx)
[A pictorial by Excel Easy](http://www.excel-easy.com/examples/import-export-text-files.html)
Here at Kiboko Labs we prefer to use [Libre Office Calc](http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/calc/). It’s free and has versions for Mac, Windows, and Linux. When you double-click a .csv named file it automatically suggests the proper delimiter. Just select UTF-8 (Unicode) as encoding, if this is not already selected and open the file. Much easier.
[WatuPRO] How To Make It Reload The Page on Each Question
This is a request we got few times. WatuPRO is designed to load pages in paginated quizzes nicely via ajax. This is the contemporary way of doing things and the desired behaviour for 99.9% of the customers. So “feature” to reload page on each refresh will probably never be added.
**However this post will explain you how to customize the plugin yourself and achieve this in the rare case you need it (for example to get more ad impressions).**
This is too complicated to be done as external plugin so it involves customizing WatuPRO directly. Here is it, step by step:
**0. For all of this to work you must select “Automatically store user progress as they go from page to page” in the quiz settings.**
1. Open lib/main.js and add:
**WatuPRO.doReload = false;**
under the other WatuPRO properties on top.
2. In method WatuPRO.nextQuestion in the same file add the following changes (in red) to the following piece of code:
if(!this.doReload) {
jQuery("#question-" + WatuPRO.current_question).show();
this.hilitePage(WatuPRO.current_question, this.answered);
// show/hide next/submit button
if(WatuPRO.total_questions <= WatuPRO.current_question) { jQuery("#next-question").hide(); jQuery('#action-button').show(); if(jQuery('#WTPReCaptcha').length) jQuery('#WTPReCaptcha').show(); } else { jQuery("#next-question").show(); if(jQuery('#WTPReCaptcha').length) jQuery('#WTPReCaptcha').hide(); } // show/hide previous button if(WatuPRO.current_question>1) jQuery('#prev-question').show();
else jQuery('#prev-question').hide();
// show/hide liveResult toggle if any
if(jQuery('#questionWrap-'+WatuPRO.current_question).is(':hidden')) {
} else {
if(jQuery('#liveResultBtn').length) jQuery('#liveResultBtn').show();
else jQuery('.watupro-buttons').hide();
3. At the bottom of the same method add:
jQuery.post(WatuPRO.siteURL, data, function(msg){
if(WatuPRO.doReload) location.reload();
This will make it reload when WatuPRO.doReload is true.
Now we have to make it true when clicking on buttons:
4. In the method initWatu in the same file REMOVE the red from the following code:
// different behavior if we have preloaded page
if(!WatuPRO.pagePreLoaded) {
} else WatuPRO.goto(null, WatuPRO.current_question);
so the goto gets executed always.
5. Open views/show_exam.php and find the calls to WatuPRO.nextQuestion(event, ‘previous’); and WatuPRO.nextQuestion(event). Make doReload to be true like this:
**onclick=”WatuPRO.doReload=true;WatuPRO.nextQuestion(event, ‘previous’);”**
6. If you use the paginator, do it for the paginator too. Models/exam.php static function paginator:
**onclick=’WatuPRO.doReload=true;WatuPRO.goto(event, “.$j.”);’**
7. Now if you want this to work for non-logged in users you need to make several PHP changes. By default WatuPRO never stores progress for non-logged in users to save server resources. But you can change this. In show_exam.php (not the view/ but the main file) add the following code (in red):
if(!empty($_SESSION['watupro_taking_id'])) {
$in_progress = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".WATUPRO_TAKEN_EXAMS."
WHERE ID=%d AND exam_id=%d AND in_progress=1 ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1", $_SESSION['watupro_taking_id'], $exam_id));
if(!empty($advanced_settings['dont_load_inprogress'])) $in_progress = null;
so we can get taking ID from session (Sessions MUST be enabled on your server)
8. In order to store tkaing ID in session you need to do several changes in lib/watupro.php. The first is to remove/comment the following from watupro_store_details() and watupro_store_all():
**if(!is_user_logged_in()) exit;**
9. Then in function add_taking() just before **return $taking_id;** add:
$_SESSION['watupro_taking_id'] = $taking_id;
10. In the same function just above **if(empty($taking_id)) {** add:
if(!empty($_SESSION['watupro_taking_id'])) $taking_id = $_SESSION['watupro_taking_id'];
That’s it. Shouldn’t take you more than 1-2 hours. If you can’t handle it yourself, we can provide the service for charge.
**This is a customization and we cannot provide free support for it. If the change does not work you have to debug it yourself. Make sure sessions are enabled on your server.**
[WatuPRO] How To Display Different Content Depending on Last / Not Last Quiz Attempt
WatuPRO has a setting to limit the number of quiz attempts by IP addres (or by username if your quiz requires user login). Sometimes you may want to display different message to the user depending on whether this is their last quiz attempt or not. For example you may want to conditionally display text like “Try again!” and “Sorry, you have no more attempts!”.
WatuPRO doesn’t yet have such configuration but it’s easy to build a custom filter using our [barebone customization plugin](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api/).
If you are not interested in the code, read only the following section which also gives download link for the custom plugin. The third section of this article will show and explain the code.
Customized Filter Download and Usage
In order to use the new filter you need to download and install this plugin:
How to use it? Simply include your conditional content between “tags”:
**{last} This content will be shown only after the last user’s attempt on the quiz. {/last}**
**{notlast} This content will be shown only if the user has more attempts. {/notlast}**
You can include these tags in the **“Final page / quiz output”** tab or in the grade descriptions in case you are showing grade descriptions in your quiz output.
Here’s an example:
You completed quiz %%QUIZ-NAME%%.
You got %%PERCENTAGE%%% correct answers.
{last}You have no more attempts.
Here are your answers: %%ANSWERS%%{/last}
{notlast}You can try again{/notlast}
Programming Code
If you are interested in the code, here’s how we did it. In the watuprocustom_init() function we added a filter for the “watupro_content” filer:
add_filter(‘watupro_content’, array(‘WatuPROCustomFilters’, ‘last_attempt’));
And below is the filter function. It works only by IP but it’s easy to change it to work with quizzes restricted by “user_id” as well.
class WatuPROCustomFilters {
// replace contents of & pseudo-tags
// &
// currently used for %%ANSWERS%% variable
static function last_attempt($content) {
global $wpdb;
if(empty($_POST['watupro_current_taking_id'])) return $content;
// now get the contents between last-attempts and not-last-attempts tags
// in case tags are not there return content
if(!strstr($content, '{last}') and !strstr($content, '{notlast}')) return $content;
// select taking
$taking = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT exam_id, ip, user_id
FROM ".WATUPRO_TAKEN_EXAMS." WHERE ID=%d", $_POST['watupro_current_taking_id']));
// select quiz allowed num takings
$quiz = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT takings_by_ip FROM ".WATUPRO_EXAMS."
WHERE ID=%d", $taking->exam_id));
$is_last_attempt = false;
if($quiz->takings_by_ip) {
// select num takings
$num_takings = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM ".WATUPRO_TAKEN_EXAMS."
WHERE exam_id=%d AND ip=%s", $taking->exam_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
if($num_takings >= $quiz->takings_by_ip) $is_last_attempt = true;
// now replace properly
if($is_last_attempt) {
// the content between and should be shown. The other should be removed
$content = str_replace(array('{last}','{/last}'), '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('#{notlast}(.+?){/notlast}#s', '', $content);
else {
echo 'werehere';
$content = str_replace(array('{notlast}','{/notlast}'), '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('#{last}(.+?){/last}#s', '', $content);
return $content;
} // end last_attempt filter
How Does The Timer Work in WatuPRO?
[WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/), the premium version of our WordPress quiz plugin has a timer feature. It’s enabled by a setting in the Add / Edit Quiz page:
Set time limit of minutes (Leave it blank or enter 0 to not set any time limit.)
When you set anything different than zero, everyone who starts the quiz will see “Start Quiz” button. When started the timer starts running. Here are several frequently asked questions about the timer and their answers:
### Q: What happens when the timer runs out?
A: The user results are automatically submitted. So the questions they already answered will be recorded properly, the other will be marked as unanswered.
### Q: What happens if the user refreshes the page from their browser?
A: The timer continues from where they were. No time is lost or added except the few seconds taken for refreshing the page.
### Q: What happens if the user closes the browser, their internet connection get lost, power goes down etc?
A: The timer **keeps running behind the scene** so the time when the user was not online is lost. This is done to prevent cheating of users who can take screenshot of the questions and answer “at home”.
When the user comes back, the timer continues. If all the time ran out, their results are submitted automatically. **Such a situation requires that the user have stored their progress via the optional Save button or their progress is automatically stored using the appropriate option (for paginated quizzes).** If no progress is stored for a given user and they come back after timer ran out, they will never be able to submit the quiz!
### Q: I see some users took hours to complete a quiz that has just 30 minutes time limit! Are they cheating the timer?
No, they are not cheating the timer. As explained above when the user closes the browser and come back later **after the time has passed** their results are automatically submitted (but only the answers they gave before returning). In such event there was more time from start to end of the test than allowed, **but the user did not use that time**. The quiz is just showing you this to let you know which users abandoned the tests and then came back later (and how much later) to have it immediately auto-submitted. This information can be useful to help you design the quiz better.
### Q: How does it work for non logged in users?
A: The same way as of logged in users except that closing the browser may clear the session and restart the timer. Refreshing the page does not restart the timer – it keeps running from where it was refreshed.
### Q: Can users with disabled JavaScript on their browsers cheat the timer?
A: No, they can’t. The start time of their quiz attempt is recorded in the database so even without any javascript they can’t cheat the timer. Results of users who try to cheat the timer this way and exhaust their time will not be accepted. They will remain as “unfinished quiz attempts”.
### Q: Is there a place where I can see unfinished quiz attempts?
A: Yes. If there are any quiz attempts that are currently in progress, you will see the following link in your “View results” page (this is the page you get when you click on the “Taken X times” link under “View Results” column on your Quizzes page) :
There are 1 unfinished attempt(s).
You can click on that link to see these attempts and clean them if you wish (be careful, some of these might be of an user currently taking a quiz).
### Q: Do search engines index the contents of quizzes with timer?
A: The questions of timed quizzes are hidden before the timer is started. This is to avoid tech-savvy users viewing the questions by using “view source”. For this reason search engines can’t index these questions.
### Q: Can I set different timers per each question?
No, the timer is available only per quiz basis. Creating per-question timer is extremely complicated and unlikely to ever happen so please don’t contact us asking about it.
### Q: I had a quiz taker complain that their results were submitted blank. How come?
There is a protection against smart savvy users who switch off JavaScript on their browsers to earn more time than allowed. Pity for them, they can’t cheat the timer: time is tracked both on the front-end and the back-end. Users who cheat will have their answers **completely wiped**.
If you are convinced than honest users may somehow have their answers lost, we recommend setting some pagination (for example one question per page or 10 questions per page etc), and selecting the following option:

Answers that are stored in the system will not be wiped out. This will ensure that even if some odd computer problem occurs (we could never reproduce such case!) a genuine quiz taker will not lose the answers given before the timer ran out. **This will work for logged in users.**
### Q. I changed the timezone settings on my site and someone who was taking a timed quiz got their time increased or decreased
The time when user starts the quiz is recorded accordingly to your server time zone settings to prevent all forms of cheating. So if you change the timezone settings in the middle of a quiz, this will of course affect everyone who has already started it but has not completed it. This is normal and cannot be avoided so simply don’t change the timezone while people are doing timed quizzes. Any quiz attempts that start after the change will be timed correctly.
WatuPRO 4.6
Thanks for the useful customers feedback our WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO keeps improving. Version 4.6 is out, and here are the most important changes, additions, and improvements:
- Questions can accept user’s comments / feedback.
- Single-choice questions can be displayed as drop-down selector instead of radio buttons group.
- You can now specify custom subject for the submitted quiz notification email.
- You can filter questions by ID in the Manage Questions page. The question IDs can also be displayed to the user using the variable {{{ID}}}
- Bridge to MailChimp is now available:
- The shortcodes that list all quizzes and quizzes in category now have additional optional argument “show_status”. It will allow logged in users to see if every quiz is completed, not started, or in progress.
- “Show numbered pagination” is now available for all types of quizzes
- Option to reward the collected positive points only when the whole question is answered correctly. This is useful for multiple-choice questions and is similar to “treat this question as a whole” option from the Intelligence module.
- Quizzes can now be published also in custom fileds as long as you enter the URL in the new box (more info at )
- [Intelligence module] You can now sell paid quizzes in bundles. More info at
- [Intelligence module] Sorting questions can now be used in personality quizzes to allow the user assign different weight to different answers. More information at
- [Intelligence module] Added option to mark payment as used after each quiz attempt on paid quizzes. This lets you charge users for every quiz attempt.
- Stats per category are now available in the Reporting module (num and % answered, unanswered, and correct answers)
- Added “barebone” plugin for API developers:
- Advanced setting option lets you switch off the auto-scrolling on multiple-paged quizzes
- Automatically store user progress as they go from page to page is now available for all pagination types
- Added ungrouped quiz leaderboards sorting based on individual attempts (Play plugin)
- Added %%CATDESC%% variable in the “common category grade output” so you can include the category description when showing category grades.
- Added user groups information in the list of results on a quiz
- Added option to hide question numbers so you don’t have to deal with CSS
- Fixed issues with ordering the categories in %%CATGRADES%%
- Free bridge for myCRED has been added. Please [look here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-to-mycred/) for more information.
- Fixed memory leak issue
The update has been sent via newsletter to all eligible customers. In case your year of free updates has expired you can renew with 60% discount.
Receiving Grade "None" Or Unexpected Grade [WatuPRO]
This issue is most often caused by:
- You have not defined grades at all. “Grades” is not the same as score, % correct answer or points. Grades are textual result that you assign to the respondent depending on their performance on the test. For example Passed or Failed; A, B, C, D, F; and so on. If you want to use grades you have to create them first.
- You have selected **“Calculate grades by % correct answers instead of points collected”** to calculate grades but your grades are created with points in mind (or vice-versus).
I.e. if the following is checked, your grades must cover the whole range from 0% correct answers to 100% correct answers:
[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/grades-by-percent.png) This checkbox is on the **General Settings** tab in the Add / Edit quiz page. This is a very common mistake so please triple-check it before contacting support.
- Your grades do not cover the whole range of points or percentages user can collect. If you are using **points** for grade calculation, make sure that **all possible points are covered from the defined grades**. If your best grade has 20 points for “to” and the user collects 21 points they will not be assigned any grade (and will receive None). If you are using % correct answers for grade calculation make sure your grades cover the whole range between 0 and 100. Please check the “Watch out the decimals” item below too.
- **Watch out the decimals.** If you have one grade A: from 0 to 9 points and another grade B: from 10 to 20 points, and your quiz allows decimal points what happens with user who collected 9.5 points? They’ll get no grade. **So the grades in this example should be A: from 1 to 10 points and B: from 10 to 20 points.** If they get exactly 10 points they’ll be assigned the higher grade. Note that percentages are rounded to the whole number so if your quiz calculates grades by % and not by points you will not need to worry about this.
- Using category grades without knowing how they work. Please check [this guide](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-category-grades-in-watu-pro/).
- The from – to values of grades should always be entered from the **lower to the higher number.** This means the lower number goes in the left box “from”, the higher number goes in the right box – “to”. Be careful if you define grades with negative points: -100 is lower than -1 for example. So -100 goes in the “from” box at left, -1 goes in “to” box at right.
Grade calculations are fully tested and work fine. If you are receiving “None” as grade this can be only because of misconfiguration. Use the variables %%POINTS%% and %%PERCENTAGE%% in the “Final Page / Quiz Result” tab to get better idea why none of the defined grades matches the points you collected (or the percentage correct answers).
Quizzes Published in Custom Fields
By default [the quiz plugin WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) expects that you’ll publish the quiz shortcode in the post / page main contents area. When this is done it automatically detects the URL of the published quizzes and hyperlinks the quiz in your administration “Quizzes” page. It also uses this detection to determine when exams are published and to show only published tests in “My quizzes” page, and the Tests, Skills and History pages of the Reporting module.
Some customers however need to publish their quizzes in custom fields or other non-standard way (for example via do_shortcode() call in their theme). **From version 4.5.8** WatuPRO has a solution for this:
This checkbox and field is visible on the Name & Description tab in your Add / Edit quiz page. Once you select the checkbox and set the URL you can have all these quizzes treated as published and automatically hyperlinked from all the corresponding pages.
WatuPRO Bridge to myCRED
There is excellent free plugin for managing points called [myCRED](http://mycred.me/). It lets you reward users for activities on your site, and a lot more.
Now there is a bridge between myCRED and WatuPRO and you can download it for free:
[WatuPRO to MyCRED Bridge 0.9 (6.3 KB)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/watupro-mycred.zip)
Once activated look for “Bridge to myCRED” in the WatuPRO menu.
What Does It Do?
It’s pretty simple. When logged in user submits a quiz, the plugin will transfer the collected points to the selected myCRED points balance. You also have the options to transfer only positive or only negative points:
From version 0.5 The bridge also adds a **custom hook** that lets you reward default points for completing a category of quizzes (different points can be set for different categories):
From version 0.6 you can also use the bridge to **assign badges** for completing quizzes using the Badges addon of myCRED. Thanks to myCRED author for helping with this!
Awarding Badges
Here is how this happens. First, in the WatuPRO to MyCRED bridge (link Bridge to myCRED under the WatuPRO menu) you need to select that you want to transfer the points to myCRED (shown in the top of this page).
Then in MyCRED, create a badge that will be assigned for quiz completion. It’s up to you how many times or points you will require:

[WatuPRO + Intelligence Module] Paid Quiz Bundles
From version 4.5.7 the Intelligence module of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) provides a feature that lets you sell access to **bundles of paid quizzes**.
**Note that adding a quiz to a bundle does not make it protected.** You must also set a non-zero price for that quiz on the Edit Quiz -> Intelligence module tab so the quiz cannot be accessed without payment.
How It Works
On your WatuPRO Settings at the bottom of the **Payment Settings** section you will see a new link “Create payment buttons for selling bundles of quizzes”. It takes you to a page to manage your paid quiz bundles. You can add any number of bundles:
Each bundle can provide access either to a whole **quiz category** or to a selection of specific quizzes, regardless the category.
It’s a good idea to provide redirect URL so when the users pays for a bundle they are directly taken to the first quiz in it, or to a page with links to all quizzes (or anything else you wish).
**The bundle buttons must be manually published on a page** or post using the shortcodes that will be shown to you once you create the bundle. This lets you publish payment buttons for the different payment methods you accept and make your sales pages in any way you wish.
### Idea:
Is there a possibility that your users land directly on the quizzes page instead of your “Buy Bundles” page? If so, help them figure out that they can buy access to the quiz there. In WatuPRO Settings page -> Payment Settings section -> Other payment instructions box enter some text with a link to your page with bundles.
There are two important aspects about the payment bundles:
- They will ignore the setting “Mark payment as used after each quiz attempt (so if multiple attempts are allowed the user will have to pay each time).” if you have selected it. A bundle once paid, will always give access to the quizzes in the bundle.
- Changes to bundle will reflect users who purchased it. For example if you add new quizzes to the bundle, or to the category that the bundle includes, users who bought the bundle will also get access to these quizzes.
Your feedback is most welcome.
[WatuPRO] Quiz Not Showing in "My Quizzes" Page or Reports?
Update: from version 4.5.8 you can handle this easier: [see here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-quizzes-published-in-custom-fields/)
Only quizzes that are *published* will be shown in “My Quizzes” page and the tabs from the Reporting module – for example the History tab.
**What means a published quiz?** This is a quiz whose shortcode is placed **inside the content** of a post, page, or custom post type. If you place the shortcode in some widget, custom field, via do_shortcode() call in your theme, or some other odd way, **the system will not recognize the quiz as published** and it will not be shown in these pages.
A very easy way to know if a quiz is published or not is by looking at your Quizzes page in admin (the first page when you click on WatuPRO menu). If the quiz title is not clickable, this means it’s not recognized as published.
Using Sorting Questions in Personality Quizzes (WatuPRO)
From version 4.5.4 [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) supports using sorting questions in personality quizzes (Intelligence module required). Up to this version using sorting questions made sense only for knowledge based tests.
How To Use Them?
Let’s see why you would want to use them first. Unlike the other question types where answer is directly matched to a result (or results), the sorting questions give the user the option to assign different value to the answers. Most popular example of such questions are the “like most -> like least” or “most like me -> least like me” quizzes.
Let’s just dive into an example to make things really clear.
An Example Quiz
We will use a very basic personality quiz with two questions for this example. The quiz has three possible results (personality types): **Analytic, Emotional, and Mixed.** Two sorting questions will define the quiz taker personality.
The screenshot from the add/edit question page will show you how the answers to the question “Sort the values from “most like me” to “least like me”” will be given:
Here the order you should match is automatically given to you by the program. This question isn’t very smart – it asks the user to directly sort the possible personality types in the way they think suits most.
The second question is probably a better example: “Sort the movies in order you like most”:
Here the administrator has decided that whoever likes drama movies is mostly emotional. The one who likes criminal movies is most analytic and the mixed type likes action movies.
So what will happen if the user sorts the answers in the **same** order? He will get **3 points** for “Emotional”, **2 points** for “Analytic”, and **1 point** for “Mixed” type.
Another example. Let’s say the user sorts the question like this:
Criminal movies
Action movies
Drama movies
In this case they will receive 3 match points for “Analytic”, 2 for “Mixed”, and one match for “Emotional”.
Example Final Output
The below screenshots will give you an example of how I setup this quiz.
This below is the “Final page / Quiz result” box. I have used the shortcode “watupro-expand-personality-result” to show detailed breakdown of how user’s answers matched to personalities. This shortcode is explained in your internal Help page under WatuPRO menu.
Below is example output of user who was strongly analytic:
Don’t let the “points” word in the above screenshots mislead you. This is not the points you assign to answers. In personality quizzes points do not participate in grade calculations.
And the next screenshot shows Emotional user but not as strictly matching the emotional personality (he thinks he is mostly mixed personality but the movies question defined otherwise)
This should make it clear.
**Don’t forget to select “This is a survey question” to avoid correct / wrong checkmarks shown on such questions.**
JetPack Contact Form Integration in Arigato PRO
From version 2.3.3 Arigato PRO, the newsletter and drip marketing plugin, now has built-in integration with JetPack contact form.
It works very similar to the [Contact form 7 integratio](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/how-to-integrate-broadfast-for-wordpress-with-contact-form-7/)n. The only difference is that you need to add the BroadFast PRO shortcodes inside the post which contains the JetPack form shortcodes. If you are including also custom fields, make sure to switch the WordPress editor to Text mode.
I have included a sample screenshot showing how one custom field and the subscribe checkbox are placed in the contact form.
WatuPRO Bridge To MailChimp
If you are using MailChimp for your newsletters, here is a free bridge that will allow you to automatically subscribe users who complete quizzes in selected mailing lists. Similar to the [Arigato PRO bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-to-broadfast-pro-bridge/) it allows you to select required result / grade which lets you subscribe users to different mailing lists depending on their performance.
Note the following from the MailChimp API: “**Subscribe the provided email to a list. By default this sends a confirmation email – you will not see new members until the link contained in it is clicked!**“. From version 0.9 we have added a checkbox that allows you to override this setting and signup the user without email confirmation. **Do this at your own risk.** If your MailChimp account gets banned for abuse we can not help and will not be responsible.
Note also that MailChimp now requires name not to be empty. So please use it for quizzes which request name from the user in one or another way. If it’s let empty, the plugin will attempt to set it as “Guest” but this is not recommended way to handle things.
**The bridge will not work if you select “Don’t store any data / results of this quiz in the database.”**
Once installed and activated the plugin will add link “Bridge to MailChimp” in your WatuPRO menu.
In order to use it you need to obtain free [MailChimp API key](http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/where-can-i-find-my-api-key/).
[Download The Plugin Here (Version 1.7, 9 KB)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/watupro-chimp.zip)
Here is a screenshot of how it looks:
From version 1.6 you can also tag members when adding them to the mailing list.
In case the respondents do not get added to the mailing lists as expected, have a look at the Log tab (next to Settings on top of the bridge page). It contains the MailChimp response and canhelp you identify the problem. If you have to contact us, we will need the information from this log.
If you’d rather not pay monthly fees and leave your mailing list data in someone else’s hand, we recommend you our premium [WordPress Autoresponder / Drip marketing suite](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). It comes with one-time fee and *optional* yearly upgrade fees, and there is also free bridge for connecting WatuPRO.
Namaste! LMS to Arigato PRO Bridge
This is a free bridge for Namaste! LMS users who also have [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). The bridge lets you do two things:
1. Automatically enroll user who subscribes to selected mailing list in a selected course
2. Automatically subscribe user who enrolls or complete course into a mailing list
[Download Bridge Here (6KB)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/namaste-bftpro.zip)
**After activation a new link called “Bridge to Autoresponder” will appear under you Namaste! LMS menu.**
The screenshot below will give you a better idea what it does.
WatuPRO 4.5 - Chained Logic, File Uploads, New Quiz Page Design, and More
Here is the latest update to WatuPRO:
1. A new setting lets you allow users to flag questions for review
2. Now there is much easier way to request user email, name and other contact info – see [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/collect-user-contact-information-with-watupro/)
3. You can now set up no-ajax submitting of some quizzes to accept file uploads and for other reasons [(learn more](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/regular-no-ajax-form-submitting-option-from-watupro-4-4-6/))
4. When using category grades and the %%CATGRADES%% variable you can also control the order the category results appear at the end: default, from best to worst, or from worst to best category by user performance
5. Added “Time spent” column in the “View results” page
6. The add / edit quiz form has been redesigned with tabs to make it easier to use
7. You can pass a list of comma separated question IDs in the quiz not found shortcode to specify exactly which questions to be shown and disregard any randomization and grouping settings. This is yet another method to reuse questions from same quiz in multiple setups. The format to use is quiz not found where X is the quiz ID. This is internally called by the free [User Choice](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/user-choice-free-add-on-for-watupro/) add-on
8. The free User Choice addon lets you publish quizzes in which the user selects what questions to answer.
9. The new Chained logic addon – [see here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/chained-quiz-logic-free-add-on-for-watupro/)
10. Option to auto-publish unpublished quiz at the time of creating or editing it
11. You can allow users to select WatuPRO user group when signing up
12. Twitter sharing is now available in our free social sharing addon
13. [Intelligence module] A new shortcode lets you expand the information show for personality quiz results. Please check the internal Help page for more info and example.
14. [Intelligence module] Now personality quizzes allow matching one answer to multiple results. This will be useful if you don’t always relate answers 1:1 to results (for example having 30 personality types should not mean that you need 30 possible answers on every question)
15. Changed the quiz shortcode to small letters for better compatibility with other plugins. The old codes will remain working
16. When questions are grouped by category the category title and description will be shown in all quiz pagination types (used to be shown only when the quiz is paginated “one page per question category”)
17. Stats per questions also shows number and % unanswered (Reporting module)
18. Fixed % calculations in the poll shortcode (Reporting module)
19. Auto-stop any playing audio questions when user moves from page to page
20. Added filters from WP Quick LaTeX so you can now use everything from that plugin (this is the best LaTeX plugin!)
21. Fixed bug with “time taken” for non-logged in users on paginated quizzes
Eligible customers will receive the update by a newsletter. In case your free upgrades subscription has expired you can renew for another year with 60% discount.
BroadFast for Wordpress 2.3 and the Intelligence Module 0.9.3
Our [WordPress drip marketing suite](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) has been updated to version 2.3.
Here are the updated features since version 2.2:
- Bounce management now available
- Subscribe by sending email: you can now set up email address which can be used to automatically subscribe users when they send email to it.
- You can now enable other user roles to work with the autoresponder so your staff members can create marketing campaigns without accessing the admin
- The generic form shortcode can now be configured to display radio buttons or checkboxes instead of the default drop-down selector. When checkboxes are displayed, the user will be able to subscribe for multiple mailing lists at once.
- A new option lets you test newsletter and get it delivered immediately to your email
- Built-in Contact form 7 integration – more info at http://blog.calendarscripts.info/how-to-integrate-broadfast-for-wordpress-with-contact-form-7/
- Detailed log of all emails sent to a subscriber
- Added filter to show unsubscribed users. The word Unsubscribed will also show next to Inactive for all users who unsubscribed
- Data from custom fields is now available in the subscribers list
- Simple text area added as custom field type – allows displaying text box without the rich text editor
- Daily or weekly digest can be automatically scheduled from the published posts in your blog (Intelligence module required)
- Improved the WordPress-friendly form code for easier use
- Improved error reporting for email sending errors
- General user-interface improvements
If you don’t have the Intelligence module you can purchase it for $40 using [this link.](http://sites.fastspring.com/calendarscripts/product/bftpro-intelligence)
Chained Quiz Logic Free Add-on For WatuPRO
This is a free add-on which implements long requested functionality for [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/): The ability to add “chained” logic to quizzes. So depending on the user’s answer on a question you choose the next question or finalize the quiz.
**Download here**: [wchained-logic](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/wchained-logic.zip) (24 KB)
**Current version**: 4.3
**Requires:** WatuPRO 6.1 or newer
How Does It Work?
Once installed and activated, the add-on will enable a new menu item called “Chained Logic” under your WatuPRO menu. Click on it and you’ll be taken to a page where you can set up chained logic for a given quiz, and a shortcode to publish its chained logic version.
The chained quiz will work only with the new shortcode. The old shortcode will keep working with the standard behavior.
Here is a screenshot how you can set chained logic in your quiz:
### Specifics and Limitations:
1. The quiz pagination will be automatically set up to “One question per page”
2. Back buttons, “save” button, numbered paginators, “show answer”, and “Question X from Y” text will not be shown.
3. Grouping and randomizing questions settings will be disregarded – the questions will start appearing by the order you have given in the “Manage questions” page.
4. This will work for “live quizzes” (no “practice mode”)
5. Only single-answer, multiple-answer and “open-end” questions can be chained. The other question types will be excluded. **From version 3.3 you can use “fill the gaps”, “slider” and “sortable” with the Logic Threshold function (explained below) but they should not be the first question in the quiz.**
6. From version 3.7 chained quizzes partially-submitted state can be saved if “automatically store user progress as they go from page to page” setting in WatuPRO is selected. This feature requires WatuPRO or a newer version.
7. You can’t ask for contact details at the end of the quiz. This feature currently does not work. You can however ask at the beginning of the quiz.
8. Flashcard questions are not supported
9. File uploads are not supported
10. Progress bars cannot be used on chained quizzes because the chain can end or change the question number any time. The program can never know how many questions are still to go.
Logic Threshold Instead of Fixed Chain
From version 2.3 the chained logic addon supports on-the-fly evaluation of the % correct answers given by the respondent. This allows you to define different chain if they have given less or above a selected % correct answer.
This option is available for every question and the threshold can be different for each question. You’ll find the checkbox under the default selections for each question:

In this example if the user has answered **less than 51%** of the questions up to this point (including the last question) correctly, they will be redirected to question one. If they have answered **51% or more** correct the logic will follow whatever you have selected for that choice (not shown on the screenshot).
So the dynamic logic has priority over the static logic.
Another example:

If after answering the question the user has already collected more than 80% correct answers, you want to finalize the quiz. If they have not achieved 80% let them continue accordingly to the selections for that question.
**From version 3.4 of the plugin the logic threshold can be limited to the same question category.** If you select that checkbox in a question, the logic will not evaluate the whole user performance on all questions but only on the questions from the same question category.
This is super powerful logic that allows you to prematurely end a quiz, not let the user continue until they have desired success rate, roll them back to earlier point of the test or let them skip a section.
**From version 3.8 the dynamic logic can be based on the correct / wrong results on every specific question:**

This is very convenient if you want to use a regular chained logic on most questions but correct / wrong only on some of them.
It is also powerful way to handle open-end questions where you cannot predict every possible answer typed by the user. Instead you can choose what specific action to be taken if the user did not type any of your pre-defined answers (which typically means they answered wrongly).
### Integration with the free Chained Quiz Plugin
From version 1.1 you can transfer the quizzes made with the free [Chained Quiz](http://wordpress.org/plugins/chained-quiz/) plugin into WatuPRO quizzes. The chained logic will be automatically transferred as well.
The results of users will also be transferred although without the details and the stats of num wrong answers, % correct, etc.
Dealing with open end / essay questions
If your open-end question has possible correct answers, things are easy – just select where each answer goes.
If the user answers something else, the answer is considered **wrong**. The quiz will continue with the next question unless you have explicitly selected a behavior for wrong answer:

If the question has no possible answers, then from a chained logic perspective it’s always answered wrong. So you can use the same logic if you want to specify some behavior different than going to the next question.
### 1. The questions or answers do not show in the expected order
Please be careful if you test the chained logic as a logged in user. In case you have started the same quiz in the regular version of WatuPRO but not yet finished it and have saved your progress (either by hitting Save button or automatically), **you will see the questions and answers from your unfinished attempt in the order of the regular quiz**. This is because WatuPRO always gives priority to the saved unfinished quiz.
There is very easy fix for this: simply complete the quiz once and you will see it works fine. Or don’t test as logged in user (typically site owners test with their administrator account).
### 2. The chained logic is not saved
Large quizzes with a lot of questions may overload your POST server limit when the chained logic is saved. In such a case you need to request increasing your POST limit from your hosting support or server admin.
Learn more about this [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19731856/php-post-missing-field-when-too-much-data).
Another (similar) possible issue is the setting “max_input_size” not high enough.
From version 3.6 the plugin supports WatuPRO’s advanced setting “When user answers a “single choice” question go to next question” (it auto-submits the current question without clicking the button – it won’t technically go to the next question if your chained logic has defined something else).
User Choice Free Add-on for WatuPRO
[**Download v. 0.9 here**](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/watupro-user-choice.zip)
**Note: requires WatuPRO 4.4.8 or newer version.**
This add-on lets you publish a form where user will select the questions from a quiz themselves. There are two modes of selecting: the user may be allowed to choose the exact questions to work on, or they can choose number of questions from each category. You can specify the maximum and minimum of total questions that the user can choose:
See example of how the selection from the screenshot works: [click here](http://demoblog.calendarscripts.info/extended-demo-test-choose-questions-yourself/)
You can also let the user select the exact questions.
**Note that quizzes published only this way (and not through the standard WatuPRO shortcode) will not automatically be clickable in your dashboard neither will show in “My Quizzes” page of students.** To fix this you need to use the “This quiz is published in custom field or other non-standard way” option on the Edit Quiz page and enter the URL of the post where the user-choice version is published.
Daily or Weekly Digest From Your Content (Intelligence Module for Arigato PRO)
From version 0.9.3 the Intelligence module of our drip marketing suite [BroadFast for WordPress](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) supports a cool new feature:
**Schedule a weekly or daily digest from your published content.**
You can set up multiple digests. Each digest can pull all your recent content or only content from selected category.
You can fully control how the digest looks and the email contents before and after it:
How exactly do digests work?
Once per day (when you visit your dashboard or when the cron job runs), the software will check all your posts from the last 7 days. Any posts that match the optional category criteria **and** are not included in the previous digest will be included.
We look at the post date so you can have old post included if you change its date.
The digests **generate and schedule** newsletters. Then the newsletters get sent from the cron job just like the regular newsletters. So you can cancel them, edit them, re-sent them – everything you would do with a regular newsletter.
The feature also requires that your BroadFast for WordPress runs the most recent version – or newer.
Regular (No-Ajax) Form Submitting Option from WatuPRO 4.4.6
From version 4.4.6 the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro) supports non-ajax submitting of the quiz. To enable it for selected quizzes go to your WatuPRO Settings page:
Why No AJax?
Submitting forms by [ajax](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_%28programming%29) is nice and looks good but in rare cases causes problems:
- There are other plugins which also use Ajax or extensive JavaScript functions which will not work in Ajax-called page. So if you want to include such plugins in the “Final screen” of your quizzes, some of them won’t work. (For example some charting libraries). This problem gets solved if you submit the form normally.
- Selecting “no ajax” is required to allow user upload files in open-end questions because uploading files by ajax is unreliable*.
When you look at it, the difference between a quiz submitted by ajax, and one submitted normally is very minor for the user – one page refresh.
Uploading Files
When you enable “no ajax” submitting for some quizzes you will be able to allow file uploading for open-end questions. This is configured individually for each open-end question by checking a checkbox in the “Add / Edit Question” page:
There are also configurations for accepted file size and file type. These are set at a global level in your WatuPRO Settings page.
* Yes, I know it’s 2014 and uploading via ajax is not entirely impossible. However it’s unreliable, javascript-heavy and not supported by older browsers. So for now we’ll stick to the regular file upload.
Subscribe By Sending Email in Arigato PRO
From version 2.2.7 the WordPress autoresponder plugin Arigato PRO supports “Subscribe by sending email” feature.
Here is how it works: you need to designate an email address and enter your POP3 login details in the new “Subscribe by Email” page:
Then the plugin’s cron job will login once per day to this account and will check all emails older less than one week. The users who sent email to this address will get subscribed to the selected mailing list(s) and accordingly to the settings you set:
You can specify a phrase in the email subject that will be used to recognize who should subscribe (so spam or other random email won’t be processed). This lets you even to use the email address for other correspondence although this is not recommended.
How Do I Get The Update?
If you are not yet a customer, please [purchase the plugin](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) from our site. If you are existing customer eligible for upgrade we will send you upgrade by a newsletter when version 2.3 is completed. Don’t want to wait? Email us and we’ll send you 2.2.7 right away.
Namaste! LMS to WatuPRO Play Bridge
This is a tiny bridge for customers who use both Namaste! LMS and the WatuPRO Play plugin. It lets you do two things:
- Assign badges from WatuPRO play for completing courses in Namaste! LMS. These badges will be assigned without considering the badge requirements. if you want badges which will be assigned for completing courses but cannot be assigned through taking quizzes, simply assign very high requirements (for example a million points or over 100% correct answers) so the badge can never be earned from WatuPRO but only from Namaste
- You can also transfer the points earned in Namaste (if using the Namaste points system) to the user’s balance in WatuPRO Play. Then they can use these points to earn levels, badges, or redeem rewards.
**[Download the plugin here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/namaste-play-bridge.zip)**
Collect User Contact Information With WatuPRO
**Note: From version 4.4.3 to version there is a small bug in the Advanced Settings page (Intelligence module).** When you save the advanced settings it will remove the contact info feature settings. If you are running any of these versions please let us know to send you update. Update will anyway be sent to everyone when we release version **4.5** so there is nothing to hurry about unless you use the Advanced Settings page and have a version between 4.4.3 and
From version 4.4.3 the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro) has an easier way to collect the following information from every quiz taker:
- User email
- Name
- Company name
- Phone
The best thing is that you can easily set this to happen before or after taking the quiz. Here is how the new setting looks in the Add / Edit Quiz page under “User and Email Related Settings”:
That’s it. The software will figure out how to display this depending on your quiz settings.
And more, for logged in users it will automatically prepopulate email and name. This is what you call easy.
Thus collected information will be visible to you in the quiz results page.
Moreover, if you have selected to email the user their results, the quiz will use the information from these fields and no longer open “Enter email” field on top of the page. (The field will still appear if you don’t select “Ask for email” but select “Email user their results”). So every possible situation is covered.
Other and older (more complicated) methods:
The older methods of obtaining user contact information still exist and you can still use them:
- Request contact information with open-end “survey” type questions
- Request user and email with your own tags like explained [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/request-email-and-name-to-submit-a-quiz-watupro/).
While both methods will keep working, we strongly recommend you to start using the new option. It is really much simpler for you.
How To Integrate Arigato PRO with Contact Form 7
From version 2.2.4 our premium newletter and auto-responder WordPress plugin [Arigato PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) has a built-in integration with [Contact Form 7](http://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/). This is the most popular contact form for WordPress so we decided to simply build the integration inside our software instead of creating additional plugins.
What Does It Integrate?
The integration allows you to use your existing contact forms also as subscribe form for the autoresponder. This way you can have users who ask you questions also subscribe to your newsletter or marketing campaign. Don’t worry, it’s not automated – the user will be given a checkbox for the mailing list(s) you want to offer them. You can even include custom fields from the mailing list into the contact form:
How To Do It?
1. Go to your “Mailing lists” page. You will see a link “**Integrate in contact form**” in the “**Subscribe form**” column of the table:
2. Click on it and you’ll be taken to a page that gives you two things:
a) Shortcode for the checkbox. You can make it checked by default, and optionally assign CSS class and HTML ID. The text next to the checkbox defaults to “Subscribe for {list-name}”:[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/list-shortcode.png)
b) The right side of the page will show you all custom fields in the list if there are any. You can also get shortcode for each of these fields:
3) Any of these custom fields along with the “subscribe” checkbox shortcode can then be placed inside your Contact Form 7 contact form. Go to “Contact” in your WordPress admin menu (obviously the plugin Contact Form 7 must be installed and activated) and click to edit the contact form. Then place the shortcodes from BroadFast anywhere you want them to appear:
4. That’s it. Now your contact form will also act as subscribe form for your mailing list(s).
Note the following:
- You can include checkboxes for more than one mailing list
- The user’s email will be auto-confirmed if the mailing list does not require double opt-in confirmation. If the list requires confirmation, a confirmation email will be sent – just like with a regular subscribe form.
- The information from custom fields that are included in the contact form will not come to your Contact form 7 email but will be recorded along with the user’s data and visible in your subscriber’s data.
- From version 2.7.1 of Arigato PRO you can include the [bftpro-int-chk list_id=”…”] shortcode of each list inside your Contact form 7 message. This way you’ll get yes/no confirmation showing if the user has checked that list. Especially useful if you allow the user to subscribe for multiple mailing lists.
WatuPRO 4.4 - Matrix Questions, New Pagination Options, Free Add-Ons and more
The new version of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/), the best WordPress Quiz plugin, is now ready. The version is 4.4, and the improvements from 4.3 to 4.4 are listed below:
1. New pagination option – show custom number of questions per page
2. Option to randomize categories when questions are grouped by category
3. You can now create default grades which can be reused from or copied into every quiz
4. A new question type – True / False is available as sub-type of “Single choice” questions
5. First name and last name (when available) are added to the export of the results
6. Logged in users can switch-off the automated emails for completed quizzes
7. The email that is sent to user when quiz is completed can now be restricted based on the achieved grade. So you can select grades that will initiate the email and grades that will not.
8. Pagination of 50 questions per page is added in the “Manage questions” admin page
9. New option lets you blank out some of the fields from the quiz results to save DB space, without losing reports and points-related data.
10. A free WatuPRO Simple Designer add-on is available for changing the quiz UI. More info [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-simple-designer-plugin/).
11. “My Quizzes” page will show also previous attempts on the same quiz
12. Now advanced users can create their own version of any of the program layout pages (the “views”) and can customize them. (See the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu)
13. New option lets you deactivate a quiz. This makes it inaccessible and removes it from “My quizzes” page and the shortcodes that return list of quizzes.
14. Match / Matrix question type (Intelligence module)
15. Advanced setting option lets you not load logged in user progress when they come back to unfinished paginated quiz (Intelligence module)
16. Two performance improvements have been made: quizzes paginated “one question per page” will no longer save user data on the fly (but you can enable it with a checkbox, and it will be auto-enabled for your old quizzes to avoid forcing you do manuall work). The second performance tuning requires the advanced settings page (Intelligence module) and lets you switch off storing question text along with user answers in the database
17. %%USER-NAME%% variable can be used to display user’s name on the FInal screen / email content. The variable uses the value entered in {{{name-field}}}. If empty, displays the logged in user name. If empty, displays “Guest”.
18. Two new variables available for the Final Screen – %%AVG-POINTS%% and %%AVG-PERCENT%% showing respectively the average points and % correct answers achieved by other quiz takers.
19. Shortcodes for poll-like charts let you publish how all user’s answers are distributed in a question. More info: http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-watupro-for-polls-new-shortcodes-from-reporting-module/ (Reporting module)
20. Fixed problem with showing the same certificate earned multiple times on different quizzes
21. Fixed problems with using multiple “chart by grade” shortcodes on a page
22. Fixed bug that was showing the categories of hidden questions on the final screen, when the quiz is paginated one question per page.
23. Fixed bug with personality quiz questions – these should not display correct/incorrect checkmarks
The free upgrade has been sent to eligible customers. If your free upgrades package has expired, you will receive a promo code to renew with 60% discount. Or feel free to contact us for the code. Renewal is optional – you can keep using the latest version you have as long as you need it.
How To Copy WatuPRO Data from One Site To Another?
This is a frequently asked question about the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
If you want to copy only a single quiz it might be easier to export and import questions from the “Manage Questions” page. More info about export/import formats is available [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/new-imports-from-watupro-4-2-3/).
On the other hand, if you want to copy all your quizzes, takings data, and so on, it’s much better to do it through **phpMyAdmin**. (See [how to access phpMyAdmin on your host](https://support.hostgator.com/articles/cpanel/how-to-access-phpmyadmin-from-cpanel). If your hosting control panel is different you may need to ask your hosting support.). Here are the steps you need to do **assuming WordPress is already installed on your new site**.
1. In your **old site** go to phpMyAdmin and export all tables that contain “watupro” in their name. When exporting, include **structure and data**. [See how](https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/exporting-databases-and-tables-with-phpmyadmin/).
2. Go to your **new site**, load phpMyAdmin and **import the exported file there**.
3. Install WatuPRO on the new site. It will recognize the imported data.
Using WatuPRO for Polls (New Shortcodes From Reporting Module)
From version 4.3.7 the quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) supports “poll-like” shortcodes through the [Reporting module](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html). The shortcodes render a simple bar chart showing how all users have answered a given question. Here’s an example from our [open demo quiz:](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-demo-exam/) (note that it pulls random 3 of 5 questions so the frog question will not always be loaded) [](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/frog-question.png) In this example the chart is shown immediately after answering the quiz. It can however be used everywhere, including in some custom made pages. The shortcode can show either how each answer distributes (for “single choice” and “multiplce choice” questions), or the distribution of correct / incorrect answers (for all other question types). You can get the shortcode for each question from add / edit question page: [](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/frog-question-edit.png) Clicking on “How to configure” will take you to the help page which explains how you can change the colors or show “correct/incorrect” chart instead of distribution per answer. **Note that this functionality requires the Reporting module.**
An SQL Query
You like this so much that you want to add it in the optional “answer explanation” are of all your existing thousands of questions? You can do it with an SQL query:
**`UPDATE wp_watupro_question SET explain_answer = CONCAT(explain_answer, ' [', 'watupror-poll question_id="', ID, '"]');`**
Note that you may need to change “wp_watupro_question” depending on how the table prefix is named in your installation.
Social Sharing Addon for WatuPRO
**Update: from WatuPRO version 4.6.3 this functionality is embedded in the plugin and you don’t need the social sharing add-on.**
We hear you! The old “shareable final screen” feature wasn’t good enough especially for sharing quiz results on Facebook and Twitter.
So here we come with this free social sharing addon:
[Download watupro-share plugin](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/watupro-share.zip)
Current version: **0.7**
Requires **WatuPRO** or newer version.
Currently it can generate **Facebook** and **Twitter** share buttons.
How To Use It?
Download the plugin from the link above, install from your **WordPress Plugins -> Add New -> Upload page,** and activate it.
### For Facebook Sharing:
1. Go to the new “Social Sharing” page that will appear under your “Watu PRO” menu and set up your Facebook APP Id. If you don’t have any, [get one here](https://developers.facebook.com/apps).
2. Make sure to select “Website” for “App Platform” on your app Settings page:
3. Then add your site URL and allow the domain in “App Domains”:
4. Finally, use the shortcode
[](# "Share your results on Facebook")
to display the sharing button in the “Final Screen” area of the “Add/Edit Quiz” page: [](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/final-screen-share.png)
Pressing the button will use the achieved **grade title** and **grade description** to be shared on Facebook. And the link will go back to the quiz page so users who follow will be able to take the quiz.
### For Twitter Sharing:
Simply select “Show Tweet button” and fill the rest of the fields as you see fit:
About Images In Facebook
If the **grade description** contains an image, it will also be used when sharing. If there is more than one image, the first one will be used.
If you want to select a specific image from several that are included in the grade description, simply add CSS class **watupro-share** to it.
Enjoy and let us know your thoughts!
WatuPRO Simple Designer Plugin
This is a small free add-on for our quiz plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) that lets you redesign the way some questions work.
The result is very effective as you can see on [this version](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/open-quiz-new-design/) of our open demo quiz. Instead of selecting radio buttons and checkboxes users will click on the answers directly. And depending on what you select in the settings of the new plugin the correct/incorrect check-mark can be displayed immediately.
Note: the plugin does not work well with the following option selected in WatuPRO:

Better choose some of the WatuPRO design themes with “buttons” in their name instead of the SImple Designer to achieve similar functionality.
Download WatuPRO Simple Designer:
[Download version 1.1 (16kb)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/watupro-simple-designer.zip)
Please note this plugin requires that you have WatuPRO. It won’t do anything without it.
How To Use It:
Once installed and activated, a new link will appear under your WatuPRO menu:
Click on it and you’ll be taken to the plugin settings page. Choose colors there, define whether the result should be shown immediately (note: means more Ajax requests to your server), and select which quizzes you want this design applied to:
That’s it. Once set up, you’ll see the changes.
Category Tabs
From version 0.7 this plugin adds one more enhancement. For quizzes paginated “one page per question category” you will be able to use nice shortcodes for category tabs. See the “Simple Designer” page in your WatuPRO menu (after installing version 0.7) for more info.
True / False Questions in WatuPRO
From version 4.3.2 [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/), the WordRress quiz plugin, supports a True / False question type. This is a sub-type of the “single answer” questions and can be enabled by selecting the checkbox which shows only when “Single answer” is selected:
What are the specifics of True / False Questions?
They are single-choice questions and generate radio buttons just like them. However:
- When you select this type the two answers are automatically added (saves time)
- These answers never randomize – True is always on top
- There are always exactly two answers shown – True and False, regardless of any limits set for the quiz.
True / false questions are small but very useful addition built per customer requests.
WatuPRO 4.3 - New Import Formats, New PDF Bridge, and More
Version 4.3 of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/), the WordPress quiz plugin, is now ready:
1. A major rework has been done on import/export (the legacy formats are still supported). Now we have a very simple format, advanced format with all properties, and Aiken format. More info at[ http://blog.calendarscripts.info/new-imports-from-watupro-4-2-3/](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/new-imports-from-watupro-4-2-3/)
2. Marking a question as important ensures it will get included with priority if you are pulling only subset of all quiz questions
3. The free PDF Bridge has been reworked to use the MPF library. Now it can work with foreign characters and complicated designs
4. The {{{points}}} variable can now be used in the “Optional answer explanation” field to display how many points the user has earned on the question.
5. Added “% Correct answers” to the results list page (also in the filters & exports on the page)
6. When copying quizzes from the free Watu you can now select the shortcodes to be automatically replaced with WatuPRO shortcodes
7. You can also copy the current user results from Watu basic to WatuPRO
8. A new display code lets you include the individual user’s answer to each question into the final screen or certificate contents. You’ll find the code at the top of the Edit Question page
9. Mass-apply new category to selected questions on the Manage Questions page
10. Option to penalize unanswering a question with a number of negative points
11. Configuration allows you to select whether to show “My Quizzes” and “My certificates” pages in user dashboard. If you have the Reporting module, you can also select which tabs to be shown there.
12. Option to randomize answers but not questions
13. A new variable %%TIME-SPENT%% in the final screen shows the time spent when taking the test.
14. A new option lets users make each of their certificates visible by everyone (including non-logged in visitors)
15. You can view who and when has started but not finished a quiz, and delete these attempts
16. The shortcodes that display lists of quizzes now let you order them by title or by latest on top. Check the Help and Categories pages for more information.
17. You can choose to not show paid quizzes that have not been purchased in “My quizzes” page (Intelligence module)
18. Sorting questions can now be treated as a whole and assign points when the entire set is sorted correctly or not (Intelligence module)
19. Advanced setting option lets you switch off the “You did not select or enter any answer” confirmation popup (Intelligence module)
20. Advanced setting lets you enable enumeration on answers – numeric or alphabetic (Intelligence module)
21. Shortcodes to display “Stats per question”, “All question answers” and “Chart by grade” pages (Reporting module)
22. Fixed edge case bugs with “redirect to shareable final screen” option
23. Watupro is now qTranslate compatible so you can easily have multi-language quizzes.
Eligible customers have received their upgrade. In case your one year free upgrades / support package has expired you can renew it for 40% of the regular price.
WatuPRO Community Translations
Thanks to some of our customers we are starting a page with community translations for WatuPRO. If you have translated the plugin and want to share your work with the others, please let us know on info@calendarscripts.info!
German Translation
The following translations, actual to version 6.7.2 have been provided by [Tobias Eichner](http://www.tobiaseichner.com/) – a business consultant helping businesses to get their web projects up and running.
[Watu Pro](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/watu-pro.zip)
[WatuPro Play](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/watu-play.zip)
Thanks to [Peter Baumgartner](http://peter.baumgartner.name) we have German translations for WatuPRO, WatuPRO Play and the free Watu:
- [Watu translation](http://peter.baumgartner.name/goodies/uebersetzungen/watu-deutsche-uebersetzung/)
- [WatuPRO translation](http://peter.baumgartner.name/goodies/uebersetzungen/watupro-deutsche-uebersetzung/)
- [WatuPRO Play translation](http://peter.baumgartner.name/goodies/uebersetzungen/watupro-play-deutsche-uebersetzung/)
Mr. Baumgartner has also translated [Namaste! LMS](http://namaste-lms.org). Links to his translations can be found at the bottom of [Namaste! Help page](http://namaste-lms.org/help.php).
Dutch Translation
The currently most up-to-date Dutch translation is provided by Casper Rutten:
This Dutch Translation is provided by [Kobes](https://github.com/Kobes) at GitHub.
Link to translation: [https://github.com/Kobes/watu_pro_i18n](https://github.com/Kobes/watu_pro_i18n)
Another Dutch translation actual to WatuPRO 4.8 is available here: [.po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/watupro-nl_NL.po) / [.mo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/watupro-nl_NL.mo)
These are kindly provided by [Kies GOED! Academy](http://www.kies.academy/)
All translations are provided by “as is” basis and we can’t guarantee they will be always up to date with the most recent plugin version. Still, they can save you a lot of time so use them and contribute to them if you can.
French Translation
The following French translation is provided by [american-legend-mag.com](https://american-legend-mag.com/) and is actual to WatuPRO 6.6.7. Dowload [po](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/watupro-fr_FR.po) / [mo](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/watupro-fr_FR.mo).
The following French translation is provided by [wordpress-pour-vous.com](http://wordpress-pour-vous.com/) and is actual to 5.8.5. Download [po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/watupro-fr_FR.po) / [mo.](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/watupro-fr_FR.mo) And the Play plugin translation files: [po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/watuproplay-fr_FR.po) / [mo.](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/watuproplay-fr_FR.mo)
The following French translation actual to is provided by Fred: [watupro-fr_FR](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/watupro-fr_FR.pot) (it’s a .pot file, create your .po/.mo with [Poedit](http://poedit.net/))
Spanish Translation
An DEEPL Spanish translation actual to WatuPRO 6.7 is available here: [.po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/watupro-es_ES.po) / [.mo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/watupro-es_ES.mo)
Russian Translation
An automated Russian translation actual to WatuPRO 6.6 is available here: [.po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/watupro-ru_RU.po) / [.mo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/watupro-ru_RU.mo)
Hebrew Translation
The following Hebrew translation actual is provided by [mikycomputers.com](http://mikycomputers.com/): [.po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/watupro-he_IL.po) / [.mo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/watupro-he_IL.mo)
Persian Translation
The Persian translation provided by Mehdi Ahmadvand is actual to version 5.7.2: [.po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/watupro-fa_IR.po) / [.mo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/watupro-fa_IR.mo)
Arabic Translaiton
The Arabic translation is actual to version 6.5.5 and is provided by [darsradar.com](https://darsradar.com/). Download: [.po](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/watupro-ar.po) / [.mo](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/watupro-ar.mo)
Please do not forget to rename the files to your specific locale, for example watupro-ar_AE (Arabic UAE)
How To See Quiz Results and Reports of Students in WatuPRO
Accessing your own quizzes and reports in WatuPRO is easy – it’s all under “My Quizzes” link. But how can you as admin see the reports and quizzes of your students? It’s also easy and you don’t need to login as each of them. But let’s split the question in two parts.
How do you see quizzes and reports of individual user?
Here’s how:
**1. Go to the “Users” page in your administration.** This page is not under “Watu PRO” menu, it’s the page in your WordPress administration screen:
**2. You will find one or two extra columns on this page.** If you have the Reporting module, the columns are two, otherwise it’s one:
The columns “Quiz Data” and “Quiz Reports” are added by Watu PRO.
That’s it! Click on them and see the data for the given user.
How do you see cumulative data and reports:
There are several things people have in mind here, so let’s cover them all:
1. **All the submissions on a given quiz** are available through the main Watu PRO page (the one that lists your quizzes). It has a column “Taken” that shows how many users completed the quiz:
Just click on the number and you’ll get to the whole list.
Then, if you have the Reporting module, there are few more reports available from this page:
2. **The Chart by grade** is accessible from the top links on the said page:
3. Right before it there is the **Stats per question** link. It opens a page showing you how your users answered each question:
4. Do you see the **Get Full Details** link at the bottom of the image above? It will give you all the answers to the given questions with details, nicely ordered along with points etc.
BroadFast For WordPress 2.2, Intelligence Module 0.8.5
An important upgrade to the WordPress autoresponder has been released and sent to eligible customers. Here are the new and improved features:
- Now it’s easy to change the text of the “Subscribe” button or use a graphic instead of button
- Segmentation allows you send emails only to selected segments of your mailing lists (Intelligence module required)
- Select time of the day when autoresponder email should be sent
- Added email sending error log
- Added explanations about “In queue” and test “cron job” link
- Question based captcha can be used instead of (or along with) reCaptcha
- You can now automatically have users who subscribe to your mailing list be subscribed also to your blog (as WordPress users)
- Email templates (Intelligence module). More info [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/email-design-templates-in-broadfast-for-wordpress-intelligence-module/)
If you are customer who didn’t get their upgrade, please email us to get it. If your order is more than 1 year old you can renew upgrades and support for another year with 60% discount.
Someone asked us why updates aren’t sent through the WordPress dashboard. Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t allow commercial plugins in the repository so this is not an option. It is not impossible to build our own update procedure but it’s really complicated work because we’ll need to also check if the user who’s getting the upgrade is active customer. Believe me, you don’t want to deal with entering license keys and problems when the domain name isn’t found in a registry. It’s much easier to delete the old plugin and install the new one once in few months.
Getting "None" for Grade/Result in WatuPRO
Here’s a frequently asked question. Why are my users sometimes getting “None” as grade/result on a quiz?
The answer is that **None** is shown when no grade/result matching the points or percentage achieved is found. This is always the reason, **no exceptions**.
So please check your grades. They must cover the whole possible range of:
a) points, if you are calculating grades by points (this is the default option)
b) percentage, if you have selected “Calculate grades by % correct answers instead of points collected”. For versions older than 4.2.5 please make sure that your percentage based grades overlap so any decimals are covered. For example if grade A is defined as 80% to 100% correct answers, then the lower grade should be defined as (for example) 60% – 80% and NOT to 79%. Versions newer than 4.2.5 will round the percent to whole number so this will not be required.
You can use the variables %%POINTS%% or %%PERCENTAGE%% on the final screen to help you figure out what is achieved by the user and why they are not getting any grade.
Please also don’t confuse category grades with global grades.
Email Design Templates in Arigato PRO / Intelligence Module
Design templates allow you to quickly attach pre-defined designs to newsletters or autoresponder email messages in [Arigato PRO for WordPress](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) (Intelligence module required).
The “Design templates” feature is available from the following versions:
– Arigato PRO version 2.2
– Intelligence module version 0.8.5
Here is a quick example of how to use the feature:
1. Create your design template
There is nothing special about this – you can design visually or enter HTML code. The only important thing is that each template is required to contain the **{{{contents}}}** mask in the place where you want your specific email contents to appear. Example:
2. Create Your Newsletter or Autoresponder Message
Create your message having in mind the design you want to apply. Nothing special here as well:
3. Select Your Design
While creating or editing the email message, select your design template:
4. That’s it!
Here is how your current email message will look when the template is automatically applied during sending:
Important about new lines
If your HTML template contains any HTML tags we will not automatically add new lines or paragraphs to avoid breaking your code. In such cases you have to use proper HTML to format paragraphs – use <p> tags where you want to have different paragraphs.
Question Import Formats in WatuPRO
The old import format was often causing confusion so from version 4.2.3 we switched to three much better formats. Don’t worry, the old formats will still be supported for some time through the “Legacy import/export” link.
The new formats supported by WatuPRO are currently these:
Simple Import (CSV):
Download sample file: [import-simple](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/import-simple.csv). (right-click and choose “Save as”. Note: the file is COMMA delimited.) For versions before use this file: [import-simple-old.csv](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/import-simple-old.csv)
**Do not use this format when importing files exported by the plugin. Use “Advanced WatuPRO” instead.**
This is a simple CSV file that has only two columns with question properties:
- Question contents
- Question type – radio, checkbox, textarea **(all small letters)**
- Is required? (enter 0 for not required and 1 for required). **From WatuPRO version**
- Optional answer explanation **From WatuPRO version**
Then the answers follow in unlimited sets of 3 columns in this order:
- Answer contents
- Is correct? (Enter “0” for wrong answer and “1” for correct answer)
- Points assigned
You can import “fill the gaps” and sorting questions with this import format but you will not be able to import many of the properties. So this import format is best suited for single-answer, multiple-answer, and open-end questions.
Advanced Import (CSV)
Download sample file: [import-advanced](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/import-advanced.csv) (right-click and choose “Save as”. Note: the file is COMMA delimited.)
**WatuPRO exports files in this format. Use it always when importing questions exported from other WatuPRO quiz.**
This format contains all the question properties in columns and is a **subject to change** if a new property gets added to the questions. This is also the format that is exported by WatuPRO so at any time you can get the most actual format by simply exporting some of your questions.
**All columns must be present in your CSV file but you can leave empty most of them.** So feel free to enter only the properties you need.
Aiken format
Download sample file: [import-aiken](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/import-aiken.txt) (right-click and choose “Save as”)
We now support the easy and simple Moodle’s Aiken format. Learn more about it [here](http://docs.moodle.org/26/en/Aiken_format).
**Please note Aiken should be followed EXACTLY.** Each answer should have a letter like A, B, C, etc and then a point or brace. Example: **A.** or **A).** Each answer should be on its own line and cannot take more than one line.
The right answer should on the next line after the last possible answer and should have “ANSWER:” written before it, exactly as you see it: all caps and a colon. Example:
Whole question example:
What is the correct answer to this question?
A. Is it this one?
B. Maybe this answer?
C. Possibly this one?
D. Must be this one!
### Enhancements to Aiken
From version we have built our own enhancements to the Aiken format that allow you to pass question category and answer explanation. **Note that they are not part of the official Aiken format and can be used only in WatuPRO.**
To add a question category enter a line starting with **CATEGORY:,** then follows the category name.
To add answer explanation enter a line starting with **EXPLANATION:,** then follows the answer explanation. It should be all on one line – if your explanation needs multiple lines, use the HTML tags for paragraphs and new lines but do not hit the enter key on your keyboard.
Both “CATEGORY:” and “EXPLANATION:” lines should be entered **before** the “ANSWER:” line and should be in all caps and with a semicolon – exactly as you see them. Entering the lines is optional – you can skip any or both of them on any or all questions. When importing such questions just select the “Aiken” format – WatuPRO will figure out the enhanced questions on its own.
For a sample import file, check this one: [watupro-aiken](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/watupro-aiken.txt) (right-click and choose “Save as”)
Moodle XML
From version WatuPRO has a partial support for the Moodle XML format. This format is very complex so we have added only some basic functionality but it’s a good start. We will be implementing it gradually if there is interest.
For a sample Moodle XML [click here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/moodle.xml) or right-click and choose “Save as”.
Currently supported:
- Moodle’s “multichoice” question type which converts into our single-choice and multiple-choice questions/
- If there are images and the links to them are accessible, they will be automatically copied to your WatuPRO installation.
- The feedback fields, randomization settings, hidden are not (yet) supported.
The import functions are tested literally thousand times on multiple systems. No exaggeration. They work fine.
So before sending us support emails please double and triple check the following:

**a) The import format.** If you are trying to import advanced file format as “Simple WatuPRO” it will not work correctly. **You will get 0 and 1 as answers to questions, and many other misplaced fields.** So please even if you are sure your file is “simple” do try the Advanced WatuPRO format. I can’t count the times when people just didn’t try it and asked us why import didn’t work. **This wastes a lot of time for both you and us.** It takes a minute to try the other format so why not do it?

**b) The field delimiter.** Most CSV files are comma-delimited (this is where the name comes from). Our demo files listed here are comma-delimited. That’s why comma is selected by default. **This does not mean all files are comma delimited.** Maybe someone gave you a file that is tab-delimited. Or maybe your Excel is configured to export semicolon delimited files. You can usually figure out the proper delimiter when you try to open the file in Excel or Libre Office calc. But if you can’t: if your import is wrong, just try the other field delimiters.
**c) The foreign characters checkbox.** It is under the Skip title row checkbox:

Normally it should not be checked. Do not check it **unless** you have tried the different formats and field delimiters.
**d) Your file is in non-Unicode format.**
WordPress database is in Unicode, UTF-8 format. Your files should be as well. If you are having problems with partly imported or not imported at all questions, skipped questions, etc, it’s almost guaranteed that your file is non-unicode. Please follow [this guide](https://help.surveygizmo.com/help/encode-an-excel-file-to-utf-8-or-utf-16) to save it as unicode file. As a final resort you can send your file to us and we will convert it as long as we can figure out the original encoding.
Please note the above 4 trouble points. They will save you the time to wait for answer to your email. Trying the different options takes a minute or two at most.
**e) A new column has been added**
Sometimes we have to add new columns to the import/export files to add new question properties. In such cases files exported with old versions will not work without modification.
If you are using a file which has been exported with an older WatuPRO version you may run into such an issue. It’s very easy to check if this is the problem: export a new file from some of your quizzes and import it. If it works, then the problem is most likely that the new import format has more columns than your previously exported file.
The easiest solution is to re-export. In the case when you have already worked on the file and want to use it, you need to add empty columns in your file at the place of the new columns in the newly exported file. We always add these columns right before the first answer of the question so it’s relatively easy to compare both files and check how many columns you need to add.
WatuPRO 4.2: User Info Shortcodes, Woocommerce Bridge, Compact Format, and more
The next major release is up, here are the changes and improvements from version 4.1 to version 4.2:
1. Rounding the points to the closest decimal is now possible on questions. This comes to solve problems when you have for example 3 correct answers on a question and want the total to make 1 point.
2. Option to restrict number of quiz submissions by IP address. This works both for logged in and not logged in users and will take effect before the user-based restriction.
3. “Compact format” option is available on most question types. Answers will be aligned horizontally, right from the question, instead of vertically under it.
4. The free [PDF-Bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-the-free-pdf-bridge-plugin-in-watupro/) plugin can be used to generate PDF certificates instead of DocRaptor. It still has some limitations.
5. You can now use rich text editor to easily add images and media to the answers of each question.
6. “Reuse questions from” now allows you to select multiple quizzes at the same time (Intelligence module
7. You can request a non-logged in user to enter name and email before the quiz starts (or before it’s submitted). [Learn how](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/request-email-and-name-to-submit-a-quiz-watupro/).
8. User profile shortcodes. More information [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/user-info-shortcodes-from-watupro-version-4-1-1/).
9. Different email content to user and admin can be specified by using the {{{split}}} tag.
10. Calculate grade by % correct answers is moved to the basic WatuPRO version
11. A free [Woocommerce bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/woocommerce-bridge-in-watupro/) is available which lets you sell access to paid quizzes through Woocommerce (WatuPRO Intelligence module required)
12. Advanced settings option to reveal the correct answers on wrongly answered “Fill the gaps” fields (Intelligence module)
13. Advanced settings option to specify the exact order of categories when questions are grouped by category (Intelligence module)
14. Advanced setting option: require confirmation when the submit button is pressed (to avoid accident submitting of the quiz) (Intelligence module)
15. Exams that require payment can be purchased with points earned from other exams. This is of course an option that you can enable. You can specify how many points make 1 unit of your currency. (Intelligence module and Play plugin required)
16. Improved the proficiency calculation by category on Skills/Categories page (Reporting module)
17. A new pie chart showing the results distribution by grade (Reporting module)
18. The History tab of the reporting module now shows also the quiz that was taken
19. Bug fix: “Schedule from/to” finally considers your timezone settings
20. Fixed bug with incorrectly calculating “max-points” on “Fill the gaps” questions
Eligible customers have received their upgrade. If your upgrades/support package has expired you can renew, upgrade, or downgrade with 60% discount using the promo code sent to your email.
WatuPRO Bridge for WooCommerce
This is a free plugin that allows you to sell access to premium quizzes through Woocommerce. You need also WatuPRO and the Intelligence module.
[Download the free bridge here (v 1.9.1, 14 KB)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/watupro-woocom-bridge.zip)
See also our [bridge for EDD](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-for-easy-digital-downloads/).
Once downloaded, install and activate it. Then here is how to use it:
1. Create some paid quiz(zes)
2. Add them as WooCommerce products ([details below](#products))
3. Set up [redirect after payment](#redirect), if you wish
4. Control the behavior of the quiz page if visited directly before payment ([details below](#settings))
First, you need to create paid quizzes in WatuPRO (with the Intelligence module) just like you would do normally. Then just add the quizzes as products in Woocommerce.
How to add your quizzes as products in WooCommerce
The video below is enough to get you selling quizzes. You may still want to read the full guide to know how to sell certificates, quiz bundles, and so on.
From version of WatuPRO you can skip adding the parameters manually. On Edit Quiz -> Intelligence module tab, once you set a price for the quiz you will see a drop-down selector of all products that are both downloadable and virtual. Selecting a product will automatically create the proper attributes:
In this case you can skip the section below, the section “Redirecting to the quiz”, and the section “Payment Settings in WatuPRO”.
**To see this box you need at least one downloadable and virtual product. In the new Woo versions this happens by marking No shipping:
And then adding at least one file for download from the General tab in the Edit Product page in Woo.
**Read this the rest of this section only if you don’t use the simpler method described in the yellow box above.**
Name them any way you want, give any price you want. **Mark them downloadable and virtual products so WooCommerce will automatically mark orders completed on payment (this is fairly important!)**. The price given in WooCommerce does NOT need to match the price given in WatuPRO. The only important thing is to create a custom attribute with name “watupro” and value containing the ID of the quiz you want to sell:
[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wwbridge-product.png)**Note! Do not create these attributes as custom attribute type from the separate WooCommerce Attributes menu.** It needs to be done like on the image above -just enter “watupro” in the small box and the ID in the big box. The drop-down at right should be saying “Custom product attribute”.
How do you know the quiz ID? Simple, it’s the number in the quiz shortcode:
That’s all, you can start selling access to quizzes. You can add coupons, bundles, and so on -anything that you would do with your WooCommerce products.
When the payment of order is completed, the access to any associate WatuPRO quizzes will get activated. If the user is not logged in and does not exist, an user account will be created on the fly.
The access to the quiz will not be granted until the payment is **COMPLETED** in WooCommerce. If you see the orders in your WooCommerce admin and their status is different than “completed” this is most likely because you have missed to mark the product “Downloadable” AND “Virtual”.
Redirect to the Quiz
**Read this section only if you don’t use the simpler method described in the yellow box above.**
From version 0.8 the bridge supports automated redirecting after the order is paid. Just add another custom attribute to the same product. The attribute must have name **watupro-redirect** and value the URL of the quiz. You can also use any other URL if for some reason you want to redirect elsewhere.
If the user purchase multiple quizzes in one shopping cart they will be redirected to the first purchased product which has the “watupro-redirect” attribute.
Selling Quiz Bundles
From version 0.9 the bridge also allows selling quiz bundles (note: bundles are available for users of the WatuPRO Intelligence module). The process of setting up a bundle is exactly the same as of a quiz, but the attribute name should be **watupro-bundle** instead of just “watupro”. The IDs of the bundles are visible on the Manage Bundles page.
Payment Settings in WatuPRO
**Read this section only if you don’t use the simpler method described in the yellow box above.**
From version 1.2 this bridge allows you to control how the quiz page behaves if visited by the user before the quiz is paid for. You can either redirect automatically to the WooCommerce product page or display a text with link so the user goes there themselves.
To access the settings go to WooCommerce Bridge link under your WatuPRO menu:

**IMPORTANT:** If you choose the second option and WooCommerce is the only payment option you use, you’ll need to put at least something in the “Other payment instructions” box in the WatuPRO Settings page. Enter some generic instruction or even just an icon or image, otherwise WatuPRO will display “no payment methods set up” error.
Here’s an example of what the content from the above image and “…” on the “Other payment instructions” box produces:

Note that WatuPRO Coupon codes will not work in WooCommerce and vice-versus.
Allow Dashboard Access
Since a while WooCommerce started hiding the WP dashboard from users. This may be OK for some customers who use the shortcodes to put “My Quizzes” etc. pages on the front-end, but not for all. If you still want to allow your students to access the standard WP dashboard, you can do it from the “WooCommerce Bridge” link under the WatuPRO menu:

Charging for Certificates
From version 1.3 you can also handle certificate payments through WooCommerce. The principle is very similar but the product attribute you need to use is “watupro-certificate”. For value enter the **certificate ID** (not the quiz ID):

**Do not use the watupro-redirect attribute with certificates.** Because certificate links are dynamic, the user will automatically be redirected to view the certificate after payment (unless they have many products in the shopping cart in which case they may be redirected elsewhere or stay on the success page).
When a certificate requires payment and is not yet paid for, and there is associated WooCommerce product, the “view/print certificate” link will automatically redirect the visitor to the WooCommerce product page.
In case user does not gain access to the quiz after paying, check the following:
1. Your WooCommerce product must be marked as **Virtual** AND **Downloadable**.
2. The custom attribute must have name “**watupro**” (all small letters) and its value must be the ID of the quiz you are selling. Double check you have entered the correct ID.
3. Check the order status of the WooCommerce order. It must be **Completed**. Any other order status will not mark the quiz as paid.
4. Make sure the page with the quiz is not cached by a caching pluigin. A cached page may always show payment buttons instead of dynamically changing its behavior.
### Changelog Version 1.0
We have updated the plugin to work with Woocommerce 2.6.11. The older versions of the bridge will not work when “watupro-redirect” is used!
### Changelog Version 1.1
The plugin provides “allow dashboard access” option explained above.
### Changelog Version 1.3
Added support for paid certificates. Quiz and certificate pages will automatically redirect to the WooCommerce product for payment when such is available.
Using The Free PDF Bridge Plugin in WatuPRO and Namaste! LMS
From version 4.1.8, in addition to DocRaptor, WatuPRO supports free PDF generation via the **PDF Bridge** plugin. It uses the [MPDF library](https://mpdf.github.io/) and is capable to parse rather complicated designs and texts different languages.
(Now also available for Namaste! LMS)
[Download The PDF Bridge Here (version 2.0.1, 47 MB – for PHP 8+)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pdf-bridge.zip)
[Download The New PDF Bridge Here (version 1.9, 8 MB – for PHP 7.3+)](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pdf-bridge-1.9.zip)
Older PHP version users can still use [version 1.4.3](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pdf-bridge-php6.zip). See also the note about fonts at the bottom of this page.
**If you have problems with broken fonts in the PDF** [see below](#fonts).
**Note: this file is big and uploading through your WP Admin -> Plugins page may not work.** In such case you need to upload the unzipped folder by FTP or upload the zip from your hosting control panel account.
Install the plugin and activate it. Then in your Certificates page, under the certificates you’ll see options to generate PDFs either through DocRaptor or the free plugin. That’s all you need to set up.
From PDF Bridge version 0.4 and WatuPRO version and above you can also set up page size and orientation in the Add / Edit Certificate page:
**From version 1.0 the bridge also supports placing a background image.**
**In Namaste! LMS these options will appear if you have installed PDF Bridge version 0.7 or newer.**
1. **Images do not appear in certificates or you are getting an Image not found error.** Almost always this is a problem with DNS configuration on your server: it does not resolve correctly to localhost. You have two options:
a) Upload your image on a different domain and link to it.
b) Contact your hosting support or server admin to fix the DNS misconfiguration. More information about this can be found [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23514062/mpdf-not-rendering-images-mpdf-error-image-error-could-not-find-image-file).It’s also possible that there is a permissions issue with your server configuration: many webmasters or server admins make wp-content folder not accessible for scripts and MPDF can’t fetch the images from it. In such cases you should either remove the limitation (usually from your .htaccess file) or copy the images to the root of your site and change the paths in the certificate.
**From your main Settings page, PDF Bridge menu link you can switch off and on showing image errors.**
2. **Other design issues.** MPDF library is capable to convert most properly written HTML code into PDF but there is no guarantee that every possible design will be converted. If you experience problems you need to check the MPDF documentation or try different approaches in your HTML code. We are not the authors of MPDF and can’t provide assistance with such issues.
3. **Blank page / server errors.** Note that MPDF requires the PHP **mbstring** extension to be enabled. Not having mbstring is the most common reason for errors. If your case is different you must obtain information about the exact error caused from the server error log or from errors shown on the screen.
Regarding fonts:
To keep the bridge size reasonable we are using a stripped version of the MPDF library including only the essential fonts. If you need all fonts (for example for Chinese, Japanese languages, etc) you have two options:
- To use [version 1.4.3](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pdf-bridge-php6.zip)
- To manually download the fonts from [this page ](https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf/tree/development/ttfonts) and upload them in folder pdf-bridge/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts. You also need to open /pdf-bridge/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/Config/ConfigVariables.php file and change:
a) ‘autoScriptToLang’ => false to true on line 96
b) ‘autoLangToFont’ => false to true on line 101
Printing the Final Screen in WatuPRO
When you have the bridge installed and activated you can allow quiz takers to print the final screen of their quizzes. This can be configured with the following option on the Edit Quiz page -> Quiz Output tab:

Older PDF Bridge
The PDF Bridge version 0.2 uses the [html2fpdf library](http://html2fpdf.sourceforge.net/) and is much smaller – only 121 KB.
Note that it has some limitations:
- Currently it does not support non-English characters
- It won’t render well certificates with complicated design.
[Download OLD PDF-Bridge Here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/pdf-bridge.zip) (121 KB)
Request Email and Name to Submit a Quiz (WatuPRO)
**Note: while this still works, it’s no longer cool. Check the [new options](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/collect-user-contact-information-with-watupro/) instead.**
When you select “Send email to the user with their results” in the quiz settings, an auto-generated field for collecting email appears on top of the quiz. (This is for non-logged in users – when user is logged in, this field does not appear).
Now, **from version** we have a more elegant solution. You can add “name” and “email” fields yourself in the quiz description area. And more, if you use these fields with combination with[ the {{{button}}} tag](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/create-start-button-in-watupro-using-the-button-tag/), the user will have to fill them even before starting the quiz.
Here is how to use them:
In the exam description field simply enter any of the following two codes at the places where you want the fields to appear:
You can of course use only one of the fields if you wish. You can add any content around them, for example:
**Your name:** {{{name-field}}} *(please enter your full name)*
You can use the fields with or without a start button (the {{{button}}} tag), that’s up to you.
By default these fields are required and the user cannot submit the exam (when no “start” button is used) or reveal the exam contents (when “start” button is used) without filling the fields.
However you can make any of these fields optional if you add class “optional” to them. Like this:
Your name: {{{name-field class=”optional”}}} (so this is optional and won’t display an alert if left empty)
Your email (required): {{{email-field}}} (and this remains required)
You can also pass any HTML attributes if you want to style the fields beyond the default style. For example
In Certificates:
From version exactly the same codes can be used to display the entered information in certificates. What if you use the same certificates for quizzes that use these codes and for quizzes that don’t use them? Don’t worry. The code {{{name-field}}} will then default to the behavior of the %%USER-NAME%% variable, and the {{{email-field}}} will be populated with the email from the user’s profile.
In the Final Screen / Email Contents
To display the user name there please use the **%%USER-NAME%%** variable.
WatuPRO to Arigato PRO Bridge
Do you want the users who take your [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) quizzes to get signed up to a mailing list or an auto-responder marketing campaign?
This is now easy with the new bridge that connects WatuPRO to [Arigato PRO (a.k.a. BroadFast PRO)](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). It will let you specify a relation between quizzes and mailing lists so when someone completes a specified quiz, they are automatically subscribed in the corresponding mailing list. The plugin will work even for non-logged in users as long as email is provided (which will be if you select “Email user their results” in the quiz settings).
From version 0.9 (updated in January 2020) you can also specify desired grade and thus have users achieving different grades be subscribed in different mailing lists.
**The bridge is absolutely free and can be [downloaded here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wbbridge.zip).**
Install and activate it. Then under your WatuPRO menu you’ll see a new page called “Bridge to Arigato PRO”. Download and enjoy it.
User Info Shortcodes from WatuPRO Version 4.1.1
From WatuPRO version 4.1.1 and above you no longer need additional plugins to display data from user profile of the logged in user (if you want to display data for another user read the section “Passing User ID” at the bottom. **This is especially important if you will use the shortcodes in certificates.**) WatuPRO defines own shortcodes that are super easy to use.
If you are using the light version – the free Watu plugin, the shortcode **[watu-userinfo]** works exactly the same way.
Here is what you need:
**[watupro-userinfo profile_field]** where “profile field” is the field from the user profile you want to display. For example:
**[watupro-userinfo display_name]** will display the user display name
**[watupro-userinfo first_name]** and **[watupro-userinfo last_name]** will display respectively the first and last name and so on. The full list of default user fields is here:
But this is not all. You can also display ANY value from the user_meta table as long as you know the key, even if it’s created by another plugin. For example [watupro-userinfo namaste_points] will display the points collected in Namaste! LMS and so on.
One great plugin for managing user_meta is [Advanced Custom Fields.](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/)
Showing Defaults (and handling non-logged in users)
You can prepare a default value to be shown if the user is not logged in, or simply if the value is empty. You just need to pass the default as second argument to the shortcode. Here is example:
`Hello [watupro-userinfo first_name "Friend"]!`
Passing User ID
This feature requires min. WatuPRO version
By default this shortcode displays data for the currently logged in user. However you can pass user ID by adding “user_id” attribute **after the other attributes**. The user_id attribute can contain fixed number (the ID of the user). In certificates it can contain “certificate” in which case the user ID will be figured out from the certificate owner (please don’t use “certificate” outside of the certificate contents, it will not work).
`[watupro-userinfo first_name "Friend" user_id="5"] [watupro-userinfo user_url user_id="certificate"]`
The user_id attribute can contain “quiz-taker” in the page that lets you configure email for manually edited results (Intelligence module). Example:
`[watupro-userinfo first_name "Friend" user_id="quiz-taker"]`
That’s it. Use the new shortcodes in the final screen, in certificates, in the email contents, anywhere. You can use them even in areas outside of WatuPRO – for example in post or pages, in the sidebar, etc.
WatuPRO 4.1: Question Hints, Multiuser Management, PDF Certificates, And More
Here are the new and improved features in WatuPRO 4.1:
1. New powerful feature – question hints. They are optional, you can enable multiple hints for every question, and specify how many hints the user is allowed to see total in the quiz and per question.
2. New detailed report showing a list of all answers on a question (Reporting module).
3. You can now add a custom “Start” button on each quiz which will hide the quiz content until the button is clicked (works both on timed and non-timed quizzes). More info here.
4. Improved interface on “Copy questions” page lets you see them grouped by category.
5. Option to cleanup all taking data on specific exam.
6. Added visible Paypal error log for seeing payment errors (Intelligence module).
7. Multiuser management is now available in the Intelligence module (there is a link on the WatuPRO Settings page, right under Role management).
8. PDF certificates can be generated through DocRaptor.
9. Custom roles can also be selected to manage exams.
10. The text “Question 1 of X” is not shown when the quiz has only 1 question.
11. Added a second import method to solve problems that some customers have with importing questions with foreign characters.
12. You can choose to add the new question in the beginning instead of at the end of the quiz.
Improved performance and fixed small bug with backslashes on “Stats per questions” page
(Reporting module).
Improved the way “Fill the gaps” question look when submitted (Intelligence module).
Added link to view / print certificate from the “users who earned it” page.
Automatically redirecting non logged in users to login page when trying to view certificates.
Added required question warning when quiz is paginated one page per question category.
Fixed bug with category grades showing in the “re-submitting is allowed only if…” section.
Fixed bug with importing multiple categories when you import XLS file with new question categories.
The upgrade is sent to all eligible customers.
Create Start Button in WatuPRO Using The {{{button}}} Tag
Since version 4.0.8 WatuPRO supports starting the quiz with a start buttons, similar to how other plugins do it. We don’t do this by default because it’s not suitable for all cases. But it’s super easy to configure, and this page will show you how.
**Please do not use this together with “Ask for user contact details” setting. When you require user contact details, the button is created automatically when appropriate.**
The start button tag should be placed into the quiz description box, and it will render a HTML button tag. More about this later.
Timed and Non-Timed Quizzes
First, note the difference between timed quizzes (quizzes with time-limit) and non-timed quizzes (quizzes without time limed). If you place the start button in a **timed quiz,** the start button will appear in the place of our default “Click here to start exam” link. If you place the start button in a **non-timed quiz,** the button will appear where you have placed it in the description.
See [example timed quiz](http://demoblog.calendarscripts.info/sample-timed-quiz/) and [example non-timed quiz](http://demoblog.calendarscripts.info/basic-exam/).
Configure the button
By default placing the {{{button}}} tag will generate a HTML button tag with default style and text “Start Exam”. But you can easily customize this:
`{{{button "Start My Quiz Now"}}}` – just add text in quotes after the button word (don’t forget the space) and WatuPRO will generate the button with that text.
`{{{button "Start My Quiz Now" "color:green;background-color:black;padding:20px;"}}}` – add any CSS as third argument (note the space and the quotes) and WatuPRO will apply your CSS to the button.
Using Category Grades or Showing Performance Per Category in Watu PRO
This short visual guide will clarify the common misconceptions about using “category grades” in [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
Note: **Creating category grades is optional. You can show category performance with points and percent correct answers even without creating category grades. Just skip step 2 and don’t use the grade variables in step 3 (but feel free to use any other variables).**
If you prefer watching a video, here’s a 3 minutes video tutorial that shows you the most important things. For full details please still read the documentation on this page.
Here is the procedure step-by-step:
**Step 1.** **Make sure you have question categories.**
Category grades make sense only if you have categorized the questions in your test. Typically you will have at least two question categories.
**Step 2. Create your grades.**
**Creating category grades is optional. You can show category performance with points and percent correct answers even without creating category grades.**
Go to the Grades page for the exam and select the desired question category you want to create grades for. The page will reload and then you can create and manage the grades for the category.
The category grades look just like the “whole exam” grades. If you use points and not % good answer don’t forget to consider only the possible sum of points **within the category**, not the total points of the whole exam.
**Step 3. Create the category grade output**
Under the drop-down selector there is a link “Design the common category grade output for this quiz”. Click on it to open a box like the one shown below:
Note the variables listed below. Some of them are the same as on the “Final screen”, but not all.
On the same page under that box you can control how the categories are ordered and how many of them to show:

This whole design will be repeated once for each category when you use the %%CATGRADES%% variable on the “Final screen”.
**On the same section you can select that subcategories will sum up their performance into their parent categories.** If this is selected the subcategories will not be included in the %%CATGRADES%% loop variable.
**Step 4. Display category grades on the Final screen.**
You simply need to include the %%CATGRADES%% variable as shown below:
The variable will be populated with the output you designed in step 2, and it will be repeated once for each question category used in the quiz.
Here is how the output would look like:
Manually Craft The Output
As you see, by default %%CATGRADES%% is automatically replaced by your content in a loop.
Sometimes you may want to manually design this output so you can arrange the categories in different way. You can do it this way:
1. Ignore the %%CATGRADES%% variable and the “category grade output” (steps 3 and 4 above).
2. Instead of this use the following variables directly in the “Final page / Quiz output” box:
**%%CATEGORY-CORRECT-X%%** (no. correct answers given in the category)
**%%CATEGORY-WRONG-X%%** (no. wrong answers given in the category, from WatuPRO
**%%CATEGORY-EMPTY-X%%** (no. unanswered questions in the category, from WatuPRO
**%%CATEGORY-TOTAL-X%%** (total number of questions answered in the category)
**%%CATEGORY-POINTS-X%%** (points collected in the category)
**%%CATEGORY-PERCENTAGE-X%%** (% correct achieved)
%%CATEGORY-GTITLE-X%% (grade title of the assigned grade, if any)
%%CATEGORY-GDESCRIPTION-X%% (grade description, if any)
**%%CATEGORY-PERCENTAGEOFMAX-X%%** (% from maximum points in that category collected, variable available from WatuPRO v.
%%CATEGORY-ANSWERS-X%% (the %%ANSWERS%% variable only for this category, added in WatuPRO 6.6.9)
%%CATEGORY-UNRESOLVED-X%% (the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable only for this category, added in WatuPRO 6.6.9)
**Note that X is the Category ID. You can see all category IDs at the “Question categories” page.**
From WatuPRO version the variables that you see **in bold** can also be used directly in certificates. The variables that are NOT bold will work only if you have explicitly selected the option “Store full category grades along with the results” at the Edit Quiz -> Advanced Settings tab, section “Advanced Workflow Settings”. Note that this selection can result in large database space usage.
Creating Charts
If you have the Reporting Module installed you can create a chart like this:

Simply embed the shortcode **watupror-user-cat-chart.** It accepts some parameters explained in the internal Help page of the plugin.
Since version the plugin with the Reporting module can also generate two pie charts:
The points based pie chart shows the points collected per question category:

The shortcode to display the above chart is **`[watupror-pie-chart radius=150 from="points"]`**. The “radius” parameter is optional and defaults to 100 (pixels).
The same shortcode but used with attribute **from=”correct”** will display one pie for each question category, showing percent correct vs. percent wrong answers:

When **from=”correct”** you can also pass **draw_unanswered=1** to generate charts with 3 sectors – for correctly answered, wrongly answered, and unanswered questions. Example:
**`[watupror-pie-chart radius=150 from="correct" draw_unanswered=1]`**
*(the above parameter is available from WatuPRO 6.4.6)*
You can learn about all available charts in the Reporting module [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/charts-in-watupro-reporting-module).
### Pie Charts in Email and PDF
Note that the pie charts shown above are JavaScript based and won’t be displayed in email sent to user neither in PDF output. There is a solution for this: if your server has the GD library installed (most web hosts have it), you can use the GD version which produces real images.
To use this mode you need to pass attribute mode=”gd” to the shortcode, for example like this:
**`[watupror-pie-chart radius=150 from="points" mode="gd"]`**.
Myers-Briggs Personality Tests
A newer and probably better way of [creating Myers-Briggs tests is explained here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/myers-briggs-tests-in-watupro/).
Using this feature with manually crafting the output is also a way to create Myers-Briggs personality tests. Here’s how to do it:
- Place your questions in five categories (for example Mind, Energy, Nature, Tactics, Identity)
- Create different category grades for each category. For mind you can have grades Extraverted and Introverted (use only the letters for grade title: E and I), for Energy Intuitive and Observant etc.
- In the final screen construct the 5 letter personality types by combining the grade titles of the 5 categories: **%%CATEGORY-GTITLE-1%%%%CATEGORY-GTITLE-2%%%%CATEGORY-GTITLE-3%%%%CATEGORY-GTITLE-4%%-%%CATEGORY-GTITLE-5%%**
- Then if you wish you can construct the explanation text from the descriptions of all category grades similar to how you constructed the title above
Test Grade Based on Question Category Performance
From 5.5.8 you can define final test grade which depends on the performance of each question category. This is the best way to handle complicated and non-standard tests. Learn more about this feature [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/test-grade-based-on-question-category-performance-watupro/).
**Problem:** Not all categories appear on the final screen.
**Solution:** This happens because you have added questions from categories whose order is not yet defined.Simply re-save the quiz and everything will be fine. If you want to change the category order you can do it from the Advanced Settings tab of the quiz.
Personality Quizzes in WatuPRO
A personality quiz is a quiz where the results do not depend on from-to points collected (or % correct answers) but the answers are directly matched to the result. So with a classical example of Intorvert / Extrovert type of quiz answer A of question 1 could be giving 1 point to Introvert category and answer B might be giving 2 points for Extrovert category. Answer A on quesiton 2 could be giving 3 points for Extrovert etc. At the end of the quiz the result that collected the most point is the respondent’s personality.
Here is a [really basic example](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/sample-personality-quiz-what-is-the-best-fruit-for-you/).
And here is how you can create such a quiz:
**1. You need the Intelligence module installed. When creating your quiz you need to check the following checkbox in the “Intelligence Module Settings” area:**

**2. It’s recommended to then go and create your Personality types:**
Unlike Grades, the personality types do not have “from points” – “to points” setting. This is because they are directly matched to question answers (see below).
If you wish you can assign certificates just like in the knowledge quizzes.
**3. Create your questions**
When creating them, directly match the possible answers to the possible results:

If you wish you can use “Correct answer” and “points” fields but they usually don’t make sense in personality quizzes. Only the “Assign to grade” selection will be taken into account when calculating the result of the quiz.
**From WatuPRO version and above points actually matter.** Quizzes work as they used to when you enter 0 or 1 point. We will count one point for the associated personality type(s) in both these cases (because adding zero when you have selected that personality type makes no sense). But this and future versions allow you to enter more points and they will be calculated to the associated personality type(s). So you can give some question or answer more weight by assigning 2 or more points to it.
Sortable questions are special case. Learn more about them [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-sorting-questions-in-personality-quizzes-watupro/).
**4. Setup your Final screen:**
This is not too different than the final screen on knowledge quizzes and exams. Except that most probably you won’t use tags for number of points and correct answers (although you can include this information if you wish).
That’s it.
Elaborating Quiz Results
You can also elaborate this by including information how the different personality types rank for the given quiz taker. The information below is also available in the internal Help page of the plugin:
The following shortcode can be used **only in the “Final Screen” and email box** to improve the content shown to the user on personality quizzes. Many personality quizzes work better when displaying not just the assigned personality type but also information how many answers the user gave for the other types. Here is how to use it with an example:
` [watupro-expand-personality-result sort="best" limit=3 empty="false"] For personality type {{{personality-type}}} you gave {{{num-answers}}} answers ({{{percent-answers}}}% of all).
[/watupro-expand-personality-result] `
**Inside this shortcode you can use ONLY the 3 curly-braced variables shown above, exactly the way you see them. Don’t use %%GRADE%%, %%GDESC%%, or %%GTITLE%% or other of the global variables inside the shortcode.**
The text inside the shortcode will be repeated for every personality type. All the arguments in the shortcodes are optional:
- **sort** defines how the types are sorted. You can sort by “best” (most answers collected type on top), “worst” (least on top), “alpha” (alphabetically by type title). If you don’t specify the parameter the types will be sorted by the order you created them.
- **limit** can be used to limit the number of personality types shown after sorting. Will be useful if you have tens of personality types and want to show only the ones that user gave most answers for. Or set to “1” to display information only for the type they received as result. If you don’t include this parameter all the existing types will be shown.
- **empty** defines whether the personality types that got 0 answers will be shown. When the parametter is skipped, they will be shown. When set to “false” they will be excluded.
Multiple Personality Types
From WatuPRO 5.3 in case several personality types rank first with the same number of “points” they will all be displayed to the quiz taker.
If you have assigned certificates they won’t be issued in these cases (this may change in a future version).
Note the option “Assign only one personality” in the Intelligence module tab (just under the “This is a personality quiz” checkbox). If you select it, you will have the quiz work the “old” way – in case of a tie only one personality type will be assigned instead of multiple personalities.
Personality Chart
From version 6.1.4 you can use the shortcode **watupro-personality-chart** to print a bar chart from the performance on each personality type. **This shortcode can be used on the “Quiz output / Final page” box (or in the email contents sent right after completing the quiz).**
Supported shortcode parameters:
- **bar_width** is the width of each bar in pixels. Defaults to 200.
- **label** is the text shown under each bar. It supports the variables {{personality-type}} and {{points}}
- **colors** is comma separated string of desired colors of the bars. You can skip the parameter, then default set of colors will be used.
Here is an example chart and the shortcode used to display it:

`[watupro-personality-chart bar_width=250 label="{{personality-type}}" colors="#AA0070, #B91ACC, #C0FA9F"]`
**The chart will display up to 10 bars.**
To pass **associative colors** (so you can attach a color to a personality) use the attribute **assoc_colors** instead of colors. Each color will consist of the numeric personality ID (visible in your Manage Personality Types page), a colon, and the color. Example:
`[watupro-personality-chart bar_width=250 label="{{personality-type}}" assoc_colors="1:#AA0070, 3:#B91ACC, 4:#C0FA9F"]`
This way each personality bar will have the specified color for that personality regardless how they rank.
Myers – Briggs Personality Tests
These are very specific and usually are not created using this feature. Learn how to create Myers-Briggs tests [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/myers-briggs-tests-in-watupro/).
JoResponder 1.3
We just managed to do important cleanup and bug fixing on our[ Joomla auto-responder JoResponder](http://calendarscripts.info/joresponder.html). The Changelog of version 1.3:
1. Improved usability
2. Fixed bug when editing email message and both date / send after were required
3. Added email validation and improved usability on add/edit user page
4. Moved import/export on new pages and fixed bugs
JoResponder is free and is going to be kept up to date, so don’t hesitate to download and use it. Please let us know any feature requests and bug reports.
WatuPRO 4.0
Time is flying – WatuPRO reached version 4.0. If you are eligible for a free upgrade a newsletter will reach your inbox in the next few days. The customers who are eligible for paid renewal will instead receive the promo code.
Here are the updates in this version:
**New features and improvements:**
1. Filter quizzes by category and title.
2. You can now create personality quizzes with the Intelligence module (points, correct answers etc calculations can still be used in personality quizzes if you wish).
3. Added tags to questions for management purposes. You can filter questions by tags.
4. Certificates now can require admin approval.
5. Open end questions have different modes of matching ([learn more](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/open-end-essay-questions-in-watupro/)).
6. Select which questions and grades to copy when copying a quiz.
7. Added again the optional quiz description field. When filled it will be shown before the quiz. It can also optionally be shown on the “final screen” and in certificates.
8. Improved questions export/import will not support the additional question properties. The old simpler CSV formats will still be supported.
9. You can now choose between large box, medium box, or single-line text field for open-end questions.
10. You can exclude questions from displaying on the final screen (when %%ANSWERS%% variable is used). Often useful for survey questions.
**Bug fixes and minor changes:**
1. Removed the redundant “Answer display” section. Please use only the %%ANSWERS%% variable for this purpose.
2. The category and “my exams” shortcodes can be restricted to show exams from one or more categories.
3. Fixed bug with missing submit button when the quiz is paginated 1 page per question category but there are no question categories.
4. Fixed problem with importing question when other plugins catch the improt data (weird edge case).
5. Fixed problems with complex answer feedback in Practice mode exams (Intelligence module).
6. Fixed problem with rounding points when admin edits user results (Intelligence module).
7. Fixed problem with rounding points when copying exams.
8. Fixed problem with %%MAX-POINTS%% variable (negative points were being added).
9. Fixed missing “Answering this question will be considered CORRECT when:” setting when copying exam.
10. Fixed time limit exceeded bug.
11. Fixed but with Advanced Settings -> Select number of random questions by category. The bug was visible when the quiz was reusing questions from another quiz.
WatuPRO Changelog Archive
This post archives older changelog that’s no longer listed on the site. For more recent changes check the [How-to page](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/howto.html) (Click on Changelog tab)
### Changes in Version 5.9
1. Improvements when questions are grouped by category: subcategories will by default arrange under their parents (you can change the order from Edit Quiz -> Advanced Settings tab). Added options to choose heading tag for categories and subcategories. Added option to exclude subcategories from the category-based paginator.
2. Basic integration with Ultimate Member allows users to select WautPRO user group on registration. More details:
3. Added taking ID on the View Results page.
4. Added support for “percent of max points” calculation for category-based grades.
5. If you create custom CSS themes for the quizzes you can now place them in your WP theme directory, under folders watupro/themes/ to avoid losing the files when WatuPRO is updated.
6. A new experimental feature added: compact likert survey table display for likert surveys. More info at
7. Added option to enable a required checkbox on the “Ask user for contact details” section. The checkbox can be used to request agreement to TOS, GDPR compliance, etc.
8. Most of the category-specific performance variables can now be used directly in certificates. See the section “Manually craft the output” at for more information.
9. Added option to sum up subcategory question performance into the main categories. In this case subcategories will not be calculated and shown individually on category-grade related variables.
10. Option to include the subcategories in category-grade related variables even when “Sum up subcategory points into their parent categories” is checked.
11. Added option to save achieved category grade titles and descriptions along with each quiz attempt so they can be referenced individually from certificates. Note that this option can take a lot of DB space if your grade descriptions are large. Use it only if required.
12. Added option to not randomize answers on any individual question (when answers are randomized on the test level).
13. The “Feedback on questions” page now has a version that shows feedback from all quizzes on one page.
14. Added Performance per category tab in the View details pop-up.
15. Added design configurations for the “Display like survey table” feature.
16. When “sum up subcategory performance into parent categories” is selected for grading, the main categories will be included in the grade loop and grade selections even if they don’t contain questions.
17. From the WatuPRO Settings page you can enable GDPR compliance options which allow users to export and delete their data.
18. GDPR features now also mask IP addresses.
19. Using question hints now allows deducting points from the question for each hint used. The setting is on the Add/Edit Question page under the hints box.
20. Added column “Don’t randomize answers” to import/export formats.
21. Made session_start() calls conditional to avoid conflicts with the WP Plugin and Theme editor.
22. Added option to change the default view of the “View details” pop-up (and download) from table view to snapshot.
23. [Intelligence module] The option to Reuse questions from other tests now has filters for category, title & admin comments to make searching easier when you have a lot of tests.
24. [Intelligence module] Test bundles can now support multiple categories in a bundle.
25. [Intelligence module] Added option to enable My Quiz Bundle page for users who purchased bundles. They’ll have a table with all their bundles and expiration dates for these who expire.
26. [Intelligence module] When teacher edits user results num correct answers, num wrong and num empty information is also updated.
27. Fixed problem with orphan subcategories not showing in the Advanced Randomization.
28. [Fixed bug] Correct / incorrect points on Fill the gaps questions were not accepting decimals.
29. [Fixed bug] Backslashes were not added on importing questions which was causing problems with Math formulas.
30. [Fixed bug] survey questions were counted in %%WRONG%% and %%EMPTY%% variables.
31. [Fixed bug] When “Sum up subcategory points into their parent categories” is selected the % from maximum points was not correctly calculated on parent categories.
32. [Fixed bug] Calculating category-dependent global grade did not properly ignore the global 0 to 0 setting.
33. [Fixed bug] The property “allow checkbox groups” was not transferred when copying questions.
34. [Fixed bug, Reporting module] When user category chart was limited by taking ID via shortcode, the filter was not applied.
35. [Fixed bug, Intelligence module] Display as horizontal sortable was not saving properly.
36. [Fixed bug, Intelligence module] Sortable questions ignored new lines in the question contents.
37. [Fixed bug, Intelligence module] When loading user’s stored progress on a test the values in drop-down gap questions were not pre-selected.
### Changes in Version 5.8
1. Added flashcards question type (a sub-type of multiple-choice questions). Learn more how they work at
2. Added color & text size settings for flashcard questions.
3. Added variable %%QUIZ_CAT%% to display the test category in certificates.
4. Added optional URL parameters for each of the “Ask user for contact details” fields. They allow you to pass data from a different page in the link to the quiz and pre-fill contact fields.
5. New shortcode watupro-retake lets you display a “Try again” link or button at the final screen of the quiz.
6. New option lets you automatically add a toggle button on answer feedback so the feedback is hidden by default. Will be useful on large quizzes and quizzes with a lot of feedback on questions.
7. You can now restrict a test to selected user accounts by entering user logins or email addresses**.**
8. [Namaste! LMS Integration] you can restrict access to tests if they are required by lessons until the assigned lessons have been read.
9. Question paginator improvements for mobile devices: a button show / hide will appear accordingly to the screen resolution and the paginator state (for tests with more than 10 questions).
10. Added option to limit how many days after the first attempt the user can re-attempt the quiz. This works for logged in users together with the other re-attempting limits.
11. A new option lets you force RTL display on individual quizzes. This is sometimes needed when the whole site is not RTL or when the default theme cannot properly handle the quiz RTL display.
12. You can now specify which quiz results (grades) will trigger the email to admin similar to how you could do it for emails to quiz taker**.**
13. Added stats for quizzes taken yesterday, last month, this year and last year to the WatuPRO dashboard widget.
14. Added parameter “placeholder” for the watupro-result shortcode: this is text to display if the result is empty.
15. [Play plugin integration] Loaded modal dialog scripts. You’ll need this if you want to use the new Play feature that opens a modal pop-up if the user earns a badge or level when taking a quiz.
16. [Namaste! LMS Integration] You can now filter quiz results based on course enrollment in Namaste! LMS.
17. As planned, the legacy import/export of questions is removed leaving only the new formats.
18. Added filters for the email contents of email sent when quiz is completed (to allow custom plugins alter the contents).
19. [Intelligence module] New feature for paid test: you can define an increase or decrease of the price for each subsequent quiz attempt (for tests that charge on each attempt) untill a min or max threshold is met.
20. [Intelligence module] The Runtime logic feature has been deprecated. Please use the free Chained Logic addon instead. The feature will not be removed for backward compatibility.
21. [Fixed bug] Stripe options were not saved correctly for paid quizzes.
22. [Fixed bug] Analytics event tracker was causing error on non-Ajax quizzes.
23. [Fixed bug] watupro-result shortcode was not handling properly cases when quiz_id was passed as argument but latest attempt was on a different quiz.
24. [Fixed bug] “Calculate chekbox question as a whole” option did not work if Intelligence module was not present.
25. [Fixed bug] When changing the word for quiz / quizzes on the Settings page the change was not reflected on the page and caused confusion.
26. [Fixed bug] Personality quizzes should not show correct or incorrect checkmarks on questions.
27. [Fixed bug] Certificate approval emails did not add entry in the email log.
28. [Fixed bug] When a page has required question going back to the previous page should still be allowed.
### Changes in Version 5.7
1. Fully reworked the design themes. The quiz will be setting a default one if you don’t choose any to ensure it will be good looking on initial installation.
2. A new shortcode lets you perform basic math on user’s answers. Learn more:
3. Added “Percent of max. Points” column in View results page and exports. Note that this information was not stored until recent versions so older quiz results will show 0 in this column.
4. Added option to mass-delete selected quiz results on the View Results page.
5. On the “View details” pop-up called from “View results” page, when in table format, added links to show All, Unanswered, Wrong or Correct answers only.
6. Added %%EXPIRATION-DATE%% variable for certificates that have expiration date.
7. Added correct/wrong text on answered questions for screen readers (the text will be sent to them only when appropriate accordingly to your quiz & questions settings).
8. Important fix to the way Javascript functions are initialized will solve various problems on some installations.
9. A new shortcode lets you display the number of users who completed a quiz. You can pass several filters based on grade, points and percent correct answers – see the internal Help page for more details.
10. Important fix for the timer preventing users getting stuck with a quiz they can’t submit (when time expired when they were not on the quiz page).
11. Added option to allow public access to all certificates.
12. Added option to select post title and post type when automatically publishing a test.
13. You can now order tests by category and number of questions on the Manage Quizzes page.
14. The optional question paginator will be hidden on small screens (phones) when there are more than 10 questions. Instead a button to show paginator will be displayed.
15. New option lets you set a fixed date for certificate expiration.
16. [Intelligence module] In fine-tune role access settings you can now also restrict access to the Help page.
17. [Intelligence module] Added role access configuration for bundles, coupons and All Quiz Submissions page.
18. [Intelligence module] The width of drop-down fill the gaps questions will default to dynamic based on the options width (unless you override it).
19. [Reporting module] Moved chart legends on the Overview page under the charts for better view on small screens.
20. [Reporting module] You can pass argument chart_orientation to the WATUPROR SKILLS shortcode.
21. Fixed problem with automatically storing progress of non-logged users [].
22. Fixed bug: When “Include the optional answer feedback in the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.” is selected, the feedback from correctly answered questions was also appended.
23. Fixed bug: when question enumerator and previous button were both enabled, hitting the previous button did not properly color the number of the answered question.
24. Fixed bug: when “Show the test description (if available) even to non-logged in users and users with no rights to access the test.” was selected using the {{{button}}} tag in the test description did not work.
25. Fixed bug: when watupro-myexams shortcode was used the links “Correct | Wrong | Unanswered “ in the details pop-up did not work.
26. Applied patch for the Jetpack bug causing the rich text editor in other plugins to freeze.
27. Fixed bug with “Export with details” link.
28. Fixed bug: when importing questions “elaborate answer explanation” selection was omitted.
29. Fixed bug [Reporting Module]: on the History page Session start / end time was showing only date.
30. Fixed bug [Reporting Module]: The Skills page was not showing any reports for a question category if the questions answered were only in subcategories.
31. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when “don’t show correct/incorrect checkmarks” was selected, the match/matrix question type was still showing them.
32. Fixed bug: when All quiz submissions page was visited by user with “only view results” rights it was not showing any results.
33. Fixed bug: when custom fields 1 and 2 were used they were replaced in the final screen only if also Company or Phone field were also filled.
34. Fixed bug: multiple quiz certificate calculations did not work correctly.
### Changes in Version 5.6
1. The final test grading can now depend on the specific performance in different topics (question categories). Learn more [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/test-grade-based-on-question-category-performance-watupro/).
2. When exporting quiz results any fields requested from “Ask for user contact details” area will be added as columns in the exported file.
3. Variable {{{ID}}} can now be used in the question feedback too.
4. Admin pages are now all responsive and will let you manage quizzes from mobile phone. This includes the tables and the modal dialog windows.
5. Export to CSV is now available also on the All Quiz Submissions page.
6. “View results” page and export files include information about number of correct answers, number of wrong answers, and number of unanswered questions.
7. Added Email log (in the Help page) to show log of all emails sent for submitted tests along with the mailing server response.
8. When test results are held for a future date, the My Quizzes page will not show earned points, % and grade until the date arrives.
9. Added shortcode to display “All test submissions” page on the front-end. Role-based restrictions will apply as usual.
10. A new setting lets you configure what part of the quiz result to show when test takings are limited and the user has no more attempts left: just grade title, title & description, or the whole “final screen” part.
11. Added the number of columns to the Advanced Import files.
12. A new option lets you include the optional answer feedback into the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.
13. Added final-screen variable %%ATTEMPTED%% to show the number of attempted (non-empty) questions.
14. Added check all / uncheck all option for questions on “Copy quiz” page.
15. The basic bar chart (the one you output with watupro-basic-chart shortcode) now also supports a chart showing your points vs. maximum possible points on the quiz.
16. [Intelligence module] Dependencies will be checked first for tests that require payment and depend on another test results. This is to avoid asking user for payment before they know that they must have completed other quiz(zes) before the current one.
17. Improved Namaste! LMS integration: tests can be made accessible only to student that are enrolled in selected courses.
18. [Intelligence module] When quiz results are shown on the front-end with the watupro-takings shortcode the Edit link was not working.
19. [Intelligence module] You can now set custom graphic URL for PayPal button.
20. [Intelligence module] You can set quiz-specific payment instructions that will be shown before the payment buttons for that quiz and override the default “There is a fee of X to access this test” message.
21. [Intelligence module] Quiz bundles can have name which will be shown in Paypal etc. button descriptions instead of the default text.
22. [Intelligence module] Added menu items for quiz bundles and coupon codes.
23. [Reporting module] Added Google Analytics event tracking for quiz start button and quiz completion.
24. [Reporting module] Added new shortcode watupror-taken-tests that will display the number of tests taken by the user vs. number of total tests. See the internal Help page for example and parameters description.
25. [Reporting module] The Skills page will no longer display question categories which have questions only in tests that are not accessible to the given user (because of quiz category / user group restrictions).
26. Fixed potential SQL injection.
27. Fixed bugs on the “View results” page: search by name did not return non logged in users and order by name did not work properly when a quiz had a mix of logged in and not logged in names.
28. Fixed problems with “fill the gaps” questions when gap and answers contain dollar signs.
29. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the Overview page was counting unfinished quiz attempts.
30. Fixed bug: when answers are arranged in multiple columns emailing results did not include correct / incorrect checkmarks.
31. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Skills report page was showing Uncategorized by default instead of All categories.
32. Fixed bug: the “View details” popup was showing “wrong answer” for unanswered questions in the table.
### Changes in Version 5.5
1. Multiple choice questions can allow groups of checkboxes. More info at
2. You can now limit quiz attempts per email address requested in “Ask for user contact details” section.
3. Integration to [MoolaMojo](https://namaste-lms.org/moolamojo/) – you can award virtual currency for taking tests. Learn more at
4. When setting an email address to receive the quiz results at the admin end you can now use variables from “Ask for user contact details” section. This gives the possibility to specify receiver of these emails who is different for each quiz taker.
5. Tin Can / Experience API integration through WP Experience API plugin. Learn more at
6. Displaying test results can be delayed for a future date. In such case you can define what text to be shown at the end of the quiz and in the user’s dashboard before the date arrive. This feature is useful for logged in users.
7. When the PDF Bridge is installed and enabled to generate certificates we will also generate PDF files when “Download” link is clicked on “View results” popup (instead of .doc file which is the behavior when the bridge is not installed)
8. When displaying “performance per category” you can now limit to the top X categories depending on your sorting preference
9. The shotcode **watupro-result** can now work without “quiz_id” parameter. In this case it will show the latest attempt for the user on any quiz. This can be useful if you redirect to the same page from several quizzes.
10. Added filter by question content on the Manage Questions page.
11. Added filter by internal comments in Manage Quizzes page. Note that if you have comments saved before this version they may need to be re-saved to be searchable, as this change required a DB update.
12. Sorting category grades is now also possible by number of absolute points collected instead of the default criteria (percent correct answers).
13. Improvements to timer: you can specify that it turns red when less than X seconds remain. When results are auto-submitted the user will get a message making it clear that they ran out of time and results were automatically submitted.
14. Added “view details” link when the list of quiz takings is published via shortcode.
15. Added “time spent” column to the test result exports.
16. The watupro-result shortcode should now work for non-logged in users too when you have to show the result of the last completed test
17. Import / export questions function now supports and shows question subcategories
18. Added final screen variable %%EMPTY%% for empty (unanswered) questions which will no longer be shown as wrong-answered questions in the %%WRONG%% variable.
19. WatuPRO can now be used in the LMS LearnPress through [this free bridge.](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/quizzes-for-learnpress/)
20. For [Namaste! LMS](https://namaste-lms.org/) users: the WatuPRO user groups (when available) will be shown on the Namaste! LMS Students page.
21. [Intelligence module] A paid test can be access for free from selected WatuPRO user groups or WP user roles.
22. [Intelligence module] The plugin is integrated with [MoolaMojo](https://namaste-lms.org/moolamojo/) so you can sell access to quizzes for virtual credits earned by performing actions in your blog.
23. [Intelligence module] Slider questions can directly transfer the slider selection as question points. In this case you can still define correct / wrong answers but the points on them will be disregarded.
24. [Intelligence module] The user control mode (when you allow user to choose what questions to answer) now can be configured which of the selection modes to include.
25. [Intelligence module] You can now set the width of fields in Fill the gaps questions at a question level.
26. Added option to allow “unfiltered_html” to the roles you enable to manage quizzes.
27. Fixed bug: taker’s name was missing in download doc when single quiz taking is downloaded in .doc file.
28. Fixed bug: when WP roles were used instead of user groups, saving a test category was not saving the role based restrictions.
29. Fixed bug with “user chooses” mode. When a quiz is in this mode but the user has stored progress from a quiz attempt, visiting the page should load their stored test instead of showing the choice form again.
30. Fixed bug, Intelligence module: when editing quiz attempt from the administration, only the grade title was saved in the “results” column while when user takes the quiz we store both title + description.
### Changes in Version 5.4
1. Certificates can have expiration period. After X months or years a configurable message that the certificate has expired will replace the original certificate contents.
2. Added option to manually award certificates.
3. Added strict exact match (case sensitive) mode on open-end questions.
4. Added two more optional contact fields on the “Ask for contact details” section.
5. Showing “Question X of Y” or “Page X of Y” text is now configurable from the quiz pagination settings.
6. New option lets you mass update questions to: Required/Not required, Survey/Not survey and Important/Not important. These properties are also shown on the Manage Questions page under “Type” column.
7. You can now enable Unselect button on single choice / multiple choice questions.
8. New option lets you choose the text on the Submit button for each quiz.
9. From the WatuPRO Settings page you can define what word to be used for “Quiz/Quizzes” within the plugin interface. Please note that we are slowly implementing the defined word usage on the pages so it’s currently only partial. This process may cause a bit of extra work to plugin translators as some of the previous strings will need to be translated again.
10. Added variable %%SHORT_ANSWERS%% for the final screen. This variable will display the question along with user’s answer without checkmarks or feedback. The variable is suitable for surveys or similar tests that do not have correct or wrong answers.
11. The design adjustments now allow you to choose buttons design and text sizes within the quizzes without editing CSS.
12. You can also choose to use textual checkmarks when emailing results instead of graphics. Nowadays most email programs do not show graphics by default so this can be useful to avoid confusing the respondents.
13. When question choices are displayed in 2, 3, or 4 columns you can set a fixed column width for achieving the best layout on the specific question.
14. Added button to “Save & Add New Question” to save time when adding many questions.
15. You can select WatuPRO user group also on the Add New User page.
16. Added variable %%WRONG%% to show number of wrong answers on the Final screen.
17. Added “Save & Add New” button on the pages for managing question categories and test categories.
18. [Intelligence module] New option: Let user choose what questions to answer (based on predefined criteria). Similar to the User Choice addon.
19. [Intelligence module] Quiz bundles can now have expiration period of X days after purchasing the bundle.
20. [Intelligence module] Updated the Stripe payment library.
21. [Reporting module] Stats per category page now also includes per-question tag report. The reports can now be filtered by user login / email address.
22. Fixed bug: the variable %%MAX-POINTS%% was not properly calculated on checkbox questions.
23. Fixed bug: The setting “Do not show correct / incorrect checkmarks on unresolved questions to avoid right answers being revealed.” did not work without the Intelligence module.
24. Fixed bug: the {{{points}}} variable in the question feedback area was not properly calculating the cases when points should be discarded in some question types.
25. Fixed CSS issue: when showing multiple-line answers in bullet lists the bullets were aligning bottom to the text.
26. Fixed the CSS on compact format questions.
### Changes in Version 5.3
1. A new page will give you the submissions on all quizzes in chronological order.
2. A new field for internal comments to the quiz is added, so admin / staff can add notes to each quiz. The notes will then be shown on the admin Quizzes page under the title.
3. You can now specify spacing between questions and between question and its answers from the WatuPRO Settings page, without writing any CSS. More design configurations like this are coming soon.
4. A new “completion criteria” feature on the Advanced Settings tab of the Edit Quiz page lets you define which grades will mark the quiz as “completed” on the user’s dashboard.
5. The shortcode [watupro-result] now can print the whole “final screen” from given quiz taking by passing “details” to the “what” parameter (see the internal WatuPRO Help page for more details).
6. Added variable %%POINTS-ROUNDED%% to show the points collected on a quiz rounded without decimals.
7. Added variables %%START-TIME%% and %%END-TIME%% to be used for the time when quiz was started and completed.
8. You can optionally collect the source URL where the quiz is taken and filter by this data in the “View results” page. This could be useful if you are publishing the same quiz on multiple pages on your site.
9. Implemented reCaptcha v 2 (“No Captcha reCaptcha”).
10. Added option to select what number of quizzes and questions to manage per page.
11. Added 3 new color schemes for quiz designs.
12. [Intelligence module] In case of a tie on the top personality types, the personality quizzes will now display all matching ones.
13. [Intelligence module] ”Treat this question” as a whole option added to multiple-choice questions.
14. [Intelligence module] Coupon codes can now be limited to a selected quiz and have an expiration date.
15. [Intelligence module] Coupon codes will now work for non logged in users too.
16. [Intelligence module] You can now set text to be displayed at the final screen in case of premature quiz ending (See Intelligence module settings tab in Edit Quiz page).
17. [Reporting module] Stats per question page & shortcode now support date interval filter.
18. Fixed bug in the questions import, WatuPRO advanced format (answers were not properly importing after adding two fields to the export file).
19. Fixed UI issues with the “See answer” buttons when “Answer to each question can be seen immediately” is selected.
20. Fixed bug: the “stats per category” in Reporting module did not work correctly when the quiz reused questions from several quizzes.
21. Fixed bug: when copying questions in existing quiz the question were not placed after the original questions of the quiz, but inserted between them.
### Changes in Version 5.2
1. New option lets you not display questions already answered (or only correctly answered) by the user in previous quiz attempts. More info here:
2. New button “Save & Reuse as New” on Add / Edit Question page lets you reuse the question as a template for the next one. This can save you a lot of time if you are creating similar questions.
3. A simple snapshot on the admin dashboard (the homepage of your blog admin) will show you the number of quizzes taken today, last 7 days, this month and the percentage up / down accordingly to the previous period + some more stats. The snapshot disappears if you switch WatuPRO to low memory mode.
4. The optional progress bar on paginated quizzes can now also show the percentage of completeness
5. The basic bar chart now accepts “overview” argument which allows you to show previous attempts for the same user. See the blog post for more details:
6. Information about the achieved points & grade per question category will now show in the “View results” page. Note that these stats will be recorded from now on, so you won’t see them for quiz takings completed before applying the new version.
7. New option lets you use default points for incorrect / correct answers across the whole system. The setting can be overridden at quiz level. The option does this: when initially loading the form with an answer to a question, the “points” field is prefilled with the default incorrect points. If you click on the “correct” checkbox/radio it auto-fills the default correct number of points, and vice-versus when you uncheck the box. Of course the box content then can be edited and this number can be changed. This can save a lot of time when creating many questions.
8. When the “My Quizzes” page is shown with the **watupro-myexams** shortcode, the “view details” link goes to regular page instead of popup to keep the layout mobile-friendly
9. Single-choice and multiple-choice questions now can have their answers arranged in 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns. This is suitable when choices are short or contain only images.
10. In the shortcode **watupro-myexams** you can pass a named argument “reorder_by_latest_taking” to reorder the completed quizzes by latest completed on top. This works together with the sorting argument because the quizzes to complete will remain sorted by it.
11. A bridge between WatuPRO and EDD is available:
12. [Intelligence module] New attributes “rank” and “personality” let you limit the expand-personality-result shortcode to only a given result. This lets you manually craft the output if you wish.
13. [Intelligence module] Added question category in Edit and Manually Grade Test Results page.
14. [Intelligence module] In Manually edit quiz taking -> Configure email section you can use the user info shortcodes with argument user_id=”quiz-taker”
15. [Reporting Module] When the tests page is shown with shortcode, the “view details” link goes to regular page instead of popup to keep the layout mobile-friendly
16. [Reporting module] The Skills chart can now be sorted by proficiency or alphabetic, and be displayed horizontally or vertically
17. [Reporting module]. The shortcode **watupror-user-cat-chart** now accepts two more options for the “from” parameter: “points” (will show the number of points earned per category), and “percent_max_points” (displays the % points achieved from the maximum points in each category). You can also decide to include survey questions in the chart by passing “include_survey_questions=1”. By default they are not included.
18. [Reporting module] The Tests page is optimized, paginated, and made sure to include even tests composed entirely of survey questions.
19. Integration with Namaste! LMS now allows filtering students by WatuPRO user group
20. Minor improvements to the colors of the buttons in the built-in design themes
21. Fixed bug: when “Save and reuse” was used on Match/Matrix questions the old answers were not saved in the new question.
22. Fixed bug: when contact details were requested at the end of the quiz the page did not automatically scroll up to reveal the contact fields (the problem occurred only on some installations and on long quiz pages)
23. Fixed bug: Survey questions should also return maximum possible points for all the reports that use them
24. Fixed bug: when importing questions with tags extra | were added around tags even if those already existed
### Changes in Version 5.1
1. New mode for grades calculation: when you select to calculate quiz grades by percent you can also choose whether to calculate percent of correct answers or percent points achieved from the maximum possible points. This gives you greater flexibility for quizzes with more complicated and versatile questions.
2. Honeypot field option is available against spam bot submissions. Using a “honey pot” is a lot less obtrusive than captchas because it does not require the end user to do anything, while the efficiency is almost the same. You can enable the new feature from the Edit Quiz -> General Settings tab.
3. A new field on the Grades form lets you specify URL where to redirect the user upon achieving the grade. The old option to use the grade title as URL still works, but is less convenient.
4. Added mass activate / mass deactivate buttons on the Manage Questions page.
5. New quiz taking counter shortcode lets you show how many attempts are allowed total or left for the current user on a given quiz. The shortcode is **watupro-quiz-attempt**, see the internal Help page for usage examples.
6. The Quiz categories table will now show who each category is accessible to (roles or user groups).
7. Added %%CATEGORY-PERCENTAGEOFMAX-X%% variable to manually display the % from maximum points collected on a category.
8. New shortcode lets you display a simplified version of the “View results” page of a quiz on the front-end. You’ll find the shortcode for each quiz on its “View results” page in admin.
9. [Intelligence module] Now in personality quizzes the points given to answers can be used to give more weight to a selected answer-to-personality match. By default each match counts as one point.
10. [Intelligence module] New option lets you turn the blank spaces in “Fill the gaps” question into drop-down selectors. More info at
11. [Intelligence module] The Match / Matrix questions have been fully reworked with a new UI. The new interface is more user-friendly and works better on mobile devices. The old legacy format can still be used but we won’t provide technical support for it.
12. [Intelligence module] The Dependencies section now supports all or any mode (i.e. you can require all dependencies to be satisfied or just one of them).
13. [Intelligence module] The expand-personality-result shortcode now accepts argument “chart” to produce a basic bar chart.
14. [Reporting Module] The user Overview page now shows total points and avg. % correct answer.
15. Grade management editor made smaller so you can see more of the grades on screen
16. Critical bug fix for WP 4.4: After updating to WP 4.4 on some installations submitting a quiz let to a database error and the results were not submitted.
17. Fixed bug: after introducing multi-quiz certificates, the regular certificates were always issued to non-logged in users.
18. Fixed bugs with dependencies in Intelligence module: “any” mode worked correctly only when the first dependency was satisfied. The locked-test info did not show correctly satisfied dependencies with % correct answers mode.
19. Fixed bug: when “Ask for contact” field label contained an apostrophe the whole setting was not properly saved.
20. Fixed bug: [Intelligence module] when sending email for editing submitted quiz details the email contents did not have proper line breaks.
21. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: in fill the gaps questions. When multiple correct answers were given without “dropdown mode” selected the last answer was not properly recognized as correct.
22. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: the exact answer feedback did not work on Slider questions.
23. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: slider questions did not work in “no ajax” mode.
24. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: When “Reveal the correct answers on unanswered and wrongly answered fields in “Fill the gaps” questions” was chosen, the answers were revealed even in the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.
### Changes in Version 5.0
1. The quiz description can optionally be shown to users with no rights to access the quiz (for example non-logged in users on quizzes that require user login, etc)
2. The “taking details” popup has been reworked to display the information better, to default to table format, and to include teacher comments (feature from Intelligence module). Note that the points & results column (including teacher comments) by default is hidden from the student. It can be enabled from the Edit quiz -> Advanced Settings tab -> Student Dashboard Settings section
3. New Advanced setting allows you to not store the data / result of the quiz taker. This can be useful for running practice quizzes where the results / points should not affect the reports, stats, or user level / badges etc. It also saves a lot of database space in case you don’t need this data.
4. The new shortcode **watupro-result** will display the result achieved by specific user on specific quiz: points, percent correct, or grade title
5. Questions from selected question categories can now be excluded from reports and CSV result exports
6. New configuration lets you exclude the categories that contain only survey questions from the %%CATGRADES%% variable
7. When “Automatically publish this quiz in new post once I hit the “Save” button.” is selected the newly created post will be categorized in the same category as the quiz (only when you have post category with the same name as the quiz category)
8. The **watupro-userinfo** shortcode now can accept fixed user ID or read user ID from the certificate. Read more at
9. You can mass-assign users to a WatuPRO user group
10. Export results now also satisfies your CSV preferences from the WatuPRO Settings page. No more fixed “tab” delimiter.
11. Integration with [qTranslate-X](https://bg.wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-x/) (work in progress)
12. [Intelligence module] Runtime logic: you can now configure premature quiz ending in case user fails to reach given % correct answers during the quiz (after reaching a question number, specified by you). You can also define a “stop” logic which won’t allow the user to continue further the quiz before they achieve required % correct answers (in this case it makes sense to allow “previous” button so the quiz taker can go back to improve their answers).
13. [Intelligence module] Admin can set different quiz owner. This is useful if you have teacher accounts and assigned “manage only their own exams” rule to their user role(s)
14. [Intelligence module] When a quiz is not accessible due to unsatisfied dependencies the user will now see the table with dependencies on the quiz page so they know what needs to be done.
15. [Reporting module] Added points collected to “Stats per category” page
16. [Reporting module] New shortcode **watupror-user-cat-chart** lets you display bar chart showing performance per question category for a specific quiz attempt
17. [Reporting module] New shortcode **watupror-qcat-total** lets you output total stats for a given user per question category. More info about it in the internal Help page under the WatuPRO menu in your dashboard.
18. Rearranged some of the Email related options to improve the UI
19. Fixed bug: when “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account” is selected users with no difficulty levels in their profile had no access to questions instead of accessing all of them
20. Fixed a couple of issues that caused conflicts with plugins like Relevanssi when a page containing WatuPRO shortcode was saved
21. Fixed bug: a link to delete all user quiz results was not showing when admin was viewing user quizzes (path: Users -> Quizzes)
22. Fixed bug: [Intelligence module] Paid quizzes that were purchased from bundles were not showing in My Quizzes page when “Do not display these quizzes in user dashboard until access to them is purchased” was selected.
23. Fixed bug: [Intelligence module] Quizzes paid with 100% promo codes could not be submitted. Now this is fixed + the payment records page will show the promo code payment as a regular payment for the quiz but with information about the used coupon code.
### Changes in Version 4.9
1. Question difficulty levels can now be selected in user’s profile (by admin). When this is done the user will be restricted to access only questions from the selected difficulty levels.
2. Difficulty levels can have unlock criteria to be automatically unlocked (if you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.”)
3. Added log that will show you who and when unlocked a difficulty level (provided that you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.”)
4. The search form on “view results” page will now include the Phone and Company fields, when they are requested in the quiz.
5. Limit the number of logged in users quiz re-takings within interval of 24 hours, a week, or a month.
6. Certificates now can be issued for completing multiple quizzes with min. average points and / or min. average % correct answer.
7. New option lets you enable a rating widget so users can rate questions.
8. New “final screen” variable %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% lets you display the user’s answers one at a time, with a numbered pagination.
9. Added option to automatically cleanup or blank out user submitted data older than X days (to save database space).
10. PDF Certificates can now be attached to emails (Requires PDF Bridge version 0.8 or newer)
11. New option “When no more attempts are available display the latest result.” lets you display a snapshot of the final screen when logged in user that can’t retake the quiz visits the quiz page.
12. The variable %%USER-NAME%% can also be used in the email subject.
13. Added variable %%ADMIN-URL%%. It can be useful for the email sent to admin to quickly find the submission details in the administration.
14. [Reporting module] A bar chart shows the average % correct answers per skill.
15. [Intelligence module] Fill the gaps questions can now accept a numeric range also as correct answer.
16. [Intelligence module] Paid quizzes are now available for non-logged in users as well. To use this your server must support sessions (true in 99% of the cases). Also note that coupon codes functionality is currently available for logged in users only.
17. [Intelligence module] Date stamp when teacher manually edits user results will be stored and shown in the list of results on a quiz.
18. [Intelligence module] You can specify individual CSS for every gap (in Fill the gaps questions) by passing it like last correct answer for the gaps. Example: {{{answer1|answer2|style=”width:250px;font-weight:bold;height:50px;”}}}
19. [Reporting module] Fixed bug: the “Different tests attempted” on the Overview page was showing 0.
20. Fixed subcategory related issues in the Reporting module -> Skills.
21. Fixed false “category name already exists” message when adding subcategories.
22. Fixed bug when user with the same session saves multiple in-progress quizzes (only one was saving).
23. Fixed bug with saving and reusing the “common category grade design” in the default grades page.
24. Fixed bug with timed quizzes that store user progress and randomize questions (questions order was lost during different unfinished quiz attempts).
25. Fixed bug when timed “non-ajax” quiz required contact details at the beginning (the details were getting lost)
26. Added auto-scroll to top after filling contact details on quizzes that ask for them at the beginning.
27. Improved styling of the buttons in the admin pages.
### Changes in Version 4.8
1. Certificates can now be issued to non-logged users as long as you have requested their email address when they take the quiz (by using any of the methods for this)
2. Added option to show category based paginator on top. Works for all pagination types (except “custom number per page”) when questions are grouped by category.
3. Added question subcategories. When randomizing and pulling X questions per category they will be treated exactly like the main categories.
4. Enabled simple question based “captcha” to prevent spam submissions.
5. Added option to copy / clone questions within the same quiz (use the Copy into another quiz link).
6. Added optional instructions before the “ask for contact details” fields.
7. Question difficulty levels. Questions can be filtered in admin and you can limit the quiz to display only questions of given difficulty level.
8. Added new “Final output” variable – %%PERCENTAGEOFMAX%% – it will display the % of points achieved from the maximum possible points.
9. Added %%TIME-SPENT%% variable in certificates.
10. The shortcode
Completed quizzes
[Delete all my watupro results and data](#)
[Export this data](https://blog.calendarscripts.info?watupro_export_my_exams=1&export_results=1)
Apple is simply the best popular fruit out there. I bet you love apples.
March 23, 2021
Apple is simply the best popular fruit out there. I bet you love apples.
[New Open Quiz](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/open-quiz-new-design/)
[+ Toggle 2 previous attempts](#)
Sorry, you gave too many wrong answers 🙁
May 3, 2021
Sorry, you gave too many wrong answers 🙁
April 21, 2021
**Well done!** Most questions were answered well
now can accept one more argument to show only completed quizzes or quizzes to complete. Please check the internal Help page for details.
11. New improvements to the timer.
12. Fixed the default order of categories when the quiz is paginated one page per category: it will follow the order of your questions.
13. [Intelligence module] – new question type added: slider / rating widget.
14. [Intelligence module]: Improvements to the multiuser access. You can now apply the user group / roles restrictions to allow editors manage only quizzes within their user group or role permissions. A new “view level” permission is added which allows you to designate accounts that can only view quiz results.
15. [Intelligence module] Paypal PDT is now supported for hosts that experience delays in Paypal IPN.
16. [Intelligence module] From the payments page for a quiz now you can select another quiz or even see the payments collected on all quizzes.
17. [Intelligence module] Custom payment options can now be used also in bundles and manual management of bundle payments is added.
18. [Intelligence module] Simple discount code management allows you to provide coupons for paid quizzes and bundles.
19. All variables will now be replaced everywhere in the grade description as well which will let you include more dynamic information right in the table with quizzes on “My quizzes” page.
20. Various improvements to the social sharing options.
21. The free WooCommerce bridge now allows setting up another attribute with URL where to redirect after checkout. Usually you’ll want to redirect to the quiz.
22. Unified smart quotes and straight quotes when doing text comparisons in open-end questions.
23. Fixed problem with calculating personality grades when personality quizzes reuse the default grades.
24. Fixed problem with calculating % correct when there are survey questions.
25. Fixed bug with extra commas on question tags when quiz / questions are copied into another quiz.
### Changes in Version 4.7
1. Added quiz design themes. More information [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/design-themes-from-watupro-4-6-5/).
2. New free addon: Likert Scale Survey Maker. Information and free download at [this page](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/likert-scale-survey-maker-for-watupro/).
3. Added option to delete all quiz results of a selected user
4. Added option to automatically delete user quiz data when the user account is deleted from admin
5. Added option to keep each certificate from multiple quiz attempts from the same user on the same quiz
6. Added %%CONTACT%% variable to display the extra contact fields (company and phone) in the “Final page” and the email sent to user. Available are also variables for the individual contact fields that can be used there and in the certificates.
7. Added progress bar option for all paginated quizzes.
8. User’s feedback on questions can now be seen in structured way. Just follow the link “Feedback on questions” from the “View results” page on the quiz.
9. Improved question category management screen + rich text editor for category descriptions
10. Improved the indentation of multiple-line numbered questions
11. Improved handling of multiple-line contents and HTML tags when exporting questions
12. The social sharing options are now embedded in the plugin and you no longer need the social sharing addon. Added options to share by email, Google +, and LinkedIn.
13. You can switch off the rich text editor from certificate editing to avoid your HTML being messed by it
14. Question export CSVs now can be configured to use comma or tab. Default is comma.
15. Added variable %%BETTER-THAN%% to show the user what % of users performed worse than them on the quiz.
16. Low memory mode – learn more [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-low-memory-mode/).
17. Survey questions no longer ignore the points assigned to their answers.
18. [Intelligence module] A new advanced setting lets you configure “single choice” questions to automaitcally proceed or show the answer.
19. [Intelligence module] Paypal payments now support sandbox mode and open CURL connection when such is available.
20. [Reporting module] Fixed problem with the poll shortcode and multiple-answer questions
21. Fixed problems with question hints on quizzes that reuse questions from other quizzes
22. The shortcodes that list quizzes will also include quizzes published with the User Choice addon
### Changes in Version 4.6
1. Questions can accept user’s comments / feedback.
2. Single-choice questions can be displayed as drop-down selector instead of radio buttons group.
3. You can now specify custom subject for the submitted quiz notification email.
4. You can filter questions by ID in the Manage Questions page. The question IDs can also be displayed to the user using the variable {{{ID}}}
5. Bridge to MailChimp is now available:
6. The shortcodes that list all quizzes and quizzes in category now have additional optional argument “show_status”. It will allow logged in users to see if every quiz is completed, not started, or in progress.
7. “Show numbered pagination” is now available for all types of quizzes
8. Option to reward the collected positive points only when the whole question is answered correctly. This is useful for multiple-choice questions and is similar to “treat this question as a whole” option from the Intelligence module.
9. Quizzes can now be published also in custom fileds as long as you enter the URL in the new box (more info at )
10. [Intelligence module] You can now sell paid quizzes in bundles. More info at
11. [Intelligence module] Sorting questions can now be used in personality quizzes to allow the user assign different weight to different answers. More information at
12. [Intelligence module] Added option to mark payment as used after each quiz attempt on paid quizzes. This lets you charge users for every quiz attempt.
13. Stats per category are now available in the Reporting module (num and % answered, unanswered, and correct answers)
14. Added “barebone” plugin for API developers:
15. Advanced setting option lets you switch off the auto-scrolling on multiple-paged quizzes
16. Automatically store user progress as they go from page to page is now available for all pagination types
17. Added ungrouped quiz leaderboards sorting based on individual attempts (Play plugin)
18. Added %%CATDESC%% variable in the “common category grade output” so you can include the category description when showing category grades.
19. Added user groups information in the list of results on a quiz
20. Added option to hide question numbers so you don’t have to deal with CSS
21. Fixed issues with ordering the categories in %%CATGRADES%%
22. Free bridge for myCRED has been added. Please [look here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-to-mycred/) for more information.
23. Fixed memory leak issue
### Changes in Version 4.5
1. A new setting lets you allow users to flag questions for review
2. Now there is much easier way to request user email, name and other contact info – see here
3. You can now set up no-ajax submitting of some quizzes to accept file uploads and for other reasons ([learn more](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/regular-no-ajax-form-submitting-option-from-watupro-4-4-6/))
4. When using category grades and the %%CATGRADES%% variable you can also control the order the category results appear at the end: default, from best to worst, or from worst to best category by user performance
5. Added “Time spent” column in the “View results” page
6. The add / edit quiz form has been redesigned with tabs to make it easier to use
7. You can pass a list of comma separated question IDs in the quiz not found shortcode to specify exactly which questions to be shown and disregard any randomization and grouping settings. This is yet another method to reuse questions from same quiz in multiple setups. The format to use is quiz not found where X is the quiz ID. This is internally called by the free User Choice add-on
8. The free [User Choice addon](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/user-choice-free-add-on-for-watupro/) lets you publish quizzes in which the user selects what questions to answer.
9. The new Chained logic addon – [see here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/chained-quiz-logic-free-add-on-for-watupro/)
10. Option to auto-publish unpublished quiz at the time of creating or editing it
11. You can allow users to select WatuPRO user group when signing up
12. Twitter sharing is now available in our free social sharing addon
13. [Intelligence module] A new shortcode lets you expand the information show for personality quiz results. Please check the internal Help page for more info and example.
14. [Intelligence module] Now personality quizzes allow matching one answer to multiple results. This will be useful if you don’t always relate answers 1:1 to results (for example having 30 personality types should not mean that you need 30 possible answers on every question)
15. Changed the quiz shortcode to small letters for better compatibility with other plugins. The old codes will remain working
16. When questions are grouped by category the category title and description will be shown in all quiz pagination types (used to be shown only when the quiz is paginated “one page per question category”)
17. Stats per questions also shows number and % unanswered (Reporting module)
18. Fixed % calculations in the poll shortcode (Reporting module)
19. Auto-stop any playing audio questions when user moves from page to page
20. Added filters from [WP QuickLaTeX](http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-quicklatex/) so you can now use everything from that plugin
21. Fixed bug with “time taken” for non-logged in users on paginated quizzes
### Changes in Version 4.4
1. New pagination option – show custom number of questions per page
2. Option to randomize categories when questions are grouped by category
3. You can now create default grades which can be reused from or copied into every quiz
4. A new question type – True / False is available as sub-type of “Single choice” questions
5. First name and last name (when available) are added to the export of the results
6. Logged in users can switch-off the automated emails for completed quizzes
7. The email that is sent to user when quiz is completed can now be restricted based on the achieved grade. So you can select grades that will initiate the email and grades that will not.
8. Pagination of 50 questions per page is added in the “Manage questions” admin page
9. New option lets you blank out some of the fields from the quiz results to save DB space, without losing reports and points-related data.
10. A free WatuPRO Simple Designer add-on is available for changing the quiz UI. More info [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-simple-designer-plugin/).
11. “My Quizzes” page will show also previous attempts on the same quiz
12. Now advanced users can create their own version of any of the program layout pages (the “views”) and can customize them. (See the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu)
13. New option lets you deactivate a quiz. This makes it inaccessible and removes it from “My quizzes” page and the shortcodes that return list of quizzes.
14. Match / Matrix question type (Intelligence module)
15. Advanced setting option lets you not load logged in user progress when they come back to unfinished paginated quiz (Intelligence module)
16. Two performance improvements have been made: quizzes paginated “one question per page” will no longer save user data on the fly (but you can enable it with a checkbox, and it will be auto-enabled for your old quizzes to avoid forcing you do manuall work). The second performance tuning requires the advanced settings page (Intelligence module) and lets you switch off storing question text along with user answers in the database
17. %%USER-NAME%% variable can be used to display user’s name on the FInal screen / email content. The variable uses the value entered in {{{name-field}}}. If empty, displays the logged in user name. If empty, displays “Guest”.
18. Two new variables available for the Final Screen – %%AVG-POINTS%% and %%AVG-PERCENT%% showing respectively the average points and % correct answers achieved by other quiz takers.
19. Shortcodes for poll-like charts let you publish how all user’s answers are distributed in a question. More info: http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-watupro-for-polls-new-shortcodes-from-reporting-module/ (Reporting module)
20. Fixed problem with showing the same certificate earned multiple times on different quizzes
21. Fixed problems with using multiple “chart by grade” shortcodes on a page
22. Fixed bug that was showing the categories of hidden questions on the final screen, when the quiz is paginated one question per page.
23. Fixed bug with personality quiz questions – these should not display correct/incorrect checkmarks
### Changes in Version 4.3
1. A major rework has been done on import/export (the legacy formats are still supported). Now we have a very simple format, advanced format with all properties, and Aiken format. More info at
2. Marking a question as important ensures it will get included with priority if you are pulling only subset of all quiz questions
3. The free PDF Bridge has been reworked to use the MPF library. Now it can work with foreign characters and complicated designs
4. The {{{points}}} variable can now be used in the “Optional answer explanation” field to display how many points the user has earned on the question.
5. Added “Correct answers” to the results list page (also in the filters & exports on the page)
6. When copying quizzes from the free Watu you can now select the shortcodes to be automatically replaced with WatuPRO shortcodes
7. You can also copy the current user results from Watu basic to WatuPRO
8. A new display code lets you include the individual user’s answer to each question into the final screen or certificate contents. You’ll find the code at the top of the Edit Question page
9. Mass-apply new category to selected questions on the Manage Questions page
10. Option to penalize unanswering a question with a number of negative points
11. Configuration allows you to select whether to show “My Quizzes” and “My certificates” pages in user dashboard. If you have the Reporting module, you can also select which tabs to be shown there.
12. Option to randomize answers but not questions
13. A new variable %%TIME-SPENT%% in the final screen shows the time spent when taking the test.
14. A new option lets users make each of their certificates visible by everyone (including non-logged in visitors)
15. You can view who and when has started but not finished a quiz, and delete these attempts
16. The shortcodes that display lists of quizzes now let you order them by title or by latest on top. Check the Help and Categories pages for more information.
17. You can choose to not show paid quizzes that have not been purchased in “My quizzes” page (Intelligence module)
18. Sorting questions can now be treated as a whole and assign points when the entire set is sorted correctly or not (Intelligence module)
19. Advanced setting option lets you switch off the “You did not select or enter any answer” confirmation popup (Intelligence module)
20. Advanced setting lets you enable enumeration on answers – numeric or alphabetic (Intelligence module)
21. Shortcodes to display “Stats per question”, “All question answers” and “Chart by grade” pages (Reporting module)
22. Fixed edge case bugs with “redirect to shareable final screen” option
23. Watupro is now qTranslate compatible so you can easily have multi-language quizzes.
### Changes in Version 4.2
1. Rounding the points to the closest decimal is now possible on questions. This comes to solve problems when you have for example 3 correct answers on a question and want the total to make 1 point.
2. Option to restrict number of quiz submissions by IP address. This works both for logged in and not logged in users and will take effect before the user-based restriction.
3. “Compact format” option is available on most question types. Answers will be aligned horizontally, right from the question, instead of vertically under it.
4. The free [PDF-Bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-the-free-pdf-bridge-plugin-in-watupro/) plugin can be used to generate PDF certificates instead of DocRaptor. It still has some limitations.
5. You can now use rich text editor to easily add images and media to the answers of each question.
6. “Reuse questions from” now allows you to select multiple quizzes at the same time (Intelligence module
7. You can request a non-logged in user to enter name and email before the quiz starts (or before it’s submitted). [Learn how](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/request-email-and-name-to-submit-a-quiz-watupro/).
8. User profile shortcodes. More information [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/user-info-shortcodes-from-watupro-version-4-1-1/).
9. Different email content to user and admin can be specified by using the {{{split}}} tag.
10. Calculate grade by % correct answers is moved to the basic WatuPRO version
11. A free [Woocommerce bridge](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/woocommerce-bridge-in-watupro/) is available which lets you sell access to paid quizzes through Woocommerce (WatuPRO Intelligence module required)
12. Advanced settings option to reveal the correct answers on wrongly answered “Fill the gaps” fields (Intelligence module)
13. Advanced settings option to specify the exact order of categories when questions are grouped by category (Intelligence module)
14. Advanced setting option: require confirmation when the submit button is pressed (to avoid accident submitting of the quiz) (Intelligence module)
15. Exams that require payment can be purchased with points earned from other exams. This is of course an option that you can enable. You can specify how many points make 1 unit of your currency. (Intelligence module and Play plugin required)
16. Improved the proficiency calculation by category on Skills/Categories page (Reporting module)
17. A new pie chart showing the results distribution by grade (Reporting module)
18. The History tab of the reporting module now shows also the quiz that was taken
19. Bug fix: “Schedule from/to” finally considers your timezone settings
20. Fixed bug with incorrectly calculating “max-points” on “Fill the gaps” questions
### Changes in Version 4.1
1. New powerful feature – question hints. They are optional, you can enable multiple hints for every question, and specify how many hints the user is allowed to see total in the quiz and per question.
2. New detailed report showing a list of all answers on a question (Reporting module).
3. You can now add a custom “Start” button on each quiz which will hide the quiz content until the button is clicked (works both on timed and non-timed quizzes). More info here.
4. Improved interface on “Copy questions” page lets you see them grouped by category.
5. Option to cleanup all taking data on specific exam.
6. Added visible Paypal error log for seeing payment errors (Intelligence module).
7. Multiuser management is now available in the Intelligence module (there is a link on the WatuPRO Settings page, right under Role management).
8. PDF certificates can be generated through DocRaptor.
9. Custom roles can also be selected to manage exams.
10. The text “Question 1 of X” is not shown when the quiz has only 1 question.
11. Added a second import method to solve problems that some customers have with importing questions with foreign characters.
12. You can choose to add the new question in the beginning instead of at the end of the quiz.
13. Improved performance and fixed small bug with backslashes on “Stats per questions” page (Reporting module).
14. Improved the way “Fill the gaps” question look when submitted (Intelligence module).
15. Added link to view / print certificate from the “users who earned it” page.
16. Automatically redirecting non logged in users to login page when trying to view certificates.
17. Added required question warning when quiz is paginated one page per question category.
18. Fixed bug with category grades showing in the “re-submitting is allowed only if” section.
19. Fixed bug with importing multiple categories when you import XLS file with new question categories.
### Changes in Version 4.0
**New features and improvements:**
1. Filter quizzes by category and title.
2. You can now create personality quizzes with the Intelligence module (points, correct answers etc calculations can still be used in personality quizzes if you wish).
3. Added tags to questions for management purposes. You can filter questions by tags.
4. Certificates now can require admin approval.
5. Open end questions have different modes of matching ([learn more](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/open-end-essay-questions-in-watupro/)).
6. Select which questions and grades to copy when copying a quiz.
7. Added again the optional quiz description field. When filled it will be shown before the quiz. It can also optionally be shown on the “final screen” and in certificates.
8. Improved questions export/import will not support the additional question properties. The old simpler CSV formats will still be supported.
9. You can now choose between large box, medium box, or single-line text field for open-end questions.
10. You can exclude questions from displaying on the final screen (when %%ANSWERS%% variable is used). Often useful for survey questions.
**Bug fixes and minor changes:**
1. Removed the redundant “Answer display” section. Please use only the %%ANSWERS%% variable for this purpose.
2. The category and “my exams” shortcodes can be restricted to show exams from one or more categories.
3. Fixed bug with missing submit button when the quiz is paginated 1 page per question category but there are no question categories.
4. Fixed problem with importing question when other plugins catch the improt data (weird edge case).
5. Fixed problems with complex answer feedback in Practice mode exams (Intelligence module).
6. Fixed problem with rounding points when admin edits user results (Intelligence module).
7. Fixed problem with rounding points when copying exams.
8. Fixed problem with %%MAX-POINTS%% variable (negative points were being added).
9. Fixed missing “Answering this question will be considered CORRECT when:” setting when copying exam.
10. Fixed time limit exceeded bug.
11. Fixed but with Advanced Settings -> Select number of random questions by category. The bug was visible when the quiz was reusing questions from another quiz.
### Changes in Version 3.9
**New and improved features:**
1. Advanced configutration for power users (Intelligence module): a new “Advanced” link into the Edit Exam form takes you to additional form which lets you fine-tune the quiz further: tune correct/incorrect checkmarks at the final screen, randomize different number of questions in different categories, control the paginator colors and so on.
2. Optional shareable URL of the quiz results (the “FInal screen”) so users can share their results on Facebook and other social networks. ([More info](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/shareable-final-screen-url-in-watupro/))
3. Survey questions – these are not counted in results and reports and not marked as correct or incorrect.
4. Elaborated answer explanation / feedback – you can now show different content if the user answered correctly or not, or even show different feedback based on every single answer they have selected.
5. Optional “Save” button for logged in users (except on “one page per question” quizzes where saving is automatically enabled).
6. Set friendlier email sender name for automated emails without installing more plugins.
7. Filter exam results by user group.
8. Added new filters for easier customization (check the [API](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api/))
**Bug fixes:**
1. Fixed paginator issues
2. Fixed timer and paginator overlap on some screens
3. Improved animated scrolling on next/prev button so it happens only when necessary
4. Fixed issue with sortable questions on mobile devices (Intelligence module)
5. fixed problem with apostrophes on “Fill the gaps” questions (Intelligence module)
6. Fixed problem with missing answers when a question is edited and at the same time there is an user returning to finish a quiz
7. Fixed bug with category grade description
8. Fixed bug with sortable questions when the quiz reuses them from other quiz
9. Fixed problem with login URLs on some installations
### What’s New In Version 3.8
1. Numbered paginator is available on tests that are displayed one question per page
2. Stripe integration for paymens (Intelligence module)
3. Deactivating a question
4. Mass delete questions
5. Option to allow maximum number selections on multiple-select questions
6. Added payment records page for paid exams along with ability to manually add or remove payments
7. %%EMAIL%% and %%DATE%% variables in the final screen
8. %%MAX-POINTS%% variable to show the maximum points the user could collect on this quiz
9. Indexed the user answers tables for faster queries
10. Shortcodes are available for the reporting module pages as well (Reporting module)
11. The exam action buttons are now in table to avoid formatting issues with some themes
12. Fixed bug – missing question properties when copying an exam
13. Code cleanup and removing some obsolete files
### What’s New In Version 3.7
1. Exams pagination and sorting
2. Fixed issue with the timer on non-paginated tests
3. Conditionally load the scripts and CSS to avoid loading them on pages where you don’t have exams.
4. Fixed import/export issues
5. Dependencies can work with % correct answers (Intelligence module)
6. Re-take exam only when some grades (results) are achieved (a new option)
7. Allow multiple correct answers in “Fill the gaps” questions (Intelligence module)
8. Certificates are now shown on the front-end. This avoids issues with some plugins and configurations where the student is not allowed to reach the dashboard.
9. Exams can be published in custom post types
10. “Sort the values” question type (Intelligence module)
11. Changed the Paypal headers in the IPN script, as required by latest Paypal announcement
### What’s New In Version 3.6
1. Resolved conflicts with all known membership plugins
2. “Show results” button can be always visible on “one question per page” quizzes, but warns about premature submitting. Useful for long quizzes.
3. Schedule exam (makes it available only in selected date ranges)
4. All user roles can now use the exams. The limitation to Student role caused far more issues than benefits so we decided to drop it altogether. You can still manage which roles have access to manage the tests.
5. You can now use WordPress User Roles instead of User Groups to avoid redundancy, and for better integration with membership plugins.
– Navigation improvements
6. Filter test results by user role
7. Started [developers API](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api/) (see the previous post for more information)
### What’s New In Version 3.5
1. Improved import/export that will let you copy exams to different blogs
2. Show answers immediately – this button can be activated for tests that are paginated one question per page.
3. Shortcode for a basic leaderboard of best performing users
4. Grade on a category level. Now you can grade the users and display their performance for each question category.
5. Resolved conflict with [Paid Membership PRO](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/paid-memberships-pro) so finally you can use this plugin with WatuPRO.
### What’s New In Version 3.4
1. Email shows in taking details for everyone who provided it (logged in or not)
2. Cumulative per-question stats (in **Reporting** module) which make WautPRO even more suitable for surveys
3. Improvements to how the timer works
4. Description for a question category (optional). If you enter it, the description will be displayed when the test questions are grouped and paginated by category.
5. More flexible control over the calculation logic of correct/incorrect questions (for multiple-choices and “fill the gaps” questions). You can now decide whether all answers should be correct or only one, to consider the whole question correctly answered.
6. Practice mode now respects the selections you make about ordering and grouping questions (it used to just randomize them)
7. Manually edit/grade already taken exam (available in **Intelligence** module). You will be able to change the results and the grade, percentage and possible certificate assignment will be recalculated. Email can be sent to the user with the new details.
### What’s New In Version 3.3
1. Admin can now see the studentâs dashboard along with their exams and reports (in Reporting module).
2. You can filter questions by category when managing them.
3. A new page to manage existing question categories.
4. Other WordPress user roles (Editor, Author, Contributor) can also be enabled to manage exams
5. New shortcode for displaying user’s answers on the final screen page.
6. Optionally set custom email content that differs from the final screen
7. Improved localization support, code reliability and quality.
### What’s New In Version 3.2
1. Shortcode for showing only unresolved questions on the results screen. This is useful if you want to show the users which questions they didn’t answer correctly but without revealing the correct answers to them.
2. Pull a number of random questions per category. Now the old randomization feature lets you spread the number of questions equally per question category.
3. Option to send email with user results to the quiz taker even when they are not registered.
4. Paginate per category – show questions from each category on their own page.
5. Minified javascript for faster loading.
6. You can now use decimals in points.
7. Randomize questions but don’t randomize answers to them (option)
8. Reuse questions from another exam on the fly – Intelligence module only
### What’s New In Version 3.1
1. Modules compatibility and upload interface. Now additional modules can be added to the plugin at any time.
2. Shortcodes to display “My exams” and “My certificates” outside of the wp-admin area.
3. Help page added (to be expanded)
4. Set minimum time limit between different attempt for a given exam – Intelligence module only.
### What’s New In Version 3.0
1. WordPress shortcodes to display all exams or exam of selected category in any post or page
2. “My certificates” page for the user so they can access their certificates any time
3. The blog administrator also has “My exams” page for easier testing
4. Previous button is now optional, configurable for every test
5. Grade title and description can be included separately on the final screen
6. The usual portion of bug fixes and localization improvements
### What’s New In Version 2.8
1. Fixed problem with required questions in single page exams
2. Added previous button on paginated exams
3. Added detailed export of taken exams data
4. Optional reCaptcha for submitting exam
5. Option to redirect to URL instead of showing a grade
6. Added settings link in Plugins page
7. Grades can be calculated as % correct answers (**Intelligence module**)
BroadFast for WordPress 2.1
The [WordPress auto responder plugin](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) has been updated to version 2.1. Here are the updates:
- Added “date” field type for custom fields
- Send emails based on user events (Intelligence module)
- First name and name can be used to customize the “double opt-in” message
- WordPress-friendly form code that you can use in the Visual editor for easier editing
- Multiple notification email addressess can be entered in the “Notify” area in the mailing list options
- Added filters for number of mails opened
- Added filter for number of links clicked (Intelligence module)
- Added “Copy from BFT Lite” feature so you can easily transfer your data from the free plugin
- Added “% opened” information for each autoresponder campaign, and newsletter
- Added % open rate information for each mailing list
- Added number of sent, read emails, and open rate information for every subscriber
- Fixed problem with unsubscribe link on WP multisite
All existing customers are eligible for a free upgrade. It was sent by a newlsetter last week. If you didn’t receive your upgrade please contact support.
Open-End (Essay) Questions in WatuPRO
From version 3.9.5 there is an important improvement to how open-end questions work in Watu PRO. We have added a “**Matching mode**” which lets you define how the user answer is matched to the possible answers you provide.
When answers are provided:
Let’s use the following question as an example: “Which are the top 3 countries by population in the world?”. (The correct answers are China, India, and USA).
When using **Loose match** the user’s answer will collect points if it contains some of your answers, or if it is contained in some of them. So for example if you give 3 possible answers: China, India, USA, and assing 1 point to each of them, here is how the following free texts enter by the user will be rated:
– Typing “India, China, USA” will bring 3 points because all the 3 answers you have given are contained in the user answer
– Typing “India and China” brings 2 points
– Typing “China, Nigeria, USA” brings 2 points and so on
The match type “**User answer text contains your answer**” is a sub-case of Loose match. If we get the above examples, it will earn the same number of points. However if you select **“Your answer text contains the whole user answer”** all the 3 responses will get 0 points. Such a selection would be more useful if you ask “Tell me one of the top 3 countries by population” and the user has to enter only one country name.
Using **“Exact match”** works like before. In this case you probably have to reword your question to “Which are the three top countries by population – type them one after the other, separated with commas”, and then enter “China, India, USA” as correct answer.
The correct or incorrect marking of the question in this case will depend on the points user collected and your selection under “**Answering this question will be considered CORRECT when:”.**
When no answers are provided:
Often you will be creating open-end questions that have no possible answers – like essays where you just want the user to enter some text. In this case (unless the question is survey question) we have to still mark it as correct or incorrect although the user does not earn any points.
The logic is simple: these questions will be labeled as “correct” when user types anything, and “incorrect” when they type nothing.
To avoid displaying correct or incorrect checkmark on such questions simply check the **“This is a survey question”** checkbox.
Important note on maximum points
If you are basing some of your calculations on maximum possible points in questions, it’s important to understand how this works with open-ended questions.
If you have five possible correct answers, each of them giving 3 points, this means that **the maximum points on this question will be 15 and not 3**. This is because in theory the user could write a text that includes all the correct answers.
In case this behavior is unwanted, use the following setting to cap the maximum points to 3 (or any other number):

**Important: you can not use this setting to assume a higher number of maximum points on this question.** You may want to manually edit the answers of each student after completing the quiz and manually assign points. This is fine but the “maximum points” calculation will never exceed the points that can be naturally collected by giving correct answers. Examples:
- 5 possible correct answers, each of them giving 3 points. Nothing entered in the “maximum points” box above. **The maximum points of this question will be 15.**
- 5 possible correct answers, each of them giving 3 points. “3” entered in the in the “maximum points” box above. **The maximum points of this question will be 3.**
- 5 possible correct answers, each of them giving 3 points. “25” entered in the in the “maximum points” box above. **The maximum points of this question will be 15.**
- No correct answers entered by admin (which is often the case with essay questions). “10” entered in the in the “maximum points” box above. **The maximum points of this question will be 0 and not 10.**
So what to do if you don’t have any predefined correct answers and will be manually assigning points to this question and want to use the maximum points calculations? Just enter one “fake” correct answer that no one would type (a meaningless string) and give it the points that you want to be the maximum possible points on this question.
WatuPRO: How To Assign Different Exams to Different Users Upon Registration
The easiest way to handle this is the following:
1. In your WatuPRO -> User Groups page select “Use the WordPress User Roles instead of creating user groups (recommended for better integration with other plugins).”
2. In your WatuPRO -> Exam Categories page create different exam categories and select different roles to have access to them
3. Install a plugin like [Ultimate Member](https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-member/) to allow users select their role.
WatuPRO 3.9 and Affiliate Program
[Watu Pro](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) has been updated to version 3.9. Full changelog:
**New and improved features:**
1. Advanced configutration for power users (Intelligence module): a new “Advanced” link into the Edit Exam form takes you to additional form which lets you fine-tune the quiz further: tune correct/incorrect checkmarks at the final screen, randomize different number of questions in different categories, control the paginator colors and so on.
2. Optional shareable URL of the quiz results (the “FInal screen”) so users can share their results on Facebook and other social networks. ([More info](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/shareable-final-screen-url-in-watupro/))
3. Survey questions – these are not counted in results and reports and not marked as correct or incorrect.
4. Elaborated answer explanation / feedback – you can now show different content if the user answered correctly or not, or even show different feedback based on every single answer they have selected.
5. Optional “Save” button for logged in users (except on “one page per question” quizzes where saving is automatically enabled).
6. Set friendlier email sender name for automated emails without installing more plugins.
7. Filter exam results by user group.
8. Added new filters for easier customization (check the [API](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api/))
**Bug fixes:**
1. Fixed paginator issues
2. Fixed timer and paginator overlap on some screens
3. Improved animated scrolling on next/prev button so it happens only when necessary
4. Fixed issue with sortable questions on mobile devices (Intelligence module)
5. fixed problem with apostrophes on “Fill the gaps” questions (Intelligence module)
6. Fixed problem with missing answers when a question is edited and at the same time there is an user returning to finish a quiz
7. Fixed bug with category grade description
8. Fixed bug with sortable questions when the quiz reuses them from other quiz
9. Fixed problem with login URLs on some installations
As usual the upgrade will be sent by a newsletter to eligible customers. If your order is older than 1 year you can renew your 1 year cycle of free support and upgrades for only 40% of the current product price.
Affiliate Program
We have revived our affiliate program through Clickbank. You can earn 30% of all Watu PRO sales that you refer, and 30% – 35% on sales of our other products. To get your affiliate link please check [this page](http://calendarscripts.info/affiliates.html).
Shareable Final Screen URL in WatuPRO
From version 3.8.8 WatuPRO supports a shareable URL of the “Final screen”. This is the screen that is shown to the user when they complete the quiz – the actual quiz results.
From version 3.8.8 you can *optionally* enable public URL that the user can share with friends and on social networks.
How To Do It
Just above the “Final screen” text box there is a checkbox saying “Enable individual shareable URL of the final screen”. If you check it, the URL will be enable but nothing will change to the end user by default. You need either to use the variable shown under the checkbox to display the link on their final screen, or automatically redirect to it.
Why Redirect To The URL?
Redirecting to the final screen URL can be very useful for several reasons:
- Tech-savvy users can copy it and place it on their blog or social networks themselves
- All social-sharing plugins that you have installed should automatically work and share this individual URL. This way just any user can share their quiz results and bring more traffic to your site.
- By default WatuPro loads the quiz results by AJAX. This is very fancy and on long quizzes you see that nice animation effect. However it has a downside – some complex scrips will not work inside AJAX-called blocks. So some users were unable to use some contact form plugins or other sharing plugins on the quiz results page. Now with the automatic redirection this problem no more exists.
Remember, the setting is entirely optional. If you don’t want the quiz results of any user to be public, just don’t enable the shareable URL.
Also pay attention what shortcodes you are using in the final screen / quiz results page. If you are using shortcodes to greet the logged in user by name (let’s call him Joe), the page may look odd to a non-logged in guest when looking at Joe’s results.
WatuPRO: Answer Feedback Elaboration
From version 3.8.7 we are introducing a powerful feature to elaborate your “optional answer explanation / feedback” that can be given to each question. Just click on “Elaborate answer feedback” checkbox which is right under the text box. You will be presented two option – 1. to show different feedback if the question is answered correctly or incorrectly and 2. to show different explanation for every single selected answer. Let me explain by examples and screenshots:
Elaborate Feedback Based on Correct / Incorrect Answer:
Let’s suppose you have a question “What is the color of the sky” and want to elaborate in different ways depending on the user answer. This will be a single-selection question which has one correct and one wrong answer:
In this case just use the {{{split}}} tag to split between both. The text which is **before** the split text will be shown **always when the answer is correct**. It doesn’t matter how you have arranged your answers and how many correct or incorrect choices you have given to the user.
The text given **below (after)** the {{{split}}} tag will be shown **always when the answer is wrong**. That’s it. You can very well skip one of the sides to have answer feedback displayed only when the question is correctly or wrongly answered.
**Elaborate Feedback Based on Specific User Answer:**
Sometimes you may want to display different message for every possible selection that user makes. Let’s again use the question “What is the color of the sky” but this time we will add more options. And we’ll make it multiple-select question:
In this case use the {{{split}} tag to break between your feedbacks/explanations. The order of explanations must match the order of the answers you have given. It doesn’t matter whether you’ll randomize the questions when showing them to the user. Just make them match when you create the question. See the screenshot above (click on it to see it larger) and notice how the different texts match the answers. First answer is Blue and the first text is about Blue. Then it’s Green and the text is about green. And so on.
See how it will look when the quiz is submitted:
Mozilla Open Badges Support in Watu Pro Play Plugin
Finally, it’s here. Version 1.7 of the Play Plugin for Watu PRO is just uploaded.
Open Badges Support
The most important new feature is [Mozilla Open Badges](http://openbadges.org/) support. How does it work? Really simple:
- Check “Issue as Mozilla Open Badge” checkbox when you add or edit your badge.
- Make sure you fill your Issuer organization settings (the link is given right under the checkbox
- Enter badge graphic URL. It must be a .png graphic. If you want to upload a file, just use the Add Media button right above the large box for “Badge Content or Graphic” which is above the checkbox. Then copy the URL from the uploaded graphic
- Enter badge criteria URL. It’s required by open badge specification. This can be a page that explains when the badge is assigned.
- That’s it. If you are sending mail when user receives a badge (this setting is available in the Manage Badges page), you will be able to use the new {{open-badges-url}} to give a link for accepting the badge.
- Another new feature – user overview page – will let your users add their badges from their overview page. Read more about it below.
User Overview Page
This is a new page that shows up in the user dashboard under “My Exams” menu. However it is optional, so you need to enable it from the WatuPRO Play main page. At the bottom there is a checkbox to activate user overview page.
We have added a basic default design for this page, but you are free to design it yourself using the available shortcodes.
User Rewards Shortcode
Speaking about new shortcodes, in 1.7 we have added [watuproplay-userrewards] shortcode to display the current user redeemed rewards. When used as [watuproplay-userrewards x] the shortcode can show rewards of any specified user. Insead of x enter the user ID.
If you have other desired features for the Play plugin, please share in the comments!
Watu PRO 3.8
Here is the new release of [Watu Pro](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/):
- Numbered paginator is available on tests that are displayed one question per page
- Stripe integration for paymens (Intelligence module)
- Deactivating a question
- Mass delete questions
- Option to allow maximum number selections on multiple-select questions
- Added payment records page for paid exams along with ability to manually add or remove payments
- %%EMAIL%% and %%DATE%% variables in the final screen
- %%MAX-POINTS%% variable to show the maximum points the user could collect on this quiz
- Indexed the user answers tables for faster queries
- Shortcodes are available for the reporting module pages as well (Reporting module)
- The exam action buttons are now in table to avoid formatting issues with some themes
- Fixed bug – missing question properties when copying an exam
- Code cleanup and removing some obsolete files
We are starting the newsletter which will deliver the free upgrade to all eligible customers in the next few days. If you don’t receive yours feel free to contact us at info@calendarscripts.info.
As usual, any old customers whose free upgrade package has expired can renew it with 60% discount.
WatuPRO CSS Tips and Tricks
We often get questions how to change text size/color, buttons etc inside WatuPRO’s exam area. This short post should answer most of these questions.
Before this I want to start with important note: beside a couple of very basic definitions, **WatuPRO does not define how elements look on the page**. It follows the CSS definitions of your WordPress theme. This is done because the plugin should fit any design theme and not force any design preferences. What looks good for you may not look good for other customers.
If something is looking misplaced it’s because something in your CSS is redefining the default behavior of HTML tags. For issues that do not originate in the plugin we advice you to check with your theme designer. Sometimes we can provide paid design help but this is an exception and not a rule.
**We can not under any circumstances make global changes to the plugin fonts, colors, spacing or arrangement based on the requests of a single customer.**
At the bottom of this page you will find the full list of elements used in the front-end quiz page.
**Anything that cannot be changed by CSS can be changed by creating copies of the “view” files as explained in the internal Help page of the plugin, section “Redesigning and Customizing the Views / Templates”.**
Change the Buttons (Submit, Nex/Previous Etc Style)
This is what you need:
.watupro_buttons td input {
// Your CSS here
The “toggle answer feedback” button:
.watupro-main-feedback input[type=button] {
// Your CSS here
Changing the Text Size, or Color, or Anything Inside
This is easy. The whole exam content is wrapped in a div with ID “watupro_quiz” and class “quiz-area”. So you can use the class or the ID by your choice to apply any CSS inside. Examples:
(change the font size)
#watupro_quiz {
(change font color of text in h2 tag)
.quiz-area h2 {
Note that in many cases you can overwrite this CSS at a specific question level because you can format every question through the WordPress rich text editor.
How To Remove The Question Numbers
By default WatuPRO automatically numbers the questions of the quiz. In case you want to hide the numbers, they are all placed in spans with class watupro_num. So to hide them, simply do:
.watupro_num { display: none; }
Choices Show Under Radio Buttons or Checkboxes
Please see [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/choices-showing-under-the-radiocheckboxes-in-watupro/).
If you have other similar questions please ask here in the comments and we’ll update the post.
List Of Elements On The Exam Screen
The elements are given in order from top to bottom and some of them may not be used in your quiz, depending on the quiz settings. All the elements are inside the main div with ID “watupro_quiz”.
– **p class=’watupro-warning’ id=’timerRuns’** – the timer warning element that warns you about timer running behind the scene
**– div id=”timeNag”** displays the clickable link to start the timer, and the text before it
**– div id=”timerDiv”** is the timer itself
**– div class=”watupro-exam-description”** is the exam description holder, if description is provided
**– form class=”quiz-form”** holds the quiz form
**– div class=’watupro-paginator-wrap’** holds the paginator, if such is used
**– ul class=’watupro-paginator watupro-paginator-custom’** is the paginator itself. It’s recommended to style only the “watupro-paginator-custom” class
**– div class=’watupro_catpage’** holds the category header and description for quizzes that are paginated one page per category.
– **a h3 tag** inside the above div shows the category title
**– div class=’watu-question’** holds each question in the quiz
**– div class=’question-content’** holds the question contents without the answers
**– span class=’watupro_num’** contains the automatic question number
**– p class=’watupro-qnum-info’** holds the “Question 1 of X” text for quizzes that show such
**– table class=”watupro_buttons”** holds the buttons under the quiz, each one in its own cell
BroadFast for WordPress 2.0 and the Intelligence Module
We’ve just update the [WordPress auto responder to version 2.0](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). All existing members will receive a free upgrade with a newsletter coming in a day.
What’s New?
- HTML signup form code available so you can embed your signup forms even on static pages or outside of your WordPress blog.
- Newsletter reports.
- Autoresponder campaign reports.
- The plugin is now compatible with the new **Intelligence module**.
- Bug fixes and code improvements.
Intelligence Module
The Intelligence module is a new plugin that’s sold together with the autoresponder for $87. It currently adds 3 very powerful and important features:
- **Trackable links:** embed trackable links in your email messages and get detailed reports which links are clicked most and which messages deliver highest click-trough rates.
- **Event triggers** are powerful workers that can subscribe, unsubscribe and move the users between mailing lists when they do various actions. Triggers can be activated automatically when user subscribes, unsubscribes, reads email or clicks on a trackable link.
- **Send post or page as a newsletter.** You can send any post or page, any time, to a selected mailing list. If later you edit the post you can decide to update the associated newsletter as well.
If you are existing customers you’ll receive a promo code that will let you buy the Intelligence with 50% discount. Please feel free to contact us if you don’t receive the newsletter.
Choices showing under the radio/checkboxes in WatuPRO?
Some theme authors create CSS that overwrite standard HTML tags like <label>, <input> etc. Because of this some users see the choices to questions showing on a new line, under the corresponding radio button or checkbox, instead of next to it.
**This is not a bug in WatuPRO, it’s poorly written CSS outside of it.** WatuPRO does NOT overwrite the behavior of any HTML tags, but your blog theme CSS might be doing it.
So please check your CSS and pay special attention to any lines that show “display:block;” for the “label” or “input” tags.
**A Quick Solution:**
If you don’t have the resources or knowledge to solve the problem in the CSS, you can try adding the following lines at the bottom of the CSS file:
.quiz-form label {
display: inline !important;
.quiz-form input[type=’checkbox’] {
display: inline !important;
.quiz-form input[type=’radio’] {
display: inline !important;
In most cases this should solve it. If not we can provide a CSS expert for charge as this is not a problem coming from the plugin.
WatuPRO 3.7
This release is fairly important and contains a lot of updates. Here are the new features and fixes made after 3.6. If you have some of the intermediate versions between 3.6 and 3.7 you may already have some of them enabled. As usual the release will be sent as a newsletter to customers who bought less than one year ago.
[WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) 3.7 Changelog
1. Exams pagination and sorting
2. Fixed issue with the timer on non-paginated tests
3. Conditionally load the scripts and CSS to avoid loading them on pages where you don’t have exams.
4. Fixed import/export issues
5. Dependencies can work with % correct answers (Intelligence module)
6. Re-take exam only when some grades (results) are achieved (a new option)
7. Allow multiple correct answers in “Fill the gaps” questions (Intelligence module)
8. Certificates are now shown on the front-end. This avoids issues with some plugins and configurations where the student is not allowed to reach the dashboard.
9. Exams can be published in custom post types
10. “Sort the values” question type (Intelligence module)
11. Changed the Paypal headers in the IPN script, as required by latest Paypal announcement
If you don’t receive the newsletter in the next couple of days feel free to [send us email](http://calendarscripts.info/contact.html) and request the update.
How To Upgrade Watu PRO
**Since July 2017 the plugin auto-updates through the dashboard using license key. The information below is useful if you want to do a manual update or your last installation is from before this date.**
Note: If you have purchased WatuPRO less than one year ago, you are eligible to get any upgrades for free. Otherwise the price of the upgrade is 40% of the full price.
**If you have your custom translation files you need to backup them first unless you have followed the recommended “Custom” location choice explained in step 2 [here](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/how-to-translate-a-wordpress-plugin/).**
If your current plugin version is 4.2.2 or newer **the only thing you need to do is to deactivate and delete the old plugin, and install the new version.**
**There will be no data loss and no loss of settings. All your data will remain in place.**
FTP users can upgrade the plugin by simply replacing the files through FTP.
Customers who upgrade from versions older than 4.2.2 please email us.
PHP Autoresponder Basic and PRO Upgrade
There has been a new release to the [PHP autoresponder app](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html).
(Please note this is not the WordPress plugin “Broadfast for WordPress”. That one will be upgraded soon)
Besides some bug fixes there are two most important changes:
1. You can now control the contents of subscribe/unsubscribe notification emails (both Basic and PRO)
2. There are much better link tracking stats for trackable links (Pro only)
Upgrading is free for customers who bought less than one year ago, and costs 40% of the full price for customers who bought before that.
WatuPRO 3.6 and The Play Plugin
The Upgrade
There has been a significant upgrade of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) with several important features and bug fixes:
– Resolved conflicts with all known membership plugins
– “Show results” button can be always visible on ‘one question per page’ quizzes, but warns about premature submitting. Useful for long quizzes.
– Schedule exam (makes it available only in selected date ranges)
– All user roles can now use the exams. The limitation to Student role caused far more issues than benefits so we decided to drop it altogether. You can still manage which roles have access to manage the tests.
– You can now use WordPress User Roles instead of User Groups to avoid redundancy, and for better integration with membership plugins.
– Navigation improvements
– Filter test results by user role
– Started developers API (see the previous post for more information)
As usual upgrade is free for users who purchased WatuPRO less than one year ago and will be delivered by a newsletter in the next few days.
The Play Plugin
Another thing to note is the new plugin called [Watu PRO Play](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html#play). It adds gamification element to Watu PRO and lets you assign levels and badges, allow users to redeem rewards, generates many leaderboards, and more. Just check the site for more info or email us with your questions.
WatuPRO Hooks Reference & Developers API
As WatuPRO is growing we see the need of many customers to enhance and customize it. We do provide some customization services but can’t handle all of the requests. Besides, we wanted to allow third party developers and companies to extend WatuPRO and add more functionality to it. So here is the first version of the developers API. Please consider this page work in progress, as is the API itself. We are starting with just a few basic function calls. More will be added and documented with the time. For simplicity the API itself will use the same version number as the plugin.
WatuPRO API Version 3.6
### Main Concept
WatuPRO API uses WordPress [do_action](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_action) calls to create custom actions. This means that in order to add custom functionality you need to use [add_action()](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_action) to call your custom functions. Any custom parameters passed to do_action will be shown below.
### Barebone Custom Plugin
We have created a “barebone” custom plugin that will help you with the initial setup for your custom work. Download the plugin here: [watupro-custom](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/watupro-custom.zip)
### Available actions
**do_action(‘watupro_completed_exam’, $taking_id)** – called when test is completed. Passes the current completed exam record ID.
**do_action(‘watupro_completed_exam_edited’, $taking_id)** – called when admin/teacher edits user’s details. This option is enabled by the “Manual grading” feature in the Intelligence module. Passes the ID of the taken exam record.
**do_action(‘watupro_my_certificates’)** – this call is at the bottom of the “My certificates” page. The action passes no parameters but you can get the current user ID as a global. This action is already used by the [Play Plugin](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html#play).
**do_action(‘watupro_select_show_exam’, $exam)** – called when displaying the exam on the screen, and prior to any permission checks. Passes the exam object and allows you to do something with it.
**do_action(‘watupro_admin_menu’)** – lets you hook a custom page under watupro admin menu. Use ‘watupro_exams’ as parent.
**do_action(‘watupro_user_menu’)** – lets you hook a custom page under watupro user dashboard menu. Use ‘my_watupro_exams’ as parent.
**do_action(‘watupro_show_exam_js’, $exam)** – lets you plug your custom javascript in the quiz itself. Passes the $exam object.
**Available Filters**
We have started adding some filters too:
**apply_filters( ‘watupro_filter_view_show_exam’, $show_exam_view, $exam);** – called right before showing the quiz. You can use it to load your custom show_exam view. We recommend to still include our view (views/show_exam.php) and use it only to do something before or after it.
**apply_filters( ‘watu_filter_current_question_text’, $current_text, $qct, $question_content, $correct ) –** called after a question has been processed so you can modify the way it’s displayed on the final screen and live result.
The following filters allow you to modify the content of the emails sent to admin or quiz taker when a quiz is completed:
**$output = apply_filters(‘watupro-email-results-taker’, $output, $taking_id);**
**$output = apply_filters(‘watupro-email-results-admin’, $output, $taking_id);**
The following filter allows you to modify the content of user uploaded files:
**$contents = apply_filters(‘watupro-user-file-uploaded’, $contents, $question_id, $detail_id, $taking_id);**
**$achieved = apply_filters(‘watupro-achieved-points’, $achieved, $taking_id); –** allows third party plugins to modify number of points
The following filter is applied on calculating quiz grade:
**watupro_calculate_grade** -it’s more complicated so it’s documented separately [here](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api-custom-grade-calculation/).
Expect a lot more actions to be added in the next versions of Watu PRO.
WatuPRO 3.5
This update solved some really hard problems and added several features that some customers eagerly waited for.
Here you are:
1. Improved import/export that will let you copy exams to different blogs
2. Show answers immediately – this button can be activated for tests that are paginated one question per page.
3. Shortcode for a basic leaderboard of best performing users
4. Grade on a category level. Now you can grade the users and display their performance for each question category.
5. Resolved conflict with [Paid Membership PRO](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/paid-memberships-pro) so finally you can use this plugin with WatuPRO.
As usual, existing members who purchased it less than one year ago will get the upgrade for free with the newsletter. If you have bought more than 1 year ago, you can restart the 1 year loop with paying just 40% of the current version prices.
WatuPRO 3.4 With Updates in Intelligence and Reporting Modules
This is an important update to [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) addressing some customer requests. Here are the news:
- Email shows in taking details for everyone who provided it (logged in or not)
- Cumulative per-question stats (in **Reporting** module) which make WautPRO even more suitable for surveys
- Improvements to how the timer works
- Description for a question category (optional). If you enter it, the description will be displayed when the test questions are grouped and paginated by category.
- More flexible control over the calculation logic of correct/incorrect questions (for multiple-choices and “fill the gaps” questions). You can now decide whether all answers should be correct or only one, to consider the whole question correctly answered.
- Practice mode now respects the selections you make about ordering and grouping questions (it used to just randomize them)
- Manually edit/grade already taken exam (available in **Intelligence** module). You will be able to change the results and the grade, percentage and possible certificate assignment will be recalculated. Email can be sent to the user with the new details.
That’s it in 3.4.
Thanks for being with us!
WatuPRO: Quick Getting Started Guide
**Here is how to start really quick with [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/):**
1. Go to **Create new quiz** page:[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/create-exam.png)
2. You can skip filling almost everything – just entering quiz name is enough. However you may want to check at least the “Final page / Quiz output” tab. It gives you full control over what the user sees when they submit the quiz. Maybe there is something you want to add or remove there:
3. Once the test is saved you’ll be taken to a page to create **questions**. Please add some, a test makes no sense without any questions.
4. If you want to create grades, you can do this after the quiz is saved and questions created by clicking on the “**Grades**” link for the new quiz:[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/show-hide-grade.png)
5. Go back to edit the quiz. Check the checkbox shown below to have the quiz automatically published when you save it:
[](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/auto-publish.png)Alternatively you can copy the quiz shortcode from the “Quizzes” page and publish it yourself in a post, page, custom post type, etc.
6. You can view who submitted your new quiz by clicking on the hyperlinked number under the “**View Results**” column. You will see all the details, and you can filter through them, import, export them, etc.[ ](http://blog.calendarscripts.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/taken.png)
7. That’s it! Feel free to create quiz categories and question categories, certificates, and user groups.
BroadFast For Wordpress 1.9
There is an update to our [WordPress Auto Responder](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/):
- Each mailing list can, by your choice, automatically subscribe users who register in your blog.
- Option to make “name” and any custom field a required field when user subscribes.
- Sent mails log for autoresponder campaigns.
- Mass delete subscribers.
- Unsubscribe management – user can unsubscribe from multiple mailing lists at once.
- See the progress status of newsletters that are in progress of sending.
This upgrade will be sent for free to all existing customers. Please allow a day or two to receive your newsletter.
Feel free to contact us at info@calendarscripts.info if you don’t receive it till the end of the week.
WatuPRO 3.3
This version of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) comes shortly after the last one as we wanted to address several important issues.
So here is what’s new:
- Admin can now see the student’s dashboard along with their exams and reports (in Reporting module)
- Admin can filter questions by category when managing them
- Manage questions category page that lets you delete and edit the existing categories
- You can now allow other roles – Editors, Authors and Contributors – to create and edit quizzes. Thus you can delegate the work of making the quizzes to someone else without heading them your main admin login.
- A new shortcode lets you display user’s answers on the final screen. This is an improvement compared to using the “Display answers” option because it lets you choose a place and text that will go before the answers.
- You can now define a different content to be sent by email than the content shown on-screen after taking the test. This is useful if you want to force users to check their email or dashboard instead of showing them the results right on the screen.
- Improved localization – we’ve had some strings in the javascript in the last .pot file. Now everything is translated.
That’s it for now! Expect a guide on translation in a day or two, as we often get questions about this.
As usual the upgrade is free if you have bought less than 1 year ago, otherwise upgrading is just 40% of the regular price and starts another 1 year cycle of free upgrades and support.
WatuPRO 3.2
There’s no joke, we really hear your feedback. And the latest update to [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/) is proving this again. Let’s get right to the news:
1. Shortcode for showing only unresolved questions on the results screen. This is useful if you want to show the users which questions they didn’t answer correctly but without revealing the correct answers to them.
2. Pull a number of random questions per category. Now the old randomization feature lets you spread the number of questions equally per question category.
3. Option to send email with user results to the quiz taker even when they are not registered.
4. Paginate per category – show questions from each category on their own page.
5. Minified javascript for faster loading.
6. You can now use decimals in points.
7. Randomize questions but don’t randomize answers to them (option)
8. Reuse questions from another exam on the fly – Intelligence module only
As usual old customers who purchased less than 12 months ago will get the upgrade for free. Otherwise it’s just 40% of the full price.
Thanks for being with us and keep those suggestions coming!
PHP Auto Responder, Basic and PRO Update
We’ve just shipped a new version of our [PHP Autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html). Now the Basic is version 3.0 and PRO is version 1.3.
What’s new:
- Mass delete users
- Read mails are now tracked for autoresponder campaigns as well. This means you can see who actually has read each of the mails in your campaign.
- CKEDITOR is updated to the latest version
- PRO only: you can now add clickable link to display email in a browser (like “If this email does not properly display click here to read it online”). This is configurable for every single message
- Of course various bug fixes and internal improvements
Upgrade terms: existing users who bough less than 1 year ago get it for free. If one year has expired you can buy the upgrade for 40% of the regular price and this starts another 1 year of free support and upgrades.
BroadFast For Wordpress 1.8
There’s a new version of the [WordPress autoresponder plugin Broadfast](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/). The upgrade is free for all old customers and will be sent by email.
Here are the changes:
- **Attachments.** Although you could upload files from the WordPress media uploader and incldue them in the mail contents, most customers preferred to have an option to send mails with “regular” attachments. So we heard you, and here you are – 1.8 has option to attach files to any message.
- **Shortcodes** from other plugins are now parsed in email content. Of course you should only use sane ones – javascripts for example rarely work in email.
- **Uninstall** feature with configuration whether to delete the data or not.
- And of course some **bug fixes**.
The price for new customers remains $47 one time and includes a full year of free support and upgrades.
WatuPRO 3.1 and the new Reporting Module
This update comes very soon after the previous. It wasn’t planned but as we finished the new [Reporting module](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/modules.html) I had to add an interface to upload modules. But of course, that’s not good enough for a new version, so here are all the new things:
1. Modules compatibility and upload interface. Now additional modules can be added to the plugin at any time.
2. Shortcodes to display “My exams” and “My certificates” outside of the wp-admin area.
3. Help page added (to be expanded)
4. Set minimum time limit between different attempt for a given exam – Intelligence module only.
The new version is free for users who purchased after January 15th 2012. Anyone else can upgrade for 40% of the regular price which currently means only $18.80.
The new Reporting module will be useful for all kind of education and training sites whose webmasters want their users to have more impressive and catching way of tracking their progress. The module can be purchased separately for $27. You need WatuPRO 3.0 or newer to use it.
WatuPRO 3.0
A new version of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro) is now available. Here are more details:
1. WordPress shortcodes to display all exams or exam of selected category in any post or page
2. “My certificates” page for the user so they can access their certificates any time
3. The blog administrator also has “My exams” page for easier testing
4. Previous button is now optional, configurable for every test
5. Grade title and description can be included separately on the final screen
6. The usual portion of bug fixes and localization improvements
This upgrade is still free for all old customers because we released the first version of this software just an year ago. So feel free to mail me or download the latest version from the [CalendarScripts Member’s area](http://calendarscripts.info/members/).
The safe upgrade procedure remains [the same](http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/32/how-to-upgrade-watu-pro#Item_1).
ReCaptcha, Previous Button and More in WatuPRO 2.8
There has been important update to our [WordPress tests plugin WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/):
In addition to the usual small or not so small bug fixes, there are several nice new features:
1. Previous (back) button to go back and fix already answered or skipped question. So many people asked for this, so here it is. Of course the button is accessible only until the exam is submitted.
2. Detailed export of taker’s data. You can now get points, grade, etc along with the answer given to every question in the exported CSV file. The old short format remains available.
3. Optional [reCaptcha](http://www.google.com/recaptcha/whyrecaptcha) to prevent spam bots from submitting your exams. This of course makes more sense on “open” exams that require no user login.
4. Option to redirect to URL instead of showing a grade. I was surprised that many people asked for this, so here is it now available. Enabling it is very simple – just enter valid URL instead of grade title.
5. Grades can be calculated as % correct answers (**Intelligence module feature**). Some customers wanted to calculate grade based on % of correct answers instead of defined points. This will be especially useful for exams that often get questions added or edited. Available in the Intelligence module.
As our first order of WatuPRO is from 2012, everyone gets this upgrade for free again. I’ll be sending email newsletter but if you don’t get your upgrade just contact me at info@calendarscripts.info as usual.
Arigato PRO (aka BroadFast) For Wordpress
The first public PRO version of BroadFast for WordPress is now available at
It replicates many of the features of the [standalone autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html) but as usual with our WordPress plugins it has its own specifics.
If you are most used to WordPress it will be much easier to install and use the plugin – widgets, template tags, and shortcodes are available for displaying the signup forms. Everything can be designed to fit your theme, if required.
The price for the moment is $47, just like the basic version of the standalone BroadFast Autoresponder.
WatuPRO 2.6 and Intelligence Module
There is a minor update to WatuPRO to version 2.6. From user’s point of view the main difference is that you can now click to view your published exams in their posts right from Exams list page. Few minor bugs are also fixed.
The more important work went on the backend to make WatuPRO compatible with Intelligence module in a way that the core plugin shares same codebase in both version (A post for developers is coming soon).
Intelligence Module will be interested to the customers who want to run one or more of the following:
BroadFast Autoresponder PRO 1.2
There has been a small but important update to [BroadFast PRO](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html).
Here are the two main things that have been done besides a few small tweaks:
1. Upgraded [CKEDITOR](http://ckeditor.com/) to latest version. I am hesitant whether to replace it with another rich text editor for future versions because this thing starts getting huge.
2. Added **“select time of the day”** for autoresponder email (feature for which people were asking long time!). The selection says “Send AFTER X o’clock” because the exact time of sending will depend on when your cron jobs run. If you have a large queue of unsent mails (because your “mails per run” number is not bit enough or because cron job doesn’t run often enough), then these mails can be sent later than expected. In any case, once the selected time of the day has come, these mails will be sent with priority over “any time” emails. But “any time” emails starts getting sent at midnight otherwise.
Hope that’s not confusing! 🙂 If required I’ll give further explanation about this feature.
As usual the upgrade is free if your last purchase was less than 1 year ago. Otherwise the upgrade to this version is $43.50.
WatuPRO 2.5
[WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro) has been upgraded to version 2.5. Here is what’s new:
**– Download full details of exam submission** in addition to the download summary of everyone’s results.
– You can now use **shortcodes from other plugins** inside exam description, questions, and choices.
– **Copy exam feature** that lets you clone entire exam into a new one, or just copy the questions from one exam to another.
– Define **how many times user can re-take a test** (as opposed to defining just “once” or “many times” like it was before this version).
– **Internationalization ready.** Finally we sorted out all the texts and included a .pot file so it should be easy to translate the plugin to foreign languages.
All existing customers will get the upgrade for free because all orders are from 2012. If you don’t receive your upgrade please contact me at info@calendarscripts.info.
And please don’t forget the upgrade procedure, it’s really easy: [http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/32/how-to-upgrade-watu-pro#Item_1](http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/32/how-to-upgrade-watu-pro#Item_1)
WatuPRO 2.0
There is a big update in [WatuPRO for WordPress](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/). The version number suddenly jumped to 2.0 because there are many and quite important updates (in addition to a few bug fixes). Here is what’s new, not in particular order:
- Question categories. Optionally you can select to display the quiz with questions grouped by category.
- Right answer explanation/feedback – optional, shown at the end of the exam. Good way to educate your users/students
- Pull number of answers from all the answers of a question. Helpful to make answers less predictable when exam is taken many times.
- Reorder questions (makes sense if you don’t display them randomized)
- Required questions – don’t let the user continue before answering these.
- Default user roles can work with the exams. Why is this important? Up to now Watu was using Students role, applied on registration from exam page, that was the only allowed to access the exams. But in practice you may want your existing users – subscribers, authors etc, also to work with the exams.
- Import/Export questions to CSV (Excel) file
- User groups and exam categories. You can now limit the access of different user groups to different exam categories. So for example “Basic students” get “basic exams”, “Intermediate” students can get “basic” and “intermediate” exams etc. Or you can separate them by topic – it’s all your choice and is entirely optional.
As the first version of WatuPRO was released this year, all existing customers are eligible for a free upgrade (please mail me at info@calendarscripts.info if you want to get it).
And [here](http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/32/how-to-upgrade-watu-pro#Item_1) is how to upgrade safely without losing any data.
Eventy Basic and PRO For Wordpress
It’s time for [Eventy](http://calendarscripts.info/event-calendar-software.html) to also be available for WordPress. And [here it is](http://pimteam.net/wp-eventy/). Eventy Basic (free) and Eventy PRO ($29) aren’t exact copy of the standalone software but they work around the same idea. Events are displayed on a monthly calendar. Calendars are just custom post type in WordPress. In the PRO version you can have multiple calendars, each one showing different events.
Editors, contributors and authors can also manage events if you want to allow this. Better just check [the features](http://pimteam.net/wp-eventy/features.html) and [the tour](http://pimteam.net/wp-eventy/tour.html).
If you hesitate about purchasing just try the free version. It’s also available at the WordPress repository.
MicroCal Back To Life
[Microcal](http://calendarscripts.info/product-1.html) was one of the very first scripts I ever shared with the public. It was even commercial back in 2004 (I don’t remember the price but I think it was $5). I doubt I have sold more than 3-4 of it before I decided to give it out for free. Now, nearly 8 years later it still has several hundred downloads every month.
Just today I managed to check it and figured out how outdated the code was and how many PHP notices it produced. So here we are, fixed some bugs, improved the code a little bit and MicroCal is again usable in version 1.2 – also available as [Google Code repository](http://code.google.com/p/microcal/).
My plan is to revive it a little bit in the next versions, add some better options for including in forms, make it call-able through ajax and will see what else. Unlike the popular calendar plugins for jQuery it doesn’t add much Javascript overload so it has some potential. Let me know if you have any feature requests about it.
Eventy 1.8, Eventy Plus 1.2
The latest update to [Eventy & Eventy Plus](http://calendarscripts.info/event-calendar-software.html):
- Improved design of the event pop-up (using [lightbox_me](http://buckwilson.me/lightboxme/))
- A link to share any event
Additional feature in Eventy Plus:
- Event categories. You can now categorize the events for your own use and optionally display this information to the visitors. Again optionally you can let them filter events by category.
Upgrade terms are as usual – free if you bought less than 1 year ago, and 50% discount if your purchase is older. Upgrading starts another 1 year cycle of free upgrades and free support.
Watu PRO Version 1.1
Of course we listed to feedback and I hear you. So here’s the first upgrade to [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro):
1. The questions are now numbered and you’ll see “Question 2 of 15” etc so you know better how much is left to take the exam.
2. You can configure what to display when every exam is taken – the result text only or to include the questions along with the answers and marks for correct/incorrect one.
3. Logged in users can continue taking the exam even if closing the browser, on another day, or even year. This feature is disabled for time-limited exams to avoid cheating.
Old customers bought WatuPRO this year are eligible for free upgrade. Please just mail me and let me know to send you the zip. Please [do read this](http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/32/how-to-upgrade-watu-pro) before upgrading.
Autoresponder updates: Basic 2.9 and PRO 1.1
Here are the latest [BroadFast Autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html) updates:
Basic Autoresponder, version 2.9:
- Improved “read” tracking. I added bgsound tag for better tracking of who read your emails (this works only when switched on by yourself). These stats can never be 100% reliable because some email services don’t show the tag, but now the correct percentage should be higher.
- External signup script that you can place anywhere and hide the registration. More info in [this pictorial](http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/30/using-the-external-signup-script#Item_1).
PRO Autoresponder, version 1.1:
In addition to the same new features as in Basic, we have added **segmentation**. It allows you to target segments of any of your mailing list, thus improve results and at the same time sending lower number of emails. [This pictorial](http://calendarscripts.info/forum/discussion/31/sending-emails-to-a-segment-of-your-visitors#Item_1) will explain the filters and segmentation in greater details.
Upgrade terms for existing customers are as usual – free upgrades if you have bought less than 1 year ago, and 50% discount otherwise.
Improved Grocery List on Pyrostia
Our free [weekly menu planner](http://calendarscripts.info/pyrostia/) now has improved automated grocery list. You can mark various items as bought and know what you really need to buy for the week.
The source code will be released soon so you’ll be able to host Pyrostia on your site as well.
WatuPRO Wordpress Plugin To Create Exams
A lot of people expressed interest to have our [web based exam software](http://calendarscripts.info/online-exam-software.html) as a wordpress plugin. So, here we go, the premium WordPress plugin for creating and managing exams is online – [WatuPRO WordPress Plugin](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
While the WordPress plugin is similar in functionality to the standalone PHP based Watu Exam/Watu Plus, it also have some extra features and cleaner user interface. The best thing in it is that you can install it and manage it entirely from your WordPress admin panel.
[Have a look at WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
WatuPRO Demo Exam 2
This is a demo of [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
This exam **reuqires registration** to be completed. While the questions/answers are the same as in “Open exam”, they will be displayed **all**, each time, so the maximum point number is 15. On top of that you have only 3 minutes to complete it – it’s **exam with a timer**. Questions and answers are randomized each time. Once logged in, you can take the quiz many times. This is also configurable, as the admin may decide to disallow second taking of the same exam. Unlike the other demo exam, this one shows **all questions on one page** – which is also configurable from the administration.
Upon completion and receiving “Passed” grade (if you receive at least 8 points), you will be able to print customized “**certificate**“. It’s a simple one here, but you can use as complex and rich HTML as you wish.
This quiz is currently inactive.
WatuPRO Demo Quiz
This is a demo of the WordPress quiz, survey and exam plugin [WatuPRO](http://calendarscripts.info/watupro/).
This demo quiz is **open for everyone**, no registration required. **Three** **random** questions are pulled each time, out of a **pool of 7 questions**.
Please go to [WatuPRO Demo Quiz](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-demo-exam/) to view this quiz
Watu Plus 1.2
What’s new in [Watu Plus 1.2](http://calendarscripts.info/online-exam-software.html):
- **Select random questions from a pool.** This feature allows you to create many questions in one exam and then have each student see only a small number of them, randomly selected and server. Makes the exam unique for every sitting.
- **Import/Export students in user groups as CSV file.** This will make your life easier if you want to mass edit student records in Excel or to import users from existing database.
As usual old customers can purchase upgrade with 50% discount, and upgrades are free if you have purchased Watu Plus less than one year ago.
Period and Fertility Calendar
This is our latest free application for women – [period and fertility calendar](http://calendarscripts.info/free/period-calendar/). Here is what it does:
- Figure out your most fertile dates
- Find out expected due date
- See the approximate date of your next period
- Store history of your periods so you never forget them and be prepared on time
Some technical background (because many developers read this blog):
It’s HTML 5 Ajax app with localStorage support. I’m not yet ready with the pluggable open source version, but you can see the front-end javacsript with View Source.
BroadFast PHP Autoresponder PRO
Several repeatable needs of customers led to the creation of two versions of the [Easy PHP Autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html) – Basic and PRO. You already know what’s in the Basic version. Here are the extras in the first PRO version:
- Email templates for handy sending of well looking messages
- Paid mailing lists to help your monetization strategies
- Contact forms that also act as mailing lists and can be tied to autoresponders as well
- Free installation upon request
The price of PRO is $87.
BroadFast Autoresponder Version 2.8
Here’s the latest in our [PHP Autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html):
- Easier web based installation similar to WordPress
- MySQLi as in all our recent updates. I know it’s technical stuff but it is fairly important.
- ReCaptcha is now available to prevent from spam submissions in your lists
The upgrade terms are as usual – free if you purchased up to 1 year ago, and 50% of the price otherwise.
Watu Exam 2.2 and Watu Plus 1.1
Both versions of our [exam software](http://calendarscripts.info/online-exam-software.html) has been updated. Watu Exam is now in version 2.2 and Watu Plus – 1.1.
Here are the updates for both:
- **Question categories.** Now you can categorize individual questions (for example Algebra, Geometry etc). You can choose to have the questions then grouped by category when presented to the students.
- **MySQLi** implemented for compatibility with future PHP versions (tech stuff)
- **Improved installation procedure.** Now it’s all through the browser, just like WordPress.
The following is new feature available only in **Watu Plus:**
- **Optional explanation of the correct answer.** This will be available when you choose “Show also the best/correct answer to every question” option in “Format of the results” section for the exam. It allows you to explain the student why the best answer is best and why the other choices aren’t as good. You can then decide to show this explanation only when the student does not give the right answer, or display it always.
As usual upgrades cost just 50% of the regular price of each software and customers who have bought their software less than 1 year ago get upgrades for free (just contact me at info@calendarscripts.info)
Watu Quiz 1.4
[Watu Quiz](http://calendarscripts.info/quiz-script.html) is finally updated to version 1.4. Here is what’s new:
1. Improved UI
2. List of user’s results is now available for every quiz. So you can see how many people took the quizzes and what were their results.
3. MySQLi implemented in order to ensure compatibility with future PHP versions
BroadFast Newsletter 1.9
[BroadFast](http://calendarscripts.info/email-newsletter-software.html) has been updated to version 1.9. Here is what’s new:
1. Easy registration code copy. Now it’s easy to just embed the newsletter registration form in your site or blog.
2. Language file which allows easy translation of the interface in your language
3. PHP MySQLi extension applied to ensure your script will work with the future version of PHP
4. Improved installation procedure.
Existing customers with others less than 1 years old may contact us for free upgrades. If your order is more than 1 year old you can still get 50% discount of the price.
Weight Loss Calculator for Wordpress: Now Available as Widget
The WordPress version of the [weight planning calculator](http://calendarscripts.info/weight-loss-calculator.html) is now updated to version 1.2. Here’s the most important in this update:
1. The plugin is now available as widget along with the old in-content embed method. The CSS options reflect both modes and are accessible both from the calculator settings page and from the Widget options page.
2. Some small but important layout changes will allow the calculator to fit in different widths and sidebars
3. Tested with the latest WordPress version.
More details and download link [here](http://calendarscripts.info/weight-loss-calculator.html#wordpress).
E.M.M.A. 1.2 Released
Here’s the latest in our [membership management software](calendarscripts.info/emma):
1. New and easier installation procedure
2. Email reminders for expiring subscriptions
3. Optional quick mode which allows you to redirect the user to payment page for the selected plan right after registration. This can help you increase your conversion rate.
4. Create “visible for everyone” content to pre-sell your members and/or to attract search engine traffic.
As usual upgrades are free for customers who purchased E.M.M.A. up to one year ago. For older purchases upgrading costs 50% of the current price.
PurpleSalad: Personal Chef and Recipe Management Software
Here’s out latest project – [personal chef and recipe management software](http://purplesalad.net/). It’s called PurpleSalad and it’s goal is to give personal chefs and hobbyists a web based, modern and easy to use app at affordable price.
I know it sounds like a cliche but currently personal chefs are present only with very old-fashioned, installable, and quite pricey software options. PurpleSalad aims to change this. Let’s see how it will go.
If you are a personal chef or hobbyist interested in cooking, check out the site. There is free trial for everyone so you risk nothing to sign up.
Pyrostia: Free Weekly Menu Planner
We are starting new simple web application: a [free weekly menu planner](http://calendarscripts.info/pyrostia/). While the user interface and features are fairly basic at the moment we are looking to add a lot more to this little app.
Pyrostial will help you to manage your weekly meals and create a grocery list. There is a very nice function which automatically parses the ingredients and suggest you to add them to the grocery list.
Enjoy Pyrostia and let us know your feedback and suggestions.
A.M.Y. 1.4
The latest version of [A.M.Y.](http://calendarscripts.info/ad-management-software.html) is out.
In addition to some minor fixes there are 2 main updates:
- Send receipt to advertiser after payment or (optionally) after activating package from the administration
- Send automated reminders after a package expires. This will help you receive more ad revenue. This is also configurable for each pricing plan and each advertiser
As usual previous customers get from 50% to 100% discount for upgrades depending on purchase date. Please [contact us](mailto:info@calendarscripts.info) for details.
Watu Plus - An Extended Version of Watu Exam
Since some time we are getting requests for extra features of watu exam. While most ideas are good, they won’t be suitable for every user of Watu Exam. As a result I decided the split the product in two versions – one cheaper for customers who need the basic functionality and one more expensive for those who want all.
The two versions are accessible from the [Watu Exam](http://calendarscripts.info/online-exam-software.html) page.
Any feature suggestions and comments are always welcome on info@calendarscripts.info
Watu Exam 2.1
What’s new:
– Limit exam by date range (option). If you select such date range, the exam/test will be accessible and displayed in students control panel only within the range
– Copy exam. A lot of users wanted to be able to copy existing exam into new one. Now this is possible.
As usual existing customers can contact me for the upgrade. It’s either free or 50% of the regular price depending on when was your original purchase.
BroadFast Autoresponder 2.7
We’ve made an important internal change in this version of our [autoresponder software](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html). While there are no visible changes, the way newsletters are scheduled is changed. This should allow scheduling a newsletter to very large mailing lists even on slow hosts. Until now the software scheduled all these emails in the DB, but when some people had lists of 100,000 subscribers this meant 100,000 DB queries. On slow shared hosts this often caused problems.
Now the new version runs one query for the newsletter regardless of your list size. While managing such large lists on shared hosts is asking for trouble, I wanted to make sure our software handles it.
If you have purchased less than an year ago you can contact me to get the upgrade for free. Otherwise upgrades are 50% of the regular price as usual.
BF Autoresponder 2.6
A quick note that our [autoresponder software](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html) is updated to version 2.6. Here’s the new:
- Improved UI
- Customization of double opt-in email and unsubscribe text
- Easier upgrade from previous versions
As usual, customers who have previous versions can contact me to get the upgrade either for free or for 50% of the cost depending on the time of their last purchase.
Free Ajax Poll (PHP, MySQL)
Polls are very simple things and yet so many people don’t get them right. I looked into many scripts and didn’t like most.
[Watu Ajax Poll](http://calendarscripts.info/ajax-poll.html) is an effort to make one that is really simple and just works. We are giving it 100% free without any obligations.
For the moment it’s self-hosted, i.e. you need to download it and install it on your site. If I get some good feedback, we may offer free hosted version so people will be able to just sign up, get their code and embed it in any site.
Feel free to fork us any mods! The source code is open and while not on Github yet, it’s available to poke.
E.M.M.A. - Easy Membership Management Application
I’ve been interested in membership sites for long time – they are really a great business model allowing you to sell your content to premium members instead of releasing it to public and hoping to earn from ads. Of course you need high quality content to build a good membership site.
And after you have created the content, a new pain appears – how to make it so only paid members can access it and even to give different access to different content to different members…
There are some (actually plenty of) membership softwares, but most I have seen are very hard to set up, bloated with features and too expensive. Perhaps the most popular of them is [aMember](http://amember.com/). $180 for membership site that looks so 2002? No, thanks.
I’ve built a simpler, cheaper and modern [membership site software](http://calendarscripts.info/emma/) called E.M.M.A. and am offering it to you for just $39. Free support, unlimited domains license, instant delivery, money back guarantee. You already know my stuff, no need to explain further.
Yes, it doesn’t have all the features of aMember – in fact it lack mostly those that you will not need anyway.
BroadFast Autoresponder 2.5
What’s new:
1. More email types:
– “send every X days” – for sending reminders each 10 days or 20 days etc
– “send every weekday” – for sending emails on each Monday, or Tuesday, or Friday…
2. Send email as both HTML and plain text – probably the best option for most marketers
The current price is $47. You can get the PHP autoresponder [here](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html).
If you are existing customer and your order is less than 1 year old you can claim your free upgrade.
BFT Light 1.2
There was a strange error in activating [BFT Lite](http://calendarscripts.info/autoresponder-wordpress.html) in WordPress versions 3.01 and up. I have fixed it now, so please go ahead and donwload the latest version, or install it directly from the WordPress repository.
Watu Exam Version 1.5
There is a major update in [Watu Exam](http://calendarscripts.info/online-exam-software.html) allowing exam takers (students) to log in and see the results of their exams, and also see any other available exams that are there to take. They also can take again those exams that allow to be taken again.
This move is a preparation for the future versions of Watu Plus which will be a more complete solution for exams, quizzes and tests. It’s a good idea to purchase Watu Exam now because there will be special discounts for existing customers when the big software is released.
Watu Quiz 1.3
The new version of [Watu Quiz](http://calendarscripts.info/quiz-script.html) is finally out. Here is what is new:
– Unicode support. Now you can create quizzes in any language
– Badges. When a quiz is taken, the user can post his result in any blog or website using the HTML badges. As you are able to include additional links in this badge this can be a great way to have users promote your site and quizzes. There is also a link for easy posting to Facebook.
– Some glitches are fixed too.
Don’t forget that upgrades are free within 1 year after purchase.
BFT Autoresponder Wordpress Plugin 1.1
Our [autoresponder plugin for Wordpres](http://calendarscripts.info/autoresponder-wordpress.html)s has been updated for compatibility for WordPress 3+. If you have not updated yet, do it now.
Broadfast Newsletter 1.8
This is a quick note. [Broadfast Email Newsletter](http://calendarscripts.info/email-newsletter-software.html) followed the autoresponder and also has an update using SwiftMailer. This means no more PEAR library will be required to send SMTP mails and now Sendmail is also available.
Another new in the version is subscribers search and sort and unicode support.
Registration API and No More PEAR - Version 2.2 Of Broadfast Autoresponder Is Online
We had some customers complaining that PEAR was hard to set up or was unavailable in their hosts. So here is the answer, no more need of PEAR! The latest version of the [php auto responder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html) uses the best mail sending library out there – [SwiftMailer](http://swiftmailer.org/). This leads to the following new features:
– Sendmail and SMTP email sending. Now it’s easy to choose between three protocols – PHP Mail, Sendmail and SMTP without the need to install anything else on your server.
– Attachments. Although we had a way to include files through “Files and Links” menu, looks like most users prefer to directly attach files to their emails. Well, this is now possible.
Another important addition is the registration API which allows advanced users to program user registrations through some other software. This can be very useful if you have existing membership system, blog or forum.
The price remains $37 for this version, but you should expect an increase soon, so it’s better to [order now](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html).
Eventy and Eventy Plus
Your [event calendar software](http://calendarscripts.info/event-calendar-software.html) now has an extended version called Eventy Plus. Instead of upgrading the original calendar and raising its price I decided to split it in two versions. Many customers like the calendar as is and there is no point in overloading it with features they don’t need. I know there are others however who need the few features of Eventy Plus:
- Multiuser interface. There is one superadmin and sub-admins. The sub-admins can add/edit/delete only their own events.
- Rich text editor CKEDITOR
- Sending email notifications for events with optional ICal support.
If you want to see other features, let me know! Feel free to comment on the prices as well.
A.M.Y. Version 1.0 is out
A.M.Y. is our new[ ad management software](http://calendarscripts.info/ad-management-software.html) for small to medium publishers. The software automates selling and maintaining advertising banners, text links and rich HTML ads for web publishers. There are detailed reports for both admin and advertisers, different types of ads, campaigns, pricing zones, plans etc.
We have started the product with a price of $29 as it’s still in beta stage. Once I get the first feedback from customers and add the most demanded extra features, the price will probably be raised to $39.
You can check out the demo and let me know what you think. Any feedback is highly appreciated.
Broadfast Autoresponder 2.1 Is Available
The latest version of the [PHP Autoresponder](http://calendarscripts.info/php-auto-responder.html) is available. Besides some nice UI updates, the most important new feature is the ability to assign one autoresponder to several mailing lists. This will give you more flexibility for your email marketing campaigns.
Nice Testimonial Received about BF Autoresponder
Normally I don’t ask people for testimonials neither I did it this time. I consider my customer service very good, but I know I sometimes answer the support requests as a typical geek. So it always surprises me nicely when customer say [such a nice thing](http://mikemoyer.org/2010/03/email-marketing-a-real-find/).
Mike Moyer is using the software for his [Trade Show Samurai](http://www.tradeshowsamurai.com/) site in a live environment so this has been a great test for me as well. He even discovered a bug which is useful for everyone who will buy the autoresponder.
Thanks Mike, and wish you success with your project.
Broadfast 1.7 Supports SMTP
This is just a quick update about the latest version of our [php mass mailer](http://calendarscripts.info/email-newsletter-software.html). After I got several requests for SMTP in the autoresponder and added that it resulted in more satisfied customers. So I decided to do it for Broadfast as well. And here is the new version – with SMTP support and bounced back tracking.
The price is now $17 – I believe it’s a fair price for the software.
Watu Exam Now With Images and Open End Questions
There were some requests to make our [exam testing software](http://calendarscripts.info/online-exam-software.html) work with images, so here it is: in the latest version there is a **“Image Gallery”** popup which allows you to upload unlimited number of images. Under each uploaded image the HTML code that can be used for exam questions, answers and grades is displayed. You can copy this code anywhere to create content with pictures.
The other interesting new feature is the ability to add **open end questions**. I had to think some time how to solve these, because the initial idea of this software is to calculate grade based on the user’s answers. Apparently this functionality is not required by everyone but I still wanted to allow calculating grade for open end questions. So here is what i came up with.
These questions will only optionally have answers. You can add unlimited number of answers to those questions and the system will not show them to the exam taker. Instead of that it will compare the freely entered text, case insensitively, to every answer. If answer is matched (assuming you have answers), the system will assign the points you have given to that answer. Simple and very efficient.
## Business
HOCK international: Case Study on the Flexibility and Customizability of Watu PRO
### Written By Kevin Hock, CFO of HOCK international
**Watu Pro – An Easy Choice**
[HOCK international](https://www.hockinternational.com/) prepares candidates for professional accounting exams, and test banks are a critical tool in our study programs. With thousands of multiple-choice questions per exam, we needed a way to categorize, organize, and offer questions by topic to students.
While it can be difficult to evaluate and choose from the dozens of quiz plugins available for WordPress, Watu Pro has been a cornerstone of our learning management system since 2014. In this case study, I will explain how we chose Watu Pro, show some of what is possible using Watu Pro, and give examples of how easily it can be customized.
Powerful and Flexible Test Bank
Watu Pro’s question categories allow us to organize the questions in a way that mirrors the exam structure, and then offer questions to students in various combinations, including by topic, by Section, and from multiple Sections. Furthermore, Watu Pro’s ability to re-use questions from entire quizzes rather than just selecting specific questions is a powerful and unique feature, even among other quiz systems that claim to offer test bank capabilities.
The following screenshot shows how easily a student can pick questions to study from one or many topics (and see their current statistics):

Detailed Statistics
Students preparing for professional certifications want detailed statistics about their performance. Watu Pro’s database tables store every student response in any easy-to-understand layout, which is convenient for creating custom queries to show the students’ progress. Aggregate queries such as SUM, COUNT, and MAX can all be used to create performance metrics. By storing the results of such queries in the WordPress user metadata table, statistics can be displayed in dashboards created through page builders like Beaver Builder, as shown in the following screenshot.

HOCK’s Customizations to Watu Pro
Beyond the built-in features, the modular design of Watu Pro allows PHP/MySQL programmers to easily edit the code. With only minimal modifications, we were able to add the following customizations:
- Show bar graphs of topic-by-topic performance using the wpDataTables plugin.
- Group incorrect answer choice explanations using expanders.
- Display explanations for only a limited number of unanswered questions on each quiz.
- Allow students to delete quizzes with a score under 25%.
- Show the percent correct next to each topic in the question selection list.
- Choose questions not yet answered correctly before repeating questions.
- Sort “All of the above” and “None of the above” to always appear as the last answer choice, even with answer randomization.
- Create reports for the percent of students who get each question correct on their first try to identify difficult or poorly-worded questions.
Extensive Visual Customization
Watu Pro uses CSS to control many aspects of the quiz layout. In the screenshots below, compare the standard Watu Pro layout to one of the layouts created by Watu’s designer to get an idea for how much the look and feel can be modified.
### Default Layout

### Customized Layout

The Watu Pro Advantage
Even when HOCK investigated commercial AI-driven learning systems, none of them could match the features offered by Watu Pro. Furthermore, being able to extend the capabilities of Watu Pro offers tremendous advantages over other quiz platforms. With the help of Watu Pro, HOCK has been able to offer a best-in-class learning experience for our students.
About HOCK international
Founded in 2000 by Brian Hock, [HOCK international](https://www.hockinternational.com/) provides complete and affordable study materials for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exams. In addition to the robust test bank powered by Watu Pro, HOCK also offers detailed textbooks, multimedia classroom videos, and the best support and guarantees on the market.
## Tips
Oddness in The WordPress Posts Loop and WP Query
While working on the new version of [Shortcode Revolution](https://wordpress.org/plugins/shortcode-revolution/) we faced a couple of confusing behaviors of WordPress functions. I’ll document them here and will keep adding such information. Hopefully it can help other developers and save them a lot of time and frustration.
Excluding posts from WP Query (using post__not_in)
There is a good comment [here](https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/268662/why-post-not-in-is-ignored/268663) explaining that post__not_in wouldn’t work when used with post__in in the same query. This is a good note but our query did not include post__in and post__not_in was still simply ignored. I did not dig deep into the code to see why this happens – the conclusion was simply not to use it.
Here is an example how we get 3 random related posts in Shortcode Revolution:
$query = [];
// we add 1 to the default number of posts which is 3 or to the user-passed number or posts
$query['posts_per_page'] = (empty($atts['num']) or !is_numeric($atts['num'])) ? 4 : intval($atts['num']) + 1;
$query['orderby'] = 'rand';
// getting the posts here
$wp_query = new WP_Query($query);
$posts = $wp_query->posts;
// now because this is "related posts" query, we don't want the current post to be repeated below it. So let's filter it out
// $post_id is a variable we have defined earlier in the shortcode and it contains the current post ID
// we are using array_filter with a closure here. You can do it inside a loop with a counter but this solution is more elegant
$posts = array_filter($posts, function($p) use($post_id) {
return ($p->ID != $post_id);
// if the current post was not there we have one more than needed
if($query['posts_per_page'] < count($posts)) array_pop($posts);
So that’s it – you just get more posts than you need and then remove the unwanted ones in PHP.
Showing the excerpt outside of the post loop – get_the_excerpt
If you look at the [documentation](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_the_excerpt/) it sounds like you can call get_the_excerpt with any post ID and receive the excerpt for that post id. Good luck! You may get the proper excerpt (sometimes!) but won’t get the automatically generated “read more” link properly. The first version of our code was this and it did not work:
foreach($posts as $p):
$background_image = has_post_thumbnail( $p->ID ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail_url($p->ID) : '';
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt($p->ID);
I intentionally did not use $posts as $post to avoid overriding the global $post variable but apparently this was wrong. Fortunately [this comment](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_the_excerpt/#comment-2457) gave me the hint how to fix it:
foreach($posts as $p):
// yes, do override the global!
$post = $p;
// and you need to setup_postdata($post)
$background_image = has_post_thumbnail( $p->ID ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail_url($p->ID) : '';
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt($p->ID);
And after the end of the loop don’t forget to reset the post data:
## Knowledge base
Namaste! LMS Bridge for GamiPress
We have just released an [integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/namaste-lms-bridge-for-gamipress/) between [Namaste! LMS](https://namaste-lms.org/) and [GamiPress.](https://gamipress.com/)
The integration adds new activity events that let you award GamiPress points of any type when any of the following events happen in Namaste! LMS:
#### For Courses
- When a student finish a course
- When a student finish a specific course
#### For Modules (When Modules are Enabled)
- When a student user finish a module
- When a student finish a specific module
- When a student finish a module of a specific course
#### For Lessons
- When a student complete a lesson
- When a student complete a specific lesson
- When a student complete a lesson of a specific course
The new events are visible in the “When” drop-down selector in Add/Edit point type page:

Feel free to send us any suggestions for other events in this integration.
## Namaste! LMS
Namaste! LMS Bridge for GamiPress
We have just released an [integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/namaste-lms-bridge-for-gamipress/) between [Namaste! LMS](https://namaste-lms.org/) and [GamiPress.](https://gamipress.com/)
The integration adds new activity events that let you award GamiPress points of any type when any of the following events happen in Namaste! LMS:
#### For Courses
- When a student finish a course
- When a student finish a specific course
#### For Modules (When Modules are Enabled)
- When a student user finish a module
- When a student finish a specific module
- When a student finish a module of a specific course
#### For Lessons
- When a student complete a lesson
- When a student complete a specific lesson
- When a student complete a lesson of a specific course
The new events are visible in the “When” drop-down selector in Add/Edit point type page:

Feel free to send us any suggestions for other events in this integration.
## Uncategorized
Myers-Briggs Tests in WatuPRO
This tutorial will show you how to create Myers-Briggs personality quizzes in WatuPRO. It covers the technical side of things and not the psychological side – we won’t be showing what specific questions you have to ask to create such tests. This example will be about creating a “Keirsey temperaments” tests but it can be used for any other kind of Myers-Briggs type of quiz.
If you prefer a video, here you go:
Still we recommend reading the post below for more details.
Step 1: It Does Not Need To Be Marked as a Personality Quiz
I know it may sound confusing, but because Myers-Briggs is a very specific type of test, it’s actually easier to be created as a “knowledge” test where answers get points assigned to them and do not directly assign a personality type. **So you don’t need to select the following setting:**

**Leave it unchecked.**
Step 2: Create Question Categories
Because Myers-Briggs tests rank the respondent into multiple categories, you need to create them as question categories in the system. Using the classic example, there are four categories: Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving:

There is no need to create question sub-categories.
Step 3: Create Your Questions
It’s up to you how many questions you are going to ask and how many points you’ll assign to each of the answers. Typically these tests have mostly single-answer questions but it’s also very common to use “from-to” sliders and [likert scales](https://blog.calendarscripts.info/likert-scale-survey-maker-for-watupro/).
What is important here is:
- **Each of your questions should belong to one of the four categories.** If it’s a question showing how introvert is the quiz taker then it goes to Extraversion/Introversion category. If it’s about sensitivity it goes in the Sensing/Intuition category and so on.
- **Decide how you will assign the points.** For example if you have 10 questions in each category and each question gives from 0 to 10 points depending on the answer, this means the user cat collect between 0 and 100 points in each category. This is important for the next step where you’ll define the grading.
- **You need to follow some logic:** for example if the answer means the user is more inrovert you may want to give more points to that answer. Follow this logic on all questions so at the end more than half of the possible points collected will mean the user is more extrovert than introvert. Similarly do in the other categories.
Step 4: Create Your Grades (Personality Types)
This classical type of Myers-Briggs test has 16 possible combinations of user’s performance in each category, so it has 16 personality types (see [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator)): ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ.
So, you need to create 16 grades or personality types for this test. **Here’s the most important part**: you need the option “The final grade in this quiz will depend on the performance on different question categories” selected:

This will allow you, for every single result, to define the ranges of points that the user needs to collect in order to fall into it. So if we go back to our example with 0 to 100 points possible in each question category, we’ll then know that between 0 and 50 puts the respondent in the first group for that category (which in Extraversion/Introversion would mean he’s an extravert) and 51 to 100 points puts the user into the other group (inroverts). Knowing this for every of the 4 categories, we are able to define the exact criteria for each “grade”:
ISTJ example
The above example is ISTJ: more points going to Introvert, all other categories got less point which put the user into the first group of each. Please note it’s up to you how many points can be in category and how the points put the user into one of the two groups, but it’s important to follow the same logic in all questions.
Here’s an ESFP example:
ESFP example
Here the user ranks as extrovert, perceiving, sensing and feeling. Note that the system will show you the categories in alphabetical order, not in the order of Myers-Briggs tests so be careful how you enter the point ranges.
Step 5: Display Quiz Results
Because these tests are specific you will most likely not want to show points, % correct answers, etc standard texts at the end of the quiz. You’ll most likely want to show only the achieved result. So go to Edit Quiz -> Final Page / Quiz Result and edit the default content to something like this:

This is probably all you want to display. If for some reason you want to include also the %%ANSWERS%% variable to show how the user answered each question, you will not want to show correct / incorrect checkmarks because such quiz has no correct or wrong answers. So go to Edit Quiz page -> Advanced Settings tab and select to hide them:

That’s it, now your Myers-Briggs test needs only to be published.
[Arigato PRO] The {{url}} Variable
Most configurable emails in [BroadFast for WordPress](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) allow using the {{url}} variable. It gets contextually replaced by URL toi subscribe, unsubscribe etc (as appropriate).
**Please note that the variable will not automatically be replaced with a HTML hyperlink**. It will be replaced with **URL only**. If you want to explicitly make it clickable HTML hyperlink you can do this with the rich text editor or if you prefer the Text mode, just write:
The idea is to let you use free text, for example:
`Click here!`
Of course if you are sending plain text emails it’s best to leave it as URL only. Most modern email programs will make it clickable anyway.
Subscribe By Sending Email in Arigato PRO
From version 2.2.7 the WordPress autoresponder plugin Arigato PRO supports “Subscribe by sending email” feature.
Here is how it works: you need to designate an email address and enter your POP3 login details in the new “Subscribe by Email” page:
Then the plugin’s cron job will login once per day to this account and will check all emails older less than one week. The users who sent email to this address will get subscribed to the selected mailing list(s) and accordingly to the settings you set:
You can specify a phrase in the email subject that will be used to recognize who should subscribe (so spam or other random email won’t be processed). This lets you even to use the email address for other correspondence although this is not recommended.
How Do I Get The Update?
If you are not yet a customer, please [purchase the plugin](http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/) from our site. If you are existing customer eligible for upgrade we will send you upgrade by a newsletter when version 2.3 is completed. Don’t want to wait? Email us and we’ll send you 2.2.7 right away.