Tag Archives: badgeos

Basic BadgeOS Integration in WatuPRO Play Plugin

From version 1.8.9 the Play plugin for the quiz software WatuPRO supports basic integration with BadgeOS. The integration allows you to automatically award BadgeOS achievemt when WatuPRO Play Badge is awarded.

To do this you simply need to select a checkbox and enter the BadgeOS integration ID number:

badgeos-achievementThat’s it, save it and when the user achieves the Play badge, they will also achieve the associated BadgeOS badge.

If you don’t know the BadgeOS achievement ID you can find it by going to the page that lists the achievements and click on Edit for the one you want. The ID is visible in the address bar of the browser. Something like: post.php?post=62&action=edit – here the ID is 62.