There is a big update in WatuPRO for WordPress. The version number suddenly jumped to 2.0 because there are many and quite important updates (in addition to a few bug fixes). Here is what’s new, not in particular order:
- Question categories. Optionally you can select to display the quiz with questions grouped by category.
- Right answer explanation/feedback – optional, shown at the end of the exam. Good way to educate your users/students
- Pull number of answers from all the answers of a question. Helpful to make answers less predictable when exam is taken many times.
- Reorder questions (makes sense if you don’t display them randomized)
- Required questions – don’t let the user continue before answering these.
- Default user roles can work with the exams. Why is this important? Up to now Watu was using Students role, applied on registration from exam page, that was the only allowed to access the exams. But in practice you may want your existing users – subscribers, authors etc, also to work with the exams.
- Import/Export questions to CSV (Excel) file
- User groups and exam categories. You can now limit the access of different user groups to different exam categories. So for example “Basic students” get “basic exams”, “Intermediate” students can get “basic” and “intermediate” exams etc. Or you can separate them by topic – it’s all your choice and is entirely optional.

As the first version of WatuPRO was released this year, all existing customers are eligible for a free upgrade (please mail me at if you want to get it).
And here is how to upgrade safely without losing any data.