Monthly Archives: April 2018

WatuPRO and GDPR

From version 5.8.8 WatuPRO offers a feature that will help you be GDPR compliant.

The checkbox to enable it is in WatuPRO Settings page, section User Settings and Pages:

When selected the feature will enable two links in logged in users “My Quizzes” page:

  • Delete my results
  • Export my results

When enabled, the GDPR function will also mask user’s IP addresses when this data is stored as quiz results. Note that we’ll still store full one-way coded hash of the IP address to allow IP-based quiz attempt limitations to work.

Few things to note:

  • We are not your legal advisor and cannot guarantee this alone makes you GDPR compliant. If in doubt, consult a legal advisor. Either way we’ll take no liability.
  • This feature is for registered / logged in users. If you are collecting sensitive personal data from non-registered users you should let them know they can contact you to have their data deleted or exported. To be on the safe side we’d rather not collect sensitive data from non logged in users at all.
  • Be careful with all plugins and bridges that move user’s data automatically, subscribe them to mailing lists, etc. Using them is not illegal but users should be informed and should explicitly agree.

If you strongly believe the plugin could provide other features that make GDPR compliance easier please do get in touch with us at

Import Questions in the Free Watu Plugin

From version 3.0.3 Watu supports basic question import which allows you to import questions from CSV file. Note that not all properties are included. If you want comprehensive CSV imports you need WatuPRO and its imports.

The Import File Format

Download sample file: import-simple. (right-click and choose “Save as”. Note: the file is COMMA delimited.)

This is a simple CSV file that has only two columns with question properties:

  • Question contents
  • Question type – radio, checkbox, textarea
  • Is required? Enter 1 for required and 0 for non-required question.
  • Optional answer feedback. The column should be there even if the feedback if empty.

Then the answers follow in unlimited sets of 3 columns in this order:

  • Answer contents
  • Is correct? (Enter “0” for wrong answer and “1” for correct answer)
  • Points assigned


The import functions are tested literally thousand times on multiple systems. No exaggeration. They work fine.

If you have problems importing you must check the following before opening a support topic:

a) The field delimiter. Most CSV files are comma-delimited (this is where the name comes from). Our demo files listed here are comma-delimited. That’s why comma is selected by default. This does not mean all files are comma delimited. Maybe someone gave you a file that is tab-delimited. Or maybe your Excel is configured to export semicolon delimited files. You can usually figure out the proper delimiter when you try to open the file in Excel or Libre Office calc. But if you can’t: if your import is wrong, just try the other field delimiters.

b) The foreign characters checkbox. It is under the Skip title row checkbox.

Normally it should not be checked. Do not check it unless you have tried the different formats and field delimiters