This is an important update to WatuPRO addressing some customer requests. Here are the news:
- Email shows in taking details for everyone who provided it (logged in or not)
- Cumulative per-question stats (in Reporting module) which make WautPRO even more suitable for surveys
- Improvements to how the timer works
- Description for a question category (optional). If you enter it, the description will be displayed when the test questions are grouped and paginated by category.
- More flexible control over the calculation logic of correct/incorrect questions (for multiple-choices and “fill the gaps” questions). You can now decide whether all answers should be correct or only one, to consider the whole question correctly answered.
- Practice mode now respects the selections you make about ordering and grouping questions (it used to just randomize them)
- Manually edit/grade already taken exam (available in Intelligence module). You will be able to change the results and the grade, percentage and possible certificate assignment will be recalculated. Email can be sent to the user with the new details.
That’s it in 3.4.
Thanks for being with us!