Monthly Archives: January 2014

WatuPRO 4.1: Question Hints, Multiuser Management, PDF Certificates, And More

Here are the new and improved features in WatuPRO 4.1:

  1. New powerful feature – question hints. They are optional, you can enable multiple hints for every question, and specify how many hints the user is allowed to see total in the quiz and per question.
  2. New detailed report showing a list of all answers on a question (Reporting module).
  3. You can now add a custom “Start” button on each quiz which will hide the quiz content until the button is clicked (works both on timed and non-timed quizzes). More info here.
  4. Improved interface on “Copy questions” page lets you see them grouped by category.
  5. Option to cleanup all taking data on specific exam.
  6. Added visible Paypal error log for seeing payment errors (Intelligence module).
  7. Multiuser management is now available in the Intelligence module (there is a link on the WatuPRO Settings page, right under Role management).
  8. PDF certificates can be generated through DocRaptor.
  9. Custom roles can also be selected to manage exams.
  10. The text “Question 1 of X” is not shown when the quiz has only 1 question.
  11. Added a second import method to solve problems that some customers have with importing questions with foreign characters.
  12. You can choose to add the new question in the beginning instead of at the end of the quiz.
  13. Improved performance and fixed small bug with backslashes on “Stats per questions” page
    (Reporting module).
  14. Improved the way “Fill the gaps” question look when submitted (Intelligence module).
  15. Added link to view / print certificate from the “users who earned it” page.
  16. Automatically redirecting non logged in users to login page when trying to view certificates.
  17. Added required question warning when quiz is paginated one page per question category.
  18. Fixed bug with category grades showing in the “re-submitting is allowed only if…” section.
  19. Fixed bug with importing multiple categories when you import XLS file with new question categories.

The upgrade is sent to all eligible customers.

Create Start Button in WatuPRO Using The {{{button}}} Tag

Since version 4.0.8 WatuPRO supports starting the quiz with a start buttons, similar to how other plugins do it. We don’t do this by default because it’s not suitable for all cases. But it’s super easy to configure, and this page will show you how.

Please do not use this together with “Ask for user contact details” setting. When you require user contact details, the button is created automatically when appropriate.

The start button tag should be placed into the quiz description box, and it will render a HTML button tag. More about this later.

Timed and Non-Timed Quizzes

First, note the difference between timed quizzes (quizzes with time-limit) and non-timed quizzes (quizzes without time limed). If you place the start button in a timed quiz, the start button will appear in the place of our default “Click here to start exam” link. If you place the start button in a non-timed quiz, the button will appear where you have placed it in the description.

See example timed quiz and example non-timed quiz.

Configure the button

By default placing the {{{button}}} tag will generate a HTML button tag with default style and text “Start Exam”. But you can easily customize this:

{{{button "Start My Quiz Now"}}} – just add text in quotes after the button word (don’t forget the space) and WatuPRO will generate the button with that text.

{{{button "Start My Quiz Now" "color:green;background-color:black;padding:20px;"}}} – add any CSS as third argument (note the space and the quotes) and WatuPRO will apply your CSS to the button.
