Monthly Archives: January 2019

WatuPRO 6.1

The WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO has been updated to version 6.1. Here is the list of improvements and fixes:

  • Now the rich text editor is available on all answers of questions without the need to save the question first, all on the same page, in a lot more convenient way than before.
  • Difficulty level can be passed in the quiz shortcode like this: watupro X difficulty_level=”Easy” (where X is the quiz ID). In such case it will override any selection made in the Edit quiz form.
  • You can overwrite the default style.css file by placing a copy of it in your theme folder, under folder called “watupro” (similar to how you can override view files and the main JS file). Note that this should be used only for quite specific adjustments. Most design adjustments are better done by design themes.
  • Now you can have more than one certificate earned by a single test attempt: one regular certificate attached to a grade plus any number of “multiple quiz” certificates as long as taking that specific quiz triggers them because of satisfied requirements.
  • Each certificate allows using custom text for the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable on the final screen. When used will replace the default “You can now print your certificate” text.
  • Multiple quiz certificates can require min. percentage and points for every quiz in the selected group instead of just averages from all attempts. For compatibility with existing setups the old option remains default.
  • The quiz timer support decimals, for example 2.5 minutes.
  • Placing the tag {{{loggedin}}} inside the final screen allows you to show different content to logged in and non-logged in users. The contents before the tag will be shown to the logged in users  and the contents after the tag to the strangers. This lets you for example invite visitors to register to take new quizzes and so on.
  • When user ran out of time in a timed quiz and their results were automatically submitted, this will be shown under “time spent” column on “View results” page.
  • The feature “Hold displaying the results until a date in the future” (available in the Final Screen tab of the Edit quiz page) now allows you to limit this holding period only to chosen user groups or user roles. This way for example you can have immediate results for premium users and delayed results for other users.
  • Added optional log for tests with timer. You can enable it from the Advanced Settings tab of Edit quiz page. Do it only in case you suspect timer problems.
  • You can now allow users to print the final screen as PDF. The option is on Edit Quiz -> Quiz Output tab and requires PDF bridge version 1.4.3 or newer.
  • Added filter for developers which allows you to plug in completely custom grade calculation. More information at
  • Resolved CSS conflict with MathJax on some themes. If you have problems with formulas you need to check the MathJax checkbox on WatuPRO Settings page.
  • Improvements to the category based paginator: highlights the first category at initial loading and properly highlights the category tab when going back to previous question with the Previous button.
  • When a numbered question paginator is used and a question is marked for review the number for that question will get a dashed border.
  • Added attribute “per_page” to the watupro-takings shortcode to specify other than the default 10 results per page. Set it to -1 if you want to display all attempts on a single page.
  • Made improvements to timer handling and logging.
  • Added option to enter your custom “You need to be logged in or registered” text for user-only quizzes along with custom login URL. This allows to integrate better with custom built login and registration pages, use your own image or button etc.
  • Added filter ‘watupro-user-file-uploaded’ before storing user uploaded files as question answers.
  • New parameter added to watupro-takings shortcode: show_contact_data. When set to 1 it will display the additional contact data from the “ask user for contact details” section, when such data is collected. Note that this data will be shown under the name and not in separate columns.
  • Added option to show category title and description on every page when the questions are grouped per category but the pagination is not “one page per question category”. For example this can be very useful for quizzes paginated one page per question.
  • Now you can use your custom social sharing buttons. Set their URLs on the WatuPRO Social Sharing options page.
  • The WatuPRO Options page now has tabs for easier navigation.
  • Added quiz ID filter to the other filters on Manage Quizzes page.
  • Added shortcode watupro-paginator to place the questions or category paginator outside of the quiz shortcode (for custom layouts). More details in the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu.
  • The external paginator shortcode now allows vertical display.
  • Added 25px default space before the “Question X of Y” line and made this configurable in the Settings page -> Theme and Design tab.
  • Made improvements to the responsiveness of the buttons under the quiz. They will flexibly flow on various devices and screen sizes. The legacy buttons table can still be preferred by adjusting a setting in the Theme and Design tab of the WatuPRO Settings page.
  • Added subcategories to quiz categories for better organization.
  • [Intelligence module] Added option to replace user entered multiple spaces in “Fill the gaps” questions with single space to ignore basic typing errors. The option is in the Advanced Settings tab of the Edit quiz page.
  • [Intelligence module] Added optional attributes for the bundle buttons that allow you to display text with dynamic price above each button. You can find information about the attributes on the Manage Quiz Bundles page under the table with bundles.
  • [Intelligence module] New option in personality quizzes allows you to have only one personality assigned as a result even if multiple personalities collect equal maximal number of points. If you select the option, one of the matching personality will be randomly selected.
  • Added more space between question choices on small screens to avoid clickable elements being too close together on the screen. This can be changed in the Design Adjustments section of the WatuPRO Settings page.
  • Fixed issues with %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% variable: an un-closed div and not showing uploaded files for questions that accept them.
  • Fixed bug: {{{ID}}} variable was not replaced in “table view” of the View Details popup.
  • Fixed issues with FB sharing, used the new SDK because the old dialog is no longer supported properly by FB.
  • Fixed CSS issue with prev/next buttons showing one under the other on mobile devices.
  • Fixed bug: “details_no_popup” attribute did not work in watupro-myxeams shortcode.
  • Fixed bug: when “0” was entered as possible correct answer on an open-end question it was not recognized as correct.
  • Fixed bug: after introducing decimals in timer the option to let user choose questions did not work.
  • [Intelligence module] Fixed bug with saving custom currency on the Payment Settings page.
  • Fixed bugs with saving Facebook sharing options.