Mozilla Open Badges Support in Watu Pro Play Plugin

Finally, it’s here. Version 1.7 of the Play Plugin for Watu PRO is just uploaded.

Open Badges Support

The most important new feature is Mozilla Open Badges support. How does it work? Really simple:

  • Check “Issue as Mozilla Open Badge” checkbox when you add or edit your badge.
  • Make sure you fill your Issuer organization settings (the link is given right under the checkbox
  • Enter badge graphic URL. It must be a .png graphic. If you want to upload a file, just use the Add Media button right above the large box for “Badge Content or Graphic” which is above the checkbox. Then copy the URL from the uploaded graphic
  • Enter badge criteria URL. It’s required by open badge specification. This can be a page that explains when the badge is assigned.
  • That’s it. If you are sending mail when user receives a badge (this setting is available in the Manage Badges page), you will be able to use the new {{open-badges-url}} to give a link for accepting the badge.
  • Another new feature – user overview page – will let your users add their badges from their overview page. Read more about it below.

User Overview Page

This is a new page that shows up in the user dashboard under “My Exams” menu. However it is optional, so you need to enable it from the WatuPRO Play main page. At the bottom there is a checkbox to activate user overview page.

We have added a basic default design for this page, but you are free to design it yourself using the available shortcodes.

User Rewards Shortcode

Speaking about new shortcodes, in 1.7 we have added [watuproplay-userrewards] shortcode to display the current user redeemed rewards. When used as [watuproplay-userrewards x]  the shortcode can show rewards of any specified user. Insead of x enter the user ID.

If you have other desired features for the Play plugin, please share in the comments!

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