Author Archives: admin

[WatuPRO Intelligence Module] Restart Quiz Attempts When Payment Is Made

From version 6.4.8 of WatuPRO (with the Intelligence module installed) there is a new feature for paid quizzes:

It gives you a new level of flexibility allowing you to sell a fixed number of attempts on a quiz for a fee. Here are a few examples how it works:

  • If you allow only one attempt on the quiz, a payment will allow a new attempt.
  • If you allow for example 5 attempts, after the 5th attempt the quiz taker will again be shown the payment option and let them have another 5 attempts.
  • If you allow 2 attempts per 24 hours and the quiz taker uses them, they can purchase another 2 attempts for the next 24 hours.
  • If you have selected that the quiz can be re-taken only after at least 12 hours from the previous attempt, user who does not want to wait can pay and void the limitation.

This new flexible option will give you even more opportunities to monetize your quizzes.

Using Rewards in WatuPRO Play Plugin

The rewards are a good way to enhance participation in your site. When users complete quizzes, they collect points (these same points that you assign to question answers). Rewards can be purchased using the collected points. This can encourage your users to take quizzes (even paid ones) and get rewards.

Creating Rewards

Go to Manage Rewards under the WatuPRO Play menu link in your dashboard and create some rewards:

Each reward can be described by an image, content, media, just anything.

The rewards can be tangible (like a book, sweets, a t-shirt) or intangible (like an e-book, premium membership, etc.). Ideally you should enter quantity for tangible items so you don’t run out of them. But you can do it even for intangible ones to create scarcity.

How Do Users Redeem Rewards?

There are shortcodes you can use to publish a page with available rewards: [watuproplay-rewards table] to display the rewards in a table and [watuproplay-rewards column] to display them into a single column.

Publish one of these shortcodes either on a front-end page of your site or into the User Overview page which you can enable at the bottom of the main WatuPRO Play page in yoru administration.

Use the shortcode watuproplay-points to display the user’s available points balance so they know what rewards they can redeem.

The users will see the list of rewards and will be able to click on the “Redeem” button in case their points balance is enough.

The Process of Redeeming a Reward

Once the participant clicks on the Redeem button their points balance gets reduced with the cost of the reward. The reward is not redeemed automatically! It goes into pending status.

It’s recommended to create an on-screen message which will let the user know that their reward is going to be processed:

You, as an admin will actually ship the physical rewards, enable premium memberships. So you can use the email notification option on the Manage Rewards page to get an email when someone has redeemed a reward.

Once you have “shipped”, go to Manage Rewards page -> View and Ship Redeemed Rewards link -> Not delivered to see and mark these rewards as delivered:

User Rewards Page

In addition to the on-screen message you can enable a section showing the user what rewards they have redeemed along with their status – completed or pending. Use the shortcode watuproplay-userrewards to display such a table. You can do it on a page on the front-end of the site, or inside the User Overview box so it will be shown in the dashboard.

Event Triggers in Intelligence Module for Arigato PRO

Event triggers are powerful way to do automated actions in your WordPress auto-responder when certain events happen. This page explains the event triggers in the Intelligence module for Arigato RPO:

Subscribes to is a pretty obvious trigger. It fires immediately when a subscriber subscribes to a selected mailing list.

Unsubscribes from, similar to the above fires immediately. It lets you subscribe the user to another list (not recommended without their agreement!), automatically unsubscribe them from other lists, etc.

Clicks on is a trigger that fires immediately when the subscriber clicks in a trackable link inside the email message. Trackable links are another feature enabled by the Intelligence module. It lets you track clicks and CTR on links that you insert in your messages.

Does not click on is a pseudo-trigger that is executed once daily. There is no event “not click” on a link but with these pseudo triggers you can select that something will happen if the user does not perform an action within X days of their registration. In this case the trigger means: do something if the user does not click on a selected link within, for example 30, days of their registration. It does not matter in what email message the trackable link is sent, how many times it is sent, or even if it is not sent at all. If there is no click from that user after X days, the trigger fires.

Reads autoresponder email is an immediate trigger. It fires when the subscriber opens the selected email. Note that these triggers are not reliable as many email programs ignore the hidden image that we use to track email openings. There will be false-negatives, so don’t use the trigger for anything too important.

Does not read autoresponder email is another pseudo-trigger. There is no real “event” here but you can create this daily trigger that will check once per day if the subscriber has opened the selected autoresponder message. If after X days of their registration they still have not read the email, the trigger fires. As with “reads autoresponder email” trigger above, these two triggers are not reliable. There will be false-positives.

Stays subscribed in is a daily trigger too. Once daily the program checks if the subscriber is still with us. You can select that if she stays subscribed for 180 (for example) days, she may get tagged as long-term subscriber, moved to another mailing list, or something else.

Receives autoresponder email is an immediate trigger. It fires at the moment a specific message is successfully sent to the subscriber from your server. There is no guarantee that the email has been read.