Author Archives: admin

WatuPRO 5.8

WatuPRO 5.8 is ready with new features and improvements. Here’s the changelog:

  • Added flashcards question type (a sub-type of multiple-choice questions). Learn more how they work at
  • Added color & text size settings for flashcard questions.
  • Added variable %%QUIZ_CAT%% to display the test category in certificates.
  • Added optional URL parameters for each of the “Ask user for contact details” fields. They allow you to pass data from a different page in the link to the quiz and pre-fill contact fields.
  • New shortcode watupro-retake lets you display a “Try again” link or button at the final screen of the quiz.
  • New option lets you automatically add a toggle button on answer feedback so the feedback is hidden by default. Will be useful on large quizzes and quizzes with a lot of feedback on questions.
  • You can now restrict a test to selected user accounts by entering user logins or email addresses.
  • [Namaste! LMS Integration] you can restrict access to tests if they are required by lessons until the assigned lessons have been read.
  • Question paginator improvements for mobile devices: a button show / hide will appear accordingly to the screen resolution and the paginator state (for tests with more than 10 questions).
  • Added option to limit how many days after the first attempt the user can re-attempt the quiz. This works for logged in users together with the other re-attempting limits.
  • A new option lets you force RTL display on individual quizzes. This is sometimes needed when the whole site is not RTL or when the default theme cannot properly handle the quiz RTL display.
  • You can now specify which quiz results (grades) will trigger the email to admin similar to how you could do it for emails to quiz taker.
  • Added stats for quizzes taken yesterday, last month, this year and last year to the WatuPRO dashboard widget.
  • Added parameter “placeholder” for the watupro-result shortcode: this is text to display if the result is empty.
  • [Play plugin integration] Loaded modal dialog scripts. You’ll need this if you want to use the new Play feature that opens a modal pop-up if the user earns a badge or level when taking a quiz.
  • [Namaste! LMS Integration] You can now filter quiz results based on course enrollment in Namaste! LMS.
  • As planned, the legacy import/export of questions is removed leaving only the new formats.
  • Added filters for the email contents of email sent when quiz is completed (to allow custom plugins alter the contents).
  • [Intelligence module] New feature for paid test: you can define an increase or decrease of the price for each subsequent quiz attempt (for tests that charge on each attempt) untill a min or max threshold is met.
  • [Intelligence module] The Runtime logic feature has been deprecated. Please use the free Chained Logic addon instead. The feature will not be removed for backward compatibility.
  • [Fixed bug] Stripe options were not saved correctly for paid quizzes.
  • [Fixed bug] Analytics event tracker was causing error on non-Ajax quizzes.
  • [Fixed bug] watupro-result shortcode was not handling properly cases when quiz_id was passed as argument but latest attempt was on a different quiz.
  • [Fixed bug] “Calculate chekbox question as a whole” option did not work if Intelligence module was not present.
  • [Fixed bug] When changing the word for quiz / quizzes on the Settings page the change was not reflected on the page and caused confusion.
  • [Fixed bug] Personality quizzes should not show correct or incorrect checkmarks on questions.
  • [Fixed bug] Certificate approval emails did not add entry in the email log.
  • [Fixed bug] When a page has required question going back to the previous page should still be allowed.

How To Allow Users to Select WatuPRO User Group on Ultimate Member’s Registration Form

Ultimate Member is one of the popular free WordPress plugins for custom registration pages. So we added some code to allow integrating with their forms.

This integration requires version of WatuPRO not older than

To make this work you need to create a drop-down selector field in your Ultimate Member form. Then follow these two steps:

  1. The meta_key of the field should be watupro_groups
  2. The Choices callback value should be exactly watupro_get_user_groups

That’s it, save your field and you are all set in Ultimate member.

3. Then in WatuPRO -> User Groups page make sure the following option is checked and save:

Now when someone registers through your Ultimate Member forms they will be able to choose user group from WatuPRO.

Flashcard Questions in WatuPRO

A new WatuPRO feature from version 5.7.6 allows you to create flashcard questions.

What is it?

In essence flashcard questions are multiple-choice questions presented as flashcards. Each flashcard has two sides that are supposed to match. But since this is a quiz you will probably want to make some wrong flashcards so the quiz taker should show which are correct and which are wrong. If a flashcard’s back side correctly matches the front side, the respondent should leave the card flipped on the back side. If the match is not correct, the respondent should click again to unflip the flashcard.

You can see an example of such quiz at the end of this post.

How to set it up?

Flashcards are just multiple-choices questions where each answer is a flashcard – either correct or a wrong one. So you first need to create a multiple choices question:

Then select that the question will use flashcards:

Note that you can’t use the checkbox groups feature together with flashcards so one of the options will always be automatically unchecked.

Then for each answer of the question you enter the two sides of the flashcard, separated by the chosen flashcard separator. By default it is = (in which case obviously the front or back cannot contain = sign). You can change the separator in the flashcard design settings page.

Here’s an example of a question that matches countries to cities:

Some flashcards match correctly while others do not. This is exactly the same logic of the usual “Multiple-choices / checkbox” questions.

Flashcard Design Settings

Next to the “This uses flashcards” checkbox you will see a link to the flashcard design settings page. It allows you to specify how the flashcards look and what separator you will use when entering both sides of the flashcard:

An Example

Here’s an example quiz to see how this works:

1. Countries / Cities
2. Countries / Continents
South America