Author Archives: admin

Filters for the watupro-takings Shortcode

Note: by default this page contains administration functions and is not visible to public. You can allow public read-only acces to this page by passing public=1 as shortcode attribute.

The attribute wrap=1 ensures that the shortcode is placed in a scrollable div and the table will always fit the page horizontally. Remove it in case you don’t want this.

Example: [watupro-takings quiz_id=5 public=1]

Since version 5.7 WatuPRO supports filters for the watupro-takings shortcode that let you mimic the filtered results from the administration:

orderby – the field which to order by. You can see the possible values from the links in the admin page.

dir – the direction, ASC or DESC

taker_name – the whole name or part of it (depending on the filter parameter below)

taker_name_filter – how to filter on the name. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

email – the whole email address or part of it (depending on the filter parameter below)

email_filter – how to filter on the email address. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

company – the value of the optional “Company” field, when presented. Can contain the whole company name or part of it depending on the filter type below. Note that the field does not necessarily contain a company name – you can change the label to ask for any kind of information, but the shortcode parameter remains company.

company_filter – how to filter on this field. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

phone – the value of the optional “Phone” field, when presented. Can contain the whole company name or part of it depending on the filter type below. Note that the field does not necessarily contain a phone – you can change the label to ask for any kind of information, but the shortcode parameter remains phone.

phone_filter – how to filter on this field. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

field_1 – the value of the optional custom field 1 when presented. Can contain the whole value or part of it depending on the filter type below.

field_1_filter – how to filter on this field. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

field_2 – the value of the optional custom field 1 when presented. Can contain the whole value or part of it depending on the filter type below.

field_2_filter – how to filter on this field. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

role – use it to limit by user role. Can contain only exact value.

ugroup – use it to limit by WatuPRO user group. Can contain a single group ID. Not the name of the group.

ip – the ip of the quiz taker, a whole one or just a part of it depending on the filter type below.

ip_filter – how to filter on this field. Possible values: contains, starts, ends, equals.

points – the number of points collected – exact, less than or more than depending on the filter type below.

points_filter – how to filter on points. Possible values: less, more, equals. For example when points=5 and points_filter=less this will return only results with less than 5 points collected.

percent_correct – the percentage correct answers, from 0 to 100. Can be exact comparison or checking for less or more depending on the filter type below.

percent_correct_filter – how to filter on % correct answers. Possible values: less, more, equals.

percent_points – the percentage from maximum points, from 0 to 100. Can be exact comparison or checking for less or more depending on the filter type below. Available from version

percent_points_filter – how to filter on % from maximum points. Possible values: less, more, equals.

date – the date when the quiz was submitted. Can be exact match or before / after filter depending on the filter type below.

date_filter – how to filter on the date. Possible values: after, before, equals.

grade – the ID of the achieved grade. You can find the IDs on the Manage Grades page for the test.

per_page is attribute specifying how many records to be shown per page (default is 10). Set to -1 to have all records on a single page. Don’t do this if you have more than few hundreds, it will make the page too large and slow.

Here are a few example usages:

watupro-takings quiz_id=1 date="2017-10-01" date_filter="after" grade="124" per_page="50"

[watupro-takings quiz_id=1 email=”” email_filter=”ends”]

[watupro-takings quiz_id=1 points=”5″ points_filter=”more” percent_correct=”50″ perent_correct_filter=”more”]


Showing or Hiding some Columns:

You can pass shortcode parameters to show or hide most of the columns on this page. By default all columns except user ID (show_user_id) are shown. Set a parameter to 0 to hide the column, skip the parameter or set to 1 to show it. The following parameters are available:

  • show_id
  • show_user_id
  • show_name
  • show_email
  • show_points
  • show_percent
  • show_percent_points
  • show_time
  • show_grade
  • show_contact_data (to show the extra data from “Ask user for contact details” fields)
  • show_delete (for “delete” link when available)
  • show_details (for “view details” link. The parameter will not work in public mode unless you have selected the new option “Allow everyone to see everyone’s details on this quiz” in Edit quiz -> Advanced Settings tab.) Note that if the viewer is not a quiz administrator and not looking at their own results, they will be able to see only the snaphot (not the table view).

Example usage:

[watupro-takings quiz_id=1 points="5" points_filter="more" public=1 show_email=0 show_grade=0 show_percent_points=1]

If you don’t want the details to open in a popup, pass argument details_no_popup=1 to the shortcode.

Namaste! PRO 1.4

The Pro add-on for Namaste! LMS is now updated to version 1.4. Here are the new features, improvements and bug fixes:

    • School accounts. More info at:
    • Added limit for number of students that can sign up under a school account.
    • Class/Group signups can have expiration period. After student’s subscription expires they lose access and need to sign up again.
    • You can now mass assign students to a group (class).
    • Access to the Pro management pages can now be fine-tuned at WP Role level.
    • The student classes/groups will be shown on the Namaste! Manage Students page.
    • Class / group permissions will now be applied to the Manage Students page.
    • Added course re-certification option. Student can be automatically cleaned up (and optionally re-enrolled) X days after course enrollment or completion.
    • When 100% discount code is used the student will directly be signed to the class.
    • Added shortcode to display user badges.
    • Added shortcode parameter “enroll_in” to the namaste-class-signup shortcode. By passing single course ID in this parameter you can automatically enroll the student in the associated course along with signing for the class/group.
    • Added option to leave class. The button is automatically generated when the class-signup shortcode is used on classes that you are already signed in.
    • The course progress table now has links to the lessons.
    • Fixed bug: applying coupon on courses worked randomly on Paypal PDT. Now made sure to handle all cases.

Eligible customers will receive the upgrade for free. If your one year subscription period has expired you can renew for 40% of the full price.




Quizzes for BuddyPress

We have released a new free plugin called Quizzes for BuddyPress which lets you use the power of our existing quiz plugins to enhance user’s experience in your BuddyPress groups.

The plugin allows you to create rules for a couple of scenarios:

  • Taking a quiz (with or without required result and % success) may be required to allow user to join a group. So if the quiz is not completed at all or not completed with the desired result the user will get an error message when they try to join the group.
  • Taking a quiz can automatically join the taker to a selected group or groups (provided that the user is logged in). This rule can work alone or together with the above rule.

These two simple rules allow you to do basic level of filtering to allow joining groups, to reward quiz taking with a group membership or to join users interested in something to a targeted marketing group, and so on.

The plugin is currently integrated with:

The plugin is completely free and can be downloaded at its page at