Required WatuPRO version:
The following option has been added in the WatuPRO Settings page -> Payment Settings tab:
This is important when the quiz you are purchasing access to is assigned a category and that category is limited only to selected WatuPRO user groups or WP user roles.
Without the setting the user who is purchasing access will not be able to access the quiz even after payment.
Selecting the checkbox ensures that any required user roles or user groups will automatically be assigned to the user upon payment.
The setting is especially powerful if you sell bundles. It will assign required user roles or user groups for all quizzes in the bundle.
If the bundle sells access to quiz categories, the setting will assign the user groups or roles required by these categories.
If the bundle sells access to “number of quizzes” the setting will take no effect.
WooCommerce and EDD bridge
If you are using our WooComerce bridge or EDD bridge to sell access to quizzes or bundles, be assured the same setting will also take effect just like if you are purchasing the products directly.