Basic Math Based On User Answers in WatuPRO
A new shortcode in WatuPRO (from version lets you perform basic math on two of the user’s answers. This shortcode should be used only in the “Final screen” of a test. Here is the shortcode with all its possible parameters: Attributes: math (required) shows the math you want to perform.…
Filters for the watupro-takings Shortcode
Note: by default this page contains administration functions and is not visible to public. You can allow public read-only acces to this page by passing public=1 as shortcode attribute. The attribute wrap=1 ensures that the shortcode is placed in a scrollable div and the table will always fit the page horizontally. Remove it in case…
List Quizzes in WatuPRO
The shortcode watuprolist lets you output a dynamic list of quizzes in a given category or all categories. Here’s how to use it to show the quizzes in one category: Replace X with the actual quiz category ID. For example . To show the quizzes from all categories use the shortcode this…
Overwrite Test Attributes from Shortcode in WatuPRO
Some of the attributes of the quizzes in WatuPRO can be overwritten directly by passing shortcode parameters to the main watupro shortcode. When this is done, they have priority over the settings you have chosen in “Edit Quiz” page. This allows you to publish multple versions of the same quiz in different pages of your site,…
Performance on Multiple Quizzes and Conditional Content in WatuPRO
Here is a new super power of the WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO, available from version a shortcode to calculate the performance of a logged in user on multiple quizzes. It can display: The total points collected The average percent correct answers on all quizzes. The average percent achieved points from maximum points in every…
User Info Shortcodes from WatuPRO Version 4.1.1
From WatuPRO version 4.1.1 and above you no longer need additional plugins to display data from user profile of the logged in user (if you want to display data for another user read the section “Passing User ID” at the bottom. This is especially important if you will use the shortcodes in certificates.) WatuPRO defines…
Using WatuPRO for Polls (New Shortcodes From Reporting Module)
From version 4.3.7 the quiz plugin WatuPRO supports “poll-like” shortcodes through the Reporting module. The shortcodes render a simple bar chart showing how all users have answered a given question. Here’s an example from our open demo quiz: (note that it pulls random 3 of 5 questions so the frog question will not always be loaded) In…
WatuPRO Basic Bar Chart
From version 5.0.5 the quiz plugin WatuPRO comes with a basic bar chart shortcode that can be used to display a chart in the final page of the quiz. The chart can be used for two main purposes: a) to show how your result compares to the averages of other quiz takers on the same…