Business With Content: The Current State of Affairs

Few years ago you could put up a blog and write. Write passionately about something you knew about. Write good useful information and write regularly. And you could easily make money by doing this. Just throw some Adsense or other ads on it and visitors would come, click on ads and you could earn a lot.

These days are gone. Today CPC earnings are way down and the battle for traffic is way harder. Having unique content is no longer enough to draw thousands of visitors. It’s not enough even to draw hundred visitors per month. Things have changed a lot in the recent years.

Thinking: More than None Will Be Required

Why Are We Writing This

We develop and sell several e-learning solutions and a drip marketing suite for more than 5 years. During these years I have personally interacted with probably thousands of customers working on all kind of content sites. Although there are some customers who earn from ads, most are having business models relying on paid access to premium content.

Watching how these businesses grow, listening to their problems and feature requests I have gained some insights about the many faces of this business.

So here I am to share some of what I learned by writing a series of articles that will review how you can make money with premium content in 2016 and ahead. And not just make some quick money but eventually build a stable business based on it.

This series will of course not reveal anyone’s specific business details, unless I have explicitly asked and received permission to publish them. Our customers privacy is top priority.

Current Successful Models of Business With Content

Making money with free content and advertising is out of scope of this series. There is a lot of information online on this topic. My personal experience and impressions from watching others is that this rarely works any more and you are far better to monetize your content directly (or indirectly by using it as sales funnel) rather than by placing third party ads.

This series will focus only on earning directly from your content, by charging for it in one or another way.

This currently boils down to several business models:

I do not aim to cover all possible business models. Maybe there are more. More interesting and original ones. If you know one and want to share it, let me know. I’ll talk only about ones I have explored in one or another way. I will talk only about stuff that is still working and not going anywhere any time soon.

There are several other important topics we’ll review here:

Let’s go!

The second article of the series is about membership / subscription sites. Click here to read it.

WatuPRO Bridge To MailPoet

If you are using MailPoet for your newsletters, this free bridge that will allow you to automatically subscribe users who complete quizzes in selected mailing lists. Similar to the Arigato PRO bridge and the MailChimp bridge it allows you to select required result / grade which lets you subscribe users to different mailing lists depending on their performance.

It also allows you to specify that a certain number of points (exact number) must be collected on a specified question. This for example can be used to add a checkbox so the user confirms their willing to subscribe; or a radio question that will designate the users in different mailing lists based solely on the answer of that question.

Once installed and activated the plugin will add link “Bridge to MailPoet” in your WatuPRO menu.

Download Here: Version 0.4 (7 KB)

Here is a screenshot of how it looks:


Troubleshooting: When Your Site Homepage Does Not Accept Arigato PRO Signups

This is quite a common problem with sites that run WordPress but have their homepage made as landing page with other plugin or just built as static page. Arigato PRO has a “Squeeze page” option and we strongly recommend it. But if for some reason you use a a static squeeze page, or other squeeze page that does not run the normal WordPress routines you may have a problem with Arigato form sign-ups not being processed.

The solution to this is very simple: point the Arigato PRO form action attribute to a post created with your WordPress blog instead to the homepage.

So your Arigato PRO form opening HTML tag will look something like:

<form action=”” method=”post”>

That’s it.