WatuPRO Integration for qTranslate X

The following integration will allow you to use WatuPRO in multi-lingual site supported bythe qTranslate X plugin.

The integration requires min. WatuPRO 4.9.7.

Update: from WatuPRO you no longer need to install the additional plugin. The integration is built-in.

Because the integration is now built-in consider the below plugin obsolete.

Download the integration here: watupro-qtranslate-x (versionĀ  0.4)

Or at Github: https://github.com/pimteam/Watupro-qTranslate-X

Note that this is work in progress. We can’t guarantee that all fields and text you may want to have multi-lingual are done. But if you use the integration and notice a problem or missing important field, just let us know and we’ll probably add it.

[WatuPRO Intelligence] Runtime Logic in WatuPRO + Intelligence Module

The following runtime logics are supported from WatuPRO + Intelligence module version 4.9.7. Both logics require the quiz to be paginated “Each question on its own page” for the obvious reason that we need to be able to figure out how many questions they have gone through so far.

Premature Quiz Ending

This allows you to auto-submit the quiz before the last question if the user fails to meet required % correct answers during the quiz. You can choose the required % and you can choose after which question to start doing this check (because it usually doesn’t make sense to do it before the user answered at least several questions).

If the user keeps their correct answers above the threshold they can continue with the quiz. Otherwise the quiz is automatically submitted with the questions answered up to that point. Normally this means the test taker has failed the test.

Prevent Moving Forward

Some quizzes are built to educate the user rather than to assess them. In such quizzes you may want to encourage the user to answer questions correctly before they can continue further. This option lets you disallow going further until the previously answered questions are at least X% correctly answered.

In such quizzes you need to enable either previous button or numbered paginator – otherwise the user can be locked and unable to continue or submit the quiz.

Here is how these configurations look. You can find them in Edit Quiz -> Intelligence Module tab:

runtime-logicNote that entering non-zero numeric value in the boxes will set “automatically store user progress as they go from page to page” to true when you save the quiz.

Using PayPal Payment Data Transfer (PDT) Instead of IPN in Hostel and HostelPRO Plugins

From version 1.7.1 the plugin HostelPRO supports payment verifications by Paypal Data Transfer (PDT). The reason is that some customers may experience delays in receiving the paypal IPN response. The PDT payment mode can also be useful if you are running the plugin on intranet or want to test it on localhost.

Here is what you need to do to enable PDT payment handling:

  • Enable PDT in your Paypal account. More information here (see under “How to get started”).
  • Enter anything as Return URL in your Paypal account. It doesn’t matter, we generate another one on the fly
  • In HostelPRO Settings page select “Use Paypal PDT instead of IPN”. A box will appear to enter your token, obtained in step 1. This setting appears when you select Paypal as payment method.

That’s it. Your site will now use PDT instead of IPN. You can test it in Sandbox mode.