Basic BadgeOS Integration in WatuPRO Play Plugin

From version 1.8.9 the Play plugin for the quiz software WatuPRO supports basic integration with BadgeOS. The integration allows you to automatically award BadgeOS achievemt when WatuPRO Play Badge is awarded.

To do this you simply need to select a checkbox and enter the BadgeOS integration ID number:

badgeos-achievementThat’s it, save it and when the user achieves the Play badge, they will also achieve the associated BadgeOS badge.

If you don’t know the BadgeOS achievement ID you can find it by going to the page that lists the achievements and click on Edit for the one you want. The ID is visible in the address bar of the browser. Something like: post.php?post=62&action=edit – here the ID is 62.

BroadFast for WordPress 2.4 and Intelligence Module 1.0

The latest version of our drip marketing plugin for WordPress is online. Here are the new and improved features from version 2.3:

  • Added free WooCommerce bridge which lets you sell access to mailing lists or just automatically subscribe users who buy other products from you.
  • Added raw email log showing you every sent email along with error or success status
  • Option to automatically cleanup the raw email log and the cron job log after number of days
  • Option to send test email from autoresponder messages and newsletters
  • Sending “global” newsletter allows you to send a news blast to all your mailing lists at once. Such newsletter will avoid duplicate sending to the same email address even if it is subscribed in several of your mailing lists
  • Added built-in JetPack contact form integration
  • New shortcode bftpro-other-lists list_id=X lets you display checkboxes for subscribing to other lists along with a selected mailing list subscribe form. The difference between this and the generic form code bftpro is that you can collect custom fields data for your primary list and satisfy its redirection settings.
  • Improvement on the autoresponder campaign reports now let you see which emails were been sent and read in a given period of time.
  • Added file upload custom field type
  • Ignore duplicates when importing subscribers
  • Option to never send this newsletter to use who already received it (even if this happened in another mailing list)
  • Added bftpro-unsubscribe shortcode that lets you publish the unsubscribe form in a chosen by you post or page. The system will automatically recognize it and redirect unsubsribers to the page.
  • It is now configurable whether you want unsubscribed user data to be kept in the mailing lists or removed
  • Added option to change the default Contact Form 7 field names in the Contact Form 7 integration
  • [Intelligence module] Detailed report shows who clicked on trackable links
  • [Intelligence module] Option to automatically convert URLs inside any message into trackable links
  • [Intelligence module] Added option to receive preview email with a digest when saving it
  • Doing e-learning? Check our bridge for Namaste! LMS.
  • Fixed various problems with email headers

Customers who are eligible for free upgrade are already receiving the newsletter.

Internal Server Error on PHP Scripts

Sometimes when trying to run or install a PHP script you’ll see a screen with heading “Internal Server Error”. People usually rush to contact the script developer but this is the worst thing to do. Internal Server Error means server misconfiguration and the developer is unlikely to be able to help you.

Here is what to do:

1. Check file permissions. InĀ  more than 90% of the cases the error is caused by wrong permissions on the uploaded file.

2. Check your server error log. Poorly configured servers will often output Internal server error when there is fatal PHP error for some reason. Fortunately these errors are recorded in the server error log. Even if you don’t know what the errors mean you’ll have some useful information to send to the script developer instead of asking them to guess out the reason for the Internal server error.

3. Contact your hosting support. You should contact your hosting support before contacting the software developer. They are responsible for your server setup and you are paying them every month to keep things running smooth.