Daily or Weekly Digest From Your Content (Intelligence Module for Arigato PRO)

From version 0.9.3 the Intelligence module of our drip marketing suite BroadFast for WordPress supports a cool new feature:

Schedule a weekly or daily digest from your published content.

You can set up multiple digests. Each digest can pull all your recent content or only content from selected category.

You can fully control how the digest looks and the email contents before and after it:


How exactly do digests work?

Once per day (when you visit your dashboard or when the cron job runs), the software will check all your posts from the last 7 days. Any posts that match the optional category criteria and are not included in the previous digest will be included.

We look at the post date so you can have old post included if you change its date.

The digests generate and schedule newsletters. Then the newsletters get sent from the cron job just like the regular newsletters. So you can cancel them, edit them, re-sent them – everything you would do with a regular newsletter.

The feature also requires that your BroadFast for WordPress runs the most recent version – or newer.

How To Promote Your Quiz Or Survey

Most of our users would like to get more attention to their quizzes, exams, surveys, or assessments made with Watu / WatuPRO. So here we go, we created a short SlideShare presentation:

Regular (No-Ajax) Form Submitting Option from WatuPRO 4.4.6

From version 4.4.6 the quiz plugin WatuPRO supports non-ajax submitting of the quiz. To enable it for selected quizzes go to your WatuPRO Settings page:


Why No AJax?

Submitting forms by ajax is nice and looks good but in rare cases causes problems:

  • There are other plugins which also use Ajax or extensive JavaScript functions which will not work in Ajax-called page. So if you want to include such plugins in the “Final screen” of your quizzes, some of them won’t work. (For example some charting libraries). This problem gets solved if you submit the form normally.
  • Selecting “no ajax” is required to allow user upload files in open-end questions because uploading files by ajax is unreliable*.

When you look at it, the difference between a quiz submitted by ajax, and one submitted normally is very minor for the user – one page refresh.

Uploading Files

When you enable “no ajax” submitting for some quizzes you will be able to allow file uploading for open-end questions. This is configured individually for each open-end question by checking a checkbox in the “Add / Edit Question” page:


There are also configurations for accepted file size and file type. These are set at a global level in your WatuPRO Settings page.

* Yes, I know it’s 2014 and uploading via ajax is not entirely impossible. However it’s unreliable, javascript-heavy and not supported by older browsers. So for now we’ll stick to the regular file upload.