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[WatuPRO] Don’t Display Already Answered Questions To Logged In User

This feature requires Watu PRO version 5.1.7 or newer and can be used on quizzes that require user log in. The idea is that when user retakes the quiz they won’t see questions already answered in a previous attempt (even if same question was used in another quiz). The setting will be available on quizzes…

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[WatuPRO] How To Change The Wording On True / False Questions

WatuPRO has a handy “true/false” question type. Essentially this is just a “single choice” question with pre-defined options – true and false. If you want to change the words “True” and “False” to something else or to another language you need to use Loco Translate just like you would do when translating the plugin interface.…

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Adding images in match/matrix answers

The answers area of the match / matrix questions in WatuPRO does not use the rich text editor. There is just no space to put it there because there are two boxes for each answer. The rich text editor will make the UI there bad. But you can still add images there by entering HTML…

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Compact Format Questions in WatuPRO

From version 6.4.4 the “Display as compact format” option in WatuPRO has two versions: The difference between the old version 1 (default) and the new version 2 is best seen on this image: Version 2 works very similar to the multi-column design of the questions but has no fixed number of columns and the choices…

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Copy, Reuse or Import Questions in WatuPRO: What’s The Difference?

WatuPRO has several options that make managing and creation of lots of questions easy. Each of them has different purpose, so let’s dive into it: Copy Questions You can copy questions (and also grades and quiz settings) from one quiz to a new quiz that will be created on the fly or to an existing…

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Memory Section in Watu PRO Questions

A new shortcode in version of Watu PRO allows you to create a memorization section in selected questions. This works by showing the section for a selected period of seconds. After the period is passed, the memory section is shown and the question is revealed. This can be used to show an image or…

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Open-End (Essay) Questions in WatuPRO

From version 3.9.5 there is an important improvement to how open-end questions work in Watu PRO. We have added a “Matching mode” which lets you define how the user answer is matched to the possible answers you provide. When answers are provided: Let’s use the following question as an example: “Which are the top 3…

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Question Import Formats in WatuPRO

The old import format was often causing confusion so from version 4.2.3 we switched to three much better formats. Don’t worry, the old formats will still be supported for some time through the “Legacy import/export” link. The new formats supported by WatuPRO are currently these: Simple Import (CSV): Download sample file: import-simple. (right-click and choose…

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Question Intros in WatuPRO

From version the quiz plugin WatuPRO supports question intros. They are most useful when you want to include some introduction content which is not technically a part of the question. Usually you’d use it in non-randomized quizzes to explain one or more following questions. Create your intro content at the beginning of the question:…

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True / False Questions in WatuPRO

From version 4.3.2 WatuPRO, the WordRress quiz plugin, supports a True / False question type. This is a sub-type of the “single answer” questions and can be enabled by selecting the checkbox which shows only when “Single answer” is selected:   What are the specifics of True / False Questions? They are single-choice questions and…

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Turn Multiple-Answer Gaps Into Drop-downs And Other Advanced Adjustments

You know that the Intelligence module of WatuPRO allows you to create “fill the gaps” questions. Each of the “gaps” (blanks) can have multiple correct answers when you use the following format: The apple can be {{{green|red|yellow}}} In the above example if the user fills green, or red, or yellow in the generated text field,…

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Using Question Difficulty Levels

From version the WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO adds a new important feature: question difficulty levels. What Does It Do? There are several reasons to use question difficulty levels in your quiz system: To limit which difficulty levels are shown in a given quiz. This can be useful if you want to try how users…

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Using Sorting Questions in Personality Quizzes (WatuPRO)

From version 4.5.4 WatuPRO supports using sorting questions in personality quizzes (Intelligence module required). Up to this version using sorting questions made sense only for knowledge based tests. How To Use Them? Let’s see why you would want to use them first. Unlike the other question types where answer is directly matched to a result…

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WatuPRO: Answer Feedback Elaboration

From version 3.8.7 we are introducing a powerful feature to elaborate your “optional answer explanation / feedback” that can be given to each question. Just click on “Elaborate answer feedback” checkbox which is right under the text box. You will be presented two option – 1. to show different feedback if the question is answered…

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