Tag Archives: bridge

Arigato PRO Bridge to WooCommerce

This is a new free bridge for our WordPress mass-mailer and drip marketing software Arigato PRO.

The bridge has one very simple purpose: to let you automatically sign up users who buy products into associated mailing lists.

Download the bridge here: bftpro-woocom-bridge – version 0.4 (11 KB)

How To Use It

You can use this plugin either to tie-up purchasing products to mailing list signups or to directly sell access to mailing lists that you don’t want to give access for free. Here is how:

1. install and activate the plugin through the WP dashboard page (you must already have Atigato PRO)

2. Create or edit product in your WooCommerce store. Go to Attributes and create a custom attribute. its name must be bftpro. The value of the attribute must be the ID of the mailing list you want the user to be signed up for:


How do you know the list ID? Easy – you can see it in your BroadFast PRO Mailing Lists page in the “Subscribe Form” column:


The number in the shortcode is the list ID. So in the picture above the list ID is 1.

That’s all. Now when someone pays for a product (or you manually approve order as paid in admin), their email and name will be added in the associated mailing list.

WatuPRO Bridge to myCRED

There is excellent free plugin for managing points called myCRED. It lets you reward users for activities on your site, and a lot more.

Now there is a bridge between myCRED and WatuPRO and you can download it for free:

WatuPRO to MyCRED Bridge 0.9 (6.3 KB)

Once activated look for “Bridge to myCRED” in the WatuPRO menu.

What Does It Do?

It’s pretty simple. When logged in user submits a quiz, the plugin will transfer the collected points to the selected myCRED points balance. You also have the options to transfer only positive or only negative points:


From version 0.5 The bridge also adds a custom hook that lets you reward default points for completing a category of quizzes (different points can be set for different categories):

From version 0.6 you can also use the bridge to assign badges for completing quizzes using the Badges addon of myCRED. Thanks to myCRED author for helping with this!

Awarding Badges

Here is how this happens. First, in the WatuPRO to MyCRED bridge (link Bridge to myCRED under the WatuPRO menu) you need to select that you want to transfer the points to myCRED (shown in the top of this page).

Then in MyCRED, create a badge that will be assigned for quiz completion. It’s up to you how many times or points you will require:



WatuPRO Bridge To MailChimp

If you are using MailChimp for your newsletters, here is a free bridge that will allow you to automatically subscribe users who complete quizzes in selected mailing lists. Similar to the Arigato PRO bridge it allows you to select required result / grade which lets you subscribe users to different mailing lists depending on their performance.

Note the following from the MailChimp API: “Subscribe the provided email to a list. By default this sends a confirmation email – you will not see new members until the link contained in it is clicked!“. From version 0.9 we have added a checkbox that allows you to override this setting and signup the user without email confirmation. Do this at your own risk. If your MailChimp account gets banned for abuse we can not help and will not be responsible.

Note also that MailChimp now requires name not to be empty. So please use it for quizzes which request name from the user in one or another way. If it’s let empty, the plugin will attempt to set it as “Guest” but this is not recommended way to handle things.

The bridge will not work if you select “Don’t store any data / results of this quiz in the database.”

Once installed and activated the plugin will add link “Bridge to MailChimp” in your WatuPRO menu.

In order to use it you need to obtain free MailChimp API key.

Download The Plugin Here (Version 1.7, 9 KB)

Here is a screenshot of how it looks:


From version 1.6 you can also tag members when adding them to the mailing list.


In case the respondents do not get added to the mailing lists as expected, have a look at the Log tab (next to Settings on top of the bridge page). It contains the MailChimp response and canhelp you identify the problem. If you have to contact us, we will need the information from this log.

If you’d rather not pay monthly fees and leave your mailing list data in someone else’s hand, we recommend you our premium WordPress Autoresponder / Drip marketing suite. It comes with one-time fee and optional yearly upgrade fees, and there is also free bridge for connecting WatuPRO.