Author Archives: admin

Using The Super Powers of Tags and Segments in Arigato PRO Intelligence Module

Organizing your subscribers in different mailing lists is great but sometimes you need a bit further categorization – for example based on ad campaign you ran, on interest shown in a given product(s) etc.

Tagging users in Arigato PRO

Fortunately the WordPress auto-responder plugin Arigato PRO comes with an easy way to tag users manually in the administration. Go to your Mailing Lists page, click on Subscribers and when you add or edit a subscriber you have the option to specify tags:

Then in the Manage Subscribers page you can use the filters to search subscribers by the standard fields, custom fields, or one or multiple tags (including any or all tags):

You can then see information on the filtered users, export them for importing in a different mailing list and so on.

That’s good, but the real power comes if you have the Intelligence module installed.

Segmenting by Tags

The real power comes when you start segmenting your lists so you can create newsletters and auto-responder messages targeted only to parts of your list. This way you can laser – focus your marketing messages. For example you can send a message only to people of chosen gender, age, or location.

Using tags goes a step further and allows you to segment subscribers by marketing campaign, interests, or anything else that you tag them with:

It’s all good but up to this point you have to add tags manually. Let’s make this even better:

Using Trigger Events to Add or Remove Tags

The event triggers let you add or remove tags (and also move people between lists) when they do any of the following:

  • Subscribe to a mailing list
  • Unsubscribe from a mailing list
  • Click on a trackable link
  • Do not click on a trackable link for a number of days after signup
  • Read an email
  • Just stay subscribed for given number of days

This is super powerful – it lets you for example tag users as interested in a product when they click on a link, tag them as inactive and so on.

And then use these tags for segmentation to send them the right sequence of email messages.

By using these features you can hugely improve your conversion rates and increase profits AND the user satisfaction because they will receive only content they are interested in.

WatuPRO 6.3

The quiz and survey plugin WatuPRO is updated to version 6.3. Here are the improvements and fixes:

  • Added option to store quiz results / data only when the quiz is taken from a logged in user. The option is on Edit quiz / Advanced Settings tab.
  • Added option to limit the number of words on open-end questions. When limiting the words, a word counter will appear under the text box.
  • Added option to accept free text entry on one of the options of single choice and multiple choice questions. This is useful mostly for surveys where you want to collect additional information on “other” selection not listed in the pre-defined answers.
  • The WordPress “embed” shortcode can now be used in questions to embed videos and other objects.
  • The design adjustment for mobile devices (distance between question choices) now supports px and em and defaults to 0.5 em.
  • Added option to make choices in single-choice and multiple-choice questions checked by default. Mostly useful for survey questions.
  • Added filter to allow custom plugins modify the collected points on a quiz.
  • New option lets you define that the grade-based restriction for allowed test re-attempt (on Edit Quiz -> User and Email tab, options for logged in users) is also time-limited and expires after a defined period of days.
  • When copying quiz you can now filter questions by category.
  • When copying quiz you can now filter questions by tags.
  • Added tags to quizzes for filtering in the administration.
  • Added parameter “cat_id” to the watupro-result shortcode. It lets you show the result for a specific question category.
  • Filters used on the “View results” page will now apply if you blank out  or cleanup taking data (instead of blanking out or deleting all quiz results).
  • Added setting for min/max points and percent correct answers on the “automatically cleanup/blankout” setting so you can have better control.
  • Added compatibility with the latest bridge to BuddyPress (
  • When selecting “Don’t display questions that were previously answered by the user” or “Hide only correctly answered questions “ you can choose to restart over once all questions are used.
  • Added “Quiz category” filter when viewing all quiz submissions.
  • From “Advanced Settings” tab of the quiz you can now limit the total number of allowed submissions. After that number of users have submitted the quiz it will no longer be available.
  • Optional parameter “category_id” added to the watupro shortcode. It allows you to limit questions in the quiz to only a given category via the shortcode.
  • Added optional quiz thumbnail. It can be used in the “watuprolist” shortcode to display quizzes with thumbnail. More information at
  • [Intelligence module and WooCommerce bridge] Paid certificates as now supported as WooCommerce products.
  • When the final grade in this quiz will depend on the performance on different question categories: added option to ignore specific category requirements if questions from that category were not present in the quiz. This may happen if you pull random questions etc.
  • Added configuration to not scroll the screen when pressing “start quiz” button.
  • Added “records per page” selector on the View results page.
  • In the condition “Re-submitting is allowed only if some of the following grades is achieved” we have also added None (no grade achieved) as option.
  • Added “date range” filter on the View results page.
  • Added check for corrupt file uploads (0 bytes) on questions that accept file uploads as answer.
  • [Intelligence module] When teacher edits student answers they can now change the uploaded file to questions that allow uploading files.
  • [Intelligence module] Added permission type “View and edit/approve results” for the multi-user role configuration for “quizzes access”.
  • [Intelligence module] “Fill the gaps” questions can now accept placeholder attribute. Learn more at
  • [Intelligence module] Added “% of max. Points” as new dependency type for Dependencies.
  • [Intelligence module] You can optionally set URL where the user will be redirected to pay for the quiz instead of using the default payment buttons. This is useful if you are selling the quiz as a part of a bundle or through the WooCommerce bridge, etc.
  • [Intelligence module] When role setting for quizzes access is set to “only view and approve results” you can restrict the access to the emailing feature in editing results.
  • [Reporting module] New shortcode watupro-pie-chart lets you generate pie charts from user’s performance per question category on a single quiz attempt.
  • Various improvements to the main CSS and theme CSS files for compatibility with different plugins and themes.
  • Added option to show full snapshot of user answer in the table view, along with the optional answer feedback.
  • [Reporting module] Added “size” attribute to the watupro-chart-by-grade shortcode.
  • Fixed problems with handling images in “flashcard” questions.
  • Fixed bug: the feature “treat this question as a whole” was working only with the Intelligence module installed.
  • Fixed CSS issue: global normalization removed.
  • Fixed bug: when custom field 1 from “Ask for contact details” was marked as drop-down, custom field 2 was also displayed as drop-down.
  • Fixed bug with Twitter social sharing URL.
  • Fixed issue: on some installations user session was getting lost in Ajax causing results not to be saved.
  • Fixed issues with missing properties and answers when copying quizzes.
  • Fixed bug: the condition “maximum number of points” required on checkbox questions did not work correctly on some installations.
  • Fixed issue [Reporting module]: On Stats per question page match/matrix questions were also listed with all their choices. Only percentage correct answer is suitable for stats on this question type.
  • Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: personality quizzes were not properly copied with the “copy quiz” feature.
  • Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: managing coupon codes was not accessible to allowed non-admin user roles.
  • Fixed bug: “max selections” on multiple choice questions did not work in some edge cases.
  • Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: some variables were not processed when emailing edited taking details. Other variables cannot be processed so they were removed from the list.
  • Fixed bug [Intelligence module] time limited bundles were wrongly redirecting to the selected URL even if a payment has expired.
  • Fixed bug with rich text editor on question answers.

The update is distributed in the dashboard of eligible cusotmers. If your free upgrades subscription has expired, don’t worry – you can renew with 60% discount. See the discount code in the dashboard or contact us to get it.

List Quizzes in WatuPRO

The shortcode watuprolist lets you output a dynamic list of quizzes in a given category or all categories. Here’s how to use it to show the quizzes in one category:

[watuprolist cat_id=X]

Replace X with the actual quiz category ID. For example [watuprolist cat_id=3].

To show the quizzes from all categories use the shortcode this way: [watuprolist cat_id=”ALL”]

Ordering the quizzes

You can order the quizzes by title or by date of creation (latest on top or first on top). To do this add the attribute “orderby” to the shortcode.

Example: [watuprolist cat_id=”ALL” orderby=”latest”] or [watuprolist cat_id=5 orderby=”title”] or [watuprolist cat_id=1 orderby=”created”]

Note that all these shortcodes will display only the published tests. A quiz which is not published inside a post or page, or is deactivated will not be shown.

Design the list

By default the shortcode returns a simple list with <p> tags for each quiz. You can however pass your own HTML design enclosed by the shortcode using some variables:

  • {{{quiz-name}}} for the quiz name.
  • {{{quiz-url}}} for the quiz URL so you can link to it (this will return just the URL and NOT a clickable link. So use “<a href” tag.
  • {{{quiz-description}}} for the quiz description (if any)
  • {{{quiz-thumbnail}}} for the quiz thumbnail if any. It will generate an “<img src” tag with class “watupro-quiz-thumbnail” in case there is an image. In case there is no image it will return nothing. Note that the image size will not be specified in the img tag. You can use the CSS class if you wish to fix the image size.
  • {{{quiz-thumbnail-url}}} will return the URL of the quiz thumbnail. This variable could be useful in case you want to use your own “<img src” tag with some extra attributes. Use it only if all your quizzes have thumbnails – otherwise you’ll get some broken images displayed.
  • {{{quiz-category}}} for the quiz category – useful if you list tests from all categories.

Here is an example how to use the shortcode with your own design. Since this example uses WatuPRO’s built-in flex class it will nicely align the quizzes into responsive floating rectangles:

<div class="watupro-flex">
[watuprolist cat_id="ALL"]
<div class="watupro-quiz-item">
<a href="{{{quiz-url}}}"><img src="{{{quiz-thumbnail-url}}}" /></a>
<div class="description">
<p><a href="{{{quiz-url}}}">Take quiz</a></p>

Here’s how this looks for example on our demo site:

Open Quiz

Personality Quiz

New Open Quiz

Flashcards Quiz

Likert Survey

Of course you may use your own completely different design with CSS classes from your site theme.