Author Archives: admin

Arigato PRO 3.1

Version 3.1 of the premium drip-marketing and autoresponder plugin Arigato PRO is now ready. Here’s the change log:

  • Added option to copy subscribers from one list to another. The copied subscribers will have the same signup date as in the old list.
  • The web based cron-job option will now rely on WP Cron like other plugins. This will ensure more reliable email sending to users who can’t run real cron jobs and better control.
  • Added WooCommerce integration. If WooCommerce is installed you can enable the integration from Arigato Pro Settings page. Then you’ll be able to assign products to mailing lists so when a product is purchased the customer is automatically subscribed to the mailing list. More information at
  • Added unsubscribe action to the WooCommerce integration. This allows you to remove users from prospect lists after they purchase target product(s).
  • A new feature allows you send the “0 days” emails at least X minutes after registration in case you want them to be sent on the same day but not immediately.
  • Added optional reply-to field for individual newsletter and autoresponder email messages. When the field is used you can set a different reply-to address for these emails.
  • Added Caldera Forms integration. If you have Caldera forms installed you will see “Integrate in Caldera form” link in your Mailing lists page, under Subscribe form column.
  • When user is automatically subscribed WP user you’ll see a hyperlinked username under the “Source” column. The link goes to edit user profile in admin.
  • Proper script src tag added to the HTML form code for subscribe forms when using reCaptcha version 2.
  • Added shortcode attribute form_name which allows you to track from which form exactly your users subscribe. For Gozaimasu visual designer users this form name will be generated and stored automatically.
  • Added hash parameter to user ID when “prepend user ID” option is used to prevent users from viewing other user’s data.
  • Reworked the HTML code for using outside of the WP site or in various pop-up services that overwrite our CSS.
  • Added optional description to newsletters for management purposes.
  • Added optional description to autoresponder email messages for management purposes.
  • Converted the character set of newsletter and emails tables to allow saving UTF-8 characters like WP Emojis.
  • You can now create optional poll on the unsubscribe page to understand the reason why users unsubscribe.
  • [Intelligence module]Fixed issue with duplicate unsubscribe link when email templates contained {{unsubscribe-url}}
  • [Gozaimasu module] You can now run A/B tests on multiple form designs. Learn more at
  • [Gozaimasu module] A new form style added: sticky bar, top or bottom. More improvements and types coming soon.
  • [Gozaimasu module] Keep the sticky bar closed for the current session if the user closes it or subscribes.
  • [Gozaimasu module] A new form style added: slide-in (left or right).
  • [Gozaimasu module] Responsive pop-ups can now be marked as exit-intent pop-ups and apear only when the visitor moves the mouse out of the window.
  • [Intelligence module] Added “prepend user ID” option to trackable links.
  • Fixed issues with serialization of custom fields.
  • Fixed bug: when auto-subscribing user from WP registration the list captcha requirements should be ignored.
  • Fixed bug with Contact Form 7 integration.

Namaste! PRO 1.5

Namaste! PRO version 1.5 is out with improvements and fixes. Below is the changelog between versions 1.4 and 1.5:

  • New Access Control feature allows you to restrict access to any content of your site (as long as it’s a post/page or custom post type) based on enrollment or completion of courses. To enable the feature you need first to check the Access Control checkbox on the Namaste! PRO Settings page.
  • Added shortcode to list students in class / group.
  • Coupon codes now can be restricted by date interval.
  • Added integration to WatuPRO user groups: when a student is signed up to a class, they can be automatically assigned selected WatuPRO groups.
  • namastepro-next-lesson and namastepro-prev-lesson shortcodes will work on module pages and will behave as “next module” and “previous module” links.
  • Added shortcode to display courses that belong to a class. See the documentation on the Manage Classes page.
  • You can now change the user’s role or assign new secondary roles when they enroll or complete a course.
  • A new option lets you limit the courses a class manager has access to, even if there are more courses assigned to the class.
  • Added namastepro-my-school shortcode to display the My School page on the front-end.
  • Hooked up WordPress personal data erasers to delete any Namaste PRO related data if user deletes their accounts (GDPR compliance).
  • Added sorting on the Manage class students and Mass assign class student pages + selector for number of students per age.
  • Added option to limit automated assigning in class on registration to selected user roles.
  • Added full names and emails on “Assign class managers” page.
  • Attribute “class” added to the shortcodes namastepro-first-lesson, namastepro-next-lesson, and namastepro-prev-lesson to allow you passing a desired CSS class to the generated links.
  • The namastepro-user-badges shortcode can now enclose your custom design (HTML code) and can be limited to show only a specific badge.
  • Added My Badges page in user menu.
  • The progress bar shortcode can now be used in lesson pages without including course_id attribute – it will take the current course ID automatically.
  • Fixed bug with reordering lessons.
  • Fixed bug: when enroll_in was used together with course_id in the namastepro-class-signup shortcode it did not enroll the student in the course.
  • Fixed but with the WooCommerce bridge integration.
  • Fixed wrong ordering of next/previous module links.
  • Fixed bugs with assigning roles on completion and enrollment in courses.

WatuPRO Bridge to BuddyPress

This free bridge connects WatuPRO to BuddyPress. It currently allows you to make members automatically join or leave groups when they complete WatuPRO tests and/or restrict access to tests based on BuddyPress groups membership.

Download version 0.4.5 (8 KB)

Once you install and activate the plugin you will see link “Bridge to BuddyPress” in your WatuPRO menu in the dashboard.

The following page will let you add or edit existing rules:

And on Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab, if you enable “Require user login”, you will also see an option to limit quiz access based on BuddyPress group membeship:

(The option will appear only if you have some BP groups created)

Certain BP group members can access paid tests for free

This options available from version 0.4.5 and requires WatuPRO or newer version with the Intelligence module installed. When you create a paid test you will be able to define that members of selected BuddyPress groups can access it for free: