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[WatuPRO Intelligence Module] Troubleshooting Paid Quizzes

When you set up a price for a quiz it automatically becomes a paid quiz and cannot be accessed before a payment is processed. Once the user pays for a quiz they will immediately gain access to the quiz.

Do not cache pages with paid quizzes especially when they accept non-logged in users. When the page is cached, the session or cookie parameters cannot be set properly. This is the first thing you have to check. Make sure the pages with paid quizzes are excluded from caching.

What to do if this does not happen:

Check for Payment Errors

Go to WatuPRO Settings page, scroll to the Payment Options section and check fot the “View payment errors log” link under the Other payment instructions box:

You’ll see what caused the error there. Very often errors happen when you use Paypal IPN. Most users should not use Paypal IPN but use Paypal PDF mode instead.

If your site is not on SSL you can not use Paypal IPN.

WooCommerce Bridge Users

If you are selling quizzes using our WooCommerce Bridge, check the following:

  1. Your WooCommerce product must be marked as Virtual AND Downloadable.
  2. The custom attribute must have name “watupro” (all small letters) and its value must be the ID of the quiz you are selling. Double check you have entered the correct ID.
  3. Check the order status of the WooCommerce order. It must be Completed. Any other order status will not mark the quiz as paid.

If you have endured all above is right, continue with the “No payment errors” section below.

No Payment Errors?

If there are no payment errors you may want to double check if the specific user has paid for the quiz. Go to WatuPRO Quizzes -> View Results page. On the paid quizzes you will see a “View payments” link within the top links. There you can check for that specific payment and even add it manually if needed.

If the payment is there and the user still cannot access the quiz, the problem is usually caused by a caching plugin. You should not cache the dynamic quiz pages, ever. Disable whatever caching system you are using on these pages and things will work fine.

If the problem is neither of these feel free to contact us. Make sure you provide us URL and login so we can check your problem.

I Can Access the Quiz but Getting Payment Buttons on Submit

This typically happens on some paid quiz for non-logged in users only and it is because the server is losing the session cookie during Ajax requests. Ideally you should have your server admin or hosting support fix this so $_SESSION is available in admin-ajax.php.

If for some reason this can’t happen you can switch off Ajax for the quiz from WatuPRO Settings page.

I Can Access the Quiz When I am Not Supposed To

In some cases you expect the quiz to ask you for charge but instead you are allowed to take the quiz. Possible causes:

  1. Obviously, double check for a payment made. Maybe you forgot? Go to WatuPRO Quizzes -> View Results page. On the paid quizzes you will see a “View payments” link within the top links.
  2. If your user role has rights to manage quizzes you will be able to access paid quizzes always.
  3. Maybe you have not purchased the quiz individually, but have gotten a bundle that gives access to it? Check this on Quiz Bundles page (under the WatuPRO menu)
  4. It’s also possible that you have given access to this quiz to users from specific WatuPRO groups or BuddyPress groups (if you have the BuddyPress bridge)

WatuPRO Bridge to Ontraport

Similar to our other free bridge, this connector to Ontraport lets you automatically subscribe users who take quizzes into your campaigns.

Download Version 0.6 (32 KB)

To use the bridge you will need to create an app in Ontraport and get its APP ID and API Key.

Insert your key and define rules as you like:

If you’d rather not pay monthly fees and leave your mailing list data in someone else’s hand, we recommend you our premium WordPress Autoresponder / Drip marketing suite. It comes with one-time fee and optional yearly upgrade fees, and there is also free bridge for connecting WatuPRO.

WatuPRO 5.7

WatuPRO 5.7 is ready with new features and improvements. Here’s the changelog:

  • Fully reworked the design themes. The quiz will be setting a default one if you don’t choose any to ensure it will be good looking on initial installation.
  • A new shortcode lets you perform basic math on user’s answers. Learn more:
  • Added “Percent of max. Points” column in View results page and exports. Note that this information was not stored until recent versions so older quiz results will show 0 in this column.
  • Added option to mass-delete selected quiz results on the View Results page.
  • On the “View details” pop-up called from “View results” page, when in table format, added links to show All, Unanswered, Wrong or Correct answers only.
  • Added %%EXPIRATION-DATE%% variable for certificates that have expiration date.
  • Added correct/wrong text on answered questions for screen readers (the text will be sent to them only when appropriate accordingly to your quiz & questions settings).
  • Important fix to the way Javascript functions are initialized will solve various problems on some installations.
  • A new shortcode lets you display the number of users who completed a quiz. You can pass several filters based on grade, points and percent correct answers – see the internal Help page for more details.
  • Important fix for the timer preventing users getting stuck with a quiz they can’t submit (when time expired when they were not on the quiz page).
  • Added option to allow public access to all certificates.
  • Added option to select post title and post type when automatically publishing a test.
  • You can now order tests by category and number of questions on the Manage Quizzes page.
  • The optional question paginator will be hidden on small screens (phones) when there are more than 10 questions. Instead a button to show paginator will be displayed.
  • New option lets you set a fixed date for certificate expiration.
  • [Intelligence module] In fine-tune role access settings you can now also restrict access to the Help page.
  • [Intelligence module] Added role access configuration for bundles, coupons and All Quiz Submissions page.
  • [Intelligence module] The width of drop-down fill the gaps questions will default to dynamic based on the options width (unless you override it).
  • [Reporting module] Moved chart legends on the Overview page under the charts for better view on small screens.
  • [Reporting module] You can pass argument chart_orientation to the WATUPROR SKILLS shortcode.
  • Fixed problem with automatically storing progress of non-logged users [].
  • Fixed bug: When “Include the optional answer feedback in the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.” is selected, the feedback from correctly answered questions was also appended.
  • Fixed bug: when question enumerator and previous button were both enabled, hitting the previous button did not properly color the number of the answered question.
  • Fixed bug: when “Show the test description (if available) even to non-logged in users and users with no rights to access the test.” was selected using the {{{button}}} tag in the test description did not work.
  • Fixed bug: when watupro-myexams shortcode was used the links “Correct | Wrong | Unanswered “ in the details pop-up did not work.
  • Applied patch for the Jetpack bug causing the rich text editor in other plugins to freeze.
  • Fixed bug with “Export with details” link.
  • Fixed bug: when importing questions “elaborate answer explanation” selection was omitted.
  • Fixed bug [Reporting Module]: on the History page Session start / end time was showing only date.
  • Fixed bug [Reporting Module]: The Skills page was not showing any reports for a question category if the questions answered were only in subcategories.
  • Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when “don’t show correct/incorrect checkmarks” was selected, the match/matrix question type was still showing them.
  • Fixed bug: when All quiz submissions page was visited by user with “only view results” rights it was not showing any results.
  • Fixed bug: when custom fields 1 and 2 were used they were replaced in the final screen only if also Company or Phone field were also filled.
  • Fixed bug: multiple quiz certificate calculations did not work correctly.