Author Archives: admin

WatuPRO Bridge to GetResponse

This free bridge is for customers who manage their mailing lists and newsletters with GetResponse. Similarly to our MailChimp bridge, this plugin will let you automatically subscribe users who take quizzes to your campaigns in GetResponse.

Download version 1.0 (9 KB)

The bridge will respect GetResponse double opt-in settings for the given campaign. There is no way to overwrite this.

To use the bridge you will need your GetResponse API key. If you are on GetResponse360 you also need to select your type and enter your domain.

Please note that it takes some time for a subscriber to be sent a confirmation email. So subscribers will not appear immediately in your GetResponse campaign. Do not email us about this.

If you’d rather not pay monthly fees and leave your mailing list data in someone else’s hand, we recommend you our premium WordPress Autoresponder / Drip marketing suite. It comes with one-time fee and optional yearly upgrade fees, and there is also free bridge for connecting WatuPRO.

[WatuPRO] How To Change The Wording On True / False Questions

WatuPRO has a handy “true/false” question type. Essentially this is just a “single choice” question with pre-defined options – true and false.

If you want to change the words “True” and “False” to something else or to another language you need to use Loco Translate just like you would do when translating the plugin interface.

However this will not change the words of questions already created. For these questions the words True and False are inserted in the database as choices on a single choice question.

To change them you need to install the free SQL executioner plugin. Then you’ll need to run two queries in it. Let’s for example assume you want to change True to the French Oui and False to No. The queries will be (obviously you have to replace “Oui” and “No” with the words you want to use!):

UPDATE $watupro_answer SET answer='Oui' WHERE answer='True' AND question_id IN (SELECT ID FROM $watupro_question WHERE truefalse=1)

Paste the above query and hit “Execute”.

UPDATE $watupro_answer SET answer='No' WHERE answer='False' AND question_id IN (SELECT ID FROM $watupro_question WHERE truefalse=1)

Paste the above query and hit “Execute”.

That’s it.

Arigato PRO 2.9

Version 2.9 of our WordPress email marketing tool Arigato PRO is ready:

  • Completely redesigned responsive signup forms! (If you have done extensive CSS styling on your current forms please backup the old version before upgrading! We are not responsible if you lose your work).
  • New parameters to the simple shortcode let you define several design-related characteristics like form orientation, labels position, form width, and more.
  • Handling bounces now allows SSL Pop 3 connections.
  • Added option to update subscriber’s data when importing existing subscriber.
  • When mailing list is selected for a newsletter we will show the corresponding custom fields in the list.
  • The custom fields table now shows the variables to be used in email messages.
  • Added shortcode parameter for redirect URL. It allows you to override the list “redirect after sign up” setting and have different redirect URL for every signup form.
  • New option lets you use your WP timezone for emails that will be sent “After N o’clock”.
  • Added checks for unique campaign name and mailing list name.
  • A new variable {{date}} lets you show the date when subscriber signed up.
  • You can optionally switch off adding the unsubscribe link for a mailing list. Do this at your own responsibility.
  • You can set time interval between emails in case you are getting messages bouncing for sending too fast.
  • Admin page tables are now responsive so you can manage your marketing campaign even from your mobile phone.

If you have purchased less than one year ago you are eligible for a free upgrade. Otherwise renewals are priced at 40% of the full price as usual. You can use your coupon code also to include the new Gozaimasu module.