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WatuPRO 5.6

Version 5.6 of our WordPress quiz and survey plugin WatuPRO is ready. Here is the new stuff from version 5.5 to 5.6:

  • The final test grading can now depend on the specific performance in different topics (question categories). Learn more here.
  • When exporting quiz results any fields requested from “Ask for user contact details” area will be added as columns in the exported file.
  • Variable {{{ID}}} can now be used in the question feedback too.
  • Admin pages are now all responsive and will let you manage quizzes from mobile phone. This includes the tables and the modal dialog windows.
  • Export to CSV is now available also on the All Quiz Submissions page.
  • “View results” page and export files include information about number of correct answers, number of wrong answers, and number of unanswered questions.
  • Added Email log (in the Help page) to show log of all emails sent for submitted tests along with the mailing server response.
  • When test results are held for a future date, the My Quizzes page will not show earned points, % and grade until the date arrives.
  • Added shortcode to display “All test submissions” page on the front-end. Role-based restrictions will apply as usual.
  • A new setting lets you configure what part of the quiz result to show when test takings are limited and the user has no more attempts left: just grade title, title & description, or the whole “final screen” part.
  • Added the number of columns to the Advanced Import files.
  • A new option lets you include the optional answer feedback into the %%UNRESOLVED%% variable.
  • Added final-screen variable %%ATTEMPTED%% to show the number of attempted (non-empty) questions.
  • Added check all / uncheck all option for questions on “Copy quiz” page.
  • The basic bar chart (the one you output with watupro-basic-chart shortcode) now also supports a chart showing your points vs. maximum possible points on the quiz.
  • [Intelligence module] Dependencies will be checked first for tests that require payment and depend on another test results. This is to avoid asking user for payment before they know that they must have completed other quiz(zes) before the current one.
  • Improved Namaste! LMS integration: tests can be made accessible only to student that are enrolled in selected courses.
  • [Intelligence module] When quiz results are shown on the front-end with the watupro-takings shortcode the Edit link was not working.
  • [Intelligence module] You can now set custom graphic URL for PayPal button.
  • [Intelligence module] You can set quiz-specific payment instructions that will be shown before the payment buttons for that quiz and override the default “There is a fee of X to access this test” message.
  • [Intelligence module] Quiz bundles can have name which will be shown in Paypal etc. button descriptions instead of the default text.
  • [Intelligence module] Added menu items for quiz bundles and coupon codes.
  • [Reporting module] Added Google Analytics event tracking for quiz start button and quiz completion.
  • [Reporting module] Added new shortcode watupror-taken-tests that will display the number of tests taken by the user vs. number of total tests. See the internal Help page for example and parameters description.
  • [Reporting module] The Skills page will no longer display question categories which have questions only in tests that are not accessible to the given user (because of quiz category / user group restrictions).
  • Fixed potential SQL injection.
  • Fixed bugs on the “View results” page: search by name did not return non logged in users and order by name did not work properly when a quiz had a mix of logged in and not logged in names.
  • Fixed problems with “fill the gaps” questions when gap and answers contain dollar signs.
  • Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the Overview page was counting unfinished quiz attempts.
  • Fixed bug: when answers are arranged in multiple columns emailing results did not include correct / incorrect checkmarks.
  • Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Skills report page was showing Uncategorized by default instead of All categories.
  • Fixed bug: the “View details” popup was showing “wrong answer” for unanswered questions in the table.

As usual the update will be free for you if your order is made less than one year ago. In the other case you are eligible for 60% renewal discount.



Test Grade Based on Question Category Performance [WatuPRO]

From version 5.5.8 the quiz/survey plugin WatuPRO supports yet another interesting option for grading the user’s performance: a grade based on the performance in each question category /  theme.

What Does It Mean?

This is different than showing grade/performance per category. It’s a method to grade the whole test (and typically determine whether it’s passed or failed) based on how the user did in the different topics in the test.

For example for a traffic law test you may have a “Passed” grade with the following requirements:

For category “General rules” require at least 90% correct answers.
For category “Street Signs” require between 80% and 100% correct answers.
For category “Priority” require between 70% and 100% correct answers.

On top of this you can also set a general requirement for the test, for example min. 85% correct answers on average for all categories.

The requirements can be based on points, percent correct answer, or percentage points achieved from the maximum points possible in the test.

How Does It Work?

  1. Go to the Grades or Manage Grades page for a selected quiz. Make sure “Manage grades / results for the [Whole test]” is selected and check the option “The final grade in this test will depend on the performance on different question categories” as shown below:
  2. The page will refresh and will show you the grade forms for adding or editing grades with new options – from/to fields for each question category (topic) that contains questions in the selected quiz:
  3. You can skip any of the categories by leaving both fields blank – this means there will be no specific requirement for that category. You can optionally set a requirement for the whole test (in the above example it’s min. 80% correct answers) or use only category based requirements.
  4. A setting in the Edit Quiz -> General settings tab defines what will be the type of criteria to check:
    a) By default all tests are graded based on number of points collected.
    b) If you check the above checkbox and save your quiz will be graded based on % correctly answered questions from total questions given to the test taker.
    c) If you check the above option but select “% from maximum points” from the drop-down menu, it will be graded based on the % achieved points from the maximum possible points in the quiz.This setting defines grading the quiz as a whole, grading based on category performance, and category grades if any.

This feature is also the best way of creating Myers-Briggs personality quizzes.

How To Design The Sign Up Forms in Arigato PRO

When you use the shortcode for a sign-up form in Arigato PRO it generates a very clean basic responsive HTML code without any pre-formatting. The idea is that the form will nicely fit your WordPress theme design and stay consistent with it.

If your theme does not have any styling of standard form elements or have odd styling you may need to modify the CSS yourself. Here is the HTML code of a basic form:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="bftpro-front-form" onsubmit="return validateBFTProUser(this,false);" >
	<div><label>Your Name:</label> <input type="text" name="bftpro_name"></div>
	<div><label>*Your Email:</label> <input type="text" name="email"></div>	
	<div class="bftpro-front-signup-button">
	   <input type="submit" value="Subscribe">				
	<input type="hidden" name="bftpro_subscribe" value="1">
        <input type="hidden" name="list_id" value="1">		
	<input type="hidden" name="required_fields[]" value="">	

Such a form looks good on our theme:

But with a bit of CSS you can make it look different if you wish. The form has class so you can style the elements. Example CSS:

.bftpro-front-form div label {
width: 150px;
font-size: 120%;
font-family: Verdana;
color: darkblue;

.bftpro-front-form input[type=text] {
height: 25px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 120%;

.bftpro-front-form input[type=submit] {
padding:5px 15px;
border:0 none;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;

With this CSS the same form code starts looking like this:

Your custom CSS code can be written either directly to the theme CSS or be added on the site using a plugn like Simple Custom CSS