Collect User Contact Information With WatuPRO
Note: From version 4.4.3 to version there is a small bug in the Advanced Settings page (Intelligence module). When you save the advanced settings it will remove the contact info feature settings. If you are running any of these versions please let us know to send you update. Update will anyway be sent to everyone when…
Cross Tabulation Analysis in WatuPRO Reporting Module
The quiz and survey plugin WatuPRO is starting to get into data science. Here’s one of the most useful features you will not see in many others, if any, survey and quiz plugins: cross tabulation analysis. If you would like to learn more, I recommend you to visit this page. This feature is available from…
How To Conduct Surveys With WatuPRO
WatuPRO is a quiz plugin but it’s also perfect for running surveys. A survey is essentially a quiz that doesn’t give specific result / outcome to the user but presents the admin with the data of the user’s answers. The most basic concepts are shown in the video and explained in more details in the…
Using WatuPRO for Polls (New Shortcodes From Reporting Module)
From version 4.3.7 the quiz plugin WatuPRO supports “poll-like” shortcodes through the Reporting module. The shortcodes render a simple bar chart showing how all users have answered a given question. Here’s an example from our open demo quiz: (note that it pulls random 3 of 5 questions so the frog question will not always be loaded) In…
WatuPRO Basic Bar Chart
From version 5.0.5 the quiz plugin WatuPRO comes with a basic bar chart shortcode that can be used to display a chart in the final page of the quiz. The chart can be used for two main purposes: a) to show how your result compares to the averages of other quiz takers on the same…