Zapier Webhooks in WatuPRO

The test and survey plugin WatuPRO just got a lot more connected by implementing Zapier Webhooks. (Well, technically, you can send data to any webhook URL – not just Zapier!). Available from version

Here is how this works:

Hooks get notified when a user submits a selected test. You can use them to connect users to mailing lists services, CRM systems, all kind of marketing automation (like SaaS based alternatives of Arigato PRO), and anything else which may consume your contact data. Webhooks are used by all kind of low code / no code services.

You’ll see a new menu link under your WatuPRO menu: Webhooks / Zapier.
Click on it and get to the simple interface for adding a new webhook or editing your existing webhooks.

At the very minimum you need to select which quiz triggers a webhook and enter the endpoint URL. You can choose to notify the hook only if a selected grade / result is achieved on the test. Or fire it for any result.

What Data You Can Send

Let’s have a look at the structure of data WatuPRO can send to your webhook:

Hooks will be sent only if we have at least some data about the user: the very minimum is an email address. If your users are logged in, you’ll always have an email address. The other options is the set the quiz send email to the user when submitting it. In this case they will be asked to provide an email address.

And the third and the most flexible option is to use the “Ask for user contact data” section. You can find it on the Edit quiz -> User and Email tab:

It lets you collect several fields of contact information before the start of the survey of at the end, right before showing the results.

All this data can be sent to any webhooks.

Let’s deconstruct it field by field:

  • Name. You can collect user’s name either this way or from their user profile if they are logged in.
  • Email. As explained above, there are 3 options.
  • Contact phone. Will be available if you have collected it using the above section. You can rename the field and use it for any other data – for example to collect gender or age. We just refer to it as the phone field.
  • Contact company. Same as above.
  • Contact custom field 1 and custom field 2. You can use these to collect any other contact data. Zip, address, interests, a product used, and so on.

All these fields provide dynamic data collected by the user. You don’t need to and can’t set a fixed value that will be sent to the hook.

The name of each variable is defined by you. Since the webhook gets notified with the data in a JSON object, we let you choose what name to have each variable. If the receiving hook has a specific requirement you can use these names to make the JSON data satisfy it.

Then there are 3 custom parameters where you can provide both name and data. They can be useful for sending API keys to the hook or any other static data that does not depend on the specific user and quiz attempt.

Here is an example JSON data sent to a test webhook at Pipedream:

The variable names come from our webhook settings in WatuPRO. The data comes from the quiz taker. We have requested a company at the beginning of the quiz but decided to not include it in the hook request by simply not entering a variable name. So the data came as shown above.

We strongly recommend checking the Zapier Webhooks guide linked at the beginning of this article to understand better the nature of webhooks. They are super simple and super powerful


Launching Database Genius for Contact Form 7: Data Tensai

We have just released a small but very powerful add-on for Contact Form 7 – Data Tensai. Unlike most similar plugins, Data Tensai keeps structured and broken down data by every field you have requested from every contact form. This lets you filter, search, sort, run reports and get charts on quantitative fields. Let’s get into more details:

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Manage contact forms
  3. View and search entries
  4. Disable forms and fields
  5. User registration


This WordPress plugin is an extension for Contact Form 7. The Contact Form 7 plugin must be installed and activated before you can use this extension.

After downloading the zip file go to your Plugins page inside your WordPress administration dashboard. Click on Add New, then Upload. Install and activate.

Once this is done you’ll see a new link “Manage Data” under your contact forms link:

menu item added to contact form 7

Manage contact formstop

manage your contact forms

When you click on the Manage Data link you will see the contact forms that are available. At the beginning you may see no contact forms. This happens when Data Tensai do not have collected anydata yet. Collecting data starts happening after Data Tensai is installed.

There are two ways to make your Contact Form 7 forms appear here:

  • Someone uses the contact form to send an inquiry.
  • You edit / save the form in Contact Form 7.

For each available form you will see how many entries are recorded, whether the form is enabled to save data and whether it is linked to user registration.

View and search entriestop

view entries

When you follow the link with the number of entries from the Manage Data page you will land on a page with the entries saved from that contact form. As you can see above all the fields (except disabled ones) are visible as table columns. You can sort on each of these columns and see the full details of each message.

filter by any field

A powerful search / filter feature is available for every field. The CSV export button will export a comma delimited file from all entries. If you have applied filters, they will also be applied to the exported data.

Disable forms and fieldstop

disable selected fields

For each form and for each field in each form there is an option to be disabled and not store data. You may use it in case you are not interested in this information, to save DB space, for privacy reasons, and so on.

User Registrationtop

For each contact form you can enable user registration so the contact gets added into your WordPress users database.

Go To Table of Contents

Watu, WatuPRO and MemberPress – Solution To an Issue

We’ve been very happy to have our plugin recommended by MemberPress. They have a great membership plugin there.

Unfortunately there is currently a problem that when the Watu or WatuPRO shortcode is placed inside their pages, our scripts and CSS are missing and the quizzes don’t work. While we are trying to get in touch with the folks at MemberPress to have this issue resolved together, there is a solution which will do the work:

Go to your plugin editor (or use FTP if you prefer), find MemberPress Courses and open the file:


Add the following code before the closing </body> tag:

<?php wp_footer(); ?>

That’s all! Save and you’ll have the quizzes working again.