Tag Archives: watupro

WatuPRO 4.9

The latest version of the WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO is now 4.9.

Below are the new features and improvements done between versions 4.8 and 4.9:

      • Question difficulty levels can now be selected in user’s profile (by admin). When this is done the user will be restricted to access only questions from the selected difficulty levels.
      • Difficulty levels can have unlock criteria to be automatically unlocked (if you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.”)
      • Added log that will show you who and when unlocked a difficulty level (provided that you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.”)
      • The search form on “view results” page will now include the Phone and Company fields, when they are requested in the quiz.
      • Limit the number of logged in users quiz re-takings within interval of 24 hours, a week, or a month.
      • Certificates now can be issued for completing multiple quizzes with min. average points and / or min. average % correct answer.
      • New option lets you enable a rating widget so users can rate questions.
      • New “final screen” variable %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% lets you display the user’s answers one at a time, with a numbered pagination.
      • Added option to automatically cleanup or blank out user submitted data older than X days (to save database space).
      • PDF Certificates can now be attached to emails (Requires PDF Bridge version 0.8 or newer)
      • New option “When no more attempts are available display the latest result.” lets you display a snapshot of the final screen when logged in user that can’t retake the quiz visits the quiz page.
      • The variable %%USER-NAME%% can also be used in the email subject.
      • Added variable %%ADMIN-URL%%. It can be useful for the email sent to admin to quickly find the submission details in the administration.
      • [Reporting module] A bar chart shows the average % correct answers per skill.
      • [Intelligence module] Fill the gaps questions can now accept a numeric range also as correct answer.
      • [Intelligence module] Paid quizzes are now available for non-logged in users as well. To use this your server must support sessions (true in 99% of the cases). Also note that coupon codes functionality is currently available for logged in users only.
      • [Intelligence module] Date stamp when teacher manually edits user results will be stored and shown in the list of results on a quiz.
      • [Intelligence module] You can specify individual CSS for every gap (in Fill the gaps questions) by passing it like last correct answer for the gaps. Example: {{{answer1|answer2|style=”width:250px;font-weight:bold;height:50px;”}}}
      • [Reporting module] Fixed bug: the “Different tests attempted” on the Overview page was showing 0.
      • Fixed subcategory related issues in the Reporting module -> Skills.
      • Fixed false “category name already exists” message when adding subcategories.
      • Fixed bug when user  with the same session saves multiple in-progress quizzes (only one was saving).
      • Fixed bug with saving and reusing the “common category grade design” in the default grades page.
      • Fixed bug with timed quizzes that store user progress and randomize questions (questions order was lost during different unfinished quiz attempts).
      • Fixed bug when timed “non-ajax” quiz required contact details at the beginning (the details were getting lost)
      • Added auto-scroll to top after filling contact details on quizzes that ask for them at the beginning.
      • Improved styling of the buttons in the admin pages.

The new version is sent by newsletter to eligible customers.


Using Question Difficulty Levels

From version the WordPress quiz plugin WatuPRO adds a new important feature: question difficulty levels.

What Does It Do?

There are several reasons to use question difficulty levels in your quiz system:

  • To limit which difficulty levels are shown in a given quiz. This can be useful if you want to try how users perform on the quiz depending on how difficult questions are shown. Alternatively you can use one quiz as question bank and show questions of different difficulty levels in different quizzes.
  • To limit what kind of questions do users access. An option lets you manually give access to certain difficulty levels to every user from the Edit user page.
  • To let users unlock difficulty levels automatically based on their performance. You can do this by defining unlock criteria as explained below.

How To Use It

To create some difficulty levels go to the WatuPRO Difficulty Levels page and write them one per line:


Once saved, you’ll get the following new options:

  • A drop-down selector in the Edit Quiz page
  • A multi-select drop-down menu in the Edit User page (from your main WP Users page):

When you select “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account.” checkbox on the Difficulty Levels page you’ll also get options to setup default difficulty levels for new user accounts:


And the options to create unlock criteria will also appear. Here is example of automatic unlock criteria:


This means that for each difficulty level you can add criteria for automatic unlocking. When user completes a quiz, their points and correct answers are calculated. If criteria are satisfied a new question difficulty level will be unlocked and the user will be notified about this by flash message on the “Final screeen” on the quiz they just completed.

The “Unlock log” in the admin “Difficulty levels” page will let you know who and when has unlocked a new difficulty level.

When The %%CERTIFICATE%% Variable In WatuPRO Shows Nothing

If you think that the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable in the “Quiz Output” doesn’t work, please read this post. The variable works fine but is often misunderstood.

When the variable outputs a link to a certificate?

The variable will output a link only when certificate is earned. If the user did not earn certificate, then the variable will output nothing (blank).

When is a certificate earned?

There are 2 conditions to earn certificate and both should be satisfied.

1. You need to have the email of the user who takes the quiz. There are several ways to request the user’s email and choosing ONE of them is sufficient:

a) Select “Require user login” in the Edit Quiz page, User and Email Related Settings tab
b) Select “Send email to user with their results”. When this is selected, WatuPRO will make sure that email is requested
c) Request user contact details from the bottom of the same tab where you see the “Ask for user contact details” heading. Of course you must select to ask for email address.

2. User must achieve a grade that has the certificate assigned to it. This is very very important and often is the case of unnecessary support emails. A certificate is not, by default, earned just for taking the quiz. Certificates are always related to a grade. Only when the user achieves a grade that has certificate assigned to it, then the user earns the certificate. So here is what you need to do assuming you have created a certificate:

a) Create some grades for the quiz.
b) Assign the certificate to one or more of these quiz grades. This is done from the Manage Grades page – there  will be a certificate drop-down under each grade. It’s up to you which grades will allow certificate. Usually customers assign certificate to the grades that they consider to mean quiz success. If your quiz is not a knowledge-based quiz and you want everyone to earn a certificate, just assign the certificate to all the grades and make sure the user will always earn a grade (learn more)

Please also note that the certificate itself will not get attached in email etc. Only a link to it can be included in the quiz output or email contents.