WatuPRO Demo Quiz

This is a demo of the WordPress quiz, survey and exam plugin WatuPRO.

This demo quiz is open for everyone, no registration required. Three random questions are pulled each time, out of a pool of 7 questions.

1. Select all that are correct:

Question 1 of 3

2. Choose Rihanna

Question 2 of 3

3. This question contains countries and currencies. Click on each card to flip it to the back side and see the country's currency.

If the back-side is correct, leave it flipped on it - with the back side (the currency) visible.

If the back side is wrong, un-flip the card so you can see the country name again.
South Africa

Question 3 of 3


126 thoughts on “WatuPRO Demo Quiz

  1. davefromcamp

    exactly! This is what is missing from your plugin. If you don’t need to socially share this is the best quiz plugin.

  2. davefromcamp

    Thank you for the responses, good service -again a reason I should be using your plugin. Let me know if this gets implemented I’ll be first in line

  3. John Thomas

    thank you very much now i can build out my site. I will purchasing watupro soon so that i can help more kids. thanks again. your a godsend.

  4. satheesh

    If some internet problems or logged in user directly close the browser without ‘submit exam’. In such conditions what about that exam? Is the answered question was stored and resume onwards when user logged in again?

  5. prasunsen

    It is available in the $47 version, and all the other versions because they include the $47 one.

  6. satheesh

    I downloaded this plugin but the answered question by logged in user was not stored when user left site before submit quiz and not resume onwards when user login again.

  7. prasunsen

    This function is available only in the pro version.
    If you are talking about the pro version please contact support by email.

  8. admin Post author

    Thank you! From WatuPRO settings page, there is a tab “copy data from Watu”. It happens with a single button click 🙂

  9. fabio

    Is it possible at the end of the test to send emails to those who perform the test with the results based on scores?

  10. Raziel

    Is it possible to see the answers of individual questions by each users in the pro version?

  11. siddharth JIndal

    How do i add the question numbers on top ? Is there a limit on number of question buttons that can be displayed on the top?
    Is this Question button feature available in the free version? or $47 WatuPro?

  12. admin Post author

    There is a configurable numbered paginator and there is no limit of how many question numbers will be shown at once. The feature is available in the $47 version.

  13. Oliver

    I have the free version and I’m interested in buying the pro version. I have some questions.
    1. What happens to the quizzes I created with the free version?
    2. Does the pro version have the “fill in the blanks” option?
    3. With the sorting option, can participants drag and drop words to organize a sentence?
    4. With the free version, when there are several options to answer, only the first answer is assumed as valid to mark it correct. Is it the same with the pro version?

    I will appreciate your reply.

  14. admin Post author

    Hi Oliver,
    1. You can copy them with a single click
    2. Yes, in the Intelligence module
    3. Yes (also Intelligence module)
    4. I don’t understand what you mean by ” only the first answer is assumed as valid to mark it correct”
    Please contact us by email for any further questions. Comments on the site are less frequently monitored.

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