Author Archives: admin

WooCommerce Integration in Arigato Pro 3.0.1

From version 3.0.1 Arigato Pro Autoresponder has built-in WooCommerce integration. The integration allows you to automatically subscribe customers to mailing lists when they purchase products from your WooCommerce store.

Here’s how to make this work:

  1. Obviously you need to use WooCommerce and create some products.
  2. Then enable the integration at the Arigato PRO Settings page:
  3. When this is done your Add/Edit Mailing List page will show the products you have in the store:

    Just select the products and save the list. That’s all.
    (Note: the unsubscribing options are available from version
  4. Your mailing lists page will show information which lists have WooCommerce store products assigned to them:
  5. IMPORTANT: The customer will be added to the list only after the order status in WooCommerce is COMPLETED. For digital and downloadable products this happens immediately when payment is verified. For shipped products this happens when you actually ship the order and mark it as completed.
  6. Unsubscribing users. From version you can also have users UN-subscribed from a list when they purchase selected products. This excellent feature allows you to remove users from prospect lists once they purchase and move them to another list to get different campaigns.

Arigato PRO 3.0

Our premium WordPress auto-responder Arigato PRO is now upgraded to version 3.0.
Here are the new features, improvements and fixes from version 2.9 to 3.0:

  • Added option to copy/clone a newsletter.
  • Added option to change the mailing list owner. This is useful if you have defined user roles that can manage only their own mailing lists.
  • A duplicate list feature lets you copy/clone a mailing list with its custom fields and associated autoresponders. This will not copy the subscribers however.
  • You can send autoresponder email also to those who will not receive it because it’s added later to the sequence. This generates a newsletter to only those subscribers.
  • Applied your WP timezone settings across the system. This will make sure that any date intervals are accordingly to your timezone and users have proper signup date on registration. Note that the optional setting for sending emails after X o’clock remains configurable for backward compatibility.
  • New option lets you not send a newsletter to email address if that address also exists in other selected mailing lists.
  • For better site performance new setting lets you include Arigato scripts and CSS only on the pages that contain signup form shortcode.
  • When using the “Subscribe by email” option and a name has broken encoding the subscriber will be inserted without name.
  • Improved integration with Contact Form 7: you can now include the list signup shortcode in the CF7 message to get yes/no confirmation whether the user has subscribed for each of the mailing lists.
  • Improved handling of new lines around list tags in outgoing messages.
  • Improved handling of POP3 connection errors when checking for bounces or email subscribes. They will no longer stop sending of the cron job emails.
  • Added option to use the standard WP auto paragraphs functions on messages that to not properly display new lines. Use it only when needed.
  • Arigato no longer stores or shows the IP address of the subscribers to comply with data protection laws. You can still use the {{{ip}}} variable in admin notification emails at your own responsibility.
  • Added option to redirect the subscriber to a selected URL if they are already registered and activated in the mailing list.
  • Name will automatically have first letter capitalized when you use the {{name}} and {{firstname}} variables inside messages.
  • Default unsubscribe action is now “delete” instead of “deactivate”. You can change this at Arigato PRO Settings page.
  • For consistency changed “label_style” shortcode parameter to “labels” in all locations. Legacy shortcodes will still work.
  • Added parameter size to Google reCaptcha, when version 2 is used.
  • Fixed bug: The option “For better performance load Arigato scripts and CSS only on pages that contain signup form shortcodes.” was causing PHP error in some occasion.
  • Fixed bug: list notification email field did not properly accept more than one email separated with comma.
  • Fixed bug: when Blacklist management contained empty lines it was blacklisting everything.
  • Fixed bug: when a list has redirect URL it should redirect there even duplicate users.
  • Fixed bug: when newsletters were created from presets a tracker for opened mails were not added.

Tech Support for WordPress Plugins

Sometimes when you have a problem with any of our plugin we will request you access. This happens only in cases when your problem cannot be reproduced on our installations. Why is this required is explained later in this post.

How To Provide Access

It’s easiest to just send administrator’s login (preferably not yours, but a designated account which after resolving the problem will be deleted). Understandable some customers do not want to share full access to their sites so we have a very easy solution for this: create user with role Editor or even Author. Then enable admin rights only for the plugin you need help with:

For WatuPRO

The setting is on WatuPRO Settings page, section Roles -> Roles that can manage exams (or test, quizzes etc). Select the user role and save.

For Arigato Pro

The setting is in Arigato Autoresponder Options page, section Roles -> Roles that can manage the autoresponder. Select the role and save.

For Namaste! LMS

The setting is in Namaste! LMS Settings page, section WordPress Roles that can administrate the LMS. Enable the role and save.

This is it, we’ll need the login details of the account you have created.

In rare events this may not be enough and we may need an FTP account with access to the plugin folder.

You must deactivate, delete or change the account password after the problem is resolved.

Why Provide Access

You don’t expect your doctor to diagnose you only based on symptoms neither you expect your car mechanic to fix your car by watching pictures of the engine. Please don’t expect that software developers can resolve all issues by watching screenshots or reading explanations.

There are many reasons why we may need access:

  • There might be a specific edge-case bug that cannot be reproduced on our installations
  • There might be a conflict with other plugin or theme on your installation
  • There might be a specific server configuration that causes the problem only on your installation
  • The specific volume and type of data you have might be producing a problem that cannot be reproduced elsewhere
  • You may just be doing something wrong
  • Anything else

If we are requesting you for access this means there is no other way to resolve your problem. If you don’t want to do it, this is perfectly fine but technical support can be provided only if do.

In case you don’t trust us you are free to resolve the problem yourself or with the help of trusted by you developer – all plugins come with open sourced code.

What Are We Going to Do With It

We will reproduce the steps that cause your problem along with outputting debug information on various places in the code. This is the reason we may also need FTP access.

We will use the access to diagnose the problem and resolve it, and for nothing else.


We are not going to intentionally delete any of your data or send any emails to your users without explicit permission. We will not steal your data or share it with anyone for any reason. Our best interest is to resolve the technical issues you have as soon as possible. However we still recommend creating backups of any sensitive data you have.